Научная статья на тему 'Research of unsaponifiable components of oils obtained from peeled and unpeeled safflower seeds'

Research of unsaponifiable components of oils obtained from peeled and unpeeled safflower seeds Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Akramova Rano Ramizitdinovna

Established the distinctive features on the contents of unsaponifiable components of oils obtained from milled and paddy seeds of safflower, which are necessary to improve the processes of refining, particularly to correct in them a bitter taste.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Research of unsaponifiable components of oils obtained from peeled and unpeeled safflower seeds»

Research of unsaponifiable components of oils obtained from peeled and unpeeled safflower seeds

Akramova Rano Ramizitdinovna, senior researcher E-mail: rano-akr-1976mail.ru Tashkent Chemical Technology Institute

Research of unsaponifiable components of oils obtained from peeled and unpeeled safflower seeds

Abstract: established the distinctive features on the contents of unsaponifiable components of oils obtained from milled and paddy seeds of safflower, which are necessary to improve the processes of refining, particularly to correct in them a bitter taste.

Keywords: safflower oil, milled and paddy seeds, components of triglycerides, polyunsaturated hydrocarbons, xanthophyl, carotenoids, sterols, antioxidants, tocopherols.

In Uzbekistan on the dry and irrigated lands safflow- their maintenance depends on dirtiness of safflower

er seeds, which refined at the fat-and-oil enterprises in the various methods (peeling and without peeling), are cultivated. Unfortunately, oils obtained in both cases despite their completeness refining have bitterish smack and specific smell, which consumers are not satisfied with.

First of all, it is caused by a complex low-fat aggregate accompanying triglyceride substances, the part from which have the sour nature. And, not all components accompanying triglyceride complex have coloring oil properties and consequently it is difficult to distinguish them from other accompanying substances. Besides, in safflower oil though and there are hydrocarbons with the branched out lateral chain at very small quantities, concerning various biologically active substances, which also cause their bitterish smack and specific smell. Certainly,

seeds, conditions of their cultivation, and also on ways of extraction and processing of obtained oil.

It is known that carotinoids represent coloring oil substance of the various colour, consisting of65-80 natural pigments concerning the group of polyunsaturated hydrocarbons terpene character. Natural hydrocarbonic connections of them are named carotinoids, and oxygen-containing derivatives (spirits, aldehydes, ketones, etc.) — xanthophylls [1].

In practice, in safflower oils total carotinoids are basically defined on the basis of a technique [2].

The comparative analysis of the maintenance of ca-rotinoids in the oils obtained from peeled and peeled safflower seeds has been carried out by us.

The obtained results of analyses are presented in tab. 1.

Table 1. - The change of the maintenance of carotinoids in safflower oil depending on its obtaining method

Initial raw materials for obtaining oil The maintenance of carotinoids in safflower oil, mg

Before refining After alkaline refining

Peeled safflower seeds Unpeeled safflower seeds 0,169 0,131 0,114 0,095

Apparently from the given tab. 1 the maintenance of carotinoids in safflower oil, obtained from unpeeled seeds is less than the peeled. And their maintenance in both cases considerably decreases in the course of their alkaline refining. There are opinions that carotene makes positive influence on the formation of peroxides which reduce food advantage of safflower oils. On the other hand, carotinoids are provitamin A that is necessary for maintenance of its biological activity.

Hence, on the one hand it is necessary to keep carotinoids in safflower oil and on the other also natural antioxidants (tocopherol, phosphatedes, etc.).

Another, chlorophylls, which are subdivided on a [C55H72O5N4Mg] and b [C55H7oO6N4Mg] kinds [3], are considered as pigments not less important accompanying triglycerides of coloring safflower.

The difference between a chlorophyll and a chlorophyll b consists what in the last methyl group SN3 is reel

placed aldehyde group - c^


It is known that both kinds of chlorophyll are well dissolved in vegetative, in particular safflower oils. Considering it, their general maintenance in safflower oils obtained in the various ways has been studied.

Obtained results are presented in tab. 2.

Section 8. Technical sciences

Table 2. - Change of the maintenance of a chlorophyll in safflower oil depending on its obtaining method

Initial raw materials for obtaining oil The maintenance of chlorophyll in safflower oil, microgram

Before refining After alkaline refining

Peeled safflower seeds Unpeeled safflower seeds 850 1280 525 880

Apparently from given tab. 2 peeled seeds of safflower promote considerable decrease in the maintenance of chlorophyll in obtained safflower oil. And, alkaline refining ofboth oils does not promote their full removal from safflower oils that demands carrying out of additional processes, for example, their adsorptive bleach wash with use of effective adsorbents.

It is known that at processing of chlorophyll by alkali colour less substances are not formed and consequently, it is necessary to use other methods of additional after purification of safflower oils. Presence of chlorophyll in safflower oil is undesirable since they can play a role of photosensitizer at its storage, in light chlorophyll is stimulators of oxidation of unsaturated fat acids. On the other hand, in the presence of phenol inhibitors the oxidation

of chlorophyll is positive synergist, and at illumination they also show negative synergism. Therefore, in vegetative, in particular safflower oils can be and also some products of disintegration of chlorophyll [4].

In safflower oil there are sterols-polycyclic mono-hydric unsaturated alcohols of hydroaromatic series i. e. phytosterols which make the basic part of unsaponifi-ables. They are well dissolved in oil and they decay at high-temperature processing. Thus chromaticity of safflower oils does not change practically. Oxidation of ste-rols forms ketones which worsen food advantage in particular and organoleptic characteristics of obtained oil.

The change of the maintenance of sterols depending on a way of obtaining and refining of safflower oils has been studied. The findings are presented in tab. 3.

Table 3. - The change of the maintenance of sterols in safflower oil depending on its obtaining method

Initial raw materials for obtaining oil The maintenance of sterols in safflower oil,% from the whole mass

Before refining After alkaline refining

Peeled safflower seeds Unpeeled safflower seeds 0,38 0,20 0,21 0,14

It is known that more quantity of sterols is localized in the kernel of safflower seeds than the last husk. Therefore, their transition into the structure of extractive oil leads to the necessity of minimum highly thermal processing. Apparently from tab. 3 alkaline refining of safflower oils allows to remove only partially sterols in soap stock that demands the further carrying out bleach wash oil effective adsorbents.

Carried out analysis of nonsaponifying components of safflower oils show that the majority of them easily give in to oxidation and decomposition with the formation of substances detrimental to health of people. Therefore preservation of natural antioxidizing substances (antioxidants) in safflower oil is considered an important problem.

chroman which are based in the molecule of tocol having two methyl groups and saturated isoprednoid lateral chain from 16 atoms of hydrocarbon [5].

It is known that tocopherols differ from the number of mixed methyl groups and in their arrangement relative to each other in a benzene ring i. e. six of eight kinds of tocopherol are tocol derivatives, and two are tokot-rienol derivatives. All kinds of tocopherols are well dissolved in vegetative, in particular in safflower oil. Therefore in practice the general maintenance (amount) of tocopherols in vegetable oils is mostly defined, including their relative actions.

We investigate the amount of tocopherols in the oils obtained from peeled and peeled seeds of safflower.

Obtained results are presented in tab. 4.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) concerns derivatives of

Table 4. - The change of the maintenance amount of tocopherols in safflower oil depending on the obtaining method

Initial raw materials for obtaining oil The maintenance of tocopherols in safflower oils, mg/gg (mg of%)

Before refining After alkaline refining

Peeled safflower seeds Unpeeled safflower seeds 45 36 22 15

Overview of recent advances in technology, applied to persimmon fruit in order to preservetheir quality after harvest

Apparently from given tab. 4 tocopherols transfer into oil structure at processing of the peeled seeds of safflower more than unpeeled. Thus, alkaline refining of safflower oils promotes the transition of more half of tocopherols into the structure of soap stock that it is impossible to consider rational since high unsaturated oil [6] are necessary, also antioxidants.

Thus the conducted complex research of non-saponifying components of the oils obtained from peeled and unpeeled seeds of safflower has shown that carotenoids, sterols and tocopherols are more removed from the first, and chlorophyll — from

the last. Thus alkaline refining crude safflower oils, obtained from both kinds of seeds leads to considerable decrease in their maintenance though their residual quantity is enough for course of processes of oxidation, decomposition and formation of new compounds at storage of oils in light and in the presence of molecular oxygen.

Hence, perfection of processing technology of safflower oil taking into account the maximum preservation of its antioxidants and extracting undesirable nonsaponi-fying components allows to obtain the product of high food advantage.


1. Tyutyunnikov B. N. Chemistry of fats - М: The food-processing industry, 1974. - P. 447.

2. Management on research methods, techno-chemical control and the manufacture account in oil-fat industry, v I, book I, Л: ВНИИЖ, 1967. - P. 585.

3. Schmidt A. A. Theoretical basis of the refining of vegetable oils. М: Пищепромиздат, 1960. - P. 340.

4. Ya.Golant B., Petrov N. A. Increase of stability of fats and fat-containing products. М: Пищепромиздат, 1958. - P. 192.

5. Technology of processing of fats (B. N. Tyutyunnikov, P. V. Naumenko, I. M. Tovbin, G. G. Faniev). - M.: Пищепромиздат, 1963. - P. 549.

6. Emanuel N. M., Lyaskovsky U. N. Inhibition of oxidation processes of fats. М: Пищепромиздат, 1961. - P. 359.

Hafizov Qarib Kerim oglu,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Technology of processing and storage of fruit and tea growing Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan E-mail: hafizov-54@mail.ru

Overview of recent advances in technology, applied to persimmon fruit in order to preservetheir quality after harvest

Abstract: A significant increase in the production of persimmon in combination with a higher percentage of fruit for export, led to the need to adapt the post-harvest technology to ensure that the benefits reach the final consumer in optimum condition. From the article, you can get a complete picture of the elaboration of this issue.

Keywords: persimmon fruits, surface treatment to remove astringency, cold storage, modified atmosphere.

Гафизов ГарибКерим оглу,

Кандидат технических наук, Заведующий лабораторией Технологий переработки и хранения НИИ плодоводства и чаеводства Министерства сельского хозяйства Азербайджанской Республики E-mail: hafizov-54@mail.ru

Обзор последних достижений в области технологий, применяемых по отношению к плодам хурмы, с целью сохранения их качества после сбора урожая

Аннотация: Значительный рост производства хурмы в сочетании с более высоким процентом фруктов, предназначенных для экспорта, привели к необходимости адаптации послеуборочной технологии к тому, что-

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