Научная статья на тему 'Recommendations on formulation of the regional investment policy'

Recommendations on formulation of the regional investment policy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
investment policy / investment climate / Russian Federation / regional policy

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Pozdnyakov Konstantin K.

Investment policy is one of organic components of the economic policy. Implementation of effective investment policy in many respects depends on a strategy correctness and tactics of general economic reforms at the macroas well as at the micro-level.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Recommendations on formulation of the regional investment policy»


Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) # 10 (19), 2015 | ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ

может находиться в предбанкротном состоянии. Компания вынуждена снижать качество услуг. Если снижается качество предоставляемых услуг, то жильцы просто меняют компанию. Поменять управляющую компанию достаточно просто, потому что во Франции большая конкуренция на рынке УК. В России очень сложно поменять УК, так как рынок управляющих компаний еще не развит. Отметим, что в нашей стране об уровне недоплаты в 2-3% остается только мечтать.

Как жильцам погасить услуги ЖКХ, чтобы в целом по дому не существовало недоимки? Воспользоваться адресными субсидиями, которые предоставляет государство для малообеспеченных граждан. Адресные субсидии помогают снизить уровень недоимки. К сожалению, не все жильцы домов прибегают к помощи государства, когда им нечем платить за услуги ЖКУ. Пенсионерам и малоимущим граждам следует получать субсидии, чтобы не задерживать оплату коммунальных платежей по общедомовым приборам учета (которые показывают результаты в целом по дому). Существует частичное и 100% субсидирование. Правда, если существуют долги, то сначала их надо погасить, а потом

подавать документы на субсидии. Правда, если между неплательщиком и УК, ТСЖ или ресурсоснабжающей организацией заключено соглашение, где собственник обязуется погасить платежи в течении определенного срока, адресные субсидии предоставляться могут. В России примерно 12% домохозяйств получают адресные субсидии. Выдаются они только в денежной форме.

Взаимоотношения в цепи: управляющая компания - собственник - ресурсоснабжающая организация, являются непростыми, потому что на первый план выступают деньги - оплата за коммунальные услуги. Хотелось бы, чтобы эти взаимоотношения были более простыми и прозрачными, и каждый участник процесса получал именно то что хочет: управляющие и ресурсоснабжающие организации законный доход, а собственник жилья качественные услуги.


1. Дёмин А.В. Формирование региональной системы управления жилищно-коммунальным комплексом России. / диссертация на соискание уч.степ. докт. эк. наук - Москва, 2012-стр.38.



Pozdnyakov Konstantin K.

Associate Professor of Department of corporate governance of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MBA, PhD

ABSTRACT: Investment policy - is one of organic components of the economic policy. Implementation of effective investment policy in many respects depends on a strategy correctness and tactics of general economic reforms at the macro- as well as at the micro-level.

KEY WORDS: investment policy, investment climate, Russian Federation, regional policy.

Investment policy - is one of organic components of the economic policy. Implementation of effective investment policy in many respects depends on a strategy correctness and tactics of general economic reforms at the macro- as well as at the micro-level.

Many Russian regions with high investment potential cannot use it effectively because of a low adaptability in respect to investments.

Adaptation (adaptability) of region in respect to investments means adaptation of a region as an economical system to real economic conditions, particularly to investment climate. There can be distinguished passive adaptation of a region in respect to investments, when region responds to changes in the external economic environment and active adaptation, when region has investment impact on the external economic environment (by means of investment activity results).

Obviously, goals and purposes of the regional investment policy as well as forms and methods of its implementation in different regions can be different because of the abovementioned reasons. Along with this, there are common generalized goals and purposes of the investment policy fair for all regions of the Russian Federation.

They are:

• creation and strengthening of the investment culture and civilized investment market;

• respective leveling of conditions of the social and economic development of regions;

• maximal use of competitive advantages of regions, including environmental advantages and advantages related to resources;

• priority development of production with a strategically significant importance for economy of region and country.

In the Russian conditions, the investment policy today should ensure involving of new territories and resources in economic turnover, lessening of contradiction between city and village. It should be also told about problems concerning its formulation. There are suggestions as if attraction and effective use of investments is one of main goals of the investment policy. However, importance in the investment policy formulation is more attached to a political meaning than to a social and economical meaning. That is why regional authorities do not have serious impact on investment processes and actually do not control them.

Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) # 10 (19), 2015 | ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ


As a rule, in many regions of Russia there is a number of obstacles in respect to attraction of investments:

• low effectiveness of use of available economic potential of regions and state property;

• high administrative barriers;

• big part of black economy and non-transparency of financial flows of a subject of the Federation;

• difficulties in the way of financial flows;

• lack of mechanism for attraction of investments.

Therefore, main goal of the regional investment policy is a

creation of conditions for effective investment made in its economy based on: goodwill in relations with foreign investors, equilibrium between public and private interests, disclosure for all investors, clarity and simplicity of investment process, equal rights of investors, objectivity and common economical sense in the taken decisions, constancy in taken decisions and timely and clear fulfillment of its obligations, supporting and encouragement of investments. The regional investment policy is defined by external (political situation in the country, general economic situation, financial market state, reliability of contractors) and internal (chosen investment strategy, procurement of investment resources, personnel qualification, current management system) factors conditioning solution of a complex of tasks on stabilization of political situation in region, decline in inflation, increase of corporate investment attraction. At that, this policy should take into account competitiveness of each concrete region, that is its role in the economic space of Russia, ability to ensure deserved living standard for population and to realize economic potential of region.

In respect of methods increasing competitiveness of region on the financial market and as a consequence the investment attractiveness can be considered as a creation of consolidation system and financial resources allocation system, for example, on the basis of creation of regional investment structures on a basis of separate municipal units.

These structures could concentrate available assets and financial capital and direct them to development of territory within the scope of complex investment projects. The basis of this method forms an idea concerning necessity to reform current economic management systems.

Creation of regional investment structures will provide conditions when monetary funds of region will be kept within the territory of region and invested in development of this territorial unit.

Generally, one of important goals of the region policy on investment resources attraction is bringing of complex of economic units of region to “market look” by means of creation of the respective infrastructure: trust companies, leasing mechanisms, financial, insurance companies, etc.

According to the abovementioned, today many regions with high economic potential do not use it effectively. Accordingly, even among the basic tasks on increase of investment attraction of region there can be singled out a task on recognition of assets of a territorial unit (natural, financial, productive, social and other potentials) and current resources monitoring. At that, there should be paid a special attention to state and municipal property of subjects of the Federation and to priority of its effective use.

Sources of information

1. http://www.kapital-rus.ru - the Internet-the magazine “Capital” magazine on investment opportunities of Russia”.

2. http://www.raexpert.ru rating Agency “Expert RA”.

3. http://www.government.ru/ - the website of the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. http://www.globfin.ru - news of the world economy, Finance and investment.

5. http://www.cfin.ru/ library management.


Попова Ирина Николаевна

Ст. преподаватель кафедры технологии и управление продажами, г. Москва

Зинцова Марина Владимировна

Канд. эк. наук, доцент кафедры технологии и управление продажами, г. Москва


В настоящее время инновации, инновационные процессы и технологии стали областью внимания ученых и практиков, сформировав специальную научно-практическую область знаний - инновационный маркетинг. Инновационному маркетингу, доказавшему свою значимость, с каждым годом уделяется все больше и больше внимания, как на прикладном и функциональном уровнях, так и в исследованиях и теоретическом обосновании. В статье рассмотрено применение технологии iBeacon и преимущества, которые она дает.


Presently innovations, innovative processes and technologies became the area of attention of scientists and practical workers, forming the special research and practice area of knowledge - innovative marketing. To the innovative marketing proving the meaningfulness, with every year more attention is spared all anymore, both on applied and functional levels and in researches and theoretical ground. Application of technology of iBeacon and advantages that she gives is considered in the article.

Ключевые слова: маркетинговые коммуникации, инновационный маркетинг, технологии, iBeacon.

Keywords: marketing communications, innovative marketing, technologies, iBeacon.

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