RESEARCH OF DEVELOPMENT POSSIBILITIES OF ESTATES TOURISM IN CRIMEA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Selivanov Victor V.

Currently, the historical and cultural heritage most often motivates tourists for travel. It determines the increase in tourist flows, positive image of the region and the further promotion of the tourist product in the service market. The uniqueness of Crimean historical heritage lies in the cultural diversity of the historical and cultural heritage. Solving an urgent problem that is the returning of the image of the Crimea as a region attractive to tourists, is possible only on the basis of the development of a unified state policy and national tourism concept, the preparation of a competitive tourist product and its promotion. The Crimea, as a potential object of tourist interest, can become one of the leading cultural centers in the South of our country while fulfilling one of the strategic development directions of a new cultural space. The estate tourism is one of the important vectors for the tourist activity development. Manor objects (villas, mansions, estates) or manor ensembles that have significant tourism potential are the most attractive objects. They are attractive for a large number of recreational lovers. Crimea having its unique display objects, both natural, cultural and historical, can become the basis for the formation of a southern tourist center for the development of estate tourism.

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UDC 338.48:796.5

DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-1-109-118


V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Yalta, Rep. of Crimea) PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; e-mail: vvselivanov@ukr.net


Abstract. Currently, the historical and cultural heritage most often motivates tourists for travel. It determines the increase in tourist flows, positive image of the region and the further promotion of the tourist product in the service market. The uniqueness of Crimean historical heritage lies in the cultural diversity of the historical and cultural heritage. Solving an urgent problem that is the returning of the image of the Crimea as a region attractive to tourists, is possible only on the basis of the development of a unified state policy and national tourism concept, the preparation of a competitive tourist product and its promotion. The Crimea, as a potential object of tourist interest, can become one of the leading cultural centers in the South of our country while fulfilling one of the strategic development directions of a new cultural space. The estate tourism is one of the important vectors for the tourist activity development. Manor objects (villas, mansions, estates) or manor ensembles that have significant tourism potential are the most attractive objects. They are attractive for a large number of recreational lovers. Crimea having its unique display objects, both natural, cultural and historical, can become the basis for the formation of a southern tourist center for the development of estate tourism.

Keywords: historical heritage, competitiveness, cultural traditions, tourist product, estates tourism

Citation: Selivanov, V. V. (2021). Research of development possibilities of estates tourism in Crimea. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 15(2), 109-118. doi: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-1-109-118.

Article History Disclosure statement

Received 15 December 2020 No potential conflict of interest was reported by

Accepted 4 February 2021 the author(s).

© 2021 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

УДК 338.48:796.5

DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-1-109-118

СЕЛИВАНОВ Виктор Вениаминович

Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского (Ялта, Респ. Крым, РФ) кандидат экономических наук, доцент; vvselivanov@ukr.net


В настоящее время мотиватором туристского путешествия в большинстве случаев выступает историко-культурное наследие. Как следствие, увеличивается количество туристских потоков, формируется не только положительный имидж региона, но и дальнейшее продвижение турпродукта на рынке услуг. Уникальность исторического наследия Крыма состоит в культурном многообразии объектов, представляющих исключительность и неповторимость историко-культурного наследия. Решение насущной проблемы - возвращение имиджа Крыма, как региона, привлекательного для туристов, возможно лишь на основе выработки единой государственной политики и национальной туристской концепции, подготовки конкурентоспособного туристского продукта и его продвижения. Как потенциальный объект туристского интереса, Крым при выполнении одного из стратегических направлений в развитии нового культурного пространства, может стать одним из ведущих культурных центров юга нашей страны. Одним из важных векторов развития туристской деятельности является усадебный туризм. Привлекательностью данного направления являются усадебные объекты (виллы, особняки, имения) или усадебные ансамбли, имеющие значимый туристский потенциал. Они обладают аттрак-тивностью для большого количества любителей рекреационного отдыха. Обладая уникальными объектами показа, как природными, так и культурно-историческими, Крым может стать основой для формирования южного туристского центра по развитию усадебного туризма.

Ключевые слова: историческое наследие, конкурентоспособность, культурные традиции, туристский продукт, усадебный туризм

Для цитирования: Селиванов В.В. Исследование возможностей развития усадебного туризма в Крыму // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2021. Т.15. №2. С. 109-118. DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-1-109-118.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 15 декабря 2021 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 4 февраля 2021 г.


Manor tourism is currently developing only in the context of cultural and educational tourism, but it claims to have an official and clear status. This view of manor tourism has become firmly established because historical estates still occupy a small part in the cultural and historical heritage of our country [1].

Most modern authors agree that, after all, estate tourism exists as a separate type of cultural and educational tourism, worthy of attention in excursion and educational activities [4, 6, 10]. Its recreational potential reveals for visitors the historical and cultural heritage of a certain period of development of pre-revolutionary society and is currently of interest in the form of use for rest and recreational activities.

According to rough estimates of experts, over 2500 historical and cultural monuments have been lost in Russia over the past ten years [19]. Therefore, there is a problem of preserving the estate heritage and its use. For centuries, the noble estate was a notable center for the development of culture, the maintenance of cultural traditions, the preservation and popularization of the national and world cultural heritage [11]. In this regard, manor complexes should be of high interest for recreation and tourism.

As follows from the analysis of the current state of estates in the Russian Federation, about 18% of estates are not used at all; 16% are engaged in complex use; 15% are engaged in institutions of a religious nature (educational institutions of religious personnel, missions, etc.), about 13% of estates are occupied by museums and libraries; 11% are occupied by institutions of local administrations. In addition, 9% are involved in rent, sale, change of ownership. About 7% are employed by educational institutions located in former estates; kindergartens, nurseries occupy 5%; about 4% of the estates are occupied by sanatoriums, boarding houses, tourist centers, and recreation camps. The territory of estates, lost as a result of self-seizures, is 2% [15].

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the use of estates in a different capacity does not find application. At present, isolated examples of restoration and successful functioning of estates as cultural centers, hotels

and residences do not change the overall picture of the inexorable disappearance of an important layer of the province's architectural heritage [7].

And yet, in Soviet times, the form of using one of the types of estates was recognized by the state and even financially supported. The author means famous museums-estates of Russia, for example, V. G. Belinsky, S. V. Rachmaninov, P. I. Tchaikovsky, N. G. Cher-nyshevsky, D. I. Mendeleev, A. N. Tolstoy and others. In the Crimea, for example, this is the house-museum of A. P. Chekhov, which is called the "White Dacha", the house-museum of Academician A. N. Beketov (dacha A. N. Beketov). In a word, these are estates that belonged to famous poets, playwrights, artists, Russian literary critics, musicians, scientists, writers, prominent party and state leaders, participants in the formation of Soviet power. Now, in Russia there are no more than 50 manor-museums [2].

At the moment, there are 218 objects of federal significance in the Crimea, 1809 of regional significance, 2567 identified objects, almost 90% of which are objects of archaeological cultural heritage. Many of them are in desolation and are gradually being destroyed. Not only abandoned old mansions are dying, but also those that are on the balance sheet of the region or municipalities, despite security obligations [9].

Thus, the development of manor tourism in the Crimea seems to be a significant alternative, a potentially new direction, the introduction of which will act as a catalyst in the socio-economic development of the peninsula. Practical measures for the implementation of the "Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Crimea until 2030" will primarily ensure the expansion of the tourism market segment, the consumer demand of Russians for domestic tourism, an increase in the number of jobs in the tourism industry, that makes it possible to attract funds to the region's economy, promote the formation of demand for visiting natural and cultural-historical heritage, expanding the cultural competence of tourists, their health improvement and recreation, increases the possibilities of promoting the economic development of the region [5].

The development of manor tourism for the formation of tourist attractiveness of the region

The history of the Russian noble manor is the cultural heritage of Russia. A noble estate is not a myth. This is a phenomenon of Russian history and culture, the "golden age" of which is imprinted firmly and forever in Russian literature. Noble estates can be considered a unique space, formed by a person who senses the character and "spirit" of the area and creates his own ideological and artistic program each time.

The estate of an enlightened nobleman, mainly from the middle nobility, became a nest of family traditions. Time in the estate was measured by the scale of human life that is why most of the estates are named after their owners [12].

Considering the interpretation of the concept of "tourist attraction", V. V. Novosel-skaya believes that the definition of "tourist attraction" is multidimensional and complex, including such concepts as tourist potential, tourist features, tourist base, tourist offer and many others. At the same time, "tourist attraction" is an element that is included in the definition of such concepts as "competitiveness of the region", "brand of the region", "investment potential of the region", etc." [13].

Let's consider this issue in more detail. Competitiveness in the tourism industry actualizes the problem of the formation of innovative directions that would contribute to maintaining sustainable growth rates of profits in tourism, and hence the expansion of the regional economy, contribute to a more complete use of the region's recreational resources, existing potential and its further development [3]. Consequently, in the framework of historical and cultural or cultural and educational tourism, estate tourism, which has significant development potential in the Crimea, can become such an innovative direction.

In the recent past, the topic of manor culture was considered taboo. But on the eve of the revolution, there were more than 1,100 large and small landowners' farms only in the Taurid province. The annexation of the Crimea to the Russian Empire in 1783 gave rise to the development of the lands of the peninsula. Initially, Crimean land plots were received not

only for services to the Fatherland (as a rule, the war of 1812), but also because of family and other ties [12].

The Crimea has always been perceived as a land of abundance and tranquility, therefore palaces, villas and local dachas were not built for specific practical purposes, but only for relaxation and solitude from the outside world. This is confirmed by the architecture of the mansions - Hellenic colonnades, Gothic steeples, Moorish openwork details, cozy fountains surrounded by "Eden" gardens and charming parks of Big Yalta.

Subsequently, the palace in the Kokorev estate (Mukhalatka), the royal estates (Liva-dia, Massandra palaces, which were the summer residences of the imperial families), the palace of Count M. S. Vorontsov were called a real miracle of architecture. The palace of the Emir of Bukhara - "Dilkiso", the palace of the Yusupov princes and part of the estate of Princess A. Golitsyna (Golitsyn palace), the diminutive palace "Kichkine" - the last estate of the Romanovs, the "Charax" palace of the Grand Duke G. M. Romanov, the Ai-Todor estate of the Grand Duke A.M. Romanov, the Romantic Alexandria Palace, the Dulber Palace of the Grand Duke PN Romanov are unique and competitive at the domestic tourist market.

In general, the development of Yalta in 1870 was considered in the plans of the city government as a city-park. It was impossible to arrange Yalta on the model of other cities. Not being a commercial or industrial city, Yalta attracted people who wanted to take a break from city life and enjoy the fresh air [5].

Gurzuf became one of the fashionable resorts at the end of the 19th century. It has become a favorite place for relaxation, creativity and communication of the educated Russian elite. Note the dacha - the studio "Salambo" of the famous Russian artist K. Korovin, the estate "Suuk-Su" of the bridge engineer V. Berezin, which was conceived as a casino. The estate included several villas-hotels, a bath and a luxurious casino (as the "Crimean Monte Carlo"). The intellectual and creative elite, high-ranking nobility rested in Suuk-Su. It was designed by the architect N. P. Krasnov.

The settlements Gaspra, Koreiz lie within the resort area of Miskhor. The village of Mi-

skhor no longer exists, but the historical name continues to live on. There are no clear boundaries between the villages; in fact, they have merged with each other. About 20 old mansions of the 9th - early 20th centuries have survived here. These are the former estates of the Russian aristocracy - the Romanovs, Golit-syns, Trubetskoy, Meshchersky, Naryshkins.

The author would especially like to mention Simeiz. Most of the dachas and villas of that period were located in the western part of the village, near the Cat Mountain. Its architecture differs markedly from other resort villages of the South Coast. All dachas were built according to individual projects of famous architects (N. P. Krasnov, N. P. Tarasov, L. V. Shervud, Ya. P. Semenov, K. E. Shliman, P. P. Schekotov), reflecting the tastes and imaginations of customers. Each of the buildings was different from the others. Although fashionable at the time, various trends in the Art Nouveau style prevail. You can find mansions made in pseudo-Moorish, pseudo-Gothic styles. It is not uncommon for villas to appear in the neo-Greek, neo-renaissance, and neoclassicism styles. In short, all directions of Art Nouveau are present, and this makes the architecture of Simeiz very interesting and original.

Under Soviet rule, Simeiz dachas were used as health resorts, public buildings and residential buildings. Many of these estates have survived to this day. Some of them have been restored today and look excellent (the Philiber estate "Limena"). But many, alas, still have an unsightly appearance, which can only be regretted. Because each of the Simeiz villas is distinguished by its unique appearance, each is made in its own original style. Villa Dream is a pseudo-Moorish style, dacha Divo is neo-Renaissance, Chrysolite is Gothic. And the former dacha of Sviyagin is typical classicism, examining it as if you are in Ancient Greece.

In the western part of Simeiz, one can also note the dachas Bolshoy Bogdan, Krasny Mayak, Elvira, Nora, Selam, Nyukta, Solbi, Miro-Mare, and especially the villa Ksenia, built in 1911 by Ya. P. Semenov. The facade was designed by the famous architect N.P. Krasnov in the style of a Scottish chalet. It became a kind of symbol and visiting card of

Simeiz, and is known more than its other dachas.

Returning to the east, special attention should be paid to the princess Gagarin's dacha-type palace at Cape Plaka, the former estate of A.M. Borozdin, the owner of large estates in Kuchuk - Lambat, Biyuk - Lambat, Alushta and Simferopol. Now we can see the former estate of princess Gagarin in Ku-chuk-Lambat, as well as the estate "Karasan". It can be noted that all these buildings are an example of manor-park architecture, the historical past of a huge empire.

In Yalta, the abandoned estate of Count A. A. Mordvinov, the estate of the Baryatinsky "Selbillyar" and the mansion of Princess Bar-yatinskaya "Uch-Cham", the estate of Count Ustinov "Vasil - Saray", the house of G. Ye. Meller - Zakomelskikh, in Evpatoria, the villa "Sphinx", in Sudak - the villa of Baron Funk, in Simferopol the estate of Count Vorontsov and the estate of Kessler, in Kerch - the estate of the Govorov are worthy of attention.

The Crimean land is generous with the glorious names of great people who lived, worked and rested there. These were representatives of the artistic, literary and scientific Russian elite: A. S. Pushkin, M. A. Voloshin, K. A. Korovin, I. K. Aivazovsky, I. E. Repin, V. I. Surikov, A. I. Kuprin, F. I. Shalyapin and many other creative figures.

Considering noble estates as elements of the formation of the attractiveness of the region, it is worth noting their prestige and economic profitability. The uniqueness of the Crimean estates can become one of the main competitive advantages of the region [14].

The investment potential of the Crimea is quite large and is attractive in the recreational sector for investors. As noted by the analysts of the Center for Information Communications "Rating" and the magazine "Rest in Russia", the Crimea occupies the fifth position in the leaders of the annual national rating.

Today one can confidently talk about such a function of tourist attraction as the interaction of supply and demand, which affect the tourist activity of the region. In this regard, the author would like to emphasize that the preservation and rational use of monuments of historical heritage are of decisive importance for the sustainable attraction

of tourist flows and the preservation of the popularity of a particular tourist destination.

Thus, considering the noble estates of the Crimea as elements of the formation of the attractiveness of the region, it can be assumed that the potential for the development of this resource is enormous. Being a regional tourist cultural and recreational product of the historical and cultural direction, the further development of estate tourism in the Crimea, with the correct marketing policy, will improve not only the competitive advantages of the region, but will also become one of the priority areas of development on the peninsula.

An innovative approach

to the formation of estate tourism

The development of the post-industrial economy in Russia has contributed to a change in such functions in the tourism sector as consumer choice, focus on the individualization of tourist services, in the formation of marketing and increased competition, which has led to a difficult choice of tourist services. Currently, the choice of a modern tourist is no longer only in assessing the functions or brand, but in anticipation of those sensations and impressions that he will receive from visiting a tourist site. Here one can talk about the economy of impressions through the use of its cultural potential [16].

Today, the topic of preserving historical estates, as well as the entire cultural heritage of Russia, sounds especially loud and relevant. But the problem cannot be solved by expecting action only from the state. At present, society has already developed an understanding that the preservation of cultural heritage can and should be undertaken not only by public organizations, but also by private investors.

Speaking about the situation with Russian immovable cultural heritage sites, it should be noted that the real regulation of the processes of their protection and use, albeit not always effective, occurs only in large cities where economic life is most active. The process of privatization of monuments is going on there faster and they have an owner who bears moral and material responsibility for their safety. The situation in the area of religious monuments has improved significantly. The situation is much more complicat-

ed with the monuments of the Russian estate culture.

The number of used estates, in relation to abandoned and decaying ones, is negligible. An insignificant part of them are museums-estates, rest houses, sanatoriums, boarding houses, and only a few of them have undergone comprehensive restoration, due to which they are kept in proper condition. Several dozen estates are privately owned and are gradually being revived. The overwhelming majority of estates are used for other purposes, for example, for production and economic facilities. They are destroyed or are virtually abandoned. An example of successful operation, can be observed in the former Fersman estate near Simferopol.

Public interest in the manor theme is increasing every year in Russia. More and more people are taking real steps to popularize estate tourism, to draw attention to the problems of reviving decaying estates. In addition, objects, for example, manor and garden and park heritage, as well as the creation of new manor and recreational complexes, in the context of the program approach are considered from the point of view of spatial development, as a framework for the new development of regions [18].

In this regard, the restoration of estates and their use for tourism purposes is an urgent initiative from the point of view of preserving monuments of Russian culture and creating new objects for tourist display. The problem is that most of the estates (in general in Russia there are more than 50 thousand) are in a dilapidated state, have no legal status and, as a result, cannot be used for tourist or any other purposes.

According to the General Director of the Administrative Directorate of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation V. Solovyov, there are 150 manor complexes in the Central Federal District, the restoration of which, according to expert estimates, may require about 7.5 billion rubles.

An attempt by the state to take the restoration of these objects completely into its own hands would result in a significant additional burden on the federal budget. It is assumed that "to bring back to life" abandoned monuments of architecture and use them in

tourist activities will enhance entrepreneurial activity in the regions of the country.

Work on the restoration and involvement of historical estates in tourism activities should be carried out on a systematic basis, using a scientific approach. It is necessary at the regional level to create favorable economic conditions for operators of historical estates as tourist sites, to use the opportunities provided by the mechanisms of public-private partnership provided for by Russian legislation, as well as to consolidate the efforts of all interested parties, including in promotion [17].

Today, the practice of retrospective reconstructions is very popular. They allow visitors to such places to feel themselves in the atmosphere of the past.

Services of this kind are in high demand, especially in the Crimean region, where up to two million tourists on weekends can become their consumers. An innovative approach is understood as the organization of production of such services on the principle of franchising with a single control center. There is also a need for a center for selling services, uniting all the objects included in the system. However, this does not mean that all the estates of Russia should be united in this system.

Here, the European experience of the formation of such tourist clusters can be used, such as:

German - "The path of castles" or "Half-timbered path";

Austrian - "The Land of Castles";

French association "Loire Castles".

The promotion of manor tourism can also be implemented in the formation of an innovative tourism cluster for the peninsula.

Considering the ambiguous legal situation associated with contradictions between federal and local legislation, the complexity of processing land and real estate transactions, the lack of a system of tax and other benefits for public and private initiatives at heritage sites, it is possible that public organizations at this stage will be able to concentrate their efforts in the field of popularization of urban and suburban heritage.

In this case, a necessary condition is, on the one hand, the observance of the interests of the state and society in terms of preserv-

ing and using the historical and cultural heritage for the needs of the population, as well as saving budget expenditures. On the other hand, taking into account the interests of the private or public side in terms of making a profit and implementation of other tasks of their projects. And these issues, of course, can be resolved only in the closest cooperation of state, private and public structures [9].

To revive a heritage site, it is necessary to answer the questions: why? (meaning, idea) and how? (format of use). The meaning arises from the analysis of intangible heritage, genetically related to the object of tangible heritage. The industry of impressions plays a role here - the direction of the effective inclusion of the heritage object in modern life, in terms of using its symbolic resources. It is effective to unite the public not around the heritage site, but around the idea of its use.

Crimean estates are of great interest as objects of recreation and tourism. Their location on the territory of the peninsula is irregular.

As a result of the study, it was found that the concentration of manor houses on the peninsula, as an indicator of the largest number of operating and potential excursion sites in Crimea, is located on the southern coast of the Crimea - 69%, in Alushta - 11%, Simferopol - 7%, and 2 - 3% falls on Feodosia, Koktebel, Evpatoria, Kerch, Saki and Nizhne-gorsk region. As excursion objects, they deserve no less attention than the royal mansions [15].

It is worth noting that 50% of heritage sites are currently not included in the tourist register and are potential historical and cultural sites that contribute to the promotion of manor tourism in the region.

The project of creating a center for the development of estate tourism in the Crimea

It should be noted that the museumifi-cation of the estate or its transformation into an object only for leisure purposes can lead to the final loss of this phenomenon. The author offers for consideration two models of using historical and cultural objects:

- a scientific and educational center based on a complex of estates;

- tourist complex.

The model of a research and educational center based on a complex of estates is a research proving ground (complex) for the study of significant and little-studied historical and cultural materials, as well as for the formation of competent specialists in the field of guided tours, services. It can include three blocks:

- 1 block. RL (research laboratory), which can be used as a base for educational and industrial practice of students, in this case, professional training of guides, hoteliers, restaurateurs.

- 2 block. SEC (scientific and educational center) for holding all kinds of conferences, seminars dedicated to the work of figures of history and arts, for example, with whose names the estates of the Crimean peninsula are associated.

- 3 block. Experimental site for educational activities of future architects, historians, reenactors and artists.

The socio-economic effect of such a model depends on scientific developments, projects, the training of competent specialists in their field and the attraction of professionals to the Crimea.

The next model proposed for consideration is a model of a tourist complex. A tourist complex can be a complex structure and should consist of the following constituent elements: main elements, secondary elements, organizational elements, organization of tourist demand.

1) The main elements of the tourist complex include:

a) natural and cultural features (estates, dachas, villas).

2) Secondary elements include infrastructure development:

b) transport services (tourist taxis, buses,


c) a system of catering establishments (fast food cafes, pizzerias, etc.);

d) accommodation facilities (mini hotels);

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e) entertainment (holding festivals, artistic photography in costumes of past eras, poetry evenings; evenings of noble games - burime, theatrical sketches, card games -pharaoh and bank on copies of royal banknotes);

f) retail system (souvenirs);

g) holding weddings and other celebrations.

3) Organizational elements:

a) management and organization of tourism planning;

b) the formation of advertising and information services (exchange and provision of information to travel agencies and tourists);

c) organization of marketing services.

4) Organizations of tourist demand:

a) travel agencies, firms, bureaus;

b) organizers of weekend tours, multi-day trips of various specializations;

c) individual or VIP tourists.

Consequently, the totality of the functioning of all elements is the main criterion for the development of a tourist and recreational complex to promote manor tourism and its use.

The center's services for individual single and group tourists will develop in the following areas:

- improving the navigation system in all municipalities of the republic (including in English) and expanding the list of additional services for tourists (bike rentals, car rentals);

- creation of routes around estates for single tourists in the form of mobile applications and the creation of information platforms and tourist information points in the municipalities of the republic, Wi-Fi zones, the use of QR codes.

On the one hand, it is proposed to consider the revival of the manor complex not only as a restoration of the architectural appearance, but primarily as a revived cultural center, an effective cultural and educational facility that forms an autonomous unique environment around itself. On the other hand, it is proposed to introduce a mechanism for attracting institutional investors in the preservation of cultural heritage sites.


Manor tourism can be considered as an architectural environment that defines an integral subject-spatial system, consisting of interconnected functional zones for the implementation of tourism activities and elements of an integrated architectural and tourism potential, united by communication links (pedestrian, transport, route, etc.) into a single comfortable

space for the tourist. In fact, it means the creating of new approaches to the use of objects of cultural and historical heritage.

In order to solve this problem, It is proposed a set of measures aimed at the formation of cultural heritage objects, including estates, as an investment object, along with such traditional objects as real estate, securities, etc. The result of this innovative approach will be the elaboration of research and development in the field of preserving cultural heritage objects, and the commercialization of their results will become possible due to the use of real market mechanisms in the field of preserving cultural heritage objects.

Modern researchers define objects of cultural heritage as a prerequisite for the development of cultural tourism. Manor tourism is currently new potential direction. Further development of this type of tourism, as an independent one, will ensure the dynamic development of the resort area, provide strategic planning for the region, including attracting investments, creating a modern infra-

structure, will increase the tourist segment, and, therefore, employment in this area of the local population. Such transformations will not only increase the demand for tourist estates, but also contribute to the tourist development of Crimean region.

To organize the successful promotion of manor tourism in Crimea, the following basic requirements can be formulated:

1) providing attractive conditions for the involvement of private investments in the process of restoration of estates and the creation of self-sustaining mechanisms of economic activity when using them;

2) providing information support to new objects of estate tourism, using the capabilities of the National tourist portal "Russia. Travel";

3) it is necessary to create favorable economic conditions for operators of promoting historical estates as tourist sites, to use the opportunities that open the mechanisms of public-private partnership provided by Russian legislation at the regional level.


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