Научная статья на тему 'Региональная экономика: её пространственная структура и городские системы региона'

Региональная экономика: её пространственная структура и городские системы региона Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Альманах «Крым»
Ключевые слова
пространственный элемент / территория / конкурентоспособность / хозяйствование / география / spatial element / territory / competitiveness / management / geography

Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Ван Вэй

Актуальность исследования заключается в том, что региональная экономика является важной составляющей экономического знания, формируя понимание пространственной структуры и городских систем региона, обеспечивая условия эффективной урбанизации и эффективного использования территорий. Объект исследования – региональная экономика, как экономическая деятельность, связанная с локальным признаком хозяйствования и пространственной структурой национальной экономики, основным элементом которой является регион. Предмет исследования – пространственная структура и городские системы региона. Цель исследования – рассмотреть регион, как элемент общей системы, сформированный из элементов, формирующих его пространственную структуру и городские системы. Методология исследования – теоретический анализ понятия через компонентный анализ структурных элементов. В статье аргументируется, что существуют различные уровни ресурсной обеспеченности, качества жизни и экономического развития, инфраструктурной поддержки, состояния окружающей среды и остроты социальных конфликтов, независимо от их влияния в мировом масштабе и в числе целей и задач региональной экономики важными выступают обеспечение основных принципов государственности и стабилизация экономического развития, поддержание уровня развития регионов на стабильно высоком уровне.

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Regional economy: its spatial structure and urban systems of the region

The relevance of the study lies in the fact that regional economics is an important component of economic knowledge, forming an understanding of the spatial structure and urban systems of the region, providing conditions for effective urbanization and efficient use of territories. The object of study is the regional economy, as an economic activity associated with a local feature of economic management and the spatial structure of the national economy, the main element of which is the region. The subject of the study is the spatial structure and urban systems of the region. The purpose of the study is to consider the region as an element of a general system, formed from elements that form its spatial structure and urban systems. The research methodology is a theoretical analysis of the concept through a component analysis of structural elements. The article argues that there are different levels of resource provision, quality of life and economic development, infrastructure support, environmental conditions and the severity of social conflicts, regardless of their influence on a global scale and among the goals and objectives of the regional economy, ensuring the basic principles of statehood and stabilization of economic development, maintaining the level of regional development at a consistently high level.

Текст научной работы на тему «Региональная экономика: её пространственная структура и городские системы региона»

Ван Вэй

Аспирант. Российский университет дружбы народов имени Патриса Лумумбы.

Региональная экономика: её пространственная структура и городские системы региона

Wang Wei

Graduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Regional economy: its spatial structure and urban systems of the region


The economy of a region is the study of economic activity associated with a local feature of management and the spatial structure of the national economy, the main element of which is the region. The regional economy deals with the issues of rational placement of various industries and product sales markets, that is, the regional economy is one of the branches of the national economy that studies the organization of production with an emphasis on the territorial characteristics of each region, processes and phenomena related to the development of the market in various spheres and the unification of the economic systems of regions into a single whole are studied. In addition, the regional economy is the direction of economic knowledge, the purpose of which is to identify common and distinctive features of various regions of the country, as well as to determine the specifics of each of them: "Sustainable economic, social, etc. connections between system elements (subsystems) are characterized by the movement of information and other resources. Such movements and, as a consequence, quantitative and qualitative changes in the elements of the system and the system itself are inevitably associated with inertia" [1, p. 404]. Based on the study of the problems of the region, regional programs are developed taking into account the peculiarities of individual territorial units.

The main part

There are two main approaches to systematization and analysis in the regional economy: consideration of each sphere as part of the world econ-

Альманах Крым. Экономика, инновации №40 2023

omy or part of the state. In the first approach, the regional economy is studied using global and geopolitical approaches. In the second approach, the economy of the regions is studied using a territorial-reproduction approach. The regional economy is a combination of several approaches, if the global and geopolitical approaches are used directly in the study of the situation of local development, then the territorial-reproductive method of study is more relevant in the national economy. In the conditions of the administrative and distribution system, where the main priority belongs to sectoral management, the development of the regional economy turned out to be the least significant, this is confirmed by the heterogeneity of the development of various spheres in the country and the variety of methods of conducting the regional economy. The regional level of the economy is a set of officially recognized territorial units: this structure is based on the territorial division of labor, the territories included in it are characterized by a predetermined specialization. Each part of this structure actively participates in social reproduction and has its own individual characteristics. Territorial division of labor is a process of specialization of production, diversity of economic entities, development of logistics between regions, exchange of services and products, forming the labor potential of the region: "Add indicators not only related to the labor sphere, but also indicators reflecting the state of the social sphere, including health care, education, etc., as well as indicators of the work of bodies state and municipal authorities located directly on the territory of the region" [2, p. 22]. Such a structure lays down essential forms and patterns of organization of economic entities, such a level of regional structure reflects the territorial and administrative structure of all regions of the country on a spatial basis: the settlement of the population and competent management of social and economic processes throughout the state. The study of the directions of implementation of various regional programs is one of the components of the structure of the regional level of the economy. The implementation of such programs leads to significant changes in the principles of the arrangement of territories and the concentration of production resources. The purpose and object of the study of regional economics and management is to ensure high quality and standard of living of the population. The regional economy within the spatial structure and urbanization of territories generally considers three structural elements of regional development: taking into account the needs of residents of each region, the dynamics and state of markets, as well as the interests of the state and business, creating conditions for the most effective adaptation of the economic structure of each territorial unit to various external factors, active promotion of the interests of various regions.

Problems, classification methods, as well as various approaches to analyzing the unique features of each region and the fragmentation of the terms "region", "district", "urban area" and "territory" form the focus of attention of regional economics and management: developed and developing areas, peripheral and central, as well as areas with population growth and decline. An important subject of the study of the regional economy are various territorial units that differ in labor productivity, the structure of society, raw materials and mineral resources, as well as proximity to the capital. Districts can be classified by developed industries and professions, which may be related to agriculture, various industries, marine, fishing, gas and other industries. Classification can be made according to various criteria, including the pace of economic development, territorial structure, density and population growth, the nature and coefficient of specialization of production, and currently, due to the active development of regions to the market, the classification criterion - market capacity has become important.

The more detailed the analysis of the spatial structure is, the stronger the ties are formed between various enterprises and the classification of activities in the territory: "Another important feature of spatial economics is the fact that it studies economic relations both in territorial communities with clearly defined geographical boundaries and in territorial-economic entities with unstable, clearly defined boundaries" [3, p. 125]. In developed countries, the classification of the spatial structure of the region is carried out according to the following types: areas with high rates of development in the past and a decline in the present (depressed); areas with zero rates of development (stagnant); areas-pioneers of new development, as a rule, the most promising; the main economic territories (microregions); areas forming regional schemes macro-districts (general); areas for which the target program is a priority (planned); areas characterized by the presence of large construction sites or a low level of development (project and problematic). The innovative development of the regional economy is also associated with the study of various problematic issues of local politics, due to the huge heterogeneity of geographical, natural, economic and other initial data, reproductive processes in each region have unique properties. An individual approach to the development of each territorial unit becomes a necessary condition for overcoming the crisis and reaching the forefront in ensuring the standard of living of the population. The successful functioning of the regional market in the economy presupposes careful and effective management of the elements of the spatial structure, on which the speed of development of the region depends, which depends not only on the

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forms of ownership, but also on the methods of management, socio-economic relations, rational use of the advantages of a particular territory, the search for the optimal balance of federal and local interests of society and the economy, which are a key factor for effective economic policy: "The geographical hypothesis is based on the availability of natural resources that can stimulate the industrialization of the economy. This plays a significant role in the placement of industrial enterprises (including Ural ones) at the early stages of industrialization" [4, p. 95].

Special attention should be paid to identifying the specifics of the region and the priorities of its development, taking into account both cultural and historical features and specific aspects. The competitiveness of a regional economy is determined by its ability to use both the advantages and disadvantages of a particular territory for the benefit of the overall economic activity of the country. Regional policy involves the formation of a set of strategic measures on the part of state bodies aimed at managing the political, economic, social and environmental development of each region, as well as the country as a whole. The development of the regional economy takes place in spatial and functional aspects, reflecting the interaction of the state and its territories, as well as the neighborhood of territorial units. The key objects of the region's economy include production facilities, social components (people, families, ethnos), as well as financial and monetary structures. The state regional economy directly depends on the development of each territorial unit of the country and the peculiarities of changes in the internal socio-economic structure of a particular region.

In the regional economy, the term "locality" refers to the main part of the territory on which one of the strategically important objects is located, in addition, several stable combinations are distinguished:

1. Forms of spatial settlement.

2. Forms of spatial organization.

Among them, the following types can be distinguished: Industrial parks - a complex of various enterprises located on a limited territory, planned as a whole with a connected social and industrial infrastructure; transport hubs are places of concentration of transport communications, which are usually located near the center of production or densely populated areas. Territorial production complexes (TPCs) are large territories with a group of organizations forming a single production chain that uses local natural resources and reduces transportation costs and usually have specialization at the global, national or interregional levels, often being used for the development of new territories with rich natural resources. Intersectoral territorial complexes are a group of enterprises and organizations that imple-

ment a single development program and interact within the state system, covering industry, energy, construction and other industries. The spatial structure and its division includes similar territorial complexes that combine various aspects of life and production in one territorial unit.


There are different levels of resource security, quality of life and economic development, infrastructure support, environmental conditions and severity of social conflicts, regardless of their impact on a global scale. Among the goals and objectives of the regional economy, ensuring the basic principles of statehood and stabilizing economic development, maintaining the level of development of regions at a consistently high level, developing the most strategically important regions, as well as using the unique features of each territory for the common good of the country and caring for nature in each region are important.

Библиографический список / References

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3. Kochnev A.A. "Spatial economy" and "regional economy": similarities and differences of concepts // Business strategies. 2022. Vol. 10. № 5. P. 124-127. - DOI 10.17747/2311-71842022-5-124-127.

4. Panov M.A. Prospects for the growth of the national and regional economy in a crisis // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. 2022. № 6 (464). P. 94-105. - DOI 10.47475/19942796-2022-10610. - EDN XIBZIS.

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