RESEARCH ON MANAGEMENT OF UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES IN VIETNAM Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tran Xuan Bach, Ha Van Hoang, Nguyen Thi Tram Anh, Nguyen Vinh San

Сommunication in university enrollment is considered an important strategy for higher education institutions not only in the world but also in Vietnam. On the basis of applying the document analysis method, this article aims to overview studies in Vietnam on the management of university enrollment communication. The research results show that the studies mainly focus on analyzing the role of communication activities and the influence of media on the learners' career choices as well as proposing some measures to enhance communication activities in universities.

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RESEARCH ON MANAGEMENT OF UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES IN VIETNAM Tran Xuan Bach1, Ha Van Hoang2, Nguyen Thi Tram Anh3, Nguyen Vinh San4 Email: Tran6111@scientifictext.ru

1Tran Xuan Bach - Associate Professor, Doctor of Education Management, vice Rector; 2Ha Van Hoang - Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Lecturer; 3Nguyen Thi Tram Anh - Doctor of Psychology, Dean, FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION; 4Nguyen Vinh San - Master of Education, Head ofDeparrtment, DEPARRTMENT OF STUDENT AFFAIRS, UNIVERSITY OF DANANG - UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION, DANANG, SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM

Abstract: communication in university enrollment is considered an important strategy for higher education institutions not only in the world but also in Vietnam. On the basis of applying the document analysis method, this article aims to overview studies in Vietnam on the management of university enrollment communication. The research results show that the studies mainly focus on analyzing the role of communication activities and the influence of media on the learners' career choices as well as proposing some measures to enhance communication activities in universities.

Keywords: management, communication activities, management of communication activities, university enrollment, Vietnam.


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Чан Суан Бак , Ха Ван Хоанг , Нгуен Тхи Чам Ань , Нгуен Винь Шан4

1Чан Суан Бак - доцент, доктор педагогических наук, проректор; 2Ха Ван Хоанг - доктор социологических наук, преподаватель; 3Нгуен Тхи Чам Ань - доктор психологических наук, декан, факультет психологии и образования; 4Нгуен Винь Шан - магистр педагогических наук, начальник отдела, отдел по студенческим делам, Данангский университет - университет науки и педагогики, г. Дананг, Социалистическая Республика Вьетнам

Аннотация: коммуникация при приеме в университеты считается важной стратегией для высших учебных заведений не только мира, но и Вьетнама. На основе применения метода анализа документов эта статья направлена на обзор исследований во Вьетнаме по управлению коммуникациями при поступлении в университеты. Результаты исследования показывают, что исследования в основном сосредоточены на анализе роли коммуникативной деятельности и влияния средств массовой информации на выбор профессии учащимися, а также на предложении некоторых мер по активизации коммуникативной деятельности в университетах. Ключевые слова: менеджмент, коммуникационная деятельность, управление коммуникационной деятельностью, прием в университеты, Вьетнам.

UDC 378

DOI: 10.24411/2312-8089-2021-10805

1. Introduction

Stemming from their existence and development needs, higher education institutions increasingly focus on communication activities, increasing access to information sources for learners. On the other hand, learners themselves are also proactive in accessing enrollment information in order to choose an appropriate field of study and school. Therefore, communication in university enrollment is considered an important strategy for higher education institutions not only in the world but also in Vietnam. Along with other resources and factors, admission information is one of the resources and a significant factor affecting the student's decision to go to university today.

Studies have shown a great role of media activities in universities in the current student's choice of higher education institutions. At the same time, these studies also partly point out some limitations in the communication and admission information of universities to learners. This has a significant impact on the enrollment work as well as the prestige and position of higher education institutions. Therefore, the proposal of solutions to manage university enrollment communication has an urgent significance in the current higher educa ion con ex . Anal sis "Fac ors influencing s uden s' choice of college" Ru h E. Kallio pointed out besides: residency status, quality and other learning environment characteristics, Prospects related to work, financial support, communication through university activities will contribute to strengthening information sources and orientation for learners [11].

The University of Da Nang is one of the regional universities responsible for training and providing quality human resources for the central region and the Central Highlands as well as he whole coun r . According o he "Annual Repor 2017" of he Universi of Da Nang, in 2017, the total number of people studying at the University of Danang was 44,174 students (full-time), of which 11,133 were full-time enrolled. from 45 provinces, most of them are in the Central region [17]. The University of Da Nang and its member schools have had information and communication activities to promote enrollment. However, the number of students in recent years has fluctuated, some educational institutions members of the University of Da Nang have not met the quota. That is not a small part comes from communication activities as well as the ability of learners to access information. Therefore, researching and proposing solutions to manage university admission communication activities of the University of Da Nang not only to enhancing access to higher education at the University of Danang but also enhances competitiveness and position of the University of Da Nang in the field of regional and international educational services.

The purpose of this study is to seek research directions on university enrollment communication activities as well as solutions to management of university enrollment communication activities in Vietnam; from there, evaluating and analyzing these research directions as a basis for the study of the actual management of university enrollment communication activities at the University of Danang, Vietnam.

2. Methodology

The research is carried out based on the method of document analysis of university communication activities and the solution of managing communication activities of university enrollment in Vietnam. Materials are selected for the past 5 years. At the same time, the research also uses theoretical research methods such as analysis, synthesis and comparison to clarify the research directions on management of university enrollment communication activities in Vietnam.

3. Results and Discussion

Communication activities in general and enrollment communication management in particular are of interest to domestic researchers.

Some studies in Vietnam have also pointed out the importance of communication activities for the choice of majors and schools as the research of Tran Van Qui and Cao Han Thi clearl s a es, "Universi websi es is buil up bu hardl provides much informa ion for students when it comes to reference. Information on characteristics of universities is sometimes mentioned by the press but is no comple e and uns s ema ic " [10].

Pham Huy Thong, when "Discussing the role of the media and mass media with the brand promotion of universities" proposed a number of orientations to do well in university communication such as: development communication staff; website construction; have a specific communication plan when there are events in the school, especially make the most of the information channels for effective communication; promote the role of school officials and lecturers in communication through different forms and spaces [18].

Le Quang in his research on "Application of educational marketing in Vietnamese universities" also pointed out the role of communication capacity as an important criterion for building educational marketing tools. education in universities [8].

One of the "factors affecting the decision to choose a foreign elemental training program at the University of Economics, Hue University" according to Phan Thi Thanh Thuy and Nguyen Thi Minh Hoa is communication activity. . The research resul s showed ha , " he influence of information sources on the website of the program is the highest compared to other factors in the group with an average value of 3.43. This is also a remarkable effort for the communication activities of the two programs, especially the website management depar men " [20].

"Assessment of factors affecting career orientation of high school students in Nghe An", group of authors Nguyen Thi Kim Nhung, Luong Thi Thanh Vinh affirms. provides social experiences, economic development trends, as well as career-choice trends to model for young people to refer to and their future career orientations. The media is increasingly diversified, with attractive, fast and updated forms of communication, which have a significant impac on s uden s in he process of searching informa ion for fu ure decisions ". A he same ime, he researchers also poin ed ou ha " he more and more of en he promotional activities, the more diverse the organizational forms, the more attractive the learners' career choices will be'' [7].

Doctoral dissertation "Research on factors influencing decision of high school students to choose universities - the case of Hanoi", Nguyen Thi Kim Chi generalized that, "Communication is the way that subject that conveys information to target customers. Communication must make customers understand the benefits and values they receive. From the perspective of high school students, they receive information from the university to satisfy the needs of searching information and serve as a basis for making decisions on school selection. This information shows the school's efforts in communication as well as promotion and communication activities in education. Universities provide students and parents with information about their goals, activities, and support and encourage their in eres in he school ". A he same ime, he au hor of he hesis also proposed " o consider the effectiveness of the advertising and enrollment propaganda, the school needs to reevaluate the communication from the perspective of the media. Universities can consider using the AIDA (attention-enjoy-desire-action) model to reevaluate and build effective communica ion b judging hrough he posi ive response of communica ing objec s" [2].

According to researcher Le Quang Hung and colleagues, one of the "factors affecting the decision of new students in business administration to choose a school" non-public universities in Ho Chi Minh City are not foundations. The quality or the cost of the school's ui ion is communica ion. The s ud clearl s a es, "in he curren fierce compe i ion con ex of non-public universities in the city. Ho Chi Minh City in particular and the country in general, the most important issue affecting the new students' decision to choose a school in Business Administration is communication. In fact, any school that does well in communica ion will a rac a lo of s uden s ". A he same ime, he au hors also sugges ed that, "to improve the effectiveness of communication, schools need to actively implement propaganda on the press, television, sponsorship and organizing sessions. Admission counseling on TV as well as direc l a high schools " [4].

Research by Truong Thanh Binh has shown the achievements, shortcomings and causes in the communication work at the Institute of Post and Telecommunication Technology. The shortcomings of communication include media in mass media, Internet media, public

relations and direct marketing. Each existence has different causes, but it revolves around issues of cost, human resources, content quality and organizational plan [1].

In the thesis "Marketing communication activities for enrollment activities of Hai Duong University", the author clarified the marketing communication activities for enrollment through two aspects: communication process and content, communication tool [21].

Nguyen Hoang Thao has summarized and preliminarily evaluated the enrollment communication activities of FPT University, FUNiX Online University Program, FPT High School. After summarizing the successes and limitations of each unit, the thesis raises the points to note in the enrollment communication activities of the FPT education system as well as proposing urgent solutions for the content, forms, methods of communication, market research [13].

The research "Social media evalua ion of some universi ies in Ho Chi Minh Ci " b Hoang Mi shows that the content of communication activities on this social network still focuses on current events. is held at the school and advertised for the school without information on the social impact of research activities at the three major universities in Ho Chi Minh City that have policies towards student development. international members [5].

Anal zing "Marke ing Communica ion in he enrollmen of Ha Tinh Universi ", he author Phan Thi Phuong Thao evaluated the process, communication tools and integrated communication of Ha Tinh University. The author pointed out the difference between the evaluation results of the school's communication activities and the customers, thereby offering solutions to improve the process and content of mawarketing communication tools in enrollment activities [14].

In he ar icle "Public awareness of he brand of Danang universi ", he au hors Tran Thi Yen Minh and Pham Thi Huong stated that in order to improve the value of brand equity, the University of Danang needs build brand strategy, unify the structure and perfect the brand identity, and apply marketing communication tools such as advertising, public relations to promote brand introduction and promotion. University of Da Nang [6].

Currently, Vietnam's higher education has shown the first indicators of competition between public universities, between public and private universities, especially between domestic and international universities. Therefore, to exist and develop, the shaping and promoting the brand is the vital issue of every university. Based on results from two surveys on media usage and understanding / satisfaction of the University of Education - Danang University, author Dang Hong Cam Vu suggests advertising ideas. branding of the University of Education - The University of Da Nang through the application of marketing theory 3.0. [22].

According to Hoang Mong Thuy, the marketing policies to attract students of Duc Tri College include policies on training products, tuition fees, distribution of training products, propaganda (mixed promotion), training service process and facilities, facilities for training [19].

The ar icle "Influence of word of mouth on the image and brand reputation of universities in Vie nam", said ha word of mou h is considered as he oldes form of communica ion and there have been many studies on word of mouth in marketing field. The assessment of university brand, and choice of school depends greatly on word of mouth factors, but there are not many in-depth studies on the effects of word of mouth on university brand. The authors have shown that word of mouth has an effect on a university's image and brand reputation, and research also shows the effect of brand image on brand reputation.

In her research, Hoang Thi Phuong Thao analyzed the factors affecting the reputation of higher education institutions and their relationship with the loyalty of learners to help educate administrators. education in service improvement decision-making, realizing the role of communication tools to develop a training organization's brand. According to the author, the reputation of the training organization is derived from learners' confidence in service quality and from the mass media and word of mouth [15].

According to Be Quynh Trang, social networks have many advantages that they can be widely and effectively applied in libraries to promote library marketing. Facebook

marketing does not require high-tech librarians, the cost of building and maintaining a social site can be as economical as possible, convenient for customers to access, and Use information resources quickly [12].

According to Le Thi Cam Dan, students' intention to choose a university is influenced by a group of factors: (1) indirect communication, (2) job opportunities and (3) chance of being admitted. Research results suggest that universities need to use a variety of flexible approaches to introduce information to learners; through that, help learners have the opportunity to make the right decision in choosing a university [3].

In he ar icle "Marke ing communica ion ac ivi ies in higher educa ion oda ", he au hor stated that the communication activities of the school are not only an information channel to potential students but also to recognize, attract, reinforce the school brand in their mind and that of society. In addition, the school also needs to meet the needs of "customers", create satisfaction and constantly assert prestige and quality by improving the quality of educational products [16].

Thus, most domestic researches mainly analyze the role of media activities and the influence of media on career choices of students and students. In addition, these studies also propose some recommendations to enhance communication activities in universities without considering the issue of managing this activity in universities. 4. Conclusions

On the basis of analyzing, synthesizing, comparing and evaluating documents, the research draws some conclusions about research directions on university enrollment communication activities as well as solutions to management of recruitment communication activities. University students in Vietnam are as follows:

- Most studies focus on analyzing the role of the media factor in access to higher education as well as university enrollment;

- Evaluate the current status of enrollment communication in universities, then propose some measures to improve the efficiency of this activity;

Thus, studies in Vietnam have not analyzed the current management situation and solutions to manage university enrollment commaunication activities.


This research is funded by Funds for Science and Technology Development of the University of Da Nang under grant number B2019- DN03-32.

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