Научная статья на тему 'Reducing the Managers’ Anxiety Related to the Lack of Media Literacy by Visualization Methods'

Reducing the Managers’ Anxiety Related to the Lack of Media Literacy by Visualization Methods Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
media literacy / information / images / anxiety / leader / effective leadership / visualization / image / cognitive schema

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Tatiana Byundyugova, Anna Babikova, Elena Kornienko

The visualization method applies to many scientific fields, allowing you to present information, data, objects and situations as a visual image to incorporate the information as soon as possible. The method of visualization is by and large effective in working with originally "non–visual" information. It is also valuable while representing mental processes, for example feeling and emotions, as well as social and psychological phenomena (e.g. relationships, data about other people) which are sometimes difficult to express verbally. Visualization is always based on mental activity and developed cognitive interest. Visualization in the program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers, as a psychotechnical technique, combines relaxation, concentration and the construction of an entire imaginative space – a metaverse of images. The article contains the results of a study aimed at the possibility of using a program for psychocorrection of anxiety disorders for managers under 30 years of age based on visualization. The program was tested on managers under the age of 30, who exhibited high-level personal and situational irritability, anxiety, depression, asthenia, neuroticism, and aggressiveness. All personal parameters decreased significantly after participating in the program. The study confirmed the assumption that there are differences between the manifestation of anxiety of managers younger than 30 years after a correction program based on visualization.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Reducing the Managers’ Anxiety Related to the Lack of Media Literacy by Visualization Methods»

Copyright © 2024 by Cherkas Global University

Published in the USA

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy Issued since 2016. E-ISSN: 2500-106X 2024. 9(1): 30-39

DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.30 https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press

Reducing the Managers' Anxiety Related to the Lack of Media Literacy by Visualization Methods

Tatiana Byundyugova a , *, Anna Babikova b, Elena Kornienko c

a Southern University (IMBL), Russian Federation b Southern Federal University, Russian Federation c Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Russian Federation


The visualization method applies to many scientific fields, allowing you to present information, data, objects and situations as a visual image to incorporate the information as soon as possible. The method of visualization is by and large effective in working with originally "nonvisual" information. It is also valuable while representing mental processes, for example feeling and emotions, as well as social and psychological phenomena (e.g. relationships, data about other people) which are sometimes difficult to express verbally. Visualization is always based on mental activity and developed cognitive interest. Visualization in the program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers, as a psychotechnical technique, combines relaxation, concentration and the construction of an entire imaginative space - a metaverse of images.

The article contains the results of a study aimed at the possibility of using a program for psychocorrection of anxiety disorders for managers under 30 years of age based on visualization. The program was tested on managers under the age of 30, who exhibited high-level personal and situational irritability, anxiety, depression, asthenia, neuroticism, and aggressiveness. All personal parameters decreased significantly after participating in the program. The study confirmed the assumption that there are differences between the manifestation of anxiety of managers younger than 30 years after a correction program based on visualization.

Keywords: media literacy, information, images, anxiety, leader, effective leadership, visualization, image, cognitive schema.

1. Introduction

The emergence of the Internet as a method of mass communication, the rapid development of information and digital technologies, the widespread use of computers, smartphones and other digital devices has led to the formation of the phenomenon of digital society and digital culture. Currently, digital devices are used not only in the field of information and communication technologies, education and business, they have penetrated into all spheres of human activity. In order to exist and develop in a digital society, a person needs digital literacy skills that will help them perceive and critically evaluate large amounts of information and work with digital devices (Galik, Galikova Tolnaiova, 2022; Galik, Oprala, 2021; Hubner et al., 2023). Digital technologies allow you to get quick access to information, personalize information content, visualize objects and create an interactive environment. In the modern world, young people already use digital technologies from an early age to solve various tasks, but they do not always have a high level of

* Corresponding author

E-mail addresses: tach_29@mail.ru (T.V. Byundyugova), annafeat@gmail.com (A.V. Babikova), elena.kornienko@tmei.ru (E.V. Kornienko)

digital literacy. The lack of digital competencies does not allow you to enjoy all the benefits of digitalization. The use of digital technologies helps those who have the skills to use them, and otherwise it can lead to negative consequences. Constant human interaction with digital devices, the need to always be accessible can lead to the accumulation of stress, therefore, as part of the development of digital literacy, it is important to develop the ability to critically perceive information and work safely online. The formation of digital literacy skills becomes part of the psychological competence of specialists and helps them to live comfortably in a digital environment (Balina, 2022; Egorova, 2023). The modern world dictates the conditions for the perception and processing of information that has increased many times, which is necessary for the full functioning and decision-making of people, especially those who hold senior positions in organizations. Memorizing, structuring information, processing it and "fitting into the inner picture of the world" is difficult. Among the key functions, qualitative understanding and analysis of information are possible when using visualization - processing data into adequate, understandable, meaningful visual cognitive concepts (Stoiber et al., 2022). The lack of skills in working with digital technologies leads to the inability to master new professions and the dissatisfaction of workers who are forced to switch to less qualified jobs. The use of visualization technologies for psychocorrection helps to understand the benefits and safety of digital technologies, contributes to the development of digital literacy.

Visual cognitive concepts are a variant of system images that form the basis of the so-called "fast", automatic thinking, which is the basis of intuition, rapid decision-making, accurate but uncritical information processing. Verbal components capture individual concepts and elements of information, private data, and visual components have a high generalization character.

The extrapolation of mental representations from the inner plane of consciousness to the outside plane during cognitive activity is how the theory of schemes and the theory of frames explain vision. Associative and projective modes of information processing and perception are most frequently linked to the format of mental images. The original information is contained in a generalized form while maintaining its structure in mental representations.

Visualization allows, after analyzing the content of information, to collapse it into a specific and meaningful image for the personality, which becomes the basis for further decision-making and practical actions. The consistent representation of a mental image is based on the mechanism of projection of images of consciousness into the external plane.

Visual thinking is an analytical activity consisting of chronological transformation of visual images, which can be applied within the framework of the ability to perceive and interpret images. The key goal of visualization is to process a large amount of data into understandable images that will subsequently be reproduced fairly quickly.

The basis of visualization is the utilization of unique qualities of mental images as cognitive objects, which represents the subject's level of accessibility and intelligibility of these images. The idea behind visualization is to create an image upon completing a cognitive task, wherein sensation, memory, thought, imagination, and personal meaning are all involved. Every exterior reality is mirrored inside a person's inner world within a model that they have developed via the process of perception. Initially, a person perceives all information as distinct fundamental sensations. Every information that a person sees, hears, or touches is refracted in his consciousness and takes the form of a particular mental construct, which is then appropriated during introjection.

2. Materials and methods

The program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers is based on visualization, a method implying the mental processing of symbols, images, a variety of metaphors, considering the sociocultural setting in which they operate, as well as the individual semantic sphere of personality. Visualization as a method is effective in dealing with mental states and socio-psychological phenomena that are difficult to express verbally, eventually allowing you to increase the level of harmony of personality, the level of personal development through the study of images significant to the personality. The program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers allows you to realize the hidden potentials of the emotional sphere in creating a new reality, which means the implementation of an act of creativity by the respondent when constructing a visual image. The program participants literally create personally significant images, signs, and individual archetypes that maximize the repertoire of interaction with the world, the environment,

and themselves. All this allows you to increase the feeling of control and differentiate it from what is impossible to subdue, which increases calmness and reduces the manifestation of anxiety.

The program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers using the visualization method combines mandatory relaxation, focus on the formation and development of an internal metaverse of images in order to form a single figurative space on some problem. The use of visualization stimulates the expansion of the repertoire of internal self-support, stimulating the diverse work of the subconscious mind in order to try to combine the physical and mental layers for the harmonization and improvement of personality. The main format of using the visualization method in the program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers is the initial focus on the problem and systematic consistent promotion and deepening with the help of information verbalized by a psychologist as part of collaboration with an attempt to distract from "external noises", which also reduces anxiety and focuses attention on what needs to be perceived without distraction.

The basic principles of visualization help to create effective and understandable representations of the information presented and to form a certain attitude towards it. Here are some of them:

1. Simplicity and clarity. Visualization should use texts, symbols, metaphors, and signs that are understandable to the participants of the program. It is worth using a minimum of colors, shapes and elements in the visualization to avoid information overload. It is important to clearly identify the messages that need to be conveyed and focus on them.

2. Compliance with the goals. Visualization should focus on achieving clearly defined goals. It is important to determine what information needs to be broadcast and what stories to tell, and to choose the appropriate forms of demonstration of visual images in order to best display the information.

3. Clarity and precision. The text for visualization should be clear and accurate. This is important in order to avoid distortions and incorrect perception of information, it is important to check that all meanings, symbols, images are understandable.

4. The use of contrast, taste and sound images. Such images can be a powerful tool in visualizing information. This will allow you to highlight key elements and emphasize, enhance contrasts that will allow you to create an image better.

5. Using interactivity. It can make visualization more understandable, attractive and practical. It is important to allow program participants to interact with images, change their parameters and visualization conditions so that they can explore the information in more detail.

Within the framework of the program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers, the first stage is devoted to conducting guided relaxation techniques in order to relax and train the focus of attention, which will be used to work with selected situations in the future. The next mandatory stage - the main one - is actually visualization, which is carried out by a psychologist, reading out a text prepared in advance, which allows you to weaken conscious control and work with subconscious processes through active mental transformation of images. Further, the detailing of the internal image presented by the participant is realized, related to the overall goal of the program (to reduce anxiety), followed by its analysis and analysis both independently and in a group.

The study was aimed at the possibility of using a program for psychocorrection of anxiety disorders for managers under 30 years of age based on visualization. The main goal is to test the program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers under 30 years of age based on visualization. The study was conducted between 2022 and 2024.

84 managers under the age of 30 had complaints of severe anxiety, some turned to a psychologist with this problem: 44 men and 40 women. The respondents were aged 26-30 years, the average age was 28.5 years. All hold senior positions in companies with at least 150 employees. They have positions from the head of the department to the general director. They have been in office for at least 1 year, they began to feel anxiety on a regular basis around the same time they received the position.

The study was conducted in several stages:

- the first stage is the selection of tests for diagnosis, the search for respondents using the snowball method, dividing them into control and empirical groups and testing;

- the second stage is the generalization and analysis of test results, statistical analysis of the data obtained, the selection of respondents to participate in the program and the selection of some

respondents to the control group, with whom no work was subsequently carried out to correct anxiety, they also did not take anti-anxiety drugs and did not contact a psychologist with this problem;

- the third stage is summarizing the results after the implementation of the program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers based on visualization and repeated testing in order to confirm the effectiveness of the program.

The object of the study: anxiety disorders of managers under 30 years of age.

Subject: psychological mechanisms of anxiety reduction.

All methods are aimed at testing the hypothesis that there are differences between the manifestation of anxiety (its reduction) of managers younger than 30 years after a correction program based on visualization.

Testing before and after the implementation of the program was carried out using the following methods: the personal and situational anxiety assessment scale, the asthenic state scale, the Freiburg multifactorial personality questionnaire (separate scales). The Mann-Whitney criterion was used to identify differences between the manifestations of anxiety and other psychosocial factors in the control and empirical groups. Using the Wilcoxon T-test, it was possible to analyze the effectiveness of the implemented program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers.

All respondents participated in the study voluntarily and were in an even physical and emotional state. The work was carried out in natural conditions, in a calm environment and in a group format. The number of selected methods, the selected scales correspond to the research program and fully meet the opportunity to test the stated hypothesis.

The program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers based on visualization included detailed drawing of images and made it possible to monitor the dynamics of anxiety experiences by managers. During the course of participation in the program, the images presented by the participants gradually acquire greater expressiveness, brightness of colors, richness and saturation, which indicates an increase in the quality of living emotions, the depth of anxiety, and an increase in the energy level of mental processes.

Visualization allows you to identify among the group members those who are in a destructive emotional state, and direct all energy and strength for internal transformation. Participation in the program allows you to present in detail, describe and mentally work out the images that appeared during visualization in order to correct or simply realize the existing patterns of behavior, life goals and objectives, self-images that maximally stimulate the occurrence of anxiety. Work with visual images is implemented in three planes: introspection of visualization results by participants, group analysis of the most common images, professional comments by a psychologist on introspection and group analysis.

Introspection of visual images, in accordance with the comments of the psychologist who manages visualization, the participants of the program themselves fill with personal meanings, values, symbols.

During the group analysis in microgroups of 2-5 people, participants exchange impressions and experiences, describing and living in the microgroup all the images that they imagined during the visualization. In the microgroup, there is an opportunity to share the emotions, ideas, thoughts that were experienced, which were tracked and presented in the framework of visualization, showing painted images or talking about them, participants also perceive third-party symbols and images that can lead them to new insights.

The professional analysis of the psychologist and his comments are implemented in the following format: a general lecture session on the functioning of visualization, the general cultural meanings of symbols; a session on the analysis of specific examples of images and symbols of group members, a group consultation session on the results of visualization.

In total, 10 3-hour meetings were held with respondents on the topic of anxiety.

3. Discussion

In the presented study, visualization is used as the most appropriate technology for solving the tasks set. The rapid development of technical means of data visualization, such technologies as virtual reality, augmented reality allow specialists in various subject areas to improve their visualization techniques and technologies and use them in their practice (Kui et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2023). For example, research in the field of education shows that computer visualization develops students' critical thinking skills well (Ngajie et al., 2020). Even simple visualization tools,

pictures, photographs help to reduce the level of anxiety of students, and for the psychologist conducting the training, it is possible to combine diagnosis and corrective action. Information visualization is widely used to create models in mathematics, computer science and programming (Bork, De Carlo, 2023). Virtual reality technologies allow a person to gain experience of participating in various situations and processes by modeling the situation and using simulations, therefore they have high potential and have already proven their effectiveness (Dunmoye et al., 2024; Kaplan-Rakowski et al., 2024). The use of virtual reality to manage stress in the emergency department shows that after a relaxation session in virtual reality, patients noted a decrease in anxiety, relaxation, and improved mood, and therapists also confirmed a positive result (Riches et al., 2023). In some studies on the use of visualization tools, virtual reality for the treatment of stress disorders and anxiety reduction, positive results of visualization therapy have been noted. However, there are practical problems regarding the use of the headset and equipment (Best et al., 2023). Research in the field of cognitive psychology shows that data visualization tools contribute to making more informed decisions because they help synthesize the necessary information from various sources, often contradictory (Eberhard, Wulf, 2023). One of the visualization methods to reduce anxiety and stress is visualization meditation. It can be practiced using simple visual effects, or it can be embedded in more complex techniques (Aksu, Ayar, 2023). A review of the literature for the ongoing study showed an insufficient number of studies devoted to the use of visualization in psychocorrection. Most of the available research is devoted to the problems of visualizing the results of clinical trials, diagnosis of diseases, or other subject areas that are not related to psychological research. With this study, we will fill this gap.

As part of the work carried out, it was possible to correlate information about the use of visualization as an opportunity to analyze the emotional state and construct effective patterns of behavior of a person, especially one holding a high position without sufficient experience (if the head is younger than 30 years old). In the work with figurative plots, within the framework of visualization, it is possible to combine conscious manifestations and unconscious personality structures, identify internal unconscious conflicts and emotional tension that arises as a result of destructive relationships, needs, unrealized desires and motives. The images that arise during visualizations can be interpreted and explained as messages from the individual unconscious. To increase the significance and value of images that arise within the framework of visualization, it is important for the images presented to be very similar to the values and meanings of the inner world of a person, which are important for the personality.

The data also confirmed the information that visualization is more effective when the images transmitted in the process of using this method correspond as much as possible either to cultural symbols or to personally significant images important to a particular person. Images are a significant key to work and getting results, because they make up the inner world of a person, but they may not always be realized.

The conducted research has strengthened the work that confirms that visualization is an effective tool when working with the inner world of a person, balances the personality and the outside world by creating resource states for the emotional sphere through internal elaboration of basic symbols.

The work carried out confirms the idea that information plays a serious, if not a key role in the modern world. The dissemination of information has changed a lot nowadays, not least because of digital technologies. The ways of broadcasting data and information are also changing the format of its representation - mainly visual. Visualization makes the possibilities of perception and processing of information more flexible, considering its various aspects and meanings. The design of modern information requires maximum approximation to the interactive format, which is important because the recipient has become accustomed and adapted to this way of perceiving data.

The data obtained on the images used by the participants of the program confirm research on the emergence of an original form of data and information consumption - "clip thinking" based on emotional and sensory perception and transformation of visual and auditory images. The image that arises as a result of clip perception is usually the result of curiosity and the emotion that has arisen, as a rule, without intellectual analysis. A person with a dominant clip perception and thinking easily jumps "from information to information", from some individual meanings and constructs to others of the same; a person prefers visually presented information, without verbal accompaniment, he is able to quickly navigate an extensive flow of information. The recipient perceives data and information in fragments, focusing in more detail only on what is interesting.

Clip thinking is implemented according to the algorithm "visual image - catchy short information - the rest of the text". Visualization of data and information is interesting for its facticity, maximum detail, focus on details and other attributes. Information should attract and retain attention as much as possible.

Maximum visualization efficiency in the representation of data or information that was not originally visual. The results obtained confirm a number of recommendations that allow you to present information and data: information should be structured; include important or interesting information in a format that allows you to go back and analyze everything again; with meaningful images. Visual information has a number of functions: communicative (visual images allow you to keep focus on important details, present various facts); ideological (the presentation of images allows you to create a worldview, stable categorized thinking on significant issues); cultural and educational (visual images stimulate education and increase the level of culture); recreational (visual images allow you to optimize the state with targeted use).

The proven effectiveness of using the program confirms the idea that an image can replace an entire text, transform complex information into a system of visual images. Visualization is characterized by: accurate translation of the essence of the idea, concise forms; a simple but systematic format for presenting information, taking into account the level of culture and education of visualization participants; the use of general social images, the absence of a large number of associative connections; clarity and depth of details; appeal to emotions, search for unexpected angles of analysis of the situation.

The study also confirmed that visual data gets into the inner world of a person faster, can quickly cause an associative series and stereotypical images. Visualization makes it easier to perceive cultural, social rituals and traditions, transforming symbols into a universal and understandable system. Visualization allows you to interpret symbols without effort, without spending a lot of time. The images that arise as a result of visualization retain the specifics and characteristic features of the object, situation, event, person, omitting minor details, these images are perceived quite simply and quickly.

4. Results

The diagnostic results are presented below. First, the data that were obtained in the empirical group before and after the results of participation in the program are described.

The following are the features of the manifestation of personal and situational anxiety in the group before and after the implementation of the program (Table 1).

Table 1. The severity of personal parameters in the sample before and after the implementation of the program (data in % of the total sample)

Various parameters of test methods Before the implementation of the program (%) After the implementation of the program (%)

low situational anxiety 5 26

high situational anxiety 77 16

borderline situational anxiety 19 5

low personal anxiety 7 45

high personal anxiety 19 6

borderline personal anxiety 15 4

absence of asthenic manifestations 12 39

pronounced asthenic manifestations 68 12

neuroticism 18 4

spontaneous aggressiveness 12 6

depression 17 5

irritability 34 17

reactive aggressiveness 26 12

These tables allow us to draw the following conclusions:

1) Before the implementation of the program, most of the respondents expressed personal anxiety (64 points), they tend to accept the external environment as carrying the maximum threat,

any external influence is perceived by them as negatively affecting their self-esteem, respect and attitude towards themselves. It is important for them to constantly control everything, they are characterized by regular concern, most social interactions are perceived as threatening, therefore they constantly cause negative emotions. Situational anxiety (58.5 points) is not typical for respondents, but when it manifests, it also causes a range of negative emotions: pronounced tension, increased anxiety, repeated concern about the same situation, a high degree of nervousness. Among the moments that most cause both situational and personal anxiety among respondents are those that are associated with work or career moments, with the occupied social status in society, the appearance of difficulties in relationships with others. After the implementation of the program, personal anxiety (51 points) and situational anxiety (38 points) decreased in terms of indicators and began to manifest less frequently (more often - the average level of severity). After the implementation of the program, situational anxiety dominates among respondents, personal anxiety is less common.

2) Prior to the implementation of the program, severe asthenia dominates in the group of respondents: they perform any activity with great tension, it is difficult for them to keep the focus of attention, they do not have enough resources to endure and overcome something, they are characterized by muscle weakness, there are difficulties in memorizing, pronounced fatigue, high fatigue, especially from communicating with people. They are also quite touchy and vulnerable, any events for them are always associated with feelings and emotional stress, they are characterized by insomnia. After the implementation of the program, a larger number of respondents showed mild asthenia, which indicates that it became easier for them to perform any activity, it was easier to keep their focus, they had enough resources to endure and overcome something, they had less difficulty remembering, fatigue was less pronounced, fatigue decreased. They also became less likely to show resentment and vulnerability, any events for them became less associated with feelings and emotional stress, insomnia began to appear less often.

3) The key personal characteristics of respondents associated with manifestations of the emotional sphere in the group of respondents before the implementation of the program were: neuroticism (8 points), spontaneous aggressiveness (8 points), depression (7 points), irritability (8 points), reactive aggressiveness (7 points). All these data confirm that before the implementation of the program, the respondents had quite pronounced neurotic manifestations of the asthenic type with possible psychosomatic disorders, this is reflected in the general reduced emotional background, in behavior, in a negative attitude towards themselves and others. The respondents expressed a typical stress reaction to typical life situations of a passive-defensive type. These personal characteristics contribute to the manifestation of stiffness and insecurity in behavior and interaction with others, as a result of this - difficulties in building a dialogue and establishing communication. They are characterized by an unstable state (frequent mood changes, high level of excitability, irritability, low level of self-regulation). This personality profile reflects anxiety as a dominant personality trait. The influence of the key personal characteristics of the respondents decreased after the implementation of the program: neuroticism (5 points), spontaneous aggressiveness (5 points), depression (4 points), irritability (4 points), reactive aggressiveness (5 points). All these data confirm that after the implementation of the program, neurotic manifestations of the asthenic type with possible psychosomatic disorders became less pronounced in respondents. The emotional background has become higher, the attitude towards oneself and others has become more positive. The respondents stopped showing the typical stress reaction to typical life situations of a passive-defensive type. These personal characteristics began to contribute less to the manifestation of stiffness and insecurity in behavior and interaction with others, and the difficulty in building a dialogue and establishing communication began to manifest itself less. Their mood began to change spontaneously less often, the level of excitability, irritability decreased, and the level of self-regulation increased.

The shifts in the group after participation in the program were confirmed statistically using the Wilcoxon criterion: Temp - 0.229, which is below the critical value at the significance level of 0.01.

The following is an analysis of the severity of personal parameters in the sample before and after the implementation of the program in comparison with the control group where the work was not carried out (Table 2). This confirms the hypothesis formulated earlier.

According to Table 2, it can be said that before the implementation of the program, the data in the control and empirical groups were approximately the same, and after the implementation of

the program, qualitative and quantitative changes occurred in the empirical group, which cannot be said about the control group, where the program was not implemented.

Table 2. The severity of personal parameters in the sample before and after the implementation of the program in comparison with the control group where the work was not carried out (data in % of the total sample)

Various parameters of test methods Before the implementation of the program After the implementation of the program

Emp. gr. Contr. gr. Emp. gr. Contr. gr.

low situational anxiety 5 5 26 5

high situational anxiety 77 69 16 68

borderline situational anxiety 19 15 5 14

low personal anxiety 7 4 45 3

high personal anxiety 19 19 6 18

borderline personal anxiety 15 13 4 14

absence of asthenic manifestations 12 11 39 12

pronounced asthenic manifestations 68 64 12 65

neuroticism 18 22 4 21

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spontaneous aggressiveness 12 13 6 12

depression 17 15 5 14

irritability 34 37 17 35

reactive aggressiveness 26 29 12 27

This also indirectly confirms the effectiveness of the proposed correction program using visualization. Comparative statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney U-test confirmed the results obtained (Table 3).

Table 3. Comparative analysis of the severity of personal parameters in the sample before and after the implementation of the program in comparison with the control group where the work was not carried out

Various parameters of test methods The empirical value of the criterion

low situational anxiety U*emp = 0,122 (p=o,oi)

high situational anxiety U* emp = 0,125 (p=0,0i)

borderline situational anxiety U* emp = 0,158 (p=0,0i)

low personal anxiety U* emp = 0,176 (p=0,0i)

high personal anxiety U* emp = 0,159 (p=0,0i)

borderline personal anxiety U* emp = 0,129 (p=0,0i)

absence of asthenic manifestations U* emp = 0,159 (p=0,0i)

pronounced asthenic manifestations U* emp = 0,164 (p=0,0i)

neuroticism U* emp = 0,138 (p=0,0i)

spontaneous aggressiveness U* emp = 0,101 (p=0,0i)

depression U* emp = 0,115 (p=0,0i)

irritability U* emp = 0,152 (p=0,0i)

reactive aggressiveness U* emp = 0,134 (p=0,0i)

According to Table 3, it can be seen that there are differences in the manifestations of the personal parameters of the respondents of the control and empirical groups before and after the implementation of the program: in the manifestation of personal and situational anxiety, in the manifestation of asthenia, as well as neuroticism, irritability, aggressiveness and depression. The differences can be explained as follows: before the implementation of the program, respondents expressed high-level personal anxiety, reaching borderline forms, asthenia,

neuroticism, aggressiveness, depression, irritability, after the implementation of the program. As part of the targeted use of visualization to reduce the anxiety of young managers, including due to lack of media literacy in management, it was possible to reduce anxiety, irritability, neuroticism and other parameters.

5. Conclusion

The modern world dictates its own conditions for the perception of information, new cognitive constructs appear, models of reflection of the external world, which allows you to build trajectories of interaction with reality, taking into account internal experiences, attitudes to the environment and personal. All these patterns are difficult to track, because they are often an integral element of unconscious processes, which makes it difficult to perceive and evaluate, and this can negatively affect decisions, work and other areas of life. The use of visualization allows you to work effectively with little-realized constructs and models of the inner world.

As part of the study, an analysis of anxiety, asthenia and personal parameters was performed in the empirical and control groups. The study revealed high levels of personal and situational anxiety, asthenia, neuroticism, irritability, aggressiveness and depression. Before the implementation of the program, the data in the control and empirical groups were approximately the same, and after the implementation of the program, qualitative and quantitative changes occurred in the empirical group, which cannot be said about the control group, where the program was not implemented. The data has been confirmed statistically.

Thus, the study confirmed the assumption that there are differences between the manifestation of anxiety (its decrease) of managers younger than 30 years after a correction program based on visualization.


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