RESEARCH ON THE RISKS OF FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS AND P2P LOANS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
P2P online lending platform / internet finance / financial risk / P2Р платформа онлайн-кредитования / интернет-финансы / финансовый риск

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Geng Yalin, D.N. Suslov, D.M. Briman

The continuous development of Internet finance is associated with the emergence of online p2p lending platforms. This platform has incomparable advantages in traditional financial assets, but also has inherent risks in the financial cyber space.

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С непрерывным развитием интернет-финансов связано появление платформ онлайн-кредитования p2p. Эта платформа обладает несравнимыми преимуществами в традиционных финансовых активах, но также имеет неотъемлемые риски в финансовом кибер-пространстве.


Актуальные проблемы авиации и космонавтики - 2022. Том 2

УДК 330.332


Geng Yalin, D. N. Suslov Scientific Supervisor - D.M. Briman

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation

Е-mail: 781506070@qq.com

The continuous development of Internet finance is associated with the emergence of online p2p lending platforms. This platform has incomparable advantages in traditional financial assets, but also has inherent risks in the financial cyber space.

Key words: P2P online lending platform, internet finance, financial risk.


Гэн Ялинь, Д. Н. Суслов Научный руководитель - Д.М. Бриман

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. Красноярский рабочий, 31

Е-mail: 781506070@qq.com

С непрерывным развитием интернет-финансов связано появление платформ онлайн-кредитования p2p. Эта платформа обладает несравнимыми преимуществами в традиционных финансовых активах, но также имеет неотъемлемые риски в финансовом кибер-пространстве.

Ключевые слова: Р2Р платформа онлайн-кредитования, интернет-финансы, финансовый риск.

The risk of P2P online lending platform is reflected in credit risk. The credit risk brought by the P2P online lending platform is mainly manifested in the following aspects: First, the personal credit risk of customers. At this stage, the central bank has opened up the P2P online lending platform, and various financial companies have also established a data sharing mechanism. Under this mechanism, the personal information and work status of customers will be displayed, but the authenticity of this information cannot be Guaranteed. In addition, the business of the P2P online lending platform needs to be completed online, and its credit review work has some difficulties. In addition, the implementation of adverse selection has led to the accumulation of many recorders with poor credit within the enterprise, and even the packaging behavior of borrowers, which has brought a burden to the risk management and control work of P2P online lending platforms. Second, the credit risk of cooperative enterprises and institutions [1]. There is a competitive relationship between P2P online lending platforms and some small secured loans. In order to retain high-quality customers, small secured loans will transfer some bad financial projects to P2P online lending platforms. Therefore, the project quality of P2P online lending platforms there are certain problems. Third, the P2P online lending platform does not have clear legal regulations and legal supervision, resulting in the lack of reasonable certification of the guarantee contracts developed by it, and there are many risk problems in the development and cooperation with enterprises.

Секция «Инновационная экономика и управление»

The risk of capital flow is reflected. The risk of capital flow is generally reflected in the alienation and development of products. Different from the traditional financial management model, the P2P online lending platform has some problems of bond transfer and default guarantee. P2P online lending platform is a kind of credit loan, and there is no clear record of non-performing loan records and risk compensation information. It lacks norms for some lending behaviors [2]. Uncontrolled accumulation of funds can lead to fund breakage problems and induce risks for financial enterprises. question.

The manifestation of technical risk. The technical risk of microfinance is generally the highest risk factor among various credit products, and this risk is generally compensated by the credit technology of social development indicators. However, despite the compensation mechanism, from the perspective of development, the bad debt rate of P2P online lending platforms is still above 3%, or even 10%. This phenomenon is very unfavorable to the development of financial enterprises [3]. At the same time, the development environment of my country's P2P online lending platform is immature, and relying on the power of the network cannot guarantee the stable and healthy development of the credit platform, and technical problems of development are prone to occur.

Risk control of P2P online lending platforms is of great significance to the development of the financial industry. The emergence and development of P2P online lending platforms is rapid, but behind this rapid development lays a huge crisis. The emergence of three giant companies in the development of the same industry is a normal situation under the rule of market development, but the excessive and rapid development of P2P online lending platform companies will break the objective law requirements of this market development. The development effect of the P2P online loan platform is reflected in whether it can be recognized by investors, and investors are most concerned about whether their funds can be recovered within a limited time, that is, the security of fund application, investors need to choose risks The smallest P2P online lending platform [4], which means that whichever platform does a good job in risk control, investors will prefer which online lending platform. However, if the development of the entire online lending platform cannot satisfy investors, it will restrict the development of the P2P online lending platform. It can be seen that the risk control of the P2P online lending platform is of great significance to the development of the entire financial enterprise. The risk control of P2P online lending platform is of great significance to the stable development of the investment market. The main reason for the attention of P2P online lending platforms is the high yield, but the coexisting risk problems can easily discourage investors, especially the abnormal risks of P2P online lending platforms, which will disrupt the development order of the entire financial market. The characteristics of P2P's high yield and low threshold have attracted the attention of a large number of investors. At the same time, in the case of investors' lack of risk awareness, it has increased the risk of the development of online lending platforms.

Therefore, investors should improve their awareness of risks and strengthen the self-discipline construction of the Internet financial industry. The irrational and herd mentality of the general investment people, coupled with their lack of understanding of investment financial knowledge, makes them unable to understand the risks of P2P online lending platforms. In response to this situation, the relevant personnel need to use the power of multimedia and network platforms to strengthen the penetration of financial risk knowledge to the general investors, reduce their blind psychology of investment, and realize rational investment. In addition, the Internet finance industry itself should also strengthen self-discipline construction. According to the report released in 2014, the Internet finance industry needs to deal with the relationship between government supervision and self-discipline management of financial enterprises. Financial enterprises should establish financial associations and professional committees, strengthen the supervision of major financial risks, and conduct negative analysis on the major risks and investment traps that have existed in the development of Internet finance, so as to ensure the development of P2P online lending platforms.

Administrative departments should actively respond to the financing risks of P2P online lending platforms. When financial enterprises develop self-discipline, they need to develop together with

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regulatory authorities. Administrative departments can play an important regulatory role through the formulation of administrative regulations. First, make provisions for untrue information in financial markets. The development of the P2P online lending platform needs to follow five principles, namely the principle of preservation of customer information, the principle of not falsifying loan information, the principle of risk notification, the principle of disclosure of business information, and the principle of ensuring customer information security. The development of the P2P online lending platform is supported by capital and technology, and the disclosure of its development information can attract more customers to join the development of the online lending platform. With the support of many customers, it is even more necessary for government departments to play a role in controlling financial development information in a timely manner and strengthening the disclosure of information. Second, the P2P online lending platform has the characteristics of financial development [5], for which it is necessary to adopt administrative means to regulate its development. First of all, it is necessary to set its entry threshold and allow it to develop after evaluating the enterprise. Secondly, for the fund pool of the online lending platform, a third-party custody system should be set up.

To sum up, the development of P2P online lending platforms has the nature of financial enterprises. While bringing economic benefits to people, there will also be some development risks. For this reason, relevant departments are required to strengthen the management and control of the development of P2P online lending platforms. Under the multi-pronged approach of legal means, administrative means and knowledge training, the healthy and stable development of the P2P online lending platform is ensured, so as to drive my country's economic development through the online lending platform in the true sense.


1. Tan Zhongming. Review and improvement countermeasures of risk management and control of my country's P2P online lending under the new regulatory system [J]. Financial Supervision, 2019, (4), 21-28.

2. Shi Xianping. The Guarantee Problem of P2P Network Lending Platform and Its Legal Regulation [J]. Journal of Harbin University of Commerce (Social Science Journal), 2019, (6), 116-128.

3. Xu Haijun. Research on P2P Lending Risks and Prevention and Control Countermeasures in the "Internet +" Era [J]. Journal of Liaoning Police College, 2020, (1), 60-64.

4. Gong Jianhua. Current Situation and Risk Governance of Internet Finance in my country [J]. Financial Landscape, 2019, (9), 89-92.

5. Xin Yue. Research on risk prevention and countermeasures of my country's P2P online lending platform [J]. Financial Vision, 2019, (16), 64-65.

© Geng Yalin, Suslov D. N., 2022

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