УДК 616.31
Safarov Mahir Alisa
Azerbaijan Medical University,Department of Orthopedic Dentistry
Baku, Azerbaijan Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine Mehmani Ilham Gasanaga Azerbaijan Medical University,Department of Orthopedic Dentistry
Baku, Azerbaijan Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, assistant Babayev Elmar Elman Azerbaijan Medical University,Department of Orthopedic Dentistry,
Baru,Azerbaijan Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, assistant Ashrafov Davud Sergeevich Azerbaijan Medical University,Department of Orthopedic Dentistry
Baku, Azerbaijan assistant
Cафаров Махир Алиса ог.
Доктор философии в области медицины Aзербайджанский медицинский университет, Кафедра ортопедической стоматологии, г.Баку, Азербайджан
Мехмани Ильхам Гасанага ог. Доктор философии в области медицины A зербайджанский медицинский университет, Кафедра ортопедической стоматологии, г.Баку, Азербайджан
Бабаев Эльмар Эльман ог. Доктор философии в области медицины A зербайджанский медицинский университет, Кафедра ортопедической стоматологии, г.Баку, Азербайджан
Ашрафов Давуд Сергеевич A зербайджанский медицинский университет, Кафедра ортопедической стоматологии, г.Баку, Азербайджан
The use of occlusal mouthguards will increase efficiency orthopedic treatment of patients with periodontal diseases. Orthopedic treatment ofperiodontal diseases was carried out by selective grinding of teeth, if necessary, carried out temporary splinting. Further treatment was reduced to making permanent splinting devices and dentures. Treatment directed for the restoration of defects in the dentition. The goal of treatment is to eliminate traumatic occlusion and articulation, organization ofstabilization moving teeth and redistribution of masticatory pressure by splinting. Аннотация.
Использование окклюзионных капп повысит эффективность ортопедического лечения больных с заболеваниями пародонта. Ортопедическое лечение заболеваний пародонта проводилось путем избирательного пришлифовывание зубов,при необходимости проводилось временное шинирование. Дальнейшее лечение сводилось к изготовлению постоянных шинирующих аппаратов и зубных протезов. Лечение направлено на восстановление дефектов зубного ряда. Цель лечения устранение травматической окклюзии и артикуляции, организация стабилизации подвижных зубов и перераспределение жевательного давления путем шинирования.
Key words: periodontal disease, orthopedic treatment, occlusive caps.
Ключевые слова: заболевания пародонта, ортопедическое лечение, окклюзионные каппы.
Periodontal disease is a major problem modern dentistry. Periodontal disease is accompanied by: the formation of a periodontal pocket, pathological mobility and displacement of teeth, as well as the presence of
destructive changes in bone tissue.[2] Restoration of balance in the system: "periodontium - jaw joint - masticatory muscles - occlusal surface "is possible only on the basis of rational orthopedic interventions aimed at
MEDICAL SCIENCES / <«g©yL©(MUM~J©U©MaL» #9(132), 2022
changing articulation and power relationships between individual teeth and dentition[1]. Restoring the endurance of the affected periodontium are achieved by the formation of a block from a row of teeth and the use of various types of stabilization. This treatment is based on the principle using the reserve forces of the periodontium of a group of teeth or the entire tooth row[4] On the course of the pathological process in the periodontium, to a large extent diverse overloads affect. A healthy periodontium can withstand significant load. As a result of weakening of the periodontal inflammatory-destructive process normal occlusal load begins to exceed the tolerance of its structures and turns into traumatic factor. Traumatic occlusion occurs, which plays important role in the course of the disease. [6] Treatment of periodontal disease can only be effective if an integrated approach that includes therapeutic, surgical, physiotherapeutic and orthopedic treatment. A comprehensive method of treatment involves the identification of etiological factors and a clear definition of the main links of pathogenetic mechanism of the disease. [8] It is necessary to determine the means etiotropic and patho-genetic therapy, as well as for compiling specific patient care plan. Comprehensive treatment of diseases periodontal can also include immunotherapeutic effects, methods aimed at increasing the level of vital activity of the body in general, psycho-emotional state, improvement of social conditions life, treatment of somatic diseases that contribute to development of periodontal disease. It should be noted that persons with concomitant diseases should undergo dental treatment only in stage of remission or drug compensation. The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of orthopedic treatment of patients with periodontal disease. Treatment of diseases periodontium, it is necessary to begin with a thorough removal of dental deposits. It is also important to eliminate local factors that contribute to the accumulation dental plaque (gingival carious cavities, unrestored interdental contacts, overhanging edges of fillings, deeply advanced under gum edges of artificial crowns, correction of anatomical and topographic features of teeth and jaws, orthodontic treatment of pathology bite, crowded teeth, etc.)
Materials and methods.
For orthopedic treatment of patients with perio-dontal diseases, various removable and non-removable, temporary and permanent designs of medical devices. Indication for orthopedic treatment of periodontitis is primarily due to the need to immobilize mobile teeth and redistribute loads on teeth with unaffected perio-dontium or prosthetic mucosa lodge.[7] The most important point is to eliminate the functional traumatic periodontal overload by selective grinding [5], splinting and rational prosthetics. therefore, the main stages of orthopedic treatment of diseases periodontium are: selective grinding of teeth; temporary splinting; orthodontic treatment (according to indications); application permanent splinting devices and dentures [3]. Main importance of orthopedic treatment of periodontal disease is that what it is: allows you to remove inflammation; improves circulation; restores tissue trophism by eliminating pathological mobility; normalizes the occlusal ratio; relieves chewing pressure. Properly selected and
performed a complex of orthopedic interventions aimed not only for the restoration of defects in the dentition, but also for reliable stabilization of the remaining teeth, contributes to the normalization of occlusal loads, per-iodontal trophism and reparative processes in its tissues, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the treatment of periodontal diseases.
Results . Regardless of the form and stage of periodontal pathology in 42 people with partial absence of teeth taken for treatment, local therapy began with a thorough removal of dental plaque and antiseptic gum margin treatment. Then the obvious premature dental contacts and applied uncoupling occlusive mouthguards. IN further surgical, therapeutic sanitation and the whole complex therapeutic measures at the per-iodontist were under the control occlusive caps. In the treatment of local periodontitis, occlusive mouth guards were made when removing functionally defective orthopedic structures, with multiple extractions of teeth, with long-term therapeutic treatment with restoration of the integrity of the anatomical shape of the tooth, etc. On average, patients used such mouthguards for 3-4 weeks, for a period treatment by a periodontist. Orthopedic measures (splinting and prosthesis splinting) were also carried out under the control occlusive caps. In this case, the kappa was relined for better fixation in the oral cavity. Completed treatment with rational prosthetics. When planning an orthopedic design, carefully x-rays of all teeth were studied.According to the testimony of 28 patients, periodontal splints were made from composite filling materials. Splinting structure on fiberglass or polyamide thread reduces tooth mobility. Her rigidity does not allow the teeth to loosen, which means it reduces the likelihood tooth loss. Thanks to splinting, we were able to redistribution of the load on the entire reinforced fragment of the dentition. The more healthy teeth included in the immobilization, the more the unloading of mobile teeth will be pronounced. we've used splinting only in the frontal group of teeth, since the immobilization of the chewing groups of teeth using fiberglass splints in individuals with concomitant diseases we consider irrelevant, because, firstly, when using periodontal splints require increased oral hygiene, and patients with concomitant diseases due to the severity of their condition may not pay special attention to this problem and, as a rule, because of this receive the expected positive result from the treatment. Secondly, due to due to the relative fragility of composite materials, chips are possible on splinted teeth, which over time can lead to occlusal violations. In addition to splinting, all patients with diseases periodontium were made temporary removable periodontal occlusal splints, a feature of which was the overlap not only occlusal surface, but also the gingival margin by 1.5-2 mm.During the period of treatment, a periodontist made a temporary dentogingivalocclusal splint. Such splints fix bite height, restore both included and distal defects of the dentition, partially redistribute chewing pressure, do not require preparation of teeth and allow simultaneous occlusal correction and treatment of periodontal diseases by investments of various drugs. After finishing periodontal treatment, we made permanent clasp structures using splinting elements or
partial removable dentures. The splinted areas were left as permanent tires, depending on the material capabilities of the patient. So Thus, orthopedic treatment of patients with partial absence of teeth in periodontal diseases is carried out in a complex manner and has its own peculiarities. It is aimed at eliminating traumatic occlusion and articulation, stabilization of mobile teeth and redistribution masticatory pressure by splinting, defect repair dentition. dental treatment of periodontal diseases must be carried out using occlusive mouth guards (therapeutic, surgical debridement, orthodontic preparation, fabrication of permanent orthopedic structures). As medical constructions, it is recommended to make dental occlusive caps. Use as permanent structures clasp tires or prostheses with a clasp fixation system.
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Соколенко М. О.
Соколенко Л. С.
Сидорчук Л.П.
Соколенко А.А Марчук О.В.
Кцак А.О.
Паачник А.В.
Федюшко 1.М.
Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет Уманський державний педагоггчний унгверситет 1мет Павла Тичини
Sokolenko M.O.
Sokolenko L.S.
Sidorchuk L.P.
Sokolenko A.A.
Marchuk O. V.
Kitsak A.O.
Pasichnik A. V.
Fedyushko I.M.
Bukovinian state medical university Pavlo Tychyna Uman state pedagogical university
In recent years, there has been increasing alarming information about the disadvantages of the impact of the educational process in educational institutions on the health of students. Lack of proper physical activity, according to research and statistics, contributes to the development of chronic diseases in one in four students, leading to a significant loss of health reserves. The same negative trends are inherent in the state of health of teachers, and they are formed at the stage of their studies at the university and deepen in the process of further professional activity. Particularly noticeable deterioration of physical and mental health occurs at the age of 1722 years. The state of students' health is negatively affected by the organization and content of the educational process, the psychological characteristics of the relationship between students and teachers and many other