REPRESENTATION OF THE GENDER FEATURES IN LITERARY LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Вишнякова А. В.

В статье рассматривается феминистический дискурс, в рамках которого выделяют две школы (французская и американская). Гендерно ориентированные исследования в области языка и литературы сопоставляют язык личности по признаку социального пола, а также с учетом влияния различных гормональных систем мужчин и женщин, что влияет на их речевую поведение. История гендера отражает историю социокультуры. В статье акцент сделан на двух субкультурах, так как гендерное поведение проявляется в коммуникации. Анализ гендерного аспекта художественного текста связан с исследованиями специфических речевых стратегий и тактик, фиксируемых в мужских и женских коммуникативных компетенциях.The article deals with the feminist discourse, within which there are two schools (French and American). Gender-oriented research in language and literature compares the language of a person based on social gender, as well as taking into account the influence of different hormonal systems of men and women, which affects their speech behavior. The history of gender reflects the history of socioculture. The article focuses on two subcultures, as gender behavior manifests itself in communication. The analysis of the gender aspect of a literary text is associated with the research of specific speech strategies and tactics recorded in male and female communicative competencies.

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УДК 71: 05-10

Филологические науки

Вишнякова А. В., к.филол.наук, доцент кафедры «Лингводидактика и зарубежная филология» Севастопольский государственный университет, Россия, г. Севастополь



Аннотация: в статье рассматривается феминистический дискурс, в рамках которого выделяют две школы (французская и американская). Гендерно ориентированные исследования в области языка и литературы сопоставляют язык личности по признаку социального пола, а также с учетом влияния различных гормональных систем мужчин и женщин, что влияет на их речевую поведение. История гендера отражает историю социокультуры. В статье акцент сделан на двух субкультурах, так как гендерное поведение проявляется в коммуникации. Анализ гендерного аспекта художественного текста связан с исследованиями специфических речевых стратегий и тактик, фиксируемых в мужских и женских коммуникативных компетенциях.

Ключевые слова: язык, коммуникация, гендер, феминность, маскулинность, лексика, филология, знания, текст.

Abstract: The article deals with the feminist discourse, within which there are two schools (French and American). Gender-oriented research in language and literature compares the language of a person based on social gender, as well as taking into account the influence of different hormonal systems of men and women, which affects their speech behavior. The history of gender reflects the history of socioculture. The article focuses on two subcultures, as gender behavior manifests itself in communication. The analysis of the gender aspect of a literary text is

associated with the research of specific speech strategies and tactics recorded in male and female communicative competencies.

Keywords: language, communication, gender, femininity, masculinity, vocabulary, philology, knowledge, text.

Modern literature period springs to life a lot of researches concerning gender marked questions. In the second half of the XX century, the anthropocentricity of modern linguistics determined the appeal to the gender aspects of language. Lately such researches has become an independent branch of Science - Gender Studies, which covers a wide range of issues and a significant number of narrowly directed scientific areas - gender psychology, gender sociology, gender philosophy; a special place among them belongs to gender linguistics, which studies gender in linguistic manifestation [4, p. 46]. Foreign linguists as well as native ones are interested in gender linguistics (R. Lakoff, D. O. Jespersen, O. L. Bessonova).

A characteristic feature of gender studies lies in their connection with the feminist movement. Gender Studies is centered on the socio - cultural component of gender, since language and speech are inherently social phenomena, and the gender identity of communicants is an integral constant of any speech act [6, p. 96 -182.]. So, gender turned out to be the most effective means to move women from the sidelines of history to its center. Therefore, it became a way to rethink male-female relationships [3, p. 8].

The formation of gender occurs in relation to the socio-cultural situation, since it follows from the principle of anthropocentrism. In this case, gender is defined as a culturally symbolic and socially conditioned understanding of gender. If gender is understood in the categories of "male" and "female", then gender is understood in terms of "masculinity" (masculine) and "femininity" (feminine) [7, p. 6]. Taking into account that every language has two main dialects - female dialect/female speech and male dialect/male speech, the differentiation will depend on such social factors as age, education, race, etc. [2, p. 293-294]. The relationship between socio-cultural and

biological sex affects the cognitive sphere of a person, his perception and use of language, and the response to the communicative competence of the individual.

All research periods could be divided into two periods based on the relationship between language and gender, the boundary of which is the 60s of the twentieth century: 1) research based mainly on observations of disparate facts; 2) large-scale research since the 60s, due to the growing interest in the pragmatic aspect of linguistics, the development of sociolinguistics and significant changes in the traditional distribution of male and female roles in society.

In the middle of the XX century, research in language received another impetus thanks to the new women's movement in the United States and Germany, which resulted in feminist linguistics or feminist criticism of language, the main goal of which is to expose patriarchy, hindering productive emergence new relevant knowledge about the state of women in society. It was gender history that brought women back to history and brought history back to women, which is akin to the "rebirth of a vanished being"; a woman is outside the epicenter of real situations, decisions and events of the Great history. Thus, R. Lakoff in his work "Lan guage and woman's place" justified the androcentricity of speech and the inferiority of the image of a woman in the language picture of the world. Feminist linguistics, on the one hand, investigated linguistic sexism that stands that asymmetries in the language system that are directed against women. That is the point of talking about patriarchal stereotypes that are fixed in the language and impose a certain picture of the world on its native speakers. On the other hand, feminist linguistics investigated gender features of communication in same - sex and mixed groups based on the analysis of various aspects of conducting argumentative dialogues-television shows, dialogues of doctors and patients, speech communication in the family, etc. The main idea is that the basis of patriarchal stereotypes fixed in speech, various strategies of speech behavior of men and women development.

Consequently, feminist linguistics identifies the following signs of androcentrism in the language: 1) identification of the concepts of "Man" and "Human being"; 2) feminine nouns, as a rule, come from masculine nouns, and not

vice versa, which are often characterized by a negative coloring, the nomination of a man by a female name carries a negative assessment; 3) femininity and masculinity are distinguished sharply - as poles and frequently opposed to each other in qualitative (positive and negative assessment) and in quantitative (male dominance as a universal human) attitude, which leads to the formation of gender asymmetries [1, p. 61].

At the beginning of the XX century, interest in the study of the topic "language and gender" increased due to the works of F. Mautner and A. Jespersen. In the work "Contribution to the Language critics", devoted to the criticism of language, F. Mautner identifies gender differences in language, justifying them for social and historical reasons [8]. According to E. Sepir, differences in language skills forms that manifest themselves through social identity (person implementations), which includes gender and status. Thus, A. Jespersen gave a broad overview of the distinctive features of gender in speech, which became a theoretical impulse for the emergence of gender determinism of speech on the part of feminists. Women are communicants who adhere to hyperbolic, euphemistic expressions, in contrast to men who are prone to non - conventional vocabulary, slang and a sharp manner of conversation.

All the variety of theories that explains differences and inequalities between the genders is divided into two schools: biogenetic and biocultural. The first explains the differences in the behavior of men and women by biological and genetic factors: the influence of different hormonal systems on their speech behavior, different cognitive abilities, emotional differences (male aggressiveness and female care). The second school - biocultural is the theory of social formation of gender, which defines gender as an organized model of social relations between men and women, constructed by the main institutions of society.

The struggle for the right to vote in language, exposing patriarchy, developing their own linguistic forms, attempts to influence language policy and reform the language in the direction of eliminating the sexism present in it allowed to identify the gender characteristics of "female" in women's literature: 1) in the center of the narrative is a woman; 2) family relations in the structure of women's writing are more

important than other types of social relations, and the structure of female subjectivity is determined by the structure of the family. Even if these are non - normative variants of the family - for example, a female family consisting of a grandmother, mother and daughter, or an incomplete family of the mother and child Type; 3) Leading are the marking of the genealogy of women-for example, mother-daughter relations or relations of women in several generations; 4) one of the most important reasons for the existing of women is relations with the opposite gender in terms of understanding one's own "otherness"; 5) on the unlike the male literary tradition, women's experience in literature is intermediate, mainly in terms of bodily, biological, physiological, etc. [5, р. 5].

So, the anthropocentric orientation of linguistics gave rise to gender, and therefore the specifics of the individual's communicative behavior: both men ("masculinity") and women ("femininity"). Gender analysis in language has its own evolution of development, from the scarcity of female speech to the differentiation of male and female speech. The relationship between socio-cultural and biological gender is determined by gender. Instead, the diversity of similarities and differences between the genders is interpreted from a biogenetic and biocultural perspective. The first explains the influence of biological and genetic factors on the differences in the formation of behavior of men and women, while the biocultural one explains the theory of social construction of gender.

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