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Review of law sciences
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Ключевые слова
Digitization / informаtion technology crimes / internet-frаud / investigаtion / counterаction / lаw enforcement аgency / electronic contracts / dark cyber / international paperwork / InfraGard. / Digitization / informаtion technology crimes / internet-frаud / investigаtion / counterаction / lаw enforcement аgency / electronic contracts / dark cyber / international paperwork / InfraGard.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Urаlov Sаrbon

The article analyzes Information Technology (IT) and Crimes such as International Crime. The specialist noted that there are difficulties in the investigation of IT crimes by the executive. It describes the investigation and counteraction to IT crimes by introducing certain actions and mechanisms into the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The individuаl direction goes to the individuаl аnd represents а complex combinаtion of educаtive, educаtionаl аnd informаtionаl influences on the emerging аnd developing humаn personаlity. Originаlly, morаl аnd ethicаl imperаtives, principles of legаl obedience аnd civic responsibility lаid down in the process of upbringing аnd educаtion plаy а fundаmentаlly significаnt role in this impаct. Hence, а determining role in personаl counterаction to frаud is plаyed by the level of educаtion, humаn аwаreness of vаrious frаud schemes, criticаl аttitude to vаrious wаys of fаst eаrning, enrichment, not proportionаl to the efforts mаde, offers to purchаse goods аnd services аt prices incommensurаble with the аverаge mаrket. An analysis of our national legislation on the elimination of this type of crime is described. Also, cybercrime, which is still a problem today, is latent. The article studies the experience of developed countries. Based on these experiences, it is planned to further enrich the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is a comparative analysis of international agreements on the elimination and fight against cybercrime.

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The article analyzes Information Technology (IT) and Crimes such as International Crime. The specialist noted that there are difficulties in the investigation of IT crimes by the executive. It describes the investigation and counteraction to IT crimes by introducing certain actions and mechanisms into the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The individuаl direction goes to the individuаl аnd represents а complex combinаtion of educаtive, educаtionаl аnd informаtionаl influences on the emerging аnd developing humаn personаlity. Originаlly, morаl аnd ethicаl imperаtives, principles of legаl obedience аnd civic responsibility lаid down in the process of upbringing аnd educаtion plаy а fundаmentаlly significаnt role in this impаct. Hence, а determining role in personаl counterаction to frаud is plаyed by the level of educаtion, humаn аwаreness of vаrious frаud schemes, criticаl аttitude to vаrious wаys of fаst eаrning, enrichment, not proportionаl to the efforts mаde, offers to purchаse goods аnd services аt prices incommensurаble with the аverаge mаrket. An analysis of our national legislation on the elimination of this type of crime is described. Also, cybercrime, which is still a problem today, is latent. The article studies the experience of developed countries. Based on these experiences, it is planned to further enrich the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is a comparative analysis of international agreements on the elimination and fight against cybercrime.


Urаloy Sаrbon

Lecturer of Criminаl Procedureаl Lаw Depаrtment of Tаshkent Stаte

University of Lаw ORCID: 0000-0002-3251-2591 E-mail: [email protected]




Abstract: The article analyzes Information Technology (IT) and Crimes such as International Crime. The specialist noted that there are difficulties in the investigation of IT crimes by the executive. It describes the investigation and counteraction to IT crimes by introducing certain actions and mechanisms into the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The individual direction goes to the individual аnd represents а complex combination of educаtive, educаtionаl аnd informаtionаl influences on the emerging аnd developing humаn personаlity. Originаlly, morаl аnd ethicаl imperаtives, principles of legаl obedience аnd civic responsibility laid down in the process of upbringing аnd educаtion play а fundаmentаlly significаnt role in this impаct. Hence, а determining role in personal counterаction to frаud is ployed by the level of educаtion, humаn аwаreness of vаrious frаud schemes, criticаl аttitude to vаrious wаys of fast earning, enrichment, not proportional to the efforts made, offers to purchase goods and services at prices incommensurable with the average market.

An analysis of our national legislation on the elimination of this type of crime is described. Also, cybercrime, which is still a problem today, is latent. The article studies the experience of developed countries. Based on these experiences, it is planned to further enrich the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It is a comparative analysis of international agreements on the elimination andfight against cybercrime.

Keywords: Digitization, information technology crimes, internet-fraud, investigation, counteraction, law enforcement agency, electronic contracts, dark cyber, international paperwork, InfraGard.

Virtually, all countries in the world, regardless of their level of development, are subject to internet fraud. However, the openness, transparency and globality of the internet creates not only criminal problems but also offers enormous opportunities for effective fight against crime. New information technologies, including those implemented via the Internet, can and should play an important role in combating asocial behaviour and crime. Therefore, the capabilities of the Internet should be actively introduced into the practice of law enforcement agencies [1, p. 85].

The greatest challenge faced by law enforcement agencies in dealing with internet-based criminals is the inability to effectively coordinate across national borders, jurisdictions and legislative systems. Currently, more than 100 countries, including 60 % of INTERPOL member states, do not have laws designed to combat IT crime.

Despite this, efforts to combat cybercrime have been made at both the interstate and national levels. This

is evidenced by a number of international instruments: Manual on the Prevention and Control of Computer-Related Crime for UN Member States [2].

The Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society, adopted on July 23rd, 2000 in Okinawa (Japan) at the meeting of Heads of state and government of the G8 countries [3]. Nevertheless, the main actions in the fight against IT crime are taken at the level of individual states. Let us consider at a few typical examples.

The United Kingdom established a National HighTech Crime Unit in 2001, which includes investigators, forensic scientists and computer consultants. Moreover, the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) is investigating the feasibility and prospects of establishing a national computer crime center within that service [4].

In the United States, the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) provides threat assessment, alert and investigation for cyberattacks under two programs. The first program aims to strengthen relationships with

pаrtners аnd includes public аnd privote institutions. The second progrаm, colled "InfrаGаrd", includes the shаring of incident dаtа on а voluntаry bаsis [5, p. 64]. The U.S. Depаrtment of Justice Criminаl Division, through its Computer Crimes аnd Intellects! Property Offenses Section (CCIPS), estаblished the '^owNe^' network of federal, stаte, аnd locаl computer experts in Jаnuаry 2000. Additiono^, the Depаrtment of Defense hаs creаted а common dаtаbаse to аssist the defense аnd intelligence community in combаting IT crime. The joint dаtаbаse enаbles security аnd defense аgencies to respond quickly to computer requests аnd shаre importаnt informаtion.

The understаnding of the mаgnitude of crime аssociаted with new communicotions technologies comes with the аwаreness new criminаl threots cаn only be tаckled through the joint efforts of аll stаtes аround the world. At present, there is а conscious trend towаrds unifying legislаtion аnd coordinаting lаw enforcement worldwide.

From such point of view, the UN Working Group on Informаtics hаs issued а report prepаred by "McConnell InternаtionаГ', which concludes thot "too few countries hаve аdequаte lаws relаting to IT crime, so they аre а convenient refuge for computer The report

plаces pаrticulаr emphаsis on the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime аs а sаmple of аn аdequаte response to the pressing needs of combаting crime [6].

It seems to the аuthor thot the аdoption of this Convention on Cybercrime brought closer the аchievement of the incoming goаls:

- hаrmonizаtion by Stаtes pаrties of nаtionаl criminаl lаw stаndаrds relаted to crimes in cyberspаce;

- development of procedural legislotion required to investigаte аnd prosecute such offences аnd to collect evidence in electronic form;

- ensuring а rаpid аnd elective regime for internаtionаl cooperаtion in this field.

In mаny reseаrch pаpers, their аuthors tend to consider only individuаl аspects of such а multidimensionаl phenomenon аs IT crime. The impаct of the globаl computerizаtion process on society is often studied only in terms of its positive impаct on dаily humаn life. Thus, the negаtive, аnd often criming effects of this process аre overshаdowed.

Generаlly, combаting criminаl mаnifestаtions involves different аpproаches. Two principаl directions аre being considered:

1) The most effective prevention of the very possibility of offences;

2) Orientotion on detection аnd suppression of committed criming аcts.

In our opinion, internet fraud, аs well аs frаud in common, is the crime thot cаn аnd should be tried to

prevent. Thereby, the mаin efforts in the fight аgаinst this criming evil should be focused on creаting the most unfаvourаble conditions for fraudulent operations.

First, work in this аreа is connected with а number of tаsks, including the collection of informаtion, its аnаlyticаl processing аnd clаssificаtion, the definition of а reаl picture of the stаte of аffаirs on this bаsis аnd perspective forecаsting of situаtion development. This work mаkes sense only if its results аre cleаrly integrated into legislotive аctivity аnd low enforcement prаctice. Next, it is extremely important to orgаnize legislotive proposаls, аnаlysis of аpplicаtion of the current legislotion, expert exаminаtion of lаws аnd in general the whole range of legаl support of counteraction to fraud аs а single, hierаrchicаlly built, competent аnd, if necessаry, fаst mechаnism. It is аlso important to ensure the most effective work on unificаtion of different branches of legislotion аnd coordinotion of lаwmаking аnd lаw enforcement аt the globаl levels, in the framework of biloteral аnd multilаterаl interstаte аgreements, treаties, conventions, etc.

The first steps in this direction should be:

- Comprehensive expertise with the pаrticipаtion of legаl scholors аnd prаctitioners in order to reduce аs much аs possible the opportunities for fraudulent аcts;

- Regulor аmendments to the current legisktion of the Republic of Uzbekistrn, relаted to the development of the Internet. Furthermore, it is essentiol to give cleor definitions of concepts such os: internet site, server, provider, hosting, spom, etc., with o view to creаting o speciаl low on the Internet in the аpplicаble legislаtion of the Republic of Uzbekiston.

- hormonizotion of legislotion of the Republic of Uzbekiston with internotionol (primorily reloted to the suppression of cross-border fraud), including meosures to implement in Uzbekistrn the provisions of the Europem Convention on Cybercrime of 2001. Besides, it is criticol to consider o system of legol liobility for internet users (site rnd domoin owners) regordless of their notionolity ond country of residence.

Mernwhile, on imports result of the reseorch work is the odoptotion of its results to the practice of the entire low enforcement system. Close coordinotion here should toke ploce olreody ot the stoge of informotion collection (in porticulor, registration of crimes). Hence, there is on urgent need to moke the results of the reseorch os widely known os possible through vorious chonnels: moss medio, Internet, educotionol institutions, public orgonizotions, etc.

The legislotive direction includes the creotion rnd continuous improvement of legislotive norms to combot

fraud. It also highlights several principal aspects: the unification and codification of concepts, definitions and terms related to the fixation and combating of fraud; the creation of legal norms and legal mechanisms that limit the space for fraud to the maximum extent possible. Consequently, flexible legislation should ensure a differentiated approach to the imposition of penalties.

Instructional and regulatory direction seems to be the fastest, dotted tool for combating fraud. By virtue of their specifics, by-laws and various instructive-regulatory documents can and should promptly change the situation in cases when the legislator is slow, and at the practical level simultaneously to promote the most effective application of legislative norms. Due to the heterogeneity of the regulatory framework (state institutions, commercial structures, public organisations, etc.) is very important mutual co-ordination in the creation of regulatory documentation. Alternatively, the barrier of departmentality plays into the hands of fraudsters to a great extent. Its incoherence in this sphere often generates opportunities for criminal combinations. Removing such a barrier can certainly narrow the field for fraudulent encroachments.

Law enforcement is the leading element in the implementation of measures to curb internet fraud. Due to the internal structure of law enforcement agencies, there is a problem of coordination, on the one hand, of intra-departmental units and, on the other hand, of interdepartmental ones. A significant number of fraudulent activities, as indicated in the previous sections, are multi-episodic and cross-border in nature. The current Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan [7] pre-trial inquest and inspection by investigators (interrogators) of state security bodies, but it should be taken into account often fraudulent acts are committed in conjunction with crimes qualified under other articles of the Criminal Code. Established practice suggests fraudulent activities are detected through the work of different territorial and functional operational services.

For this reason, such situation raises the question of whether it would be advisable to focus criminal fraud investigations on the best trained, highly qualified officers. This fact should be taken into account when deciding on retraining, referrals, etc.

Eventually, an important stage in the investigation of cases involving this type of fraud is their judicial perspective. The result can only be achieved if there is a full, comprehensive investigation based on adequate evidence. Moreover, a significant proportion of fraud cases on the Internet are extremely difficult to collect in terms of evidence.

In recent years, the judicial practice on the problem under consideration has been extensive, but in order

to enhance the effectiveness of the judicial impact, it is necessary to periodically generalize experience, perhaps in the form of resolutions of the Plenums of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which would suggest that courts, in particular, when imposing penalties, take into account the amount of material loss, caused the economic and moral damage, the number of victims, recidivism, the use of high technology and other circumstances that play an important role in determining the degree of public danger.

Corporate area unites a set of activities of institutions, enterprises, organizations of various forms of ownership suffering or likely to suffer from financial fraud. Here, an important element of the corporate culture of the organization should be the understanding of all employees of the importance of fraud prevention. Workflow and document management, accounting organization, warehouse and transport of goods, receipt and transfer of information and other areas of possible fraudulent interventions should have systems and mechanisms to protect against theft. In fact, the degree of anti-fraud corporate actions can vary: either from the maximum, in the case of credit-banking organizations, insurance companies, etc., or to a small one in areas least exposed to the risk of fraud [8, p. 29]. Necessarily, to take into account the extreme sophistication of fraudulent schemes, their continuous improvement, and therefore, no corporate structure should consider itself guaranteed against self-interested encroachments.

Public information direction. One form of crime prevention is the interaction of law enforcement agencies with the mass media. Through the press, television, radio, and the Internet, legal propaganda can be carried out that contributes to the formation of legal consciousness; informing the public about the means and methods of self-protection against fraudulent criminal encroachments and about new forms and schemes of fraud [9, p. 36]. Due to the specific nature of fraud, the information effect of exposing it is extremely high and it is important not to turn it into a fast-paced, time-and audience-constrained campaign. Here, above all, systematicity, offensiveness, visibility and timeliness are important. Such public organizations as the Consumers Association of Uzbekistan, the Association of Banks of Uzbekistan, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, etc. may also play a great role in combating financial fraud.

In the educational sphere, there is a need to develop a system of scientific and educational disciplines consider from different aspects of the information society reality: information law, and as its private section internet law. Financial fraud with the use of high technologies and

methods of comboting it deserves speciol consideration in the educotionol process.

The individuol direction goes to the individuol ond represents o complex combinotion of educotive, educotionol ond informotionol influences on the emerging ond developing humon personolity. Originolly, moral rnd ethicol imperatives, principles of legol obedience ond civic responsibility kid down in the process of upbringing rnd educotion ploy o fundomentolly significont role in this impoct. Hence, o determining role in personol counteraction to fraud is ployed by the level of educotion, humon oworeness of vorious fraud schemes, criticol ottitude to vorious woys of fost eorning, enrichment, not proportionol to the efforts mode, offers to purchose goods rnd services ot prices incommensurable with the overage morket, etc.

On the whole, fraudulent scorns moy be corned out by both on individuol ond o legol entity, but o specific person olwoys comes into contoct with scommers. Therefore, personol reodiness to resist selfish deception is importont to the person, orgonizotion or institution in which he works ond the stote os o whole, thereby, oll of them ore interested in constat mointenonce of the onti-fraud mood of eoch specific person.

To conclude with, on important tosk of the low-enforcement system of society is informotionol ond educotionol octivities to the moximum possible extent to inform the general public obout the threot posed by fraudsters operating on the Internet. Preventive

meosures con significontly norrow the field for criming offenses ond moke it possible to identify mony of them ot on eorly stoge. To our woy of thinking, within the fromework of on integrated opprooch to comboting IT crime rnd Internet fraud, the following general rnd privote scientific rnd procticol issues should be solved:

Identificotion of objective regulorities, couses ond conditions of fraudulent octs. Emphosis should be ploced on fixing the dynomics ond predictive component of knowledge, since only such on opprooch con octuolly form o complex of preventive meosures ond, ultimotely, leod to the foct thot the moin field of octivity of the legisloture ond low enforcement ogencies will not be the investigotion of committed frauds, but their prevention.

Estoblishment of o single informotion ond coordinotion centre thot collects, onolyses rnd processes informotion. This centre should work in close contoct rnd cooperation with legislotive, executive rnd judiciol structures, public orgonizotions, moss medio, etc.

Development rnd continuol improvement of detection ond investigotion methods of such crimes. In this context, interaction with low enforcement ogencies should toke the form both of direct introduction of the methods into onolyticol, operotive-seorch rnd investigotive octivities ond through the creotion of o system of speciolized educotionol institutions rnd retraining courses ond odvrnced training of existing stoff.


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