4 East European Scientific Journal #3(67), 2021 ...aï......
Abidova S.A.
assistant of
"Zoology and Anatomy" department, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
In the modern education system innovative technologies are increasingly recognized and spread both at school and in Higher Education Institutions. Innovative technologies such as technologies of differentiation and individualization, technologies of problem-based learning, project technologies, interactive and information technologies have become widespread in practice. [3]
The need to introduce modern innovative technologies is associated with the fact that modern youth from a very early age grow and develop in a new information environment, involving the use of the Internet, television and computer programs. They have the opportunity to directly receive any information from various sources, so traditional sources of information, such as teacher's speech, textbooks, drawings, posters and atlases lose their significance in the teaching process. In this article, I would like to dwell in more detail on the application of ICT in the teaching of biology.
Information technologies for education are such pedagogical technologies that use special methods, software and technical means, such as audio, film and video materials, as well as computers, telecommunication and Internet networks to work with information.
A lesson using ICT is a qualitatively new type of education. The specificity of teaching biology requires the use of a large number of visual aids. But the use of traditional posters, tables, diagrams has recently been considered irrelevant, since modern youth are more interested in Computer-Based Material. These include educational presentations, interactive drawings, videos, animation, computer tests. These teaching aids allow participants and students learn the course material quickly and easily. In this case, there are ample opportunities for activating students' independent work, self- organized learning and self-control based on the available material.
Information and communication technologies provide:
- speed of obtaining necessary information;
- conducting qualitative new, dynamic and informative type of a lesson;
- a wide range of visual aids;
- increased interest in the subject;
- |providing a qualitative test of knowledge;
- acceleration of the educational process due to closer interaction between the teacher and students. [3]
A large number of digital educational resources, Internet materials, the availability and accessibility of the Internet make it possible to save time preparing for classes, choose the material that is most interesting for students, diversify the educational process, enriching it not only with various multimedia materials, but also with interesting tests and other materials for control. When using online tests, it becomes possible to quickly and objectively assess knowledge, which facilitates the teacher's work and makes it possible to check and evaluate the knowledge of a large number of pupils and students in a short period of time.
It is known that biology is a complex science that is interconnected with other natural sciences. It studies all groups of living organisms at various levels of organization, from biochemical to biosphere, and it is not always possible to visually study biological objects and phenomena in ordinary classroom conditions. For example, Cell Organelles- Structure and Functions or some microorganisms were studied in drawings and diagrams, but thanks to ICT and the Internet, it became possible to observe these objects under an electron microscope through various pictures and videos taken with an electron microscope.
We can study natural processes and phenomena using interactive schemes and computer models of certain phenomena and processes occurring in living organisms and nature. This allows you to visually study the processes of digestion, respiration, excretion, photosynthesis, the circulation of substances in nature, etc. Creation of 3D drawings and animation helps to study the morphology and topography of various structures, organs and systems of a living organism. It is possible to demonstrate various experiments using videos in laboratories and practical classes.
Distance education is a new form of organization of the educational process which is carried out via the Internet. Distance education gives possibility to create online platforms for distance learning, the use of virtual seminars - webinars, conferences, the organization of educational games, video lessons, etc. This form of organization of the educational process is especially relevant in the modern system of higher education, when the faculties of part time education, joint international faculties are created. Thanks to this form of distance education, students have the opportunity to gain knowledge from leading specialists from prestigious universities located in other countries, and on-the-job students can easily interact with their teachers.
Remote Learning of biology do not give the opportunity for students to directly observe biological objects and phenomena, therefore, with this form of education, videos, micrographs of objects, interactive models of biological processes and phenomena that can be demonstrated through a network or placed on a platform become most relevant.
Thus, the use of ICT and digital educational resources in teaching biology makes it possible to prepare material for independent and laboratory work, display information materials in the desired sequence, and create models of natural phenomena and physiological processes. Innovative technologies in teaching biology are fundamentally new ways and methods of interaction between a teacher and a student, which ensure the effective achievement of the result of pedagogical activity.
East European Scientific Journal #3(67), 2021 5 Literature
1. Temirsultanova. F.M. Innovational methods of conducting biology classes in the condition of new schools "Information and Communication Technologies": III International scientific conference. (Kazan, October 2015 ). — Kazan: Book, 2015. — 103-107pp.
2. Kuvirtalova M.A. The implementation of Information technologies in conducting biology classes. : IV International scientific conference. (Kazan, October 2015 ). — Kazan: Book, 2015. — 165-167pp.
3. Innovational technologies in teaching biology. https://www.virtualacademy.ru/news/innovacionnye-tehnologii-v-prepodavanii-biologii/.
4. Methods of implementing virtual learning technologies in teaching biology. Bakhodirova U.B. (Republic of Uzbekistan) https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7methods-of-implementing-virtual-learning-technologies-in-teaching-biology/viewer.
Абдулхабиров Магомед Абдулхабирович
доцент кафедры травматологии и ортопедии Медицинского института Российского университета Дружбы Народов (РУДН Университет)
Abdulhabirov Magomed Abdulhabirovich
Docent of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of
the Medical Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2021.2.67.1 Аннотация. В статье не только краткое описание биографические вехи одного из основоположников остеосинтеза (хирургии костно-суставной системы) в Советском Союзе, но и нравственные уроки, которые не проповедовались, а которым следовал профессор Виктор Алексеевич Чернавский.
Annotation. The article contains not only a brief description of the biological founders of osteosynthesis (surgery of the osteoarticular system) in the Soviet Union, but also moral lessons that were not preached, but guided by their own investigation, Professor Viktor Alekseevich Chernavsky.
Ключевые слова: травматология и ортопедия, профессор Виктор Алексеевич Чернавский, уроки жизни и нравственности.
Winged words: traumatology and orthopedics, professor Viktor Alekseevich Chernavsky, in life and morality.
Первый постулат медицины. Методики диагностики и лечения в медицины меняются в среднем каждые пять лет и тот врач, который не учиться каждодневно, обречен к отставанию. Это непреложный закон всей медицины вполне подходит и к травматологии и ортопедию тоже. Если в 70-е годы прошлого века пациентов с чрез-вертельными переломами бедра лечили в течение 1,5-2 месяцев в стационаре скелетным вытяжением, то сегодня такого пострадавшего оперируют сразу же при поступлении и через 1-2 дня выписывают на амбулаторное лечение. Если самая высокая хирургическая активность любой
травматологический клиники в те годы составляла 10 %, то сегодня этот процент достигает 90 и более. Это связано с развитием медицинской технологии, наличием ЭОП, новейших фиксаторов (блокирующих пластин и штифтов, а также эндопротезов, аппаратов наружной фиксации и т.д.).
Второй постулат медицины. Врачеванию, в том числе травматологии и ортопедии, можно научить почти каждого, чьи старания и чей интеллектуальный индекс не ниже среднего. Это одинаково соотносимо, как к приобретению практических, в том числе и оперативных навыков,