1Beknazarov E.M., 2Dustov A.Y.,3Khudoykulov A.Sh., 4Karshiyev M.T., 5Makhmayorov
^Associate Professor of the University of Economics and Pedagogy 3,4,5 phD, University of Economics and Pedagogy
Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of the IQ spectra of recycled polyethylene waste. To plasticize recycled polyethylene waste, a mixture of soap stock and dioctyl phthalate in a 1:1 ratio was used as a plasticizer.
Keywords: secondary polyethylene, IQ spectrum, soapstock, asymmetric, symmetrical, infrared spectrum, dioctyl phthalate.
In the research conducted on the study of the IQ-spectra of secondary polyethylene (PE) waste, in order to plasticize secondary polyethylene waste, a 1:1 mixture of waste soapstock and dioctyl phthalate was used as a plasticizer.
Experiment 1. Now for comparison, the infrared spectrum of the secondary PE sample in Figure 1 below was obtained:
lOO — 1 nai
r I 1 1 <""SJ 1 1 Pi
U9 | 5S <=> 1
BOSO— j, tD
..........................Li 1 o-> t-T-g
40 i l . . | . I l i | 00 3500 300< I 1 ...... . 2500 20 i i [ i OO 17 ■ . . . | , i , , | i i i . | . i i , j 50 1500 1250 lOOO 7E 0
Figure 1. IQ spectrum of secondary PE.
Table 1
Characteristic frequencies of secondary PE related to important groups in the IQ spectrum
The nature of vibration Frequency, cm-1 Intensity
PE VcH2aS 2920,30 Strong
PE Vch2s 2846,93 Strong
ÔScH2 1471,69 Average
PE Yc-c 729,09 Weak
Experiment 2. Then the infrared spectrum of the soapstock sample in Figure 2 was obtained:
1uu- I соэпсток1
gq_ f
gg_ t 1 f 1 \
gq _ 1 \ i 1 I oj ixl er, *—.l Si i: \
VI ä Л
"7q__ § 1 <t> À I Ш
65 — 4C
r~ Si F— Л/ г it ¿л
■ 1 ii 1 oo 35 1 1 1 i ri oo 3qc Ю 25 1 1 1 1 oo 2c 1 1 1 dd 1 1 1 so 1 15 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 oo 125q 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 эо 750
Figure 2. IQ spectrum of soapstock
Table 2
Characteristic frequencies of soapstock belonging to important groups in the IR spectrum
The nature of vibration Frequency, cm-1 Intensity
Voh (connected) 3371,57 strong, average
л, „as VCH2 2922,16 Strong
Vch2s 2852,72 strong, average
Vc=c 1645,28 average, weak
Vc=c (double bond in an aromatic ring) 1548,84 average, weak
5сн (aromatic) 1463,97 average, weak
бон 1406,11 Average
Vco as (-c-0-н) 1085,99 average, weak
Vco s (-c-0-н) 1053,13 average, weak
бсн (alkene) 993,34 Weak
In experiment 2, the IQ spectrum of soapstock was obtained. This Table 2 shows the asymmetric and symmetric valence characteristic of CH2, CH (aromatic), CH (alkene), C=C, CO, C=C (double bond in aromatic ring), OH (bonded) groups and other groups in soapstock values of fluctuations are given.
Experiment 3. Infrared spectra of samples of soapstock with secondary PE in 1:0.1, 1:0.3 and 1:0.5 mass units were obtained in the following figures 3.4.7, 3.4.8, 3.4.9:
Figure 3. Secondary PE + soapstock (0.1 m.b.) IQ spectrum
Figure 4. Secondary PE + soapstock (0.3 m.b.) IQ spectrum
Figure 5. Secondary PE + soapstock (0.5 m.b.) IQ spectrum
Table 2
Characteristic frequencies of secondary PE+soapstock (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 m.b.) belonging to
important groups in the IQ spectra
The nature of vibration Frequency, cm-1 Intensity
PE VcH2as 2918,30 Strong
PE VcH2s 2848,86 Strong
Soapstock Vc=c 1634,01 Weak
Soapstock Vc=c (double bond in an aromatic ring) 1551,2 Weak
PE 5sch2 1444,68 Average
Soapstock бон 1423,47 Average
Soapstock Vcoas (-c-о-н) for the group 1103,28 Weak
Soapstock Vcos (-c-о-н) for the group 1053,13 Weak
Soapstock 6ch (alkene) 923,90 Weak
PE Yc-с 823,60 Weak
Soapstock б=сн 698,23 Average, weak
In experiment 3, IR spectra of secondary PE + soapstock mixed in ratios of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 were obtained. When secondary PE is mixed with soapstock in ratios of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5, the values of asymmetric and symmetric valence vibrations specific to the SN2 group in PE (nsn2as) range from 2920.30 cm-1 to 2848.86 cm-1 and symmetric vibrations (nsn2s ) can be seen to be slightly shifted from 2846.93 cm-1 to 2848.86 cm-1. Also, valence vibration (vc=c) characteristic of a double bond C=C in soapstock range from 1645,28 sm-1 to 1634,01 sm-1 and valence vibration vc=c of a double bond characteristic of an aromatic ring (double bond in an aromatic ring) range batachromicly from 1548,84 sm-1 to 1551,2 sm-1.
Thus, the valence vibrations (noH) characteristic of the OH group in soapstock were manifested by a bathochromic shift indicating the presence of a broad-shaped hydrogen bond of weak intensity at 3381.67 cm-1, with a strong intensity in the region of 3371.57 cm-1. These changes in the macromolecule can be seen to increase the interaction bonds (dipole-dipole, electrostatic and hydrogen bonding) between PE and soapstock molecules.
According to the above experimental results, it can be concluded that the main reason for the improvement of the physical and mechanical properties of polymer macromolecules during the processing of (1:0.3 m.b.) secondary polyethylene mixtures is that the polymer macromolecules are completely mixed with soapstock and DOF molecules, and dipole-dipole. The occurrence of electrostatic, hydrogen bond and physical effects can be seen from the changes in the peaks in the above spectra. Secondary polyethylene mixtures with soapstock and DOF 1:0.3 m.b. obtained is an optimal working recipe, which can be used for the production and use of various plasticized polymer composite products for technical purposes.
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