Научная статья на тему 'Results of the Search for Variable Stars in the Framework of the "Noosphere" Project'

Results of the Search for Variable Stars in the Framework of the "Noosphere" Project Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Peremennye Zvezdy
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Variable stars / Переменные звезды
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Текст научной работы на тему «Results of the Search for Variable Stars in the Framework of the "Noosphere" Project»

"Peremennye Zvezdy", Prilozhenie,

vol. 22, N 1 (2022)

Results of the Search for Variable Stars in the Framework of the "Noosphere" Project

A. Vakhonin#1'2. E. Kornilova#2. E. Efremenko#2. I. Sbitnev#2. M. Truntov#2. A. Guslvakov#2. A. Sheludchenko#2. O. Balandina#2. A. Goriachih#2. E. Grebenikova#2. M. Reshetnikova#2. K. Childinov#2. K. Bobkov#2. S. Yarmieva#2. A. Prudko#2. L. Kurilov#2. V. Kolegova#2

#1. Division of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; #2. Education Support Fund "Noosphere", Moscow, Russia.

ISSN 2221-0474 DOI: 10.24412/2221-0474-2022-1

Received: 22.02.2022; accepted: 28.04.2022

(E-mail for contact: artemv. vahonin@gmail.com)

# Name | Other | Coord (J2000) ly.Be Max Min System Period | Epoch (JD) type Sp Comment | L.Curve |Find.Chart | Data |

1 |USN0-B1.0 0693-0111364 |06 54 55.337, -20 40 49.25 EW 19.05 19.80 r 0.284021 2458464.900 min Comm. 1 ||NOO-12-new.png||NOO12f jpg||NOO12 r.txt|

2 |USN0-B1.0 0716-0102073 |06 55 26.217, -18 18 07.58 EA 17.79 18.41 r 2.1597 2458464.913 min Comm. 2 ||N00-45-new.png||N0045fjpg||N0045 r.txt|

3 |2MASS J06575880-1824346 |06 57 58.816, -18 24 34.46 EW 17.96 18.34 r 0.366141 2458467.028 min Comm. 3 ||NOO-46-new.png||NOO46f jpg||NOO46 r.txt|

4 |2MASS J06591618-2042094 |06 59 16.187, -20 42 09.40 EW 17.98 18.70 r 0.245688 2459194.881 min Comm. 4||NOO-19-new.Eng||NOO19fjBg||NOO19 r.txt|

5 |2MASS J07044374-2150253 |07 04 43.755, -21 50 25.74 EW 17.92 18.32 r 0.345735 2458462.881 min Comm. 5 ||N00-60-new.png||N0060fjpg||N0060 rMl

6 |2MASS J07052904-2120325 |07 05 29.040, -21 20 32.63 EW 17.80 18.25 r 0.35909 2458455.943 min Comm. 6 ||NOO-15-new.png||NOO15fjpg||NOO15 r.txt|

7 |USN0-B1.0 0688-0115902 |07 05 36.556, -21 11 16.22 EW 18.86 19.47 r 0.36762 2458455.938 min Comm. 7 ||N00-14-new.png||N0014fjpg||N0014r.txt|

8 |2MASS J07060359-2210464 |07 06 03.602, -22 10 46.41 EW 18.02 18.43 r 0.432493 2458461.936 min Omrnji |NOO-58-new.png |N0058fjpg ^TOiTr.M


1. NOO-12-Kornilova. Minll = 19.58. Discoverer: Kornilova Evgeniya.

2. NOO-45-Childinov-Bobkov. Minll = 18.17. Rise/eclipse duration: 9%. Discoverers: Konstantin Childinov, Kirill Bobkov.

3. NOO-46-Hanti-Mansiisk. Minll = 18.27. Discoverers: Sofia Yarmieva, Alexander Prudko.

4. NOO-19-Balandina-Goriachih. Minll = 18.65. Discoverers: Olesya Balandina, Alexander Goriachih.

5. N00-60-Kurilov-Kolegova. Minll = 18.25:. Discoverers: Lev Kurilov, Vladislava Kolegova.

6. NOO-15-T-G-Sh. Minll = 18.15. Discoverers: Maxim Truntov, Alexey Guslyakov, Andrey Sheludchenko.

7. NOO-14-Efremenko-Sbitnev. Minll = 19.3. Discoverers: Egor Efremenko, Ilya Sbitnev.

8. NOO-58-GRA-REA. Minll = 18.39. Discoverers: Ekaterina Grebenikova, Maria Reshetnikova. Remarks:

The variable stars were discovered within the framework of the Noosphere Education Support Fund project with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund and Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University (SAI MSU). The search for variable stars was carried out using the ZTF project (Masci et al., 2019) data. Each star was discovered by schoolchildren, the authorship is indicated in the comments.

To perform photometry and to search for variable objects we used VaST software (Sokolovsky & Lebedev 2018).

The periodicity analysis was made with Period search service. Coordinates are drawn from GAIA EDR3. The data files contain Julian dates, magnitudes and uncertainties. References:

Masci, F. J., Laher, R. R., Rusholme, B., et al., 2019, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 131, No. 995, 018003 Sokolovsky, K. V., Lebedev, A. A., 2018, Astron. and Computing, 22, 28

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