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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Yanru Wang

In recent years, in the process of rapid economic development in China, the requirements for economic management are becoming more and more strict. It is imperative to build a modern economic management model, innovate the economic management system, and accurately control the development trend. Based on this, this paper analyzes economic management, studies the measures of economic management modernization and the future development trend of economic management, It aims to provide help for the modern and innovative development of economic management.

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Yanru Wang, PhD Candidate University of World Economy and Diplomacy

Uzbekistan, Tashkent professor Jining Normal University



Abstract. In recent years, in the process of rapid economic development in China, the requirements for economic management are becoming more and more strict. It is imperative to build a modern economic management model, innovate the economic management system, and accurately control the development trend. Based on this, this paper analyzes economic management, studies the measures of economic management modernization and the future development trend of economic management, It aims to provide help for the modern and innovative development of economic management.

Keywords: modernization of economic management; economic management; development trend.

In the process of modern development of economic management, it is mainly the modernization progress of management concept, technology and method. In the process of future development, the traditional economic management model can no longer meet the needs of current economic development. Therefore, it is imperative to reasonably modernize and innovate the economic management model, A modern and innovative management mechanism should be developed according to the needs of economic development and management, so as to improve the overall management level and promote high-quality economic development and progress.

1. Concept of economic management modernization

Economic management is mainly composed of organizational planning, coordinated command and control and other factors. Under the premise of the continuous development of economy and modernization, only the gradual modernization of economic management can promote the continuous development of economy. The modernization of economic management is most needed and recognized by the current market, which includes the following features:

1.1. Pay attention to the art and connotation of economic management

In the implementation process of economic management, we need to pay attention to the connotation and art of economic management, and understand the future development trend of the market and economy. Before implementing

economic management, it is necessary to sort out all the economic relations in economic development, and managers need to have a long-term and accurate vision to quickly find the problems that may occur in the process of economic development, and formulate corresponding measures to effectively solve and manage them.

1.2. Democratization and specialization of economic management

Professional economic managers need to have high IQ and EQ, and have certain legal knowledge, so that such managers can carry out democratic and professional economic management. Only when economic management is democratic and professional enough, can managers better conduct management operations.

2. The Significance of Modern Economic Management

2.1. The inevitable result of scientific and technological development

With the progress and development of science and technology, there has been corresponding innovation and development in the industry at the level of management and practice. The invention and transformation of the steam engine laid the foundation of the first industrial revolution for human society, liberated human beings from the heavy manual operation, and began to realize analytic and deteriorating production. The revolution in science and technology has transformed the traditional form of management into scientific management, driving the innovative development of social productive forces. The third scientific and technological revolution led people into a new and efficient network information age. Many innovations and reforms have led to the development and transformation of the social and economic management model to varying degrees, so as to achieve modern economic management.

2.2. The Inevitability of Social Production Realizing Development

The innovative development of social productive forces is the original power to promote the progress and development of human society. Especially in the period of rapid development of modern network information technology, the optimized development of social structure has promoted the professional and joint development of production. In addition, in the development of modern society, economic management should have the management standards and implementation norms that adapt to its role. This modern economic management mode focuses on the innovation and reform of production tools and production objects, which requires the technology, process, means and measures used in actual production to achieve pioneering development. To achieve innovative development of production related management models, economic management should conform to the actual development of productivity and achieve comprehensive and effective innovation and reform.

2.3. Effective Measures for Economic Benefit Growth

In the process of actual optimization of social structure, scientific, reasonable and effective management mode should be used. Social labor is a key component of social structure, and the most critical core is to adjust and manage

labor relations. In the pursuit of economic benefits in social labor, labor has the most critical role of adjusting many labor factors contained in the social structure. Based on the modern management model, it can give full play to its own maximum economic benefits, gradually become a more responsible labor productivity, and obtain more abundant labor production benefits. In other words, modern economic management is actually a key measure to improve the overall economic efficiency of society.

3. Characteristics of Modernization of Economic Management

Different enterprises have different operating environments, so the management functions are also different. Under the conditions of modern market economy, the influence of many influencing factors is gradually increasing. Influenced by these factors, the global market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and the external environment of enterprises is more open. If enterprises want to find a gap in the fierce competition and gradually develop, they need to solve the huge problems they are facing. That is, according to the development needs of the times, make enterprise reform and adjustment to strengthen economic governance. This is a huge challenge for enterprises and a new opportunity for survival and development. The innovation of economic governance is actually the innovation of economic perspective. In the process of innovation, the economic theory is taken as a guide, the economic organization is taken as a support, and the new economic innovation method is used to carry out economic innovation activities in all aspects. The pursuit of maximum benefits is the main goal of every company in the development process [2]. Only when the cost control is realized and the maximum benefit of the product is realized, can the enterprise realize the maximum benefit. Therefore, the management of each company needs to consider how to lead the company to make economic governance innovation in the fierce market competition, and improve its self-development ability, so as to achieve maximum benefits. At present, if many companies want to achieve economic governance innovation, they must abandon the old ideas, have a sense of urgency in the fierce competition, make innovative governance from the strategic level, strengthen the deepening reform within the company, and implement the modern company system according to the actual situation of the company. In addition, we also need to do a good job in the internal control governance of the company, so that we can carry out all-round economic governance innovation and enable the company to gain stronger competitiveness in the fierce market competition.

3.1. Initiative and creativity

Economic management mainly refers to setting a common goal in organizational activities, and all personnel strive for innovation and development towards the common goal, so as to achieve certain economic benefits. Under the new environment of market development, the modernization of economic management will gradually deepen. When carrying out economic

management, the most important thing is to optimize the rational allocation of resources, so that staff can improve their subjective initiative and give play to their creativity, so that economic development can progress better.

3.2. More room for enterprise development

In the past economic management work, management involves many contents. If management reform is carried out, it is necessary to fully grasp these contents, and the efficiency of work will be affected to a certain extent. The development of economic management modernization can enable managers of enterprises to plan their strategic operation more comprehensively and effectively solve the internal development problems of enterprises. Therefore, in the environment of modern development of economic management, the relevant managers of the enterprise need to have a comprehensive understanding of the strategic planning and development direction of the enterprise. Only when the development space of the enterprise increases, can the enterprise obtain unlimited possibilities for development.

3.3. Democracy

No matter what enterprise, if the economic management work wants to be carried out better, the management method and management concept should be updated in time, and a professional management team should be available, which can optimize the economic management of the enterprise and modernize the economic management. Therefore, the application of the people-oriented concept in the process of work development is very important. Attaching importance to employees, reflecting democracy, is a manifestation of the modernization of economic management.

3.4. Scientific and automatic

The modernization of economic management is also reflected in its scientificity and automaticity. With the continuous promotion and development of science and technology and information technology, the automation of economic management mainly refers to the use of certain information technologies to make the economic development of enterprises more effectively regulated and managed. The scientific nature of economic management is mainly to optimize the management and reduce some unnecessary links, so that the efficiency of economic management can be improved.

4. Development trend of economic management modernization

4.1. Insist on seeking truth from facts, establish and improve the economic management system

Under the premise of modernization, it is necessary to grasp the development trend of economic management, that is, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, and establish and improve the economic management system on the basis of the actual situation, so as to meet the development needs. In most modern enterprises, managers are using the distribution method of social resources in China, and introducing the concept of coexistence of multiple distribution methods, so as to conduct an in-depth analysis of economic

management needs. After the demand for economic management is clarified, managers need to select management models, break through the barriers of traditional economic management models, create corporate culture, and reuse culture to improve economic benefits. In addition, managers also need to integrate the employee salary distribution system with the concept of the distribution system, and make up for the shortcomings of the original enterprise economic management system through different salary distribution methods such as "incentive system" and "ladder promotion system", so as to strengthen the motivation of employees, improve their work efficiency and promote the economic interests of the enterprise.

4.2. Encourage innovative development and establish a team creation development mechanism

In the context of modernization, we need to take the initiative to innovate in order to firmly grasp the future direction of economic management development. When conducting enterprise economic management, managers need to understand the significance of innovation. First of all, they need to improve their own innovation awareness, adjust the overall structure of the enterprise and optimize the development plan. In addition, they also need to biochemical management ideas, actively learn excellent management ideas and methods, strengthen the use of emerging management models, and effectively improve the level of enterprise modernization; Secondly, it is also necessary to promote the innovation of employees. In the enterprise, the work situation and needs of each department are different. Managers can propose new management mechanisms such as team cooperation, that is, divide the employees in the department into small teams, and then use economic coordination to motivate the staff, so that the staff can continue to innovate in the actual work, and then put forward targeted opinions and suggestions. In this process, in addition to strengthening the training of employees' innovation ability, it can also improve employees' team cooperation ability and create a team cooperation development mechanism that can meet the needs of the department.

4.3. Sort out management concepts and expand information dissemination channels

On the basis of modernization, if you want to grasp the future development trend of economic management, you need to sort out the management concept. Managers need to introduce diversified economic management tools, so as to expand the enterprise information dissemination channels, and then use the management concept flexibly, so as to effectively improve the economic management effect of enterprises. The traditional economic management mode is no longer applicable to the modern economic management. Therefore, managers need to introduce diversified communication methods, effectively combine the enterprise structure, reasonably use the internal communication software of the enterprise, and build the internal information network, so as to improve the internal information liquidity,

strengthen the communication between various departments All employees can quickly understand the latest situation of the enterprise and the important decisions of the enterprise, improve the cohesion among employees, and promote the sustainable development of the enterprise in modern economic management.

4.4. Adhere to people-oriented and give full play to the value of employees

The traditional economic management mode constantly suppresses people. Therefore, in the modern context, managers need to adhere to the people-oriented principle to manage, affirm the value of the existence of enterprise employees, identify with the ideas of employees, and also be willing to consider for employees from a local perspective. Managers need to pay attention to the working atmosphere of various departments in the enterprise, consider for employees, and formulate policies beneficial to employees, so that the value of employees can be fully played. In addition, managers also need to hold regular work reporting meetings with employees to understand their working conditions, attitudes and problems encountered, and give them professional help and guidance to help them find a sense of belonging and improve their loyalty, so as to increase the core competitiveness of the enterprise and create a new model of modern social and economic management.

5. Possible problems in the process of economic management modernization

5.1. Poor informatization level

In the process of continuous development of economic management modernization, it is necessary to effectively combine the basic principles with social development, so as to give full play to its advantages. In the information age, the modernization of economic management needs to combine information technology to improve the development effect. However, information technology has not been properly used and developed, and information technology and management technology have not been effectively combined. The development of economic management information management will become very slow, or even stagnant. [5]

5.2. Economic management concept is backward

If we want to improve the development of economic management modernization, we need to carry out continuous management innovation and in-depth integration of practice, so as to promote the development of organizational innovation. However, at present, the organization's understanding and research on the concept of economic management modernization are seriously insufficient, which has also had an impact on its development process.

5.3. Poor quality of economic management team

The specific implementation of the modernization of economic management cannot be separated from a strong management team. However, the current configuration of information resources is not perfect. The management

team does not agree with the concept, system and method of modern management. The imperfect assessment system and training institutions will affect the scientific management and healthy development of the organization.

6. Measures to modernize economic management

6.1. Concept modernization

During the period of social and economic development in China, economic management plays a very important role. In order to promote the good construction of the national economy, economic managers need to change traditional ideas and concepts according to the actual situation, comprehensively study the knowledge of national laws and regulations and the modernization of economic management, follow the basic principles and key points of advancing with the times, and consider problems from the perspective of modernization and scientific development during economic management, During the practical operation, timely find, think and analyze problems, solve and respond to problems in an innovative way, and ensure that the economic management work can adapt to the development law of the market economy and the modern development of the times. On the one hand, economic managers need to follow the pace of the times, follow the scientific laws of economic development in the new era, form a way of thinking that keeps pace with the times, conduct analysis and research on economic management from multiple levels, and explore modern and progressiveness economic management methods in the process of rapid socio-economic development and prosperity and progress; On the other hand, during the period of modernization, economic managers need to fully realize the application value and role of network information technology, and use information technology and science and technology to conduct macro-control and micro management of the economy. [6] In addition, in the process of the modernization of economic management, relevant management personnel also need to fully master the modern technology and advanced knowledge of economic management. They can complete tasks through scientific and effective measures, and use their own professional skills and working methods to improve the modernization level and progressiveness degree of economic management.

6.2. Technological modernization

The traditional economic management work is mainly a producer oriented management model. In recent years, under the background of the rapid development of society, the seller's market has begun to transform into a buyer's market, forming a buyer's market environment with consumers as the core. The overall market competition is very fierce, and consumer demand directly determines the consumption environment of the market. At the same time, the process of marketization is accelerating, and higher requirements are put forward for economic managers. Managers are not only required to update their own concepts, but also to innovate their work methods and adopt modern science and technology. Therefore, the modernization of economic management and control technology is imperative in the process of enterprise economic

management. Moreover, from the perspective of economic globalization, the requirements for economic managers are very far-reaching. Relevant staff need to consider how to conduct economic management in the face of global competition, how to use modern and advanced technology to complete economic management tasks, accurately identify opportunities and problems in the market through modern technical methods, and develop a sound economic management decision-making scheme and mechanism system, To ensure the high quality and effectiveness of management. In addition, in the process of modernization and development of economic management, management has begun to change from the hardware direction to the software direction. The management model with personnel, finance and other hardware as the key points has changed into a management mechanism with knowledge software and learning software as the focus. In this case, during the modernization of economic management, it is necessary to introduce and adopt advanced software technology, Prevent the problem of backward economic management technology, improve the overall level and efficiency of economic management, and thus promote the modern development and progress of management technology. [7] In addition, in the process of the modernization of economic management technology, key and scientific research institutions need to cooperate with each other to jointly research and develop modern economic management technology methods and means according to the characteristics and needs of economic management, so as to ensure that the overall level and quality of economic management can be improved and the expected management purpose can be achieved.

6.3. Method innovation

The innovation of management methods refers to the adoption of advanced and innovative economic management methods in the process of modernization of economic management to ensure the efficient and effective implementation of various management work and improve the quality and level of management work. First of all, in the process of modernization of management methods, according to the objective law of development of things in Marx's philosophy, as an economic indicator for the evaluation of economic quality and level, it is applied to the objective economic programmed activities, scientifically and reasonably control various economic activities, learn from and learn work experience, change the traditional working methods, and improve the modernization level of various economic management methods and measures. Secondly, China's science and technology have made rapid progress. The development of various kinds of science and technology has brought more opportunities for the modernization of economic management. In the work field of related economic management, automation technology, intelligent technology and digital technology can be actively used to innovate, optimize and improve the work methods, improve the automation and intelligence of the overall economic management work methods, and use information technology,

automation technology Network communication technology and artificial intelligence technology, etc., conduct economic command and regulation in an efficient and reasonable way, which can not only improve the timeliness and reliability of the overall economic management, but also make the management work well implemented through modern working methods and means. Finally, in the process of innovation and development of economic management methods, in addition to scientific and rational use of information technology and science and technology, it is also necessary to formulate a sound management method innovation program and plan. In the economic management method innovation program, it is necessary to propose ways and means that can effectively carry out economic management optimization and innovation reform, consult experts and scholars in the industry, and give suggestions and measures that can effectively carry out economic management method innovation, At the same time, we can also learn from the successful experience and practice of economic management method innovation at home and abroad, and improve the overall level of economic management on the basis of effective work method innovation. [8] In addition, it should be noted that in the process of innovation of enterprise economic management, it is necessary to improve the economic management mode and technical system according to the development of science and technology and information technology in the new era, use modern and advanced technology to improve the level and effect of enterprise economic management, change the traditional economic management mode, give full play to the role and value of modern technology, and improve the reliability Convenience and effectiveness, to the highest extent, promote the economic management level of enterprises.

7. Development trend of economic management

7.1. Flat organizational framework

At present, the working mode and organizational structure of China's economic management are mainly based on the pyramid structure. The top of the pyramid is the decision-maker, who has certain control power. After making the decision plan, the implementation of the decision is carried out layer by layer. Although the authority of the decision-makers can be maintained, the application of such a working structure is difficult to adapt to the needs of the modernization of economic management, It is impossible to give full play to the work role and value potential of grassroots staff. Therefore, during economic management, it is necessary to eliminate the traditional pyramid management organizational structure and build a flat organizational structure. First, consolidate the overall economic management functions, simplify relevant organizational structures, streamline temporary or short-term cooperative staff, and retain key jobs, Ensure that the work effect of economic management posts can be improved. Secondly, while simplifying the organizational structure of personnel, it is necessary to arrange professional responsible personnel to organize and carry out various economic management activities, lead the

management personnel to carry out various work, and at the same time, conduct KPI assessment and KEI assessment on the members of the organization. Once problems are found in the members of the organization, they should be updated and replaced in a timely manner to ensure the effectiveness and level of the work of the economic management organization. Finally, in the process of building a flat organizational structure, it is also necessary to give full play to the subjective initiative of personnel, build a platform system for internal technical exchange, knowledge discussion and problem research, ensure the efficiency and quality of information acquisition, lay a solid foundation for its development of sound management plans and decision-making plans, and improve the overall management and decision-making effect.

7.2. Humanized personnel management

7.2.1. Select humanized management mode

No matter what kind of economic management mode, human resources are the most critical and core influencing factor in economic management. Therefore, when enterprises carry out economic management, if the level of economic management does not reach the average standard of modern management, the social economy does not show the trend of market-oriented development. At the same time, due to the lack of personnel management experience, there are serious defects in the economic management system. Managers did not fully realize the role of personnel creativity and subjective initiative in promoting economic management, and simply treated human resources and material resources equally, resulting in serious waste of human resources. As management has gradually become an independent discipline, management elites and experts have also carried out in-depth exploration and research on relevant theories and management methods, and gradually positioned management objectives in human resources, fully aware of the important value of human resource management, and gradually transformed a series of theories into a modern management concept of "people-oriented" and a humanistic management concept, So as to ensure that the management work is highly consistent with the development needs of the times and meet the individual personalized development needs. Compared with the traditional work mode, it pays more attention to human feelings. Therefore, under the modern background, the management should adhere to the modern management concept of "people-oriented". In order to ensure that the economic management work can provide high-quality services for the enterprise, create value for the enterprise development, and successfully achieve the enterprise's innovation and development goals, it is necessary to give full play to and effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of personnel, and regularly carry out a series of training and education for enterprise employees, so as to ensure that employees are fully aware of the importance of their positions, and apply their knowledge and skills to the job innovation process, While winning a good career development prospect for itself, it also provides endless power support for the overall

development of the enterprise [1]. In the process of humanized management of personnel, it is necessary to formulate a management mode and system of humanistic care according to the characteristics of enterprise personnel and the needs of economic management development, give all personnel a certain degree of respect and recognition, and use the humanized management method to improve the contribution of each person's post work, which can not only improve the efficiency and level of personnel's daily work, but also create more value for the enterprise by improving the post work efficiency, Promote the development of enterprise benefits and economic development, and lay a solid foundation for the good development and implementation of economic management.

7.2.2. Achieve democratic management

The democratic development of economic management refers to that employees fully participate in the major decisions and management work of the enterprise, contribute to the innovative development and sustainable development of the enterprise, win a good career development prospect for the enterprise employees, and feel the respect from the enterprise managers and decision-makers. In the process of democratic development, the opinions and suggestions of relevant staff were widely collected to pool the overall strength and provide reference for the development of enterprises. The democratic management model will be an important guiding basis for the scientific development of economic management in the future. With the support of this high-quality management model, the internal employees of the enterprise have established a good sense of responsibility and ownership, and their subjective initiative and work enthusiasm are effectively mobilized and stimulated [9]. During the period of economic management of enterprises, the way of democratic management shall be adopted, and perfect management plans and plans shall be formulated. According to the characteristics of democratic management, all personnel shall be gathered to promote the improvement of enterprise cohesion, efficiency and creativity, and ensure the rapid improvement of economic level.

7.2.3. Build a new development concept oriented by customer needs

Traditional enterprise management usually takes enterprise development

as the core orientation, and takes winning good economic benefits for enterprises as the core development goal. In the past seller's market, enterprises can win good economic returns by virtue of this strategy. In the current buyer's market, enterprises will face unprecedented market competition pressure, and production personnel and development technology will no longer play a core role. Therefore, customers have gradually replaced the core position and played a leading role in the market, and have become the core resources of enterprises. For this reason, in order to continuously improve its market competitiveness and core competitiveness, enterprises need to expand new customers on the basis of ensuring the retention of old customers, and provide them with differentiated

services and personalized products in combination with their actual needs. Only in this way can enterprises continue to accumulate development resources, and economic management efficiency will be effectively guaranteed.[10]

7.2.4. Broaden information communication channels

In the context of the Internet era, the mobile Internet has completed the rapid development of popularization of information technology and digital technology, and broadened access to human information and communication channels. As far as enterprise operation is concerned, it is extremely critical to carry out necessary interaction and communication among employees in various departments and positions. The communication and cooperation between personnel at all levels and departments is an important guarantee for the overall work efficiency of the enterprise. A scientific and good communication mechanism can ensure that a series of problems can be found and solved quickly in the actual operation of the enterprise. Therefore, the efficiency and speed of communication have a direct impact on the operating efficiency of enterprises. The rapid development of Internet technology has made the communication and interaction between employees and enterprise managers more convenient and convenient, ensuring the efficiency and breadth of information dissemination, presenting a trend of networking in the way of communication, effectively breaking through the restrictions and constraints of traditional enterprise personnel communication mode, and promoting the scientific management and efficient operation of enterprises [11].

7.3. Data information sharing

In the process of rapid development of network information technology in China, the level of financial data information sharing has been improved, and reasonable sharing of various data information can provide basic guarantee and support for economic management. Therefore, during the period of innovative development of economic management, we should actively build a financial data information sharing platform system, and strengthen data communication and interaction between various departments, All departments can fully participate in relevant economic management activities, expand the channels and levels of economic management, and ensure the good development and efficient implementation of the overall management. First of all, network information technology is used to develop a platform system for communication, mutual exchange and data sharing among various departments of economic management, in which information and decision-making are efficiently conveyed, economic management methods and measures are communicated, and work instructions on economic management are put forward with the support of various departments. Secondly, develop a modern financial information and data sharing platform to fully share economic data, business data, business data, etc. of various departments in the platform, so that economic managers can prepare and improve budget plans, accounting plans, fund management plans, benefit management plans, etc. according to the content of

various data information, further improve the effect of economic management, and obtain more profit channels and profit spaces, Promote the improvement and development of economic efficiency. Finally, develop a special economic management database system to store various kinds of data information about economic management in the system, so that economic managers can use the database system to quickly and conveniently query the data information needed, accurately and timely identify economic development problems, economic construction problems, etc., quickly find the risk factors and hidden risks in the process of economic development, and study the causes and extent of risk problems, According to the analysis results, risk early warning is made intelligently, so that each department can prevent and control risk problems according to the targeted early warning information [12].

7.4. Professionalization of talents

In the process of the modernization of economic management, if economic management personnel lack certain professional ability, it will lead to adverse effects on innovation of economic management methods and technologies. Therefore, in the new era, enterprises should combine the needs of modernization and innovation of economic management, build a team of economic management talents with high professional quality and work quality, so that relevant personnel can develop in a professional direction, First of all, according to the innovative characteristics and actual situation of economic management, we should hire management personnel with innovative ability and advantages, and require management personnel to have rich work experience. We can improve and optimize the ways and methods of economic management according to the characteristics of economic development of enterprises and the laws of market development. At the same time, we should adopt modern science and technology to innovate economic management to ensure the good development of the work. Secondly, the existing personnel must also be trained in professional knowledge and skills, so that all personnel can fully master modern knowledge and technology, carry out economic management with advanced science and technology, computer software, big data technology, etc., give full play to the application value of various modern and progressiveness economic management technologies, and provide support for the economic development and progress of enterprises. Finally, a sound responsibility system should be formulated to clarify the standard requirements of economic managers' responsibilities in their work, and assessment and evaluation activities should be carried out in stages. Once economic managers are found to be unable to perform their work as required, resulting in economic management problems, they should be punished, so as to enhance the enthusiasm and sense of responsibility of each person to carry out economic management conscientiously and responsibly [13].

To sum up, in the process of modernization of economic management, it is mainly the modernization of management concept, management technology and management methods. At the same time, during the period of innovation and optimization of economic management in the new era, to improve the overall management level and effect, it is also necessary to eliminate the traditional organizational framework, build a flat organizational framework, conduct humanized management of personnel, and strengthen the sharing of data and information, Cultivate the professional ability of working talents, improve the professionalism of the overall economic management work, the progressiveness of working methods and technology, and promote the healthy and stable development of the enterprise economy.


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