RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POLITICS AND RELIGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Otaxanov A.

In this article we discuss the relationship between politics and religion, the role and significance of religion in society

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УДК 374.84

Otaxanov A.

Head of the Department of Social Sciences Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute


Abstract: In this article we discuss the relationship between politics and religion, the role and significance of religion in society

Keywords: politics, morality, state, theory, society

At different times the concept of "politics" was interpreted in different ways. It was called "the phenomenon of power", "a set of belligerent opinions and theories" (Sh. Fourier), M. Weber defined it "as a desire to participate in power or influence its distribution among groups within the state," Lenin considered the most essential in politics the structure of state power.

Politics is not guaranteed from the influence of all aspects of human nature, including negative ones. Therefore in the press it is often called "dirty". It becomes a theater with a big stage, where deception, treachery and hypocrisy can be present.

To this day, the idea of unity of morality and politics has come and is furiously debated. Plutarch also made moral demands on the rulers: "to trust the dishonest authorities, like a madman to give a sword." Aristotle believed that worthy people should participate in politics. The French utopian communist G. Mabli called politics a public morality, and morality - a private policy. At the same time N. Machiavelli spoke for the division of politics and morals. His theory was that political goals are achieved by political means. He came to the conclusion that the funds must meet the goal.

Thus, on the face of the interaction of politics and morality, there are also possible their collisions, but at the minimum level. An example is American society, where the idea of a politician is associated with the image of a husband-family man. Everyone knows that exposing adultery, extramarital affairs, visits to dubious institutions can put an end to the reputation and career of a politician. Thus, morality can become an important weapon in the struggle for power, and therefore in politics.

Having explained to ourselves, the connection of morality with politics goes to moral norms. They were formed for many millennia before the emergence of the state on the basis of religious values and norms of behavior. Thus, it should be concluded that religion through public morality has had and has a direct impact on politics. And its connection with the latter is obvious.

Religion, as noted in many dictionaries and encyclopedias, is a form of social consciousness, a social phenomenon in the life of mankind. It is a kind of spiritual and emotional state, supplementing the scientific, cognitive activity of a person, giving the believers a certain parallel space of being parallel to the real world. Religion is associated with the believer with the most intimate motivations and experiences. It is an integral component of the history of mankind at every stage of its development. In order to understand how intertwined the roots of religion and

politics are, it is necessary to thoroughly understand and understand the essence of religion, its functions and role in society.

The main purpose of religion is the ability to regulate relations between people and to fill the limitations of real life. A distinctive feature of any religion is faith. Faith is a recognition for the certainty of any information without its re-examination. It provides self-control to a religious person, gives hope and gives confidence. Religious faith is associated with worshiping, worshiping, worshiping and worshiping deities through special rituals. Without faith and worship, there can be no religion.

Religious belief proceeds from the fact that supernatural phenomena and events are not perceived by feelings and reason. Religion categorically prohibits criticism and doubts about the dogma and foundations of its confession. Dogmas are considered untouchable and holy.

However, not every faith can be a religion. According to scholars of religious studies, in order to become a full-blooded religion, faith or belief should include four main components:

1) beliefs - the spiritual core. This oral or written tales, legends, myths and legends about divine powers and beings, the most developed religions differ monotheism. Many beliefs are based on "sacred books".

2) 2) religion is distinguished by the peculiar behavior and attitudes of its adherents. Believer's person is distinguished by his behavior, where religious principles and morals have a primordial beginning.

3) 3) cult - various specific canon sanctified forms of worship of God and other religious relics: ceremonies, prayers, rituals and rituals.

4) 4) religious organizations - religion has special structures and institutions, institutions and organizations that ensure its sustainable functioning in society, for example, in Christianity, it is the Church.

5) Science says that religion exists since that time as there is a reasonable person. Theology explains the origin of religion by supernatural causes. However, the essence has always been one: people sought in religion a way out or salvation from the imperfection of earthly existence, deliverance from suffering, consolation, spiritual immortality and eternal life in the other world.

6) The compensating function of religion is closely connected with its other function - integrating, ie, integrating. uniting. By uniting people within the limits of its worldview, social, ethical and spiritual values, any religion justifies the established norms and rules in a given society and thus contributes to social, ideological and political integration. In the early stages of the development of society this was manifested in the fact that any ethnic community considered its system of standards a standard, the deviation was considered unacceptable. With the development of society, religious norms ceased to be ethnic, and sometimes grew into world ones (for example: Christianity, Islam or Buddhism). Devotion to a particular system of religious norms and at the present time has a huge integrative value, which must be

taken into account.

7) The third important function of religion is regulating and controlling. Having arisen and formed, having acquired structural outlines, having created ideological dogmas and practical methods of influencing the thinking and behavior of people, religion begins to adapt itself to the norms of spiritual and ethical values, rituals and ceremonial that correspond to its norms. The viability of the regulatory-control function is exceptional. Despite the pressure of modern science, a high educational level of people, this function allows one or another religious doctrine to hold tenaciously many aspects of people's lives, using the inertia of traditions.

8) Religious values are also formed in certain historical conditions and periods of development of a particular society. However, it should be noted that religious values do not stand apart from universal, regional and national values. These include purity of motives, humanism, mercy, friendship and fellowship. However, these values are associated in religion with the recognition of its holiness, the fear of sin and hell. For example, religious humanism. Humanism itself is a set of ideas and views that enhance the dignity and worth of the human person, her right to free development and prosperity. The potential of humanism in religion is significant, for example, in the Christian doctrine of man.

9) Being a part of culture and having a great influence on the morality and ethics of behavior in this or that society, religion teaches to mercy and mercy, kindness, good deeds and mutual assistance. At the same time, blind faith can lead to religious fanaticism.

Used sources:

1. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Freedom of Conscience and Religious

Organizations (new edition). -T., 1998.

2. The Encyclopedia of Religion. Eliade, Mercea, editor.15 vols. -New York. 1987.

3. Fundamentals of Religious Studies. Textbook for university students. Under the

Society. hands. M.N. Yablokov. -M., 1995.

4. Garadzha VI Religious studies. 2-ed. -M.1995.

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