RESULT OF EMBRYO TRANSFERRED RESEARCH WORK IN BEEF CATTLE AND DAIRY CATTLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Агробиотехнологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по агробиотехнологии, автор научной работы — Baldan T., Enkhmanlai G.

In the study, 6 donors (n=6) cow of Selenge (n=3) and Alatau breeds (n=3) were selected for superovulation. Superovulation treatment and artificial insemination (AI) of Donor Cow Regardless of the estrous cycle, Insert Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR; Hamilton, New Zealand) to Donor cow and from 5th day after inserting CIDR, diminishing inject Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH; Kyoritsu Seiyaku Corporation, Japan.) 36IU every 12 hours for 4 days. From the 3rd day after injecting FSH, inject Dinoprost Tromethamine (PGF2α; LutalyseTM, Upjohn, U.S.A.) 30mg in the morning and 15mg in the noon. From the 4th day after injecting FSH, remove the CIDR in the morning. The next day of removing the CIDR, inject Gonagorelin (GnRH; Dong-Bang, Korea.) 1000ug every 12 hours in the noon and did AI 4 times. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR) and Prostaglandin (PG) were used for superovulation. Subsequently, Artificial Insemination (AI) was done for the donor cow and the embryo was collected after 7 and 8 days. Embryos were collected from donor cows of dairy cattle and beef cattle. Finally, good quality and fresh embryos (beef cattle’s 11 embryos, dairy cattle’s 12 embryos) were transferred to 23 recipients of Alatau and Selenge young cows in Mongolia. For synchronization treatment of recipient, cows injected 0.5ml estrogen, 1ml progesterone with CIDR implantation and injected 5.0 ml Lutalyse for 7 days, remove CIDR for 8 days and inject 2,5 ml of gonadotropin on the evening of the 9th day.

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IV. Новые биотехнологии

для сельского хозяйства и медицины

For citation: Baldan T., Enkhmanlai G. Result of embryo transferred research work in beef cattle and dairy cattle //

URL: http://rectors.altstu.rU/ru/periodical/archiv/2022/1/articles/4_1.pdf DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2022.01.007 EDN: https://elibrary.ru/sthkry

UDK 636.082.453

Result of embryo transferred research work

in beef cattle and dairy cattle

T. Baldan1, G. Enkhmanlai2

1 Mongolian University of Life Science, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia E-mail: baldan.t@muls.edu.mn

Historical background

Credit for the first successful transfer of mammalian embryos is given to Walter Heape, who had an amazingly wide range of interests that included animal breeding. 1890, Heape transferred two 4-cell Angora rabbit embryos into an inseminated Belgian doe which subsequently gave birth to four Belgian and two Angora young (Heape, 1891).

A later paper described Heape's technique for handling rabbit embryos, which involved spearing them on the tip of a needle and transferring them to the recipient without an intermediary step of placing them in a holding medium (Heape, 1897).

Reproduction is one of the main factors in the production efficiency of beef cattle. The largest loss of the potential calf crop occurs because cows fail to become pregnant due to anestrus and postpartum infertility (Short et al., 1990). Estrus synchronization has been studied for 40 years to control the reproductive efficiency of beef cattle. Its purpose is to manipulate the estrous cycle of the herd to allow for timed artificial insemination and superovulation with subsequent embryo transfer into recipient cows at a predetermined time (Odde et al, 1990).

The use of embryo transfer technology in cattle breeding has continued to increase over 20 years with the movement toward real genetic improvement as opposed to the production of desirable phenotypes. Approximately 80% of the embryo transfer work in Mongolia over the past year involved beef cattle. In the past year, approximately 80 donor cows were super stimulated in Mongolia and around 280 embryos were transferred. In Mongolia, embryo transplantation of dairy cattle was

carried out by researchers of Animal Husbandry Institute in 1985 and the first five embryones transferred calves were received.

Thus, this experimental work on the introduction of non-surgical embryo transfer technology in dairy cattle breeding was started but remained dormant until 2010 year. Our researchers and professor team have been conducting experiments on embryo transplantation in dairy and beef cattle for more than the last ten years.

Materials and methods

Donor selection: We were selected 3 Selenge breed-beef cattle's donor cow, 3 Alatau breed-dairy cattle's donor cow, and 14 cows from each breed were selected by the recipient. All donors are registered and genetic superiority is guaranteed by Mongolian National Genefound Center. Mongolian beef and dairy cattle were with good body conditions.

Type of superovulation treatment for donor cows.

On the first day, we injected 0.5 ml estrogen, 1ml progesterone with inserted CIDR for donor cows. To donor cow from 5th day after inserting CIDR, diminishing inject Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) by 6ml, 5ml, 4ml, 3 ml for 4 days. From the 4th day after injecting FSH, remove the CIDR in the morning, Next day of removing the CIDR, inject Gonagon 1000ug every 12 hours at noon and did Artificial Insemination 3 times.

Experimental type of superovulation Mongolian donor cows

Day 0 Day 5:

Insert: CIDR Inject:

Inject: 1.0 mg Estradiol Benzoate AM: 3.0 ml FSH

50 mg progestrone PM: 3.0 ml FSH

Day 6: Day 7:

Inject: Inject:

AM: 2.5 ml FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) AM: 2.0 ml FSH, 6.0 ml Dinoprost Tromethamine (PGF2a)

PM: 2.5 ml FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) PM: 2.0 ml FSH, 3.0 ml Dinoprost Tromethamine (PGF2a)

Day 8: Day 9:

Inject: PM: Artificial Insemination (AI)

AM: 1.5 ml FSH, remove CIDR Inject: Gonadorelin 1000^g PM: 1.5 ml FSH

Subsequently, Artificial Insemination (AI) was done for donor cow and embryo was collected after 7 and 8 days.

Type of synchronization treatment for recipient cows:

We used for synchronization treatment of recipient cows injected 0.5ml estrogen, 1ml progesterone with CIDR implantation and injected 5.0 ml Lutalyse for 7th days, remove CIDR for 8th days and injected 250 ¿g of gonadotropin on the evening of the 9th day.

Day 0

Insert: CIDR Inject: 0.5 ml Estrogen

1.0 ml progestrone Day 8:

remove CIDR

Experimental type of synchronization Mongolian recipient cows

Day 7:


AM: 5 ml Dinoprost Tromethamine (PGF2a)

Day 16:

Embryo transfer (ET)

Day 9:

Inject: PM:250^g gonadotropin


1. Results of superovulation for donor cows:

The objective of superovulation treatments in the cow is to obtain the maximum number of fertilized and transferable embryos with a high probability of producing pregnancies. We had collected 16 embryos from 3 donors of Selenge beef cows for evaluation by morphological and developmental stages. These 16 embryos have been included with development stage morula-5, compact morula-3, early blastocyst-2, blastocyst-1, non-fertilized-5. We were able to produce an average of 5.3 oocytes on the ovaries of beef donors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the hormone.

In this study, a total of 22 embryos were recovered from 3 dairy donor cows, including 10 unfertilized oocytes, 3-morula, 4 compacted morula, 2 early blastocytes, and 3 blastocyte embryos to evaluate by morphological and developmental stage. An average of 7.3 oocytes were ovulated from the ovaries of dairy donor cows.

Table 1.

Result of superovulation for bovine embryos (table-1)

type Donor cow embryo flushed recovered transferable embryo

(n) donor (n) embryo (n) n %

Beef cattle 3 3 16 11 68.8

Dairy cattle 3 3 22 12 54.5

54.5-68.8 percent of the total embryos were suitable embryos for transferable with compared the international average.

2. Embryo quality:

Embryos of excellent and good quality, at the developmental stages of compact morula to blastocyst yield the highest pregnancy rates.

Table 2.

Developmental evaluation of bovine embryos: (table-2)

Breed name embryo Morula Compact morula Early blastocyst Blastocyst Unfertilized

тоо % тоо % тоо % тоо % тоо %

Selenge beef cattle 16 5 31.2 3 18.7 2 12.5 1 6.4 5 31.2

Alatau dairy cattle 22 3 13.6 4 18.2 2 9.2 3 13.6 10 45.4

When 16 embryos were collected from 3 beef donors, 68.8 percent has from morula to blastocyte developmental stage embryo. But, this parameter of the dairy cow's embryo was 54.5 percent and the degenerated embryo had not in both bovine embryos.

However, unfertilized oocytes are 31.2-45.4 percent of a total embryo, due to underestimation of the peak ovulation and before estrus detect time were early inseminated cows.

3. Result of synchronization treatment for recipient cows:

Methods of estrous cycle control in domestic animals include various pharmacologic treatment and management techniques. To use the above type synchronization treatment for recipient cows were the following result:

Table 3.

Result of synchronization treatment for recipient cows: (table-3)

breed head Estrous estrus detected time (hours) Percent of estrous

name cows (n) detected (n) 24 % 48 % 72 % 96 % detected

Selenge 14 13 - 0 5 35.7 8 57.1 92.8

Alatau 14 14 2 14.3 6 42.8 6 28.6 2 14.3 100.0

Selenge breed recipient cow's estrus was detected 92.8 percent within 48-96 hours, while Alatau breed recipient cow's detected 100 percent within 24-96 hours. This is because dairy cows were constantly supplemented feed in winter and spring.

4. Embryo transfer for the recipient:

From the estrus detected 13 beef cows were found, 11 well-developed carriers of the corpus luteum in the ovary were selected and 11 embryos from morula to blastocyte developmental stages were transplanted. In the same way, 12 dairy recipient cows were selected and 12 embryos were transplanted.


According to the methodology, 11-12 embryos suitable for superovulation, insemination, and transplantation of beef and dairy donor cows were removed, which is similar to some other researchers. In addition to CID in Korean Hanwoo donor cows, progesterone (50 mg), estradiol (2.5 mg), UID (Antorin R-10) 28AU were injected for 4 days, prostaglandin PGF2a 15 mg, and gonadotropin GnRH 200 ^g were administered in mid-autumn for superovulation. (10.1 ± 1.8) The embryo yield was 4.5 ± 1.1, which is suitable for transplantation after embryo removal.

Based on a combination of beef and dairy beef and ovarian hormone developed by the Canadian Embryo Transplant Association, 54.5-68.8% of all embryos are suitable for transplantation in Mongolian cattle using their new version is close.


1. Using the above superovulation type, it is possible to produce 5.3-7.3 oocytes in beef cattle and dairy cows bred in Mongolia.

2. 54.5-68.8 percent of the total embryos were suitable embryos for transferable with compared the international average.

3. Using the above hormone type, it is possible to detect estrus 100% of beef and dairy cows within 24-96 hours.

4. When 16 embryos were collected from 3 beef donors, 68.8 percent has from blastocyte to morula developmental stage embryo. But, this parameter of dairy cow's embryo was 54.5 percent and the unfertilized embryo had not in both bovine embryo.


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