REQUIREMENTS FOR HUMAN RESOURCES IN MODERN ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Adueva A.

In modern conditions are particularly clear differences to human capital. We believe that human capital is the basis of effective functioning and competitiveness of organizations of any organizational-legal form. One of the hallmarks of his classification is the qualification of its speakers. There are workers unskilled and the knowledge workers, and executives. This paper describes the requirements for human capital subject to the requirements of the market economy in modern conditions.

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УДК 338.24

Adueva A.

Master's degree 2 class DSU, Management Makachkala, Russian Federation REQUIREMENTS FOR HUMAN RESOURCES IN MODERN ECONOMY

Abstract: In modern conditions are particularly clear differences to human capital. We believe that human capital is the basis of effective functioning and competitiveness of organizations of any organizational-legal form. One of the hallmarks of his classification is the qualification of its speakers. There are workers unskilled and the knowledge workers, and executives. This paper describes the requirements for human capital subject to the requirements of the market economy in modern conditions.

Keywords: human capital, qualification of employee, personnel requirements, competitiveness of the worker, intellectual work.

The problem of effective human capital management is the subject of attention of scientists and practitioners. Currently, it is becoming increasingly important for companies operating in the Russian markets, are forced into fierce competition to fierce competition in the background of difficult socio-economic conditions. On economic relations between subjects of the market was negatively impacted by the following factors:

1) the global geopolitical crisis, which imposes restrictions not only on export-import operations, but also on the availability of credit, both for households and for the major players in the market;

2) financial speculation and information at the macro level, causing panic and instability in the market. In the result, the consumer behaves unpredictably from excessive demand for some products to the rejection of expensive acquisitions because of concerns and uncertainty about the "future";

3) the lack of real state support of small and medium business against the background of deficit of the state budget, despite the announced policy of protectionism and import substitution. [6]

People is the main asset and most important resource of the organization, introducing new knowledge and skills.

Under human capital in the economy means the person's stock of knowledge, health, skills and experience that are used by the individual to generate income. It should be noted that this is not just a body of knowledge, abilities possessed by people. So, under the concept of "human capital" need to see:

1. acquired the stock of skills, knowledge, and skills;

2. this reserve should be used in this or that sphere of public activity, and it promotes the growth of labor productivity and production;

3. the use of this stock leads to an increase in earnings (income) of the worker in the future by the refusal of current consumption;

4. the increase in income contributes to employee interest, and this leads to further investment in human capital;

5. that human ability, talent, knowledge, etc. are an integral part of every human being;

6. that motivation is a necessary element in order for the process of reproduction.

In connection with the foregoing companies for cost optimization and increase of efficiency of functioning it is necessary to clearly formulate and understand the requirements of each participant of business processes. On the other hand, for salaried personnel, this problem is important from the point of view of increasing their competitive advantages on the labour market, where rapidly increasing level of competition in connection with large-scale reductions in the number of many companies.

So, first, consider unskilled labor. This category of workers is a particular risk for companies because of the following reasons: even one unskilled worker can break the production process (e.g. stop the line) or to damage the business reputation (for example, to be rude to a visitor); to this category are characterized by high turnover and poor work quality; they are more likely to use company resources for personal purposes, as less than qualified, value their place of work. This is due to the low salary and prestige of work, lack of career prospects.

Thus, we can formulate the following requirements that the market imposes to the unskilled labour force:

1) good health and physical strength. Unskilled workers are busy with physical labour, and the main requirement for them is the ability to do their job. However, even for janitors and cashiers, which at first glance are not engaged in heavy physical labor, it is important to have good health. This is because for the employer it is essential that its employees worked the allotted working time of hospital without bearing extra costs. However, if poor health a highly qualified specialist an employer can accept due to its unique competences and complexity of the replacement, for the unskilled worker has no such privileges;

2) absence of bad habits, especially alcohol and drug addiction, which could negatively influence the production process;

3) the ability to perform various tasks and loyalty. The data is not associated, at first glance, the requirements we have combined into one, because they directly relate to such a concept as "antilinear". Unskilled workers often work in a group (for example, a team of builders), so it is important to keep good morale and loyalty to the company. Even one worker with leadership skills and aggressive attitude can "lead" other members of the group and undermine the whole production process;

4) ability to learn quickly and love their work (motivation to work). Companies need employees who can be trained with minimal costs and who will faithfully fulfil their duties without additional incentives. [2]

All of the above requirements are common to all types of unskilled labour. In addition, each work separately has additional specific requirements that are typical and required for each specific type of work. For example, for waiters, employers have the following requirements: competent speech, politeness, good looks, charm, poise and ability to handle stress. Requirements for housekeeping, which do not interact with clients will be different. If we consider unskilled labor of illegal migrants from the CIS countries, the requirements of employers acquire an entirely different character: in addition to the General requirements, firms expect from these workers

1) willingness to work for minimum wages, below the average;

2) work with a heavier load, in terms of time and physical effort than is required by the Russian legislation;

3) ability to work and live in conditions that do not comply with legislation and just work ethic.

Establishment of market economy in our country has led to the emergence and active development of private entrepreneurship, which occupies today the leading place in the structure of social production. Occupied more than half of the working population, mainly as employees. Relevant in this context are questions about the formation of relationships among employees of commercial enterprises private sector of the economy.

It should be noted that wage earners constitute the largest social group in the developed countries of the modern world, largely determines the appearance of civil society and the stability of social institutions. The nature of recruitment it is possible to allocate three main groups of wage earners [3]:

1) employees employment which is carried out through a public distribution system (or destination).

2) workers who worked a long time in state-owned enterprises in terms of a different system of hiring, and that there is little demand in the labour market;

3) workers actively acting on the labour market, and the market is the demand for their labour;

The first group of workers includes workers in high-tech enterprises, and financial and trading sector. The second group consists of former employees of the state sector of the economy; most numerous in connection with the reduction in productions. The third group consists of employees of government agencies ("state employees"). [3]

Thus, the market for unskilled labor from human capital do not require high intellectual development, or unique competences. Here valued loyalty, hard work, conscientious attitude to work, physical and mental health.

But, nevertheless, in addition to competence in their professional field, he must know the General laws of development of the enterprise, to know your competitors, suppliers, market, manufacture products and provide services, to have strategic thinking, ie you need to know all about your company. Otherwise, the Manager will not be able to manage your company objectively, and not be able to give correct guidance to improve the operation of the whole enterprise, and his

authority in the top management will not matter. It is therefore necessary to follow the trends of the market and take appropriate decisions.

We now turn to the labor market requirements for qualified personnel. First of all, the company expects human capital maximize profits, to do this, the development of human capital should increase labour productivity and improve business processes. While investments in human capital should be less than the value of incremental income.

Let us formulate the General requirements for qualified personnel on the basis of the analysis of the requirements leading corporations such as:

1) a good education obtained in a prestigious University;

2) experience in the industry, knowledge of modern computer programs used in the industry;

3) knowledge of foreign languages;

4) self-discipline, stress resistance;

5) the ability to establish interpersonal communication at every level, the skills of effective team work;

6) the ability to make decisions, the ability to self-organize own work, responsibility, goal-setting skills;

7) loyalty to the company, perception of corporate values as the main factor sewn up intellectual property of the company;

8) health necessary to perform the work in full.

To reduce the level of conflict employees are required to continually enrich the work, to create so-called socio-psychological climate.

It is possible to allocate factors to assess the management of human resources:

1. organizational environment of professional;

2. motivation and competence of professional activity;

3. the training of workers.

We now turn to the requirements of the market to the top management. Investors often say that investment is not allocated to the company and the team. First of all, investment in human capital. The investor must believe that this group of people is able to bring to life the idea of maximum profit, and the face of the team is its leader.

Currently, the strength of the ensuing economic crisis are changing the requirements for top managers. According to a survey by PwC in 2016 most in demand on the boards of Directors of Russian companies remain industry experience (according to 92% of respondents), experience in the field of risk management and financial experience (81%). But the international experience now is valued less. According to the study, this requirement had shifted from the 4th place occupied in 2014, at the end of the list. According to experts PwC, this is not due to the fact that knowledge and experience is now less appreciated, and the fact that at present the priority is given to other skills and competencies. For example, the demand for expertise in the field of technology has doubled during the year -so consider 77% instead of 38% in 2015. Increased interest in Directors who have

knowledge of marketing, personnel management and law: 68, 70 and 62%, respectively, instead of 55% in all categories a year earlier [5].

In addition, in our view, the economic crisis comes to the fore knowledge and understanding of peculiarities of Russian market amid the decline of confidence in Western top managers due to the fact that the economic crisis has now engulfed almost all the leading countries whose economies have long been considered the reference. The market needs reformers that can bring the company out of the crisis with the least losses, it is also extremely important trust. Top Manager must trust the staff and Board of Directors. This is because during the crisis it is important to keep valuable human capital in terms of reducing the overall size of the company. In a crisis it may be a problem with timely payment of wages, and to increase such do not have. This period is particularly dangerous for companies, as a valuable resource can begin searching for another job in search of more income. In addition, against the background of reductions in the level of the team formed an unhealthy situation, people experience "insecurity" and the need for security is one of the basic human needs. All these phenomena can significantly reduce the productivity and efficiency of the company as a whole, so in this situation can only help the credibility of a strong leader who enjoys the respect and love of the staff. Sergey Kordashenko, managing partner and head of the consulting areas RosExpert, specifies that "the successful reformer must be able to communication at all levels of the organization, to be able to negotiate with people, to be able to inspire them. Executives who are in the business community as a successful crisis managers: continue to develop its key and talented employees, while lenders expect a reduction in staff costs, personally blog in social networks that are open to participation and review by all employees personally participate in corporate initiatives aimed at employees. Their involvement in the "human" side of the business pays off." [1]

Another very important and necessary feature of the modern top Manager becomes a well-developed network of social relations. It was the experience of working with state agencies, public corporations, competitors and business partners will help the company to survive in a crisis. In conditions of deficiency of financial resources necessary to seek other ways of payment service providers and contractors: a growing number of barter transactions. The top Manager should be able to negotiate with contractors, for example, to convince them to wait for payment in case of delay, while not giving the company to court. To the fore the personal qualities of the leader, his ability to interact with people, the ability to feel the presence of good social relations.

Thus, the requirements for human capital are from the priority of the physical component of human capital to the intellectual growth of qualifications. However, for the development and prosperity of a competitive economy, you must invest in the skills demanded by the labour market. However, you must understand that, despite the economic crisis and the need to reduce costs, decrease investment in human capital will only lead to savings in the short term, in the long run, the neglect of human capital can lead to reduced competitiveness of the company. In

this regard, investments in human capital must continue, but they must be distributed strictly in accordance with the priorities based on a clear and correct system requirements for human capital in each skill.


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УДК 338.24

Aliev Sh. A. graduate student 2 years, Faculty "Management of Economics"

Dagestan State University Russia, Makhachkala city PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Annotation: This article is devoted to a review of the basic models of personnel management. The conducted research allows to assert that the problem of productive personnel management is one of the most urgent problems of the effectiveness of organizations. For Russia this is a relatively new problem. Its topical nature requires studying the accumulated domestic and foreign experience.

Keywords: management, human resources, personnel management, the economic approach, organic approach.

Personnel management represents various ways of management influence on workers and conditions of their activity, on formation of skills that will ensure the maximum utilization of labor potential of workers in the interests of the enterprise.

The history of personnel management has far-reaching roots. Ancient people faced the need to manage the clan communities. Still Herodotus wrote about the organization of the construction of the pyramid of Cheops. To build it, more than a hundred workers were hired. Obviously, such a large number of

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