RESPONSIVENESS OF THREE-COMPONENT MIXED CROPS FOR NITROGEN DOSES WHEN CULTIVATED ON SOD-PODZOLIC MEDIUM LOAMY SOIL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
nitrogen fertilizer / grain crops / mixed agrocenosis

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Alyoshin M.A.

The results of a 2-factor field experiment to establish the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and the proportion of components in mixed agrocenoses of peas, wheat and oats are presented. The maximum grain yield in the experiment (5,13 t/ha) was obtained when cultivating a mixture of peas 20% + wheat 60% + oats 20%, when applying nitrogen fertilizer at a dose of 30 kg N/ha. When applying nitrogen fertilizer, there was an increase in the competitiveness and share in the composition of the resulting crop of cereals (spring wheat, spring oats).

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Alyoshin M.A.

Perm State Agro-Technological University Named after D.N. Pryanishnikov

614990 Russia, Perm, 23, Petropavlovskaya St.


The results of a 2-factor field experiment to establish the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and the proportion of components in mixed agrocenoses of peas, wheat and oats are presented. The maximum grain yield in the experiment (5,13 t/ha) was obtained when cultivating a mixture of peas 20% + wheat 60% + oats 20%, when applying nitrogen fertilizer at a dose of 30 kg N/ha. When applying nitrogen fertilizer, there was an increase in the competitiveness and share in the composition of the resulting crop of cereals (spring wheat, spring oats).

Keywords: nitrogen fertilizer, grain crops, mixed agrocenosis.

Introduction. The development of the agro-industrial complex of the region, where the leading place belongs to the livestock sector, dictated the need to create a solid feed base [1]. One of the ways to solve this problem is the inclusion of mixed crops of cereals and annual legumes in the composition of field and fodder crop rotations [2, 3]. Due to this technique, the most complete use of the biological potential of legumes is possible, changing the quantity and quality of the feed obtained, remaining crop-root residues in the soil [4, 5]. Cultivation of mixed crops of grain and leguminous crops introduces some variability in the work of the farm. Depending on the emerging need for feed, the productivity of arable land and other types of agricultural land composing the feed and raw material conveyor, it becomes possible to harvest these agrocenoses for green mass, haylage, grain and grain [6]. Increasing doses of nitrogen fertilizers significantly increase grain yield in mixed crops of spring wheat and peas, increase the accumulation of dry biomass, the concentration and accumulation of nitrogen in plants during the phases of vegetation [7].

Material and research methods. The study was conducted in 2020 on the land use site of the Kalinina LLC farm in the Perm Region. The sod-podzolic medium loamy soil had a low humus content (1.68%), a slightly acidic reaction of the medium (pHkci 5.3...5.5), an increased content (metod to Kirsanov) of mobile phosphorus (104...115 mg/kg) and potassium

(134...168 mg/kg).

The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of nitrogen fertilizer in 3-component mixed crops of seed peas, spring wheat and oats. To achieve it, a 2-factor field experience was laid, providing for the presence of the following factors. Factor A is the ratio of cereal components in the mixture (wheat, % + oats, %), with a fixed share (20%) of seeded peas: A0 - 60% + 20%; A1 - 40% + 40%; A2 - 20% + 60%. Factor B - doses of nitrogen fertilizer, kg N/ga: B0 -N0; B1 - N30; B2 - N45. The total area of plots was 144 m2, accounting - 12.6 m2. Seeded peas of the Krasnou-fimsky 11 variety, spring wheat of the Irgina variety, spring oats of the Balavin Memory variety were selected as objects of research.

Ammonium nitrate (Naa, 34.4% N) was used as nitrogen fertilizer, which was manually applied for pre-sowing cultivation. Sowing and subsequent care of plants in the experiment corresponded to the regional system of agriculture. Upon reaching the waxy ripeness of wheat, harvesting was carried out on the grain crop. The mathematical processing of the research results was carried out according to the algorithm of variance analysis.

Results and discussion. Any type and nature of the relationship of components in the composition of mixed agrocenoses is expressed by changing the intensity of their development, modifying biometric parameters, the size and quality of the crop (tab. 1).

1. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the yield of grain-bearing mixed three-component crops, t/ha

Ratio of components (A) Nitrogen doses (B) Average by A, LSD05 main effects = 0,90

N0 N30 N45

Peas 20% + wheat 60% + oats 20% 3,20 5,13 4,18 4,17

Peas 20% + wheat 40% + oats 40% 3,04 4,09 3,77 3,63

Peas 20% + wheat 20% + oats 60% 1,64 3,58 3,17 2,80

Average by B, LSD05 main effects = 0,90 B0 Bi B2

2,63 4,27 3,71

LSD05 for partial differences by factors A h B 1,36

Based on the data presented in the table, the fol- in mixed crops increased with an increase in the pro-lowing can be noted. The yield of grain-bearing mass portion of spring wheat (20% ^ 40% ^ 60%) and a

decrease in the proportion of spring oats

(60%^40%^20%) from 2.80 to 3.63 and 4.17 t/ha, respectively. Based on the main effects of factor B, there was a significant increase in yield by 0.97 t/ha, when applying nitrogen fertilizer at a dose of 30 kg N/ha. The subsequent increase in the dosage of fertilizer (N45) led to a decrease in yield, due to the suppression of the bean component in sowing.

Based on particular differences in factor A, in the absence of nitrogen fertilizer, there was a significant increase in the yield of mixed crops by 1.56 t/ha with wheat prevailing in the mixture (wheat 60% + oats 20%).

At all levels of nitrogen nutrition and sowing options, the share of peas in the crop yield was less than 20%. The largest share of peas in the yield of the mixed agrocenosis was observed in all variants with the introduction of N30. This position confirms the higher competition from cereals in the composition of mixed sowing, which is further enhanced when nitrogen fertilizer is applied to the soil.

The total nitrogen demand of leguminous crops is not lower, but a significant part of it can be replenished due to the course of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. While wheat and oats reacted positively to an increase in the dosage of nitrogen fertilizer, peas were suppressed when grown in a mixture. The faster initial growth of wheat and oats than that of peas gave cereals an initial competitive advantage. It can also be noted that with an increase in the nitrogen dose to 45 kg/ha, there is a decrease in the share of peas in the harvest.

In the variants (peas 20% + wheat 60% + oats 20%), the share in the harvest of spring wheat and spring oats was higher than their amount in the compo-

be noted in the variant (wheat 60% + oats 20%). When applying nitrogen fertilizer (N30), the yield increased by 1.93 t/ha.

Taking into account the totality of the factors under consideration, it should be noted that the maximum grain yield in the experiment (5.13 t/ha) was obtained when cultivating a mixture of peas 20% + wheat 60% + oats 20%, when applying nitrogen fertilizer at a dose of 30 kg N/ha.

During the experiment, the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on the proportion of components of mixed crops (peas, wheat, oats) in the composition of the resulting

sition of the sown mixture. This indicates a higher competitiveness and survival of plants than with other variations. In the variants without fertilizers, with an equal ratio of cereals (wheat 40% + oats 40%), the share of oat yield (55%) prevailed over the share of wheat (30%). There is also a tendency to increase the proportion of wheat, with increasing doses of nitrogen fertilizers in all sowing options.

Conclusions. The nitrogen fertilizer (Naa) used affected the yield of the grain-bearing mass due to changes in the level of nitrogen nutrition and the proportion of crops in the composition of the formed agro-cenosis. When applying nitrogen fertilizer at a dose of 30 kg N/ha, there was a significant increase in crop yield by 1.05...1.94 t/ha. The closest proportion of the sown mixture to the prescription one was obtained in all variants in wheat and oats when using nitrogen fertilizer in doses of 30 and 45 kg N/ha. When applying nitrogen fertilizer, there was an increase in the competitiveness and share in the composition of the resulting crop of cereals (spring wheat, spring oats).

The reliable effect of applying nitrogen fertilizers grain mass was established (fig. 1). according to the particular differences of factor B can

Ratio of cerealcomponent (wheat, % + oast, %) 60 + 20 40 + 40 20 + 60



a ©














0 30 45 0 30 45 0 30 45 Nitrogen doses, kg




Figure 1. Contribution ofpeas, wheat and oats to the overall productivity of sowing, %






1. Kosolapov V.M. Science will help solve all problems! // Effective animal husbandry, 2019. No.3. pp. 15-16. [Published in Russian].

2. Kokonov S.I. Optimization of agrophytoceno-ses of winter fodder crops // Bulletin of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. 2018. No. 2 (55). pp. 2935.

3. Kolesnikova L.I., Zhirnova I.A. Productivity and nutritional value of mixed crops depending on the ratio of components in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan // Agricultural education and science. 2016. No. 4. pp. 85-88. [Published in Russian].

4. Aleshin M.A. Zavalin A.A. Efficiency of Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Mixed Crops of Peas and Wheat in Crop Rotation // Agrochemistry, 2021.

No. 11. pp. 33-48.

5. Nazaryuk V.M., Kalimullina F.R., Klenova M.I. The Aftereffect of Biological Nitrogen Fixed by Different Genotypes of Pea // Agrochemistry, 2016. No. 5. pp. 3-10.

6. Aleshin M.A., Mikhailova L.A. Effect of fertilizers on yield capacity and biochemical composition of grain haylage of mixed sowing of spring wheat and pea in the conditions of medium cultivated sod-podzolic soil // Perm Agrarian Journal, 2019. No.4 (28). pp. 3341.

7. Lekomtsev P.V., Komarov A.A. Dynamics of plant biomass growth in single-species and mixed crops on different fertilizer backgrounds when using biological preparations// Izvestiya of Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, 2020. No. 1 (58). pp. 69-76.


Alyoshin M.A.

Perm State Agro-Technological University Named after D.N. Pryanishnikov

614990 Russia, Perm, 23, Petropavlovskaya St.


Mixed cenoses of winter vetch and triticale are more productive compared to single-species crops. An increase in the proportion of the bean component in the mixture over 50% leads to a decrease in yield due to the lodging of crops. The introduction of nitrogen fertilizer helps to increase the yield of the cereal component of sowing and mixtures by 2.7...35.8%. After mixed and single-species sowing of winter vetch, the yield of spring wheat grain was significantly higher than after mono-powering of winter triticale. When adding more than 30 kg of nitrogen fertilizer to the top dressing, there was a change in the yield of spring wheat grain at the level of a steady downward trend due to a decrease in the symbiotic activity of winter vetch.

Keywords: biological nitrogen, winter vetch, nitrogen fertilizer, aftereffect on spring wheat.

Introduction. In feed production, a special place is given to crops with a winter type of development. Winter vetch is an indispensable component of grass mixtures of winter cereals as part of the green conveyor and for the preparation of bulky canned feeds [1]. This crop is one of the most valuable annual legumes in terms of forage advantages and universal possibilities of technological use [2]. The inclusion of single-species and mixed winter vetch crops in field and fodder crop rotations plays an important agrotechnical role. When cultivated, it suppresses weeds well; with crop and root residues, it leaves up to 100 kg/ha of biological nitrogen [3, 4]. The productivity of mixed crops of winter vetch with cereals largely depends on the ratio of components in the composition of the sown mixture and the formed agrocenosis, and the use of nitrogen fertilizers contributes to the realization of the biological potential of crops [5-7].

Material and research methods. The studies were carried out on the experimental field of Perm State Technical University in 2013-2014 on sod-podzolic medium loamy soil with the following agrochemical indicators: humus content (according to Tyurin) - 2.04%;

pHkci 5.5...5.6; mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium (according to Kirsanov) - high and very high. Depending on the composition of the agrocenosis (factor A), the efficiency of using nitrogen fertilizer (factor B) at doses of 0, 30, 45 and 60 kg of d.v. per hectare was determined. The repetition of variants in the experiment is 4-fold, the arrangement of plots is systematic. Nitrogen fertilizer (Naa, 34.6% d.v.), was introduced as an early spring top dressing.

The objects of research are winter vetch varieties (Jubilee), winter triticale (Stavropol 5). Harvesting was carried out when mowing with a KS-2.1 mower to achieve milk-wax ripeness of grain, in combination with a direct method of crop accounting. The effect of total and biological nitrogen accumulated as part of the crop-root residues of vetch in mixed and single-species sowing was carried out by taking into account the grain yield of spring wheat sown as a subsequent crop.

Results and discussion. When using nitrogen fertilizer, an increase in the productivity of components in the composition of mixed and single-species sowing was observed (tab. 1).

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