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Ключевые слова
primary school students / over-socialization / sociology of education / учащиеся начальной школы / чрезмерная социализация / социология образования

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nyamsuren Khosbayar, Chengping Zhang

With the continuous development of society, the socialization of primary school students has changed a lot. Some primary school students are more and more like adults,many shadows of adultization can be seen in them. There are signs of over-socialization, and the tendency of adultization is becoming more and more serious. The socialization development in primary school has an important influence on later individ-ual socialization development. Based on the perspective of sociology of education, we have studied the over-socialization of primary school students by using questionnaires and interviews. The survey has found that some primary school students are over-socialized. There are differences in the socialization status of pupils of different genders, whether they are the only child or not, whether they have class cadre experience or not, although the differences are not significant. Secondly, we have analyzed the causes of excessive socialization of primary school students with consideration to social role theo-ry, reference group theory, social learning theory and survey, interview data. Further-more, the article put forward the view that the over-socialization of primary school stu-dents has a negative impact on the future development of the students, the society and the country. Finally, based on the analysis of the influencing factors of over-socialization of primary school students we put forward the corresponding solutions. The study of the excessive socialization of primary school students can not only broaden the perspective of the research in this field, enrich the research content of the excessive socialization of primary school students, but also propose relevant countermeasures from schools, par-ents, and society, which has important practical significance.

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В связи с непрерывным развитием общества изменяется и социализа-ция младших школьников. Некоторые ученики начальных классов все больше ста-новятся похожими на взрослых, т. е. имеются признаки чрезмерной социализации. В начальной школе социализация оказывает влияние на развитие индивидуальной социализации. В результате опроса установлено, что учащиеся начальных классов чрезмерно социализированы. Выявлены различия в социализации школьников раз-ного пола, что опосредовано тем, являются ли они единственными детьми в семье или нет, имеют ли они опыт обучения в этом классе или нет, хотя различия не суще-ственны. Во-вторых, с учетом теории социальных ролей, теории референтных групп, теории социального научения и данных, полученных в ходе интервью, анализиру-ются причины чрезмерной социализации младших школьников. Кроме того, авто-рами статьи сделан вывод о том, что чрезмерная социализация младших школьни-ков негативно влияет на развитие учащихся, также они выражают надежду, что на сверхсоциализацию учеников обратят внимание как ученые-педагоги, так и практи-ки, и родители. Наконец, с учетом анализа факторов, влияющих на сверхсоциализа-цию младших школьников, принимаются соответствующие решения. Исследование избыточной социализации младших школьников может не только расширить пер-спективу изучения, обогатить содержание, но и предложить соответствующие меры противодействия со стороны школы, родителей и общества, что имеет важное прак-тическое значение.


Research Article УДК 37.013.78

DOI: 10.18101/2307-3330-2023-1-36-49


© Nyamsuren Khosbayar

PhD, Head of international Office Otgontenger University Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

© Chengping Zhang

Cand. for a Master's Degree, Otgontenger University Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Abstract. With the continuous development of society, the socialization of primary school students has changed a lot. Some primary school students are more and more like adults, many shadows of adultization can be seen in them. There are signs of over-socialization, and the tendency of adultization is becoming more and more serious. The socialization development in primary school has an important influence on later individual socialization development. Based on the perspective of sociology of education, we have studied the over-socialization of primary school students by using questionnaires and interviews. The survey has found that some primary school students are over-socialized. There are differences in the socialization status of pupils of different genders, whether they are the only child or not, whether they have class cadre experience or not, although the differences are not significant. Secondly, we have analyzed the causes of excessive socialization of primary school students with consideration to social role theory, reference group theory, social learning theory and survey, interview data. Furthermore, the article put forward the view that the over-socialization of primary school students has a negative impact on the future development of the students, the society and the country. Finally, based on the analysis of the influencing factors of over-socialization of primary school students we put forward the corresponding solutions. The study of the excessive socialization of primary school students can not only broaden the perspective of the research in this field, enrich the research content of the excessive socialization of primary school students, but also propose relevant countermeasures from schools, parents, and society, which has important practical significance. Keywords: primary school students, over-socialization, sociology of education.

For citation

Nyamsuren Khosbayar, Chengping Zhang. Research on Over-Socialization of Primary School Students from the Perspective of Educational Sociology. Bulletin of Buryat State University. Education. Person. Society. 2023; 1: 36-49 (In Russ.).

1. Introduction

1.1 Research background

At present, the research on socialization is very abundant, but the research on over-socialization is very scarce. A small number of studies on the problem of excessive socialization also focus on college students. There are very few studies on the ex-


cessive socialization of primary school students or the excessive socialization of children. The research is mostly qualitative research, and empirical research is very rare. Therefore, this study deepens the understanding of excessive socialization by combing and thinking about relevant theories, and through questionnaires and interviews to understand the current situation of primary school students' socialization, analyze the influencing factors of primary school students' excessive socialization, and then propose corresponding solutions.In a word, we hope to enrich the research on oversocialization of primary school students based on empirical research and provide reference for future researchers.

1.2 Research Concept Definition

Based on the understanding of excessive socialization, the excessive socialization of primary school students referred to in this study has the following two meanings:

First, from the analysis of the degree and speed of socialization, the excessive socialization of primary school students means that the degree and speed of socialization of primary school students are beyond their proper level. Second, primary school students show adult tendency in some aspects, which may change the nature of socialization.

To sum up, this study believes that the oversocialization of primary school students refers to the socialization phenomenon in which the degree or speed of primary school students' socialization develops too quickly or even deforms, mainly manifested in the socialization of primary school students' life goals, values, behaviors, roles, etc. In other words, the excessive socialization of primary school students refers to the tendency of primary school students to become adults. Therefore, whether the primary school students have adult performance is the criterion to judge whether the primary school students are oversocialized in this study.

Based on the content of socialization, this study believes that the oversocialization of primary school students is embodied in the mastery of life skills, utilitarianism of life goals, materialization of values, adult-oriented behavior, adult-oriented social role and so on. This paper analyzes the oversocialization of primary school students from the perspective of socialization and holds that the oversocialization of primary school students includes both favorable oversocialization and unfavorable oversocialization.

2. Current situation of socialization of primary school students

2.1 Reasons for choosing this school

This survey selects a private school in Bao 'an District of Shenzhen as the object of investigation. There are three main reasons for choosing this school:One is that this is a private primary school. After understanding some of the current primary school teachers, it is found that the over-socialization of primary school students in public schools is not obvious, so I chose a private primary school;Second, the tuition fee is relatively high here, which indicates that the family conditions of students studying here are relatively good, so it is speculated that most students may be over-socialized, and the selection of samples here may be consistent with the purpose of the re-search.Third, the author knows the person in charge of this school, which facilitates the investigation.Based on the above factors, this survey selects a private school in Bao 'an District of Shenzhen for investigation.The findings are presented below.

2.2 The results

2.2.1 Elementary School Students' Life Skills Survey Results

Nowadays, parents pay more attention to cultivating their children's abilities in this area, and nowadays students will handle some of their daily affairs. Primary school students generally show excessive socialization in this aspect, but this paper believes that it is good for primary school students to be over-socialized in life skills, which is conducive to cultivating their hands-on ability, self-reliance and gratitude to others.

2.2.2 Elementary School Students' Life Goals Survey Results

The life goal mainly refers to the career goal, which is mainly analyzed from whether the career goals pursue money and fame and fortune. Some students don't want to be a scientist, teacher or doctor when they grow up. It means that these students don't like this kind of poor occupation. More than half of the students said they would like to pursue careers that make a lot of money, such as businesspersons, entrepreneurs and celebrities. It shows that many primary school students' career goals are materialistic and pursue money. One third of the students hope to become officials in the future.They choose a career with utilitarianism. From this, it can be seen that the primary school students have adult thinking when choosing a career, which has a certain materiality and utilitarianism, which is not conducive to their establishment of good career goals.

2.2.3 Elementary school students' values survey results

Values can affect a person's development. Establishing correct values can promote the smooth development of individual socialization. Wrong values can hinder the development of individual socialization, and even lead individuals astray. Some pupils think that money is a sign to measure one's success. In other words, some primary school students have the concept of money worship. Nearly half of the classmates believed that learning was for the purpose of being a class cadre. This part of the primary students' learning goals are utilitarian.

2.2.4 Elementary school students' code of conduct survey results

This research mainly refers to the primary school students in the behavior of adult behavior, mainly reflected in consumption behavior, interpersonal communication, recreation and learning attitude. Some primary school students pursue brand-name and luxury in their consumption behavior. Nearly half of the students said that they would rather be friends with class leaders. Elementary school students show utilitarian when choosing friends. A small number of students said they would take Chinese, Math and English classes seriously. When they were in class in other subjects, they would not listen carefully. This shows that a small number of students have a utilitarian attitude towards learning, which is mainly reflected in the great difference in attitude towards the main subject and the minor subject. This is mainly because the score of the main subjects count into the final score, while the score of the minor subjects do not. To sum up, it can be found that primary school students are not obviously oversocialized in terms of behavior norms. However, some students still have the tendency of excessive socialization in the behavior norms. It is mainly manifested as the pursuit of brand in consumption behavior, utilitarian tendency in interpersonal communication, adult-oriented pastime and utilitarian attitude in learning.

2.2.5 Elementary school students' social role survey results

In society, each individual assumes a certain social role, the main role of primary school students is be students, they should do some behaviors in line with their role, such as language expression should be consistent with the role of primary school stu-

dents. A small percentage of the students said they could imitate an adult's talking. This shows that a small number of students have adult tendencies in language expression, speaking like "little adults", sometimes expressing in adults' way. In short, a small number of students in the social role of excessive socialization, mainly in the pursuit of fashionable dress, language expression appeared adultification.

3. Analysis on transitional socialization of primary school students

Oversocialization includes favorable aspects and unfavorable aspects. Favorable oversocialization can promote the development of students' socialization, while unfavorable oversocialization can hinder the development of students' oversocialization. The main of this chapterThe purpose is to analyze the reasons for the formation of excessive socialization and discord. The excessive socialization of primary school students is influenced by students' own factors and external factors. Students' own factors refer to the restrictions of students' own conditions, and external factors refer to the influence of family, school, mass media and other factors.

3.1 Students' own conditions are limited

3.1.1 Cognitive development characteristics of primary school students

The cognitive development characteristics of primary school students affect their ability to judge and screen information. Most of today's primary school students enter school around the age of six, and they are generally between the ages of six and twelve. According to Piaget's cognitive development theory, they are now in the stage of specific operations, their thinking development has not yet possessed the ability to speculate, and most of them are passive in receiving information. state. Even though they don't understand some bad information, they will follow the trend and learn when they see what others are doing.

3.1.2 Puberty has been advanced in primary school students

Adolescence is a period when an individual gradually transitions from childhood to adulthood. The external shape, physiological function, and psychological behavior of the human body undergo major changes, which are mainly reflected in accelerated physical growth, active endocrine function, and rapid development of reproductive system functions and rapid maturity. Psychological development suddenly accelerates and produces corresponding psychological-behavioral changes. Nowadays, there are various forms of mass media, material conditions have been greatly improved, snacks and beverages such as daily food and drinks contain a lot of hormones, children's puberty is constantly advanced, and children are affected by the Internet, TV, advertisements and some online books. They have been exposed to a lot of adult information and learned some "secrets" in the adult world. They are no longer pure and mature early.

3.2 The influence of external factors

The development of things is the result of the combined action of internal and external factors. The excessive socialization of primary school students is affected by their own factors as well as external factors, including family, school, mass media, social environment and peer groups.

3.2.1 Family Factors Family Factors—Family income level

In the survey, it was found that people with good family conditions are more likely to pursue bad behaviors such as the pursuit of famous brands, the pursuit of fashion, and even money worship. On the one hand, the great satisfaction of family conditions

gives them more opportunities to access high-end consumer goods. Under the influence of their parents' consumption concepts and behaviors since childhood, they will advocate famous brands and think that famous brands are good. Family Factors--The deviation of parental education concept

The deviation of parents' educational concept is mainly reflected in the emphasis on intellectual education, neglect of children's all-round development and misunderstanding of excessive socialization. First, parents neglect the overall development of their children. When most parents in China are educating their children, they mainly pay attention to their children's academic performance. In particular, some fathers ask at the end of the semester whether their children's grades are good or not. They praise the good ones and criticize the bad ones. The child's education is over; many mothers' education for their children also focuses on the completion of their children's homework, and pays little attention to their children's thoughts, emotions, school performance, making friends and other aspects of performance. The educational concept that ignores other aspects of the development of students is very unfavorable to the development of children. Many children's over-socialized behaviors are hidden. In schools, due to the large number of students, teachers have limited energy devoted to each child, so they may not be able to detect students' bad behavior in time. If the behavior, the bad behavior of students will develop more and more serious. Secondly, parents have misunderstandings about the excessive socialization of primary school students, mainly because some parents think that the excessive socialization of students is something that children must experience in the process of growing up, and there is no need to be overly nervous. For example, parents will think that children speak some adult language, nothing, it is just language, there is no harm, and adults often say it, this is normal. However, some languages such as "dear", "wife", "husband" and "dream lover" are likely to arouse children's interest in such words, and then develop into "puppy love". Moreover, the excessive use of Internet language and buzzwords by primary school students will have a certain impact on the development of their language ability. Some parents take their children to places that are not suitable for children, such as KTV. Family Factors—Improper parenting style

Parenting style refers to a combination of parents' educational concepts, parenting behaviors and their emotional expressions on children. This combination method is relatively stable and does not change with the change of the situation. It reflects the essence of parent-child interaction. Common parenting styles are classified as indulgent, authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire. In the past, some parents adopted a laissez-faire parenting style, which was very unfavorable to the development of students' socialization. The laissez-faire parenting style is mainly manifested in that parents do not control their children too much, but allow them to develop on their own, lack the most basic attention and understanding of children, and have no specific constraints and requirements on children's behavior. For example, parents don't pay much attention to the self-respecting programs that children watch at home, so that some third- and fourth-grade children now watch "Love Apartment", "Run! Brothers" and other programs suitable for adults to watch: some parents watch TV series by themselves. , will let the child watch it, two people see the happy place, laugh, and even discuss the plot with the child. The parents have not watched the latest plot develop-

ment due to work, and the child will give the parents a spoiler after returning home. These parents do not realize that this kind of laissez-faire attitude is not conducive to the normal development of children's socialization. Due to the limitations of students' physical and mental development characteristics, if parents do not point out and guide students' bad behaviors in a timely manner, students may not realize that they have done something wrong, and even think that they are right, thus affecting the formation of their values. And the development of a code of conduct, when students find out when they have a big problem, they will regret it too much. Family Factors—Insufficient personal qualities of parents

The lack of parents' personal quality is mainly reflected in the parents' utilitarian values and the example of bad behavior. Parents' utilitarian world outlook, outlook on life and values have a great impact on children. Social learning theory considers that types of social learning include abstract observational learning. Abstract observational learning means that the observer obtains certain behavioral rules and principles from the behavior of others; in the future, under certain conditions, the observer will show behaviors that can reflect these rules or principles, but do not need to imitate those special observed ones. way of reaction. Learning parents' world outlook, outlook on life and values is an abstract observational study, which reflects the parents' attitude towards society, life, life and the people and things around them. It determines whether parents can give their children correct ideological and moral education. The correct values of parents are an educational force, which influences and influences the growth of minors. Parents' world outlook, outlook on life and values will also become the reference system for minors' values. Parents with correct world outlook, outlook on life and values can consciously shape their children's correct concepts and guide their normal social development. Some parents teach their children the concept of utilitarianism from an early age, hoping that their children will "learn and become an official" instead of letting their children choose future careers according to their own interests. Family Factors—Poor home-school communication

Poor communication between home and school is mainly reflected in some parents not often contacting teachers to understand their children's situation and some parents not cooperating with teachers' management. Some parents usually do not take the initiative to contact the teacher to learn about the child's situation, and sometimes even hold parent-teacher meetings, but do not go. Now that the communication is very developed, the school communication and WeChat group are very convenient, and they will not take the initiative to find teachers to understand the situation of students in school. Only when the teacher finds that the student has a problem and contacts them, will he remember to communicate with the teacher about the student's situation. Some parents even do not cooperate with the teacher's work. When the child has problems, they do not support the teacher and interrupt the teacher's discipline on the child. Such behavior by parents greatly reduces the effectiveness of teachers' management of students, and also dampens teachers' desire to teach students well, which may lead to less attention of teachers to students in the future, and is even more detrimental to the healthy growth of children.

3.2.2 School Factors School Factors-- Teachers ignore the all-round development of students

Now one of the most important criteria for judging whether a teacher is good at teaching is the grades of the students. Good grades of students show that the teacher has strong teaching ability, and bad grades of students show that the teacher's teaching ability is weak. Invest in how to improve student performance and manage class discipline. In this way, teachers will pay less attention to other aspects of students, and at the same time, this will also affect students' perceptions, making students relatively utilitarian, willing to make friends with classmates with good academic performance, and dislike being with students with poor academic performance. Classmates make friends, prefer to play with class leaders and other class leaders, take a serious attitude in Chinese, mathematics, and foreign language classes, and have good classroom discipline. When taking other sub-subjects, they do not listen carefully, and the classroom discipline is disordered. The attitude and treatment of the class teacher and the main class teacher The attitudes of other associate teachers are also in sharp contrast. School Factors-- Lack of media literacy courses in schools

Media literacy refers to people's ability to recognize the media and media-related knowledge, the ability to select, interpret and criticize various media information, and the ability to use media information to serve personal life and social development. Media literacy education in my country is in its initial stage. Currently, some colleges and universities have relevant courses. In most primary and secondary schools, media literacy education is almost blank. There is no media literacy teaching material published for minors, and there is no school setting. Specialized media literacy education courses and school information courses are mainly set up to provide students with some popular science knowledge, and lack relevant content to cultivate students' media literacy. In the era of knowledge explosion and media flooding, the Internet, TV and other media are full of information that damages students' physical and mental health. This information spread the values and behaviors of adults, and it is easy for elementary school students to imitate and express adulthood feature.

3.2.3 The influence of mass media The influence of mass media -- The subject consciousness of children is


The so-called subject consciousness of children is to regard children as social subjects independent of the adult group, recognize and accept their independent personalities, life attitudes, discourse systems and aesthetic tastes, and respect their various aspects including contact and use of media. The concept of aspect needs. "But at present, most children's TV programs are mainly produced from the perspective of adults, starting from the thinking of adults, ignoring the viewing characteristics and viewing psychology of children's TV programs themselves, detaching from children's life and psychological characteristics, and then deviating from the original intention of the program. Imprinted with a deep "adult" brand, such as the popular "Xiyangyang and Big Big Wolf" in the past few years, it not only attracted a large number of children to watch, but also attracted many adults to watch, and every episode of Big Big Wolf will Saying "wife, I love you", Red Wolf will say "Husband, you're stupid". Similar to these sensitive words, these are particularly unfavorable for elementary school students, and it is easy to prompt them to find their own "Brey Wolf" and "Red Wolf" in school. ": From "There was a time when 'marry the big wolf was especially popular among adults", it can be seen that this mainly caters to adults' view of marriage and love, which reflects

the adult thinking in children's programs. Mass media communicator for children The weak subject consciousness is mainly manifested in the adultization of children's image design in the program and the adultization of program content compilation. The influence of mass media — The pursuit of Utility in TV programs

The pursuit of Utility in TV programs is mainly reflected in the pursuit of ratings and the pursuit of commercial profits. First of all, many programs are too focused on ratings. At present, many programs are based on the image of children to design some programs that are more adult-oriented. Even in some children's variety shows, children are used as a tool to entertain adults. Some programs induce children to speak some adult language and do some adult behaviors. Grandstanding, amusing adults, to gain eyeballs, and increase the ratings. At present, the main criterion for evaluating TV programs is the ratings. If the ratings are low, the program is at risk of being cancelled. In order to pursue high ratings, it is necessary to attract more attention and maintain the stability of the viewing group. The stability of adults is relatively strong, Therefore, in children's programs, in order to satisfy the low-level taste of the adult audience, to continuously increase the ratings, and to pursue the greatest commercial profit, children are made into adult entertainment props and stage dolls, and children become the consumers Objects, such as "Where's Dad Going", "Dad Is Back"

4. The Adverse Effects of Transitional Socialization of Primary School Students

The content of socialization mainly includes life skills, life goals, values, behavioral norms and social roles. Excessive socialization in life skills is beneficial to the development of primary school students, and excessive socialization in other aspects is unfavorable to the development of primary school students. This chapter The main study is the adverse effects of excessive socialization. Through daily contact with primary school students and exchanges with classroom teachers, it is found that the adverse effects of excessive socialization of primary school students are mainly reflected in the adverse effects on their own development, the adverse effects on social development, and the adverse effects on the future development of the country.

4.1 Adverse effects on primary school's own development

Adverse effects on the development of primary schools themselves. This mainly includes the following points:

4.1.1 Forming a bad personality

Today's primary school students are no longer as real and pure as they used to be. They have learned to "one way before others and one way after others", becoming more and more sophisticated and hypocritical. Today's elementary school students have become sophisticated, deceived their relatives, their love has become cheap, they have become indifferent, they have become hypocritical, and they are no longer innocent and pure elementary school students, which is not conducive to shaping the healthy personality of elementary school students.

4.1.2 Leading to the lack of personality

Neil Postman believes that typography creates childhood, children have their own clothing, language, needs, and they differ from adults in their attitudes and behaviors. In the age of electronic media, the boundaries between children and adults are blurred. "In the age of television, there are three stages of life: one is infancy, the other is old age, and we can call it the 'adulted child' in the middle." The influence of the media on

primary school students is huge. On TV and the Internet, children can be seen wearing makeup, dancing enchanting dances, and singing adult songs. They no longer like children's clothing and children's songs. Trendy, trendy, and singing pop songs, they have become "miniature adults", speaking adult language in school, talking about adult topics, and even doing adult behavior, no longer having the characteristics of children, and thus losing Children's unique personality.

4.1.3 Causing the disappearance of childhood

The excessive socialization of primary school students makes them become more and more like adults, dress and dress the same as adults, speak the same language as adults in language expression, learn adult behavior, rules of affairs, become mature, learn In order to observe words and expressions, learn to see the wind and rudder, and become a "miniature version of an adult". The excessive socialization of primary school students prematurely ends the childhood they should be in, making childhood gradually marginalized, and even leading to the disappearance of the child culture created by human society in the long social history, which may lead to four stages of life: infancy, childhood The three stages of life: infancy, adulthood, and old age, leading to the disappearance of the childhood peculiar to children. The disappearance of childhood is not only detrimental to the growth of primary school students, but also to the development of human society.

4.1.4 Affecting subsequent social development

Socialization runs through an individual's entire life development, including initial socialization, expected socialization, developmental socialization, reverse socialization, and resocialization. Initial socialization occurs mainly in childhood and is the foundation of the entire socialization process. Although the phenomenon of excessive socialization of primary school students is not common through investigation, it only exists in individual aspects of individual students. The phenomenon of excessive socialization occurs more in middle school students and college students. There can be such a guess: because some students in elementary school have excessive socialization. The situation of socialization, but this situation has not attracted the attention of teachers and parents. With the growth of age, the influence of peer groups on individual socialization is increasing. Through the influence of peer groups, middle school students and college students appear excessive social The situation of socialization is becoming more and more common and serious, so we should pay attention to the phenomenon of excessive socialization from the stage of primary school students. Excessive socialization will cause psychological problems in primary school students. They cannot feel the joy of childhood, and childhood is the beginning of a person's life. Childhood unhappiness will fill the whole life, which will reduce the individual's sense of happiness and experience more life. good. Therefore, the excessive socialization of primary school students is very important to the development of socialization in the middle school and college stages and the experience of the whole life.

4.2 Adverse effects on society.

4.2.1 The intensification of social utilitarianism

Nowadays, some primary school students have set up utilitarian life goals to become civil servants from an early age, instead of determining future career goals based on their own hobbies and specialties. Even some primary school students' utilitarianism has become deformed and developed into selfishness. Can't be stronger than me, if you

are stronger than me, I will curse you, lack of a good sense of competition. If a primary school student establishes this kind of thinking from an early age, when he grows up, this kind of thinking will become more and more deeply ingrained, and a person's utilitarianism will affect his family members, friends and other people around him.

4.2.2 The growth of social unhealthy atmosphere.

Social ethos refers to the values, behavioral orientations, and life patterns of the majority of people in a society. It is a sign of the degree of social civilization. A good social ethos can gather strength and promote the healthy development of various socialist undertakings. With the pace of reform and opening up, people got rid of poverty and backwardness, and eagerly pursued material interests. Due to excessive pursuit of material things, there have been bad social customs such as excessive pursuit of money, excessive worship of rights, excessive luxury and corruption. Some students were affected and entered the campus. This is a very bad thing.

4.3 Adverse effects on the country.

4.3.1 It is not conducive to inheriting the fine traditions of the Chinese nation;

The influence of the excessive socialization of primary school students on the tradition of the Chinese nation is mainly reflected in the inheritance of traditional virtues and national culture. On the one hand, excessive socialization of primary school students is not conducive to the inheritance of traditional virtues. Diligence and thrift is not only a requirement in the daily code of conduct for elementary school students, but also a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. Although material conditions are constantly improving, the renewable resources possessed by human beings are constantly decreasing, and the traditional virtues of diligence and thrift should always be upheld. Some over-socialized primary school students pursue fashionable clothes and extravagant consumption, and some students even think that diligence and thrift are outdated, which is very detrimental to the inheritance of the fine tradition of diligence and thrift. On the other hand, excessive socialization of primary school students is not conducive to the inheritance of national culture. With the spread of the Internet and various mass media, primary school students are exposed to various Internet terms and popular terms, such as "cute", "cute", "Mars language", "two dimensions", etc. It is not conducive to the development of their language ability, and it is not conducive to their identification with the formal language and the national language, and it is not possible to identify with the beauty of traditional poetry, and even feel that traditional poetry is boring, obscure and difficult to understand, not as good as popular words. It is catchy, thus rejecting traditional poetry, which is not conducive to inheriting the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

4.3.2 It is not conducive to the construction of socialist spiritual civilization

The construction of socialist spiritual civilization should actively advocate that people should not forget to yearn for a noble spiritual life while enjoying a happy material life. Realm, so that the impetuous, empty, distorted, narrow soul can be purified and even sublimated. The quality of the social atmosphere is related to the success or failure of the construction of spiritual civilization, the unity and stability of the socialist society, and the building of a civilized, democratic, prosperous and strong socialist society. Excessive socialization will lead to the spread of unhealthy social atmosphere, which is not conducive to the development of socialist spiritual civilization, the devel-

opment of people's spiritual life, the improvement of spiritual structure, and the improvement of spiritual level.

4.3.3 It is not conducive to the realization of the "Chinese Dream" of the Chinese nation.

The broad stage of the Chinese dream provides a space for individual dreams to flourish; the realization of each individual's dream is a force for realizing the great Chinese dream. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Facing the future, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way depends on hard work, basically realizing modernization depends on hard work, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation depends on hard work." Increase, nation building requires stronger builders. If today's primary school students are over-socialized, more than a decade later, this generation will slowly become the builders of the country's future. The realization of the Chinese Dream depends on the hard work and down-to-earth efforts of every builder. If these future builders are hypocritical, materialistic, utilitarian, and he-donic, the smooth realization of the Chinese Dream will face major challenges.

5. Coping strategies for transitional socialization of primary school students

5.1 Improve students' identification with their own personal identities

The main reason for the excessive socialization of primary school students is that primary school students have insufficient understanding of their own roles, and problems occur in the process of role-playing. Social role theory holds that social roles have a normative role. The normative function of social roles is to restrict, control and regulate individual behavior through the role itself. The functioning of social roles depends on the performance of social roles, so to solve the problem of excessive socialization of primary school students, we should start from social role-playing. Social role-playing includes three processes, namely role expectation, role comprehension and role practice, and role expectation and role comprehension determine the good or bad of role practice, so we should pay attention to the process of role comprehension. In this regard, firstly, in the process of role expectation, primary school students should clarify their own role positioning and identify their own roles; secondly, in the process of role comprehension, primary school students should find reference models, learn from reference models, and promote self-development.

5.2 Improve family education environment

Family education has a leading role, which is mainly reflected in three aspects: first, family education has a certain preconceived role in a person's growth process, paving the way for educated people to receive other education; second, " The family is the first school of the educated", family education affects the development of the edu-cated's living habits, values, behavior, language, etc., and in these aspects shows an indelible indelible; The education received in the family has a filtering effect and a selection effect on the content of the education received later. Family education plays an irreplaceable, preconceived and very important role in individual socialization. It is the inescapable responsibility of parents to promote the normal and healthy development of children's socialization. Parents should strive to do the following things.

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5.2.1 Change educational concepts and cultivate children's comprehensive quality

Some parents pay more attention to their children's intellectual development and their children's academic performance in the growth of their children, while ignoring the development of students' morality, physique, beauty, labor and other aspects.

What's more, some parents think that education is the school's Responsibilities, parents are more responsible for their children's upbringing, and the standard for such parents to test school education is only the children's grades. This concept may not only be applicable to the previous society, but with the society's requirements for talents and the rapid development of information technology, this concept is no longer applicable to today's society. At present, the deviation of values in primary school students is closely related to the educational concept of parents. Parents should clarify their responsibilities and obligations for the upbringing of their children, change their educational concepts, and cultivate their children's abilities in many aspects.

5.2.2 Change parenting methods to promote healthy growth of children

Some parents adopt a laissez-faire parenting style when educating their children, allowing their children to develop freely. Social learning theory believes that observational learning is a very important way of social learning, and learners choose the objects of observation and imitation through attention. The behaviors of elementary school students are often transformed into their own behaviors by observing and imitating what they see. These behaviors may have many bad behaviors. If parents think they are still young, don't worry about them, they will understand when they grow up. , this kind of parenting style will have a great impact on the future development of children. Parenting styles mainly include authoritarian, doting, democratic and laissez-faire. Democratic parenting is flexible and promotes the socialization of children. The democratic parenting style mainly means that when parents educate their children, they respect their children's ideas, neither excessively intervene in their children's behavior nor let them go, but reasonably grasp the degree of control and release, and promote the healthy growth of children.

5.2.3 Supervise children's behavior and cultivate good media usage habits

Reference group theory believes that good reference objects will promote development. Therefore, in order to provide children with good reference objects, parents should supervise their children's behavior and help children develop and develop good media use habits. At present, the media that have a greater impact on children mainly include television and the Internet. When primary school students watch TV, as parents, you can make efforts from the following aspects: first, limit the time that elementary school students watch TV and guide them to make a reasonable timetable; second, help elementary school students choose the programs they watch and limit the content they watch TV. ; Third, when primary school students are found to have incorrect viewing behavior, they can directly intervene in their viewing behavior, point out their mistakes, and explain the reasons to them; When adults watch shows together, when they find bad behavior in the show, they can communicate with them and tell them why they are wrong and what the right way should be.

5.2.4 Actively contact teachers to maintain home-school consistency

Family education must be consistent with school and society in beliefs, principles, and actions. Primary school students live mainly at school and at home. Sometimes primary school students behave one way at school and another at home. Parents do not have a clear understanding of their children, and they cannot discover their children's shortcomings in time. The child's tasks are all handed over to the teacher, and they are the hands-off shopkeepers themselves. Only when parents keep close contact with teachers, keep consistent with school education, and do not disagree on the purpose of

socialization and the means and methods of socialization, can they work together to promote the development of children's socialization.

5.3 Give full play to the educational function of the school

From the perspective of sociology, school education refers to the process in which educators guide educators to transform external social experience into personal experience in order to fulfill various social roles in accordance with the requirements of a certain society. Overall, schooling is a solid force for individual socialization: first, schooling is the most time-concentrated. Apart from the expensive time to sleep, primary and secondary school students spend the most time in school a day, the longest. Second, school education conforms to social norms and requirements, with a unified pace and unified action, which can effectively realize the socialization of primary school students. If there is a deviation in family socialization education, schools can effectively guide students and make up for the lack of family education.

6. Conclusion and Discussion

Due to the limitations of research conditions and the author's ability, the investigation of private primary schools shows that the excessive socialization of primary school students is not common, but some primary school students do experience excessive socialization. The trend of over-socialization of primary school students needs to be taken seriously. Although this research has been completed, it is only the completion of the task at this stage, and the thinking about the excessive socialization of primary school students will never stop.


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6. David Popno, translated by Li Qiang et al. Sociology (10th Edition). Beijing: Renmin University of China Press, 2002: 148.

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8. Neil Postman, translated by Zhang Yan and Wu Yanxuan. The Disappearance of Childhood. Guilin : Guangxi Normal University Press, 2009.

The article was submitted 02.10.2022; approved after reviewing 3.10.2022; accepted for publication 19.01.2022.


© Ньямсурен Хосбаяр

РкБ, руководитель международного отдела, Университет Отгонтенгер Монголия, г. Улан-Батор

© Чэнпин Чжан


Университет Отгонтенгер Монголия, г. Улан-Батор

Аннотация. В связи с непрерывным развитием общества изменяется и социализация младших школьников. Некоторые ученики начальных классов все больше становятся похожими на взрослых, т. е. имеются признаки чрезмерной социализации. В начальной школе социализация оказывает влияние на развитие индивидуальной социализации. В результате опроса установлено, что учащиеся начальных классов чрезмерно социализированы. Выявлены различия в социализации школьников разного пола, что опосредовано тем, являются ли они единственными детьми в семье или нет, имеют ли они опыт обучения в этом классе или нет, хотя различия не существенны. Во-вторых, с учетом теории социальных ролей, теории референтных групп, теории социального научения и данных, полученных в ходе интервью, анализируются причины чрезмерной социализации младших школьников. Кроме того, авторами статьи сделан вывод о том, что чрезмерная социализация младших школьников негативно влияет на развитие учащихся, также они выражают надежду, что на сверхсоциализацию учеников обратят внимание как ученые-педагоги, так и практики, и родители. Наконец, с учетом анализа факторов, влияющих на сверхсоциализацию младших школьников, принимаются соответствующие решения. Исследование избыточной социализации младших школьников может не только расширить перспективу изучения, обогатить содержание, но и предложить соответствующие меры противодействия со стороны школы, родителей и общества, что имеет важное практическое значение.

Ключевые слова: учащиеся начальной школы, чрезмерная социализация, социология образования.

Для цитирования

Ньямсурен Хосбаяр, Чэнпин Чжан. Исследование сверхсоциализации младших школьников с позиции социологии // Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Образование. Личность. Общество. 2023. № 1. С. 36-49.

Статья поступила в редакцию 02.10.2022; одобрена после рецензирования 13.10.2022; принята к публикации 19.01.2022.

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