Yearzy Ferdian, Sri Suwitri, Hardi Warsono, Hartuti Purnaweni, Doctoral Program of Public Administration Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The development of the current era has an impact on the decline of communities desire to stroll in traditional markets. This is evident from the increasingly quiet traditional market in Semarang City; there are even some markets have closed. The revitalization efforts carried out by the Semarang city government also do not seem to have brought significant results to improve performance in the traditional market in Semarang City. This research aims is to analyze the revitalization of traditional markets in Semarang City, to observe the supporting and inhibition factors of traditional market revitalization in Semarang city as well as formulate a model of traditional market revitalization in Semarang City. This research conducted using a qualitative approach, with data collected through interviews, documentation and observations and analyzed from (B. Miles, Huberman, & Saldana [1; 2]) stated interactive analysis models. The results showed physical interventions initiated physical revitalization activities and were carried out gradually, including improvements the quality and physical condition of buildings, green, connecting, sign/billboard systems and regional open spaces. The supporting factor of traditional market revitalization in Semarang city is management implemented jointly between the City Government and Community. The traditional market revitalization factor in Semarang City classified into internal factors from relocation, permit application and administration and external factors related to land conditions, weather factors, clean water and access. The recommendation of the traditional market revitalization model in Semarang city should be involve Semarang City Government, Regional Representative, merchant elements, as well as citizens before revitalizing.
Keywords: Traditional Market; Revitalization; Semarang City; Government; and Development Area.
I. Introduction can never be replaced by the modern market (Pu-
The city economic development is determined tra & Rudito [20]). Traditional markets have an by the pace flow of the trading system in this city economic function, which is a place where people
itself. One of the means of trading that still exists from various layers obtain daily necessities at rela-
in rural and urban environments is the traditional tively affordable prices, because it is often rela-
market. The distinctive nature of traditional mar- tively cheaper than the price offered by modern
kets has an important function whose existence markets.
In other words, traditional markets are a pillar of the small society's economic buffer. Traditional markets are also a relatively more likely place for weak economic actors to occupy majority positions, especially small ones. In addition, the traditional market is one of the region's original sources incomes, through retribution drawn from traders (Prastyawan, Suryono, Saleh Soeaidy, & Muluk [19]). The accumulation of buying and selling activity in the market is an important factor in the calculation of economic growth rates on local, regional and national scales.
The recent phenomenon of Asian economic development is one of the factors of the growing retail business, especially modern retail businesses that have begun to shift the role of traditional markets as pillars for the country's economy. Based on the research mentioned by (Giantari, Surya, Yasa, & Yasa [9]), compared the condition can happen due to the growing number of local and foreign companies investing in the modern retail sector. The modern market that per penetrates Indonesian society today has an impact on the existence of traditional markets. In this sense that the traditional market is a meeting place for sellers and buyers and is characterized by the transaction of the buyer directly and usually there is a bargaining process, the building usually consists of stalls or outlets, los and open base opened by the seller as well as a market manager. While the modern market is not much different from the traditional market, but this type of market sellers and buyers do not transact directly but rather the buyer sees the price tag listed in the goods (barcode), is in the building like a shop and the service is done independently (self-service) or served by the salesperson (Lee [14]).
Today, when the world is in a global crisis, the national economy is also affected by the global economic crisis as well as traditional retail that show a significant decline in growth. The dynamic competitive environment between traditional and modern markets resulted in the traditional market position shifting with the expected decline in traditional market attractiveness along with the changing dynamic of the modern
market tailored to buyer conditions. The revitalization of some traditional markets that have been done in Indonesia through the renovation of buildings is not enough to increase its attractiveness.
The growth of the industrial community today also has an impact on people's shopping style, which is more often shopping for goods in the modern market than the traditional market. This condition against the backdrop of modern market conditions that often offer promo products at discounted prices that tempt consumers. In addition, clean market conditions and the absence of labels on all types of products offered make consumers do not have to ask the seller, as is the case in the traditional Market. Efficiency in traditional markets is relatively less effective for consumers. This condition effect on the consumer should look for the goods according their necessities in another place or market block because not all the goods are available in this place.
Modern markets are mostly managed by the private sector, in their management surely involves the absence of market research. Market research is a means of collecting information that is the basis of a marketing plan (Kohli & Jaworski [13]). This research includes the collection, analysis, and interpretation of systematic data concerning a company, customer, and competitor. The purpose of market research is to learn how to improve existing levels of customer satisfaction and find ways to attract new customers.
According to the existence of three provinces in Java Island, Central Java is the province that has the least area compared to East Java and West Java. According to data from the Statistics Indonesia, the area of Central Java Province is 32.544.12 square kilometers while East Java is 47.922 square kilometers and West Java is 34.816.96 square kilometers (Dsikow-itzky et al. [6]). The area of Central Java Province recorded and written from Statistics Indonesia is not as large as East Java and West Java Province. This thought to cause many problems related to the emergence of modern stores, because the area is so small that the distance between existing traditional and
modern stores that are currently open close to each other, so that it is suspected of causing unhealthy business competition to shut down the traditional shops/markets that have existed before. The condition that exists in the community where the growth of modern stores that are currently widely controlled by a particular company is clear it can have an impact for local entrepreneurs in this area. It is directly affected by the growth of modern outlets or stores both Indomaret and Alfamart namely grocery store entrepreneurs who are around the neighborhood these outlets (Natawidjaja [16]). In addition, people often view the market as a place that is less clean, old-fashioned and unhygienic so much that many people, especially the younger generation prefer to shop in modern stores.
II. Literature review
The growth of modern stores in Semarang City is now growing so fast and increasing. The number of convenience stores or modern stores is thought to be due to the increasing population factor, along with the high population growth as well as these communities necessity (Lindblom, Olkkonen, Mitronen, & Kajalo [15]) followed by an Internet survey of 226 K-retailers from the Finnish K-alliance. Structural equation modeling (SEM. Along with the development of modern stores that widely established by investors, the existence of traditional markets as well as stand-alone grocery stores and based on the popular economy will decrease. This is due to the emergence of a modern market that is at considerable potential value by retail businesspeople. Modern retail that is experiencing quite rapid growth today is a minimarket with the concept of a franchise (Reinartz, Del-laert, Krafft, Kumar, & Varadarajan [21]).
According to data recorded from the Office of Industry and Trade of Semarang City, and BPPT Semarang City until 2014 can be found the largest numbers of modern minimarkets are in Pedurungan area as many as 66 minimarkets or modern stores, the second sub-district is Banyumanik area has the largest number of minimarkets that number 65 mod-
ern stores. West Semarang area is also the location of the construction of a large modern minimarket, which based on data released by the Office of Industry and Trade, BPPT until September 2014 there are 65 minimarkets or modern stores spread in the West Semarang area. While in Semarang City area that is not too much development, but can be seen that the growth always rises annually.
The government issued (Indonesia [11]) concerning The Structuring and Construction of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers, and Modern Stores. This law was followed by Regulation of (Pemerintah Republik Indonesia [17]) on the Guidelines for Structuring and Building Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores. The existence of these regulations at least signals that government policy has sided with and protected the existence of traditional markets. In the regulation stipulated there is an obligation to conduct an impact study for socioeconomic (and popular economy: Tradisonal market, SMEs) as consideration material before establishing a traditional (new) market, shopping mall, or modern store (Pemerintah Republik Indonesia [17]). This impartiality should get a more adequate place at the local level, for example by issuing the same regulations at the city/district levels. Surely it is not enough, because more important is a real commitment in efforts to protect, empower, and strengthen the traditional market. Therefore, all elements of society should support and stand together with the government in protecting and empowering the existence of traditional markets as the economic base of society (Fauzi & Firdaus [7]).
The importance of this research for the future application of public policy is how a public policy is able to influence the survival of an entity such as a traditional market. Traditional markets are an element that has existed in society for a long time, but along with the social transformation that is from increasing population and busyness then its existence is replaced with a modern market that economically benefits local governments. The problem of traditional markets
in Semarang City is the decline in numbers, while the distribution of traditional markets themselves is not evenly distributed as is modern stores.
Even the declining number of traditional markets is precisely the place replaced by modern stores that take the market from the traditional market; this makes the traditional market more marginalized in the community. This condition becomes a phenomenon of its own linear with the realization of Regional Native Income; the traditional market is able to contribute to the levy that always decreases annually. This indicates a problem in the traditional market in Semarang City moreover necessary to be identified problems that occur in the traditional market in Semarang City. Public policy issued by local governments is currently this research scope because it is implemented and accelerates the marginalization of traditional markets today.
The revitalization of traditional market that is currently done in Semarang City is Bulu Market, Sampangan Market and Rejomulyo Market. The problem is that after the revitalization of Bulu Market, for example, the market on the second and third floors every day seems quiet and traders complain about the decrease in turnover. This can happen because there is no access for buyers to go directly to the top floor, the character of market buyers who want practicality to make purchases, tend to shop in a market that is horizontal instead of vertical. This condition also affects the traders in Bulu Market who choose to sell outside namely Barusari Area which causes new problems in Semarang City namely congestion on the road, because traders hold their trades to fill the road so that currently the road is difficult to pass by motorcycle during peak hours.
The same problem was also experienced due to the revitalization of Sampangan Market. Traders complain about high rental costs because traders feel that selling in Sampangan Market is no longer profitable. Buyers who also feel that the price of food in Sampangan Market is higher than elsewhere and also looking for other alternatives that are a little further
away so that Sampangan Market is quiet from buyers. This condition shut down parts of Sampangan Market especially the upper floors, which are occupied by only three traders from dozens of los existing.
The conditions experienced by Rejomulyo Market are slightly different from Bulu Market and Sampangan Market. The revitalization carried out by the Semarang City Government by moving traders from Kobong Market to New Rejomulyo market reaped protests and lawsuits from Kobong Market Traders Association to the Semarang City Government. The lawsuit was filed because the trader felt unliclicised in the revitalization plan and was asked to move to a new building in no time. The problem is that the new building is not eligible for fish trading in the largest Rejomulyo Market in Java. These unsuitable conditions include ceramic floors that are dangerous for traders and buyers because they are slippery, sewers that are too small to be potentially clogged fish unloading land that is too high and can only be used by one truck in one load period. This condition makes New Rejomulto Market only filled less than 10% of its capacity because most traders choose to keep selling in Kobong market; this indicates the failure of revitalization carried out by Semarang City Government.
III. Research method
This research uses qualitative research methods, where this method is a as opposed to an experimental method, it aims to examine the condition of natural objects and researchers have the task and function as a key instrument in digging up a major problem that will be revealed in a research object that it will do (Bowen [4]). The site in this Research is in the Semarang City Area. The location of this research was chosen, based on existing data, where Semarang City is a metropolitan city with a dense population level, which causes investors to be interested in building modern shops in Semarang City. Because it is dense, population makes their daily consumption large and diverse today while the tradicional market becomes increasingly marginalized so that a model of strengthening is needed for the tradicional market in Semarang City.
In this study, informants that we can make resources to obtain data and conduct interviews. In addition to documents that can support this research are stakeholders concerning traditional markets in Semarang, namely Bulu Market and Sampangan Market covering certain criteria as follows: Head of The Office of Industrialize and Trading of Semarang City.
The Data Collection Instruments in this study are the researchers themselves. At the time of data collection, the researchers will conduct activities related to this research through Documentation, Interviews, and Observations with the relevant parties to obtain data and information to support this research. The main data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis, where qualitative data is data from a study whose focus is discussing and explaining the results ofa symptom or case that can only be described using information, explanation and discussion theoretically.
IV. Result and discussion
4.1. Physical intervention
It can basically be said that Revitalization is an attempt to revitalize an area or part of the City that was once vital/alive, but then suffered a setback/degradation (Cochran [5]) called Design Parameters (DPs. Therefore, Revitalization can be said as one of the approaches in improving the vitality of a City Area that can be in the form of restructuring land and building utilization, Renovation of the Area and existing buildings, so that it can be improved.
Given that the image of the area is very closely related to the visual condition of the region, especially in attracting activities and visitors, this physical intervention needs to be done. Physical intervention initiates physical revitalization activities and is carried out gradually, including improvement and the quality and physical condition of buildings, green systems, connecting systems, sign/billboard systems and open space areas (urban realms). Environmental sustainability is also important, so that physical intervention should also pay attention to the environment context. Physical planning remains to be based on long-term thinking. Physical intervention
initiates physical revitalization activities and is carried out gradually, including improvement and the quality and physical condition of buildings, green systems, connecting systems, sign/billboard systems and regional open spaces.
Specifications of proper Market Buildings are classified into as follows:
1. Qualified market building - good technical requirements;
2. Having Aesthetic value or distinctiveness (Attractiveness);
3. Prioritizing health aspects (Hygienic);
4. Organizing and orderly and other aspects;
5. Have complete public facilities and Social Facilities such as; toilet, Place of Worship, Security system, adequate parker room, temporary garbage shelter, etc.
6. The arrangement of the trading activity is zoned and arranged based on the type of goods sold
Traditional market in Semarang City that undergoes improvement in the quality and physical condition of buildings such as follows Bulu Market, Sampangan Market, Rasamala Market, Pedurungan Market, Peterongan Market, Srondol Market, Banyu-manik Market. The market quality is quite adequate and quite good according to the standard of the building, medium for the average physical condition of the building has not been completed 100% namely rainwater sewer/ gutter, toilet disposal and inadequate sewer disposal.
The revitalization approach should be able to recognize and utilize the potential of the environment (history, meaning, unique location and image of the place) (Penica, Svetlana, & Murgul [18]). Revitalization itself is not something that is only oriented towards the completion ofphysical beauty, but must also be complemented by the economic improvement of its people as well as the introduction of existing cultures. To carry out revitalization there needs to be community involvement. The involvement in question is not just to participate to support the formality aspect that requires community participation,
in addition to the community involved not only the community in the neighborhood, but also the community in a broad sense (Febrianty [8]).
The ideal area of market buildings cannot currently be determined, which is required is how the area of existing market buildings, when revitalized is able to accommodate the entire number of traders listed in them. The ideal area of market building should be in accordance with the provisions for ideal market buildings: available facilities and infrastructure in the form of parking lot, guard prayer room, health post, daycare, lactation room, loading and unloading goods, fire protection (Hydrant) which is 2 hectares for the regional market and environment hectares for the city market. The ideal area of kiosks in the market that is planned and realized is with the standard size of stall, which is 3M x 3M. The ideal street width inside the market building is 1.5-2 meters wide. Based on the results of research obtained that physical interventions carried out in traditional markets namely Bulu Market, Sampangan Market, Peterongan Market, Pedurungan Market and Sron-dol Market. These are are in accordance with the laws and regulations but in Sampangan Market this physical intervention has not been able to solve the problem so it has not been able to make consumers come back to the traditional market (Gonzalez & Waley [10]).
In revitalization, Semarang City Government considers green open space in its planning in revitalizing the green space planning/procurement market is very necessary, although for the percentage of Green Regional Coefficient realized in the field is still relatively below the requirement of its percentage (Green Regional Coefficient) The layout is determined due to several needs. Based on the results of the interview found inconsistencies in the percentage of green open space considered in the creation of this traditional market, there were respondents stating the percentage of green open space by 10%, 20% and 25%. One respondent stated that they have not considered green open space because it is limited
to the land's area built compared to the number of traders. Therefore, if there is green open space traders will not be able to enter the market.
The completeness of public facilities that must be provided in the market building is the provision of access / adequate roads, temporary garbage shelters, adequate electricity grid, good clean water network, waste management system market or dirty water, etc. Social facilities that must be provided in the market building are clinic room, lactation room, prayer room; children's play area, function room, toilet, parking, public lighting, clean water, security post, etc.
Physical intervention is done with prior planning. The planning function is essentially a decisionmaking process with respect to the desired outcome, with the use of resources and the establishment of a communication system that enables the reporting and control of the results as well as the comparison of those results with the plans made. Many uses of planning, namely the creation of efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the company's activities, can correct irregularities as early as possible, identifying obstacles arising from avoiding undirected and controlled activities, growth and changes.
Physical intervention initiates physical revitaliza-tion activities and is carried out gradually, including improvement and improvement of the quality and physical condition of buildings, green systems, connecting systems, sign/billboard systems and open space areas (urban realms). Given that the image of the area is very closely related to the visual condition of the region, especially in attracting activities and visitors, this physical intervention needs to be done. Environmental sustainability is also important, so that physical intervention should also pay attention to the context of the environment. Physical planning remains to be based on long-term thinking.
4.2. Economical Rehabilitation
Based on economic rehabilitation, the mechanism of revitalization is starting from planning already involving traders through Definite Dues Retire Plan known as PPIP /group by looking at the physi-
cal form of the building whether or not if it is worth maintaining and maintained, if not worth the need to be revitalized.
The implementation of traditional market revi-talization in Semarang is currently worth the trust of Regional Medium Term Development Plan of Sema-rang City annually. There are 2 markets that are revitalized since 2010 until now there are 16 markets that are revitalized. From the revitalization of traditional markets done there are unsuccessful, then the market becomes dead, not developed and stagnant examples in Bulu Market and Dargo Market. The suitable product variations for sale in the market are all forms ofag-ricultural and plantation products, animal resources, handicrafts, and sandbars with the following variations of food, Convection, Seasoning, Chicken cut, Meat, Vegetables, Electronics, Optic, Clock and service clock, Grocery, Crockery, Cart, Food Stall, Fruit, Accessories, Tofu-Tempeh, Wet fish, Dried fish/ Salt Fish, Bags, Shoes and Sports equipment.
To avoid this, there needs to be a way of promoting traditional markets that have been revitalized, namely holding promotional events in the market, holding discounts, holding entertainments in the market in addition to the need for news through media (newspapers and television) and social media (Instagram, Facebook). This promotional activity was budgeted by the Semarang City Trade Office at IDR. 50.000.000 per year.
Urban realm on the revitalization of traditional markets is still not achievable because traditional markets are part of the lower economy middle level. Therefore, Semarang City Government needs to encourage economic and social activity in traditional markets. The government should make access to the economic center as much as possible and as easily as possible, not even complicate economic traffic access by arranging roads in one direction. In addition, in every market development / revitalization of the market traders are not charged (free) only the levy policy that becomes the income of the Local Original Income. To drive the attractiveness of this
market also needs to be done through the media through Communication and Informatics Institution of Semarang City.
Revitalization beginning with the process of rejuvenating urban artifacts should support the rehabilitation process of economic activities. The physical improvement of the area is short-term, expected to accommodate informal and formal economic activities (local economic development), to provide added value for the city area (Jenks & Dempsey [12]). In the context of revitalization, it needs to be developed mixed functions that can encourage the nonutility of economic and social activity (new vitality).
In distribution activities, the market serves as bringing the distance between consumers and manufacturers in carrying out market transactions has the function of distributing the goods produced to consumers. One of the main economic activities is the distribution or delivery activities of goods and services produced to consumers (Jenks & Dempsey [12]). To carry out these distribution activities, it is necessary to provide facilities and infrastructure among them is the market. In the distribution function, the market takes a role in smoothing the distribution of goods and services from manufacturers to consumers. Through trade transactions, manufacturers can market their manufactured goods directly or indirectly either to consumers or to other intermediaries (Badland & Schofield [3]). Through the trading transaction, consumers can obtain the goods and services needed to fulfill their necessity easily and quickly.
If the market can function properly, then distribution activities can run smoothly, but if the market cannot function properly, then the distribution activities will also run less smoothly. Before the trade, transaction is done first, so that a price agreement is obtained between seller and buyer. In the bargaining process, it is the desire of both parties (between the buyer and the seller) combined to determine the price agreement, or so-called market price (Amihud & Mendelson [1]). The market is the most appro-
priate means for promotional events, because in the market many buyers visit. The implementation of the promotion can be done in various ways, such as putting up banners, handing out leaflets or brochure offers, handing out samples or product examples to potential buyers and so on (Jenks & Dempsey [12]).
4.3. Social Revitalization
Based on the form of environment that is able to appeal to the community, respondents stated that the attractive form of the market is a hygienic market environment (Fresh and Clean), Strategic and Organized, and has a characteristic (Attractiveness) and is a market with 50% open. This comfortable market environment needs to be clean, tidy, orderly safe and have the right setup.
The adequacy of waterways in Semarang City market has been technically planned well according to the households necessity (the market itself) filled from Regional Drinking Water Companies abbreviated as PDAM pipes, deep wells, and shallow wells even though for the smooth running of water there are some markets that still need improvement. Adequacies of aqueducts are with polar min 20', while sewer channels are at least 40 cm wide with a depth of 1 m. For garbage disposal facilities that must be on the market namely adequate garbage shelters, the provision of garbage bins at various points with organic and nonorganic garbage sorting system. Ventilation is also required in market buildings to increase the availability of fresh air in market buildings with wall holes being ± 20 percentage of the floor area and wide open.
To encourage social revitalization, Semarang City Government needs to connect between the neighborhoods around the market so that it penetrates each other. The current conditions, between market environments, are still not connected by road infrastructure. Semarang City Government needs to organize events, exhibitions, bazaars, at the trade office with shopping program at market events. The form of traditional market environment that is able to appeal to the public is a comfortable environment easily; there is a security system and public street
lighting. As for its own infrastructure The market environment needs to be Hygienic (Healthy and Clean), Strategic and Organized, and has a Characteristic (Attractiveness) with a spacious parking lot to accommodate vehicles from consumers who come to the market.
The market is where buyers and sellers meet to trade goods or services. According to economics, the market related to its activities is not the place. The characteristic feature of a market is the activity of transactions or trades. Consumers come to the market to shop with money to pay the price. Stanton, put forward a broader sense of market. The market is said to be people who have a desire to be satisfied, money to shop, and a willingness to spend it. Thus, in that sense there are factors that support the market, namely: desire, purchasing power, and behavior in purchasing.
The positive impact of traditional market revitalization for community dynamics is the increased enthusiasm and interest of the public to prefer shopping to traditional markets with better, hygienic and organized market physical conditions. Conditions will lead to more comfortable traditional market conditions, clean market environment, organized zoning, conditions between traders and buyers look passionate about transactions (Market lots ofbuyers / crowded). The community feels the government is paying attention to the feasibility to improve the living standards of traders, feel comfortable with the revitalization of the market that is neatly laid out, the ease of finding necessity because it has been arranged according to the type of sales, infrastructure facilities that are already adequate. This condition will give a feeling of order and comfort in transacting in traditional markets.
An example of the positive impact of traditional market revitalization for the dynamics of the community is the market that was previously deserted visitors and traders became more crowded traders and visitors because the market facilities have been adequate and provide the impact of convenience. For example, traditional markets that have been more organized are in Pedurungan, Jrakah, Genuk,
Peterongan, Wonodri, and Bulu markets. Social revi-talization will make the traditional market as a trendsetter that is able to attract the public to do buying and selling activities to resurrect the traditional market as a trading center and a place to interact between sellers and buyers.
The success of revitalization of an area will be measured if it is able to create an interesting environment, so it is not just to create a beautiful place. That is, the activity must have a positive impact and can improve the dynamics and social life of the people / citizens (public realms). It has become a logical demand, that the design and development activities of the city to create a place making social environment and this further needs to be supported by a good institutional development. Revitalization is an attempt to revitalize an area or part of the city that was once as a vital/alive, but then ignited setbacks.
(Gonzalez & Waley [10]) stated that the main issues related to the development of traditional markets are the distance between traditional markets and adjacent hypermarkets. The rapid growth of convenience stores (owned by network managers) into residential areas, the application of various trading conditions by modern retail that burden the supply of goods and traditional market conditions are physically lagging, then there needs to be a policy program to carry out compliance. To solve these problems, various efforts were developed to develop traditional markets. One of the things that is done with the empowerment of traditional markets socially, among others by seeking alternative sources of funding for empowerment, improving the competence of traders and managers, priorities of the opportunity to acquire business places for traditional market traders that have existed before renovation or relocation, and evaluating management.
The revitalization of traditional market in Sema-rang city has now been done based on the concept of revitalization namely physical intervention, economic rehabilitation and social revitalization that has revitalized several markets such as Bulu, Sampangan
and Peterongan markets. The revitalization is already underway and these markets have started to run its operations although revitalization cannot satisfy all parties, especially traders so it is necessary to improve the traditional market revitalization model in Semarang City.
Market revitalization is President Jokowi's priority program that launches the revitalization of 5,000 traditional markets over 5 years to 2019 including in Semarang City. The traditional market that is the place of various trade transactions between the community as consumers and market traders is very important to be revitalized. Image of traditional market as a rundown, dirty, checked place and a difficult parking lot needs to be changed by Semarang City Government so that millennial groups want to come to the traditional market to shop. Based on physical intervention, changes to market buildings, more modern market forms and facilities such as waste disposal, water and lighting as well as green open space will greatly affect people's interest in visiting and conducting activities in traditional markets.
These conditions will have an impact on economic rehabilitation where trade centers that shift to modern markets will be able to be redirected back to traditional markets to derail and excite traditional markets. Based on social revitalization, it is known that the return of the younger generation needs to be prepared an interesting form of market and able to make millennial generation come back so that it needs to be thought about by Semarang City Government on how to revitalize the traditional market.
4.4. Supporting and Inhabiting Factors of Re-vitalization
Based on a summary of the research results factors that become supporting traditional market revitalization can be summarized as follows: Seedy market conditions; Market conditions are inadequate and accommodate all traders; Parker's ineligible spot caused congestion; Cleanliness is very lacking especially hygiene; The general facilities of the market are not fulfill.
Management by the Market Office is currently going well, because the relationship between traders and the service necessity each other and always improves the relationship. Ideal management aims to be developed markets, trading rime, increased trader's income, Regional Income smoothly and realized. The current management of the market is carried out by the Head of Market assisted by the staff of the Trade Office and PPJPS. Management is done trying to find the best way / capital because it is still hit by the government and the image of traders that still needs to be changed. For the ideal management of the market arrangement must be in accordance with the type of sales according to number 18 or the development of the market in centralized, for example in sub-district A will be built a market of shoes, bags and sports equipment.
This condition will make consumers become more diligent in the market because they feel comfortable, because the market revitalization shows that the traditional market / people's market is not inferior to the modern took. The impression of traditional market is sleazy, for traditional market but managed in modern.
4.5. Existing Model of Traditional Market Re-vitalization
Currently there is still a gap between ideal conditions and reality in the field today, gap between ideal conditions and reality in the field often does not correspond to what planned or expected either from internal factors or from external factors due to the emergence of unexpected interests / needs. The needs of traders and consumers do not conform to the physical design that has been built. If the market has been revitalized/ built there is no gap, but for the market that has not been revitalized is still far from the market standard. If not immediately revitalized worry, the traditional market is abandoned by the buyer. This is necessary to make physical interventions related to rental, traditional market facilities and infrastructure.
The current market revitalization model can be described in the scheme as follows:
Revitalization Target Market
Suitability Analysis
Government and/or Investor Funding
V. Conclusion and Suggestion
Physical intervention initiates activities and is carried out gradually, including improvement the quality and physical condition of buildings, green systems, connecting systems, sign/billboard systems and open space areas (urban realms). Given that the image of the area is very closely related to the visual condition of the region, especially in attracting activities and visitors, this physical intervention needs to be done. Environmental sustainability is also important, so that physical intervention should also pay attention to the context of the environment.
In distribution activities, the market serves as bringing the distance between consumers and manufacturers in carrying out market transactions has the function of distributing the goods produced to consumers. Through the trade transaction, consumers can obtain the goods and services needed to fulfill their needs easily and quickly. If the market can function properly, then distribution activities can run smoothly, but if the market cannot function properly, then the distribution activities will also run less smoothly. The market is the most appropriate means for promotional events, because in the market many buyers visit. The implementation of the promotion can be done in various ways, such as putting up banners, handing out leaflets or brochure offers, sharing samples or sample products with potential buyers and so on.
The success of revitalization of an area will be measured if it is able to create an interesting environment, so it is not just to create a beautiful place. That is, the activity must have a positive impact and can improve the dynamics and social life of the people / citizens (public realms). It has become a logical demand, that the design and development activities of the city to create a place making social environment and this further needs to be supported by a good institutional development. Revitalization is an attempt to revitalize an area or part of the city that was once is vital/alive, but then ignited setbacks. The supporting factors of traditional market revitalization in Sema-rang City are:
1. Joint management between City Government and the Community, democratically, accountable, participatory and sustainable
2. The City Government appoints market managers from local communities who have knowledge and experience in the field of economics
3. Market financial bookkeeping that is recorded regularly and transparently
4. Accurate calculation of market revenue results after deducting paid operating expenses
Traditional market revitalization inhibitors in Semarang City are divided into internal and external factors. Internal factors are classified into: Semarang City Government that are able to inhibit the revitalization of the traditional market. The determination of the location of temporary relocation of trader during the Revitalization of the market is running. For the construction, it must provide temporary shop while the land for temporary shop is not easy (difficult). This happens at the time of building of Karanganyar market that failed to be built because the shop location while opposed by the surrounding residents. If the Market is, a Conservative Building (Cultural Reserve) that becomes an obstacle is the application of permits and restrictions that must be adhered to in carrying out the physical revitalization of market buildings. Administration Process (related to budget and documents), Market Revitalization Activities, be it through the Auction process or Direct Appointment requires funds, whereas often the budget for market revitalization is quite minimal.
External factors that are able to inhibit the revitalization of traditional markets include poor condition of land / soil that will be built less well. The Support of weather factors of the region, Availability of less clean water, Condition of city channels or poor drainage system, Completeness of identity documents / ownership of incomplete land, Difficulty for access road to the market, means of general transportation. At the time of construction should provide shop, while the location for temporary shop is not easy (should be
close to the parent market). For example at the time of building Karangayu Market failed because the shop location while opposed by the surrounding residents.
Political will be strong from the City Government in the form of guarantees to traders to revitalize the market completely implemented. The development of the market should be based on a guarantee of the continuity of the old trader. Only then, the presence of investors is given clear signs so as not to be burdensome because it is related to investment. This condition must certainly be a study of all parties, especially the Government and Regional Representatives in order to find a solution. The important task that must be carried out is to create harmony. That
is, if any investor wants to build a market does not clash with the trader who has occupied the market.
Market revitalization measures should be piloted without involving investors. The way is to return the development to the trader. At the very least, in each market traders already have organizations that gather traders or market cooperatives the role of institutional systems that exist in traditional markets. What needs to be done to manage that revitalization pattern, how much of the burden of booth ownership as well as the arrangement of green open space are needed so that the market does not feel seedy. Institutions that are development facilitators can provide soft credit to traders. This is intended to dampen the volatility when the market development is carried out.
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