Мaksudova Umida Mirzaraximovna, professor, сandidate of Technical Sciences Pazilova Dilnoza Ziyavutdinovna, Senior lecturer,
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan E-mail: daminov.asror86@gmail.com
Abstract: In the article is presented the results of production tests of the conductive special footwear of the fastening glued method on the molded sole. The main contact elements of the "foot-inner shoe-soles-floor" system, which ensure the complete draining of static electricity charges from the shoes, are the main insole covered with electrically conductive cloth and the rubber-based conductive rubber sole SKMS-30.
Keywords: electrical conductive, shoes, mitsole, prosthesis, sole, electrical conductive support.
Introduction The given research is directed on research of electrically
The protection of workers health of, the provision of safe conductive properties of the developed current-carrying spe-working conditions, the elimination of occupational diseases cial footwear in the conditions of shop on pyrotechnic prod-
and occupational injuries, is one of the main problems of any state. Particularly priority in this area in recent years there are the issues of providing workers with overalls, special footwear and other means of individual and collective protection.
Static electricity is one of the most common harmful production factors, the potential hazard which exists in many production areas associated with high rates of processing of raw materials and processing of dielectric materials, such as defense enterprises, oil and gas processing, production of film and artificial materials, electronics, e.t.c [1].
Working people in the zone of exposure to an electric field of high tension meet a variety of complaints about irritability, headache, sleep disturbances, etc. The human body, being an excellent conductor of electricity, becomes a kind of "condenser" with every movement of a person, especially if in his clothes there are synthetic and woolen fabrics, the amount of charge is increased. When a person touches the mass, a "capacitor" is discharged with the formation of an electric arc. Accumulation of electric charges is the cause of outbreaks, accidents in production and, obviously, negatively affects the body and the nervous system. Therefore, clothes and shoes must have antistatic properties, so that the charge does not accumulate on it, but "drains away" from it. The removal of static electricity from the human body is carried out by the installation of electrically conductive floors in production facilities, as well as providing working with conductive footwear and antistatic clothing, aprons, bracelets and gloves.
Thus, the antistatic special footwear is designed to exclude the accumulation of electrostatic charges on a person, especially it is important and necessary in industries associated with processing and formation of explosive substances.
ucts manufacture.
For production tests, the conductive footwear of the adhesive method of fastening on the flat molded sole was manufactured according to the developed specifications TSh 64-0207245-001: 2004 "Special-purpose footwear for removing static electricity charges". The main contact elements of the "foot-inner shoe-sole-floor" system are the main insole, covered with electrically conductive cloth, and the rubber-based rubber sole based on SKMS-30 rubber, which ensure full discharge of static electricity charges from the shoe [3].
The study of the current-conducting properties of shoes is carried out in two stages.
At the first stage - the electrical conductivity of footwear materials, is measured package of materials and finished footwear;
On the second stage it is measured the resistance of shoes, worn by a man, system-shoes + socks + human body.
1.Shoes, not wearing a man
Determination of the electrical conductivity of the rubber sole SKMS-30 and packs of materials (sole SKMS-30 + conductive cloth + leather insole) was determined at constant current by a potentiometric four-electrode method at given current strength and fixed distance between collector electrodes (Figure 1).
The testing of shoes that were not worn by a man was carried out with the help of Megometer of the type M4100 /3. The necessary contact between the sole of the shoe and the plate is provided by certain weight of 23 kg per female footwear, 34 kg per one man's footwear. Resistance, measured at a voltage of 90 volt, was in the range 250 - Om and 250000 Om.
2. Shoe worn by a man
The test of shoes, worn by a man, was carried out according to the scheme shown in Figure 1 on the device manufactured in France - CRIT-100.
The person is connected to the first input of the device by handles, which he holds with his hands, and to the other side with a metal plate, where his shoes are. Resistance measured at
voltage of 90 volt should be between 250000 Om and 250000 Om. When using the device, the maximum current was 0.5 mA.
The tests were carried out in the production conditions of the workshop for the production of pyrotechnic products at a temperature of 18-20 °C and a relative humidity of 65±2%. The surface of the floor in the premises where the shoes were used was conductive.
sole ' electrical conductive support
Figure 1. Scheme for determining the conductive properties of shoes
Figure 2. Definition electrical conductive properties shoe worn by person
During the operation of shoes, two main dynamic phases of the behavior of electrostatic charges on the surfaces of individual parts are manifested. Accumulation of the charge density on the material occurs inside the shoes, where the material is contacted on the foot with the material of the socks and the lining, leading to its discharge. Since socks and stockings often come in contact with the foot, and the material of the socks
directly contacts the lining of the shoes, study was made of the effect of the socks material on the current-carrying properties of the footwear.
The study of used cotton, mixed (cotton - 30%, PAN -25%, PA - 45%) and kapron socks. Lining material - conductive fabric - electrically conductive fiber EPVN-40%, cotton -60%.
Table 1.- Results of the study of material the effect of the of the sock on the shoes conductivity
№ Shoe size Resistance, kOm
shoes, half-pairs Name of material socks
right left cotton Blended cloth capron
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. 255 9.2 8.1 100 95 90
2. 260 10 7.1 60 50 50
3. 265 13 12 50 45 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4. 265 8 8 55 60 60
5. 270 11 13 135 140 130
6. 270 13 14 175 160 170
7. 275 9 10 55 50 50
8. 275 9.5 7.5 65 60 60
9. 280 6 7 45 50 40
10. 280 11 10 50 50 40
cp. 9.97 9.67 79 76 73
Analysis of the results of the study of the material effect of the of the sock on the electrical conductivity of the footwear makes it possible to conclude that the socks of cotton, blended fabrics and kapron used in socks wear have an electrical conductivity of about 76 kOm average, which corresponds to the standard conductivity of the special footwear worn by man -0.2 to 250 kOm.
A complex study of the current-conducting properties of rubber soles based on SKMS-30 rubber, shoes not worn by man, and electrical conductivity of shoes worn by a man.
The results of tests to determine the resistance value of 10 pairs of rubber soles, conductive shoes, the system - "shoes + socks + human body", shown in Table 2. show that the resistance of current-carrying shoes increased 9 times compared to rubber
soles, and almost 8 times less resistance of shoes wearing a man.
Table 2.- The values of the resistance indicators of the sole of SKMS-30 rubber, shoes and shoes worn by a man
№ Shoe size Resistance, kOm
shoes, half-pairs shoes, half-pairs systems - "shoes + socks + human body"
right left right left
1. 255 1.4 1.4 9 8 100
2. 260 1.6 1.6 9 7 40
3. 265 0.8 1.0 13 12 30
4. 265 0.6 0.8 7 9 60
5. 270 1.2 1.2 12 14 140
6. 270 1.6 1.6 14 15 180
7. 275 1.4 1.0 8 8 50
8. 275 0.6 0.8 9 7 60
9. 280 0.3 0.3 3 3 30
10. 280 1.2 1.1 11 10 40
cp. 1.05 1.08 9.5 9.3 73
Table 3 is presented the results of comparison of the nor- rubber using conductive fabric as a liner, stitching and covering mative and actual indicators of the resistance of the developed of the main insole. Polychloroprene glue and sock material -current-carrying shoes on the rubber sole based on SKMS-30 cotton - 30%, PAN - 25%, PA - 45% were used for basic gluing.
Table 3.- Results of the comparison of current conductivity of materials and footwear
Name of material Normative indicators of resistance kOhm Actual indicators of resistance, kOhm
min max
Rubber outsole 0.2-250 0.3 1.6
Shoes not wearing a man 0.2-250 3 15
Shoes wearing by a man 25-2500 30 180
Production tests of various designs of current-carrying shoes on electrically conductive rubber soles based on SKMS-30 rubber were carried out in workshops for the production of pyrotechnic products.
The analysis of the test results allows us to conclude that the design of the leather footwear of the adhesive method
of fastening on a conductive rubber sole based on SKMS-30 rubber with using of electrically conductive fabric as a liner, spacer and fitting insole corresponds to the required standards and is suitable for using as conductive shoes.
a) the CRIT-100 b) measuring the electrical resistance of the shoes worn by person
Figure 3. Determining the resistance of shoes
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