For citation: Li Yaogang, Jiao Xiaojun, Wu Xichun, Mei Shunqi. Research status of meltblown die for non-woven fabrics // Grand Altai Research & Education — Issue 2 (20)'2023 (DOI: 10.25712/ASTU.2410-485X.2023.02) — EDN:
UDK 677.014
Research status of meltblown die for non-woven fabrics*
Li Yaogang1, Jao Xiaojun2, Wu Xichun1, Mei Shunqi1
1 Wuhan Textile University, Hubei Key Laboratory of Digital Textile Equipment, Wuhan 430073, China; 2 Shaoyang Textile Machinery Co., Ltd, Shaoyang, Hunan, 422100, China. E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Abstract: Non-woven fabrics as an important branch of chemical fiber production, in recent years in China has been rapid development, the production of non-woven fabrics can not be separated from the processing and manufacturing of meltblown dies, with the rapid development of non-woven products, but also led to the rapid development of meltblown die technology. As an indispensable precision part of the chemical fiber spinning machine, the meltblown die is an important component of the spinning machine spinning forming, and the two are closely linked. The quality of meltblown die is one of the important signs to ensure the quality of finished non-woven fabrics and good spinning process.
Keywords: non-woven fabric, meltblown die, spinneret
шт1, йфщ2, МШФ1, mm-.-1
1 Ж 430073;
2 дав тштштшп, шшш, 422100, Фа
E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]
ШШ: ШШШ1Я&ГШШ5., ш
«^^шж^шшм^пх^м, штш^г&ытишш, ш
шшштшжш^, штшт. ^ш^шййш^ шп: шш
* This paper was supported by the National and Hubei Provincial High-end Textile Equipment Intellectual Intelligence
Base Programme (111HTE2022002, HWZ201819)
** (111HTE2022002, HWZ201819)
0 3\т
Ш'ЬТ^ШШШШ, тш^шшшш..
шштшшшшшш, тшш, шшштшш, пт^шшят шшп, «т шш, тшшжттт шт.
1 шшшхшш
штшхштштшшшпштшллпп, ъш^т
ш&ш&шшшштъ, шшмшшшшшшшп (1) шъш^х-шт
-шшшшшшшлш&щлп и, ш^ж&шш&шшшш
ш^йш, шшшшттт^ о.з-
3g/?L/min ШйШШ. (230°-360°) ШШ (Ш^ШШХРШ)
^жхда^жштйтш тшттштттшшт, т^ш шштттжшш&ттмт. шшш^хшттш i яяж.
5 - mmfcxw; 6 - mmfc; 7 - 8 - 9 -10 - 11 - 12 -Fig. 1: 1 - Polymer inlet; 2 - Screw extruder; 3 - Melt filter; 4 - Metering pump; 5 - Spinnerette body; 6 - Spinnerette; 7 - Organ plate; 8 - Heater; 9 - Air compressor; 10 - Electrostatic electretreatment; 11 - Conveyor belt; 12 - Winder
±ш, тмтш, ita^, шшж, штшш, $
нш, ШШШШ [1].
, ттпшттшттт^'ш, шштт
ш pp, 0.89~0.91g/cm3, 164~1700,
ш^тшшхштт, шшттттх тттш. mm ^ттг^шшш^шшшт^ттштушрт, ж+т^ ййнл, m тш, ш«^,
Carreau-Yasuda тш, £хтш, Herschel-Bulkley тш, & Ж^ШШШ, жф Carreau-Yasuda тш^шйн^йтяж^тййш^, x
ншшяж^тйй^ш, шь,
^шттшт^т^т^тда-мвд Bird-Carreau фщ^ш [2]. Bird-Carreau
»=»«+¡1(1) n pa/s, n<1; НШШ К, шшшш
и, ШШ&ЯШ, По ШМШЙ.,
тяж^тш, т^тш*, ш
л» штмшш., шшт^т®, шяж^
, О, у ^тя
ж^, шфйш^ж^йхя^ж^йй^ж^ — тяж^, шш^тя ж^, тяж^^шодш, [3].
(1) т^жжжш^
эйшш^ййшж^фх^ t ш ж#, ймшж, шмшж^мш. t ттмтх^тш, ш^шр®
шж; йттж^шштт^шршш^тъътт, шш^ш^
ШШ, хш^г^ш^шрМ, ^
ш^й^фшш^ [4]. т МШЖШ 2 ЯЯЖ, ЙММШЖШ 3 ЯЯЖ, ^ ffli Г5ШШЖЙ 4 ЯЯЖ.
а 2 т мшжж
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of T-type runner
a 3 feiangj
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of fish tail type runner
a 4 i^iii^i^t®
Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of the inside of the hanger-type runner
дпхш, шьйх^ш^шш. 5 яяж,
ш 6 яяж.
a 5
Fig. 6 Sketch of the structure of the Melt blown filament holes 1-Hot air channel 2-Melt channel
a 6 «^MijffimM
2-M^ 5-^^
A-A- "»-U-ft
Fig. 7 Sectional sketch view of melt spraying spinneret
1-Mold body 2-Air knife 3-Melt 4-Heating element 5-Hot air flow pipe
ШИКШ (L/D ЬЩ, L D ft^ftllfê)
if#m, ^ЙШЙШ^Й^ШШМ, Ш
Éliif^If ШВЯ^Ж^Т^ЖШ^ШШПШШ (CFD) ^fàféftfê^ 4
шшшт, шж
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