Научная статья на тему 'Realization of the PDA project on Taimyr'

Realization of the PDA project on Taimyr Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kostina Darya Dmitrievna, Tereshina Olga Yurievna

The article analyzes the perspectives of the creation and development of the project priority development area in the Taimyr region and gives the explanation of its resource potential. The paper highlights the major steps of the project’s implementation and possible benefits and positive consequences due to its full realization. Given figures and statistics allow assessing the impact of the project on the federal and regional revenues and to create the full image of economic potential of the Taimyr region.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Realization of the PDA project on Taimyr»






Abstract: the article analyzes the perspectives of the creation and development of the project priority development area in the Taimyr region and gives the explanation of its resource potential. The paper highlights the major steps of the project's implementation and possible benefits and positive consequences due to its full realization. Given figures and statistics allow assessing the impact of the project on the federal and regional revenues and to create the full image of economic potential of the Taimyr region.

Keywords: PDA, modernization, infrastructure, Taimyr, project, regional economy.

The realization of the project priority development area (PDA) on Taimyr has a huge resource potential: today only 25% of its subsoil have been explored, moreover discovered rich deposits can be used for several centuries. It provides a real opportunity to create PDA on the basis of the Taimyr region. The implementation of this idea will meet the goals of either the state or the company. Creation of PDA based on Taimyr involves modernization of existing facilities, particularly further development of highly profitable mines of the Polar Division, especially of Taymyrsky and Oktyabrsky.

The project also implies the full realization of the resource potential of Taimyr, including the holding of geological exploration, construction of new industrial complexes and relevant infrastructure. All necessary works on the project during its approval in 2016 will be fully implemented by 2025, the company's revenue at this time is supposed to increase twice due to the rise in production volume and market share to 23%, as well as due to the income from the provision of public benefits [4].

Fig. '. Profit and market share

The establishment and operation of the Taimyr industrial cluster involves ensuring its provision of solid transport and energy infrastructure with the involvement of state investments. Despite the significant advantages of the railway transport, our team believes that for long-haul transportations it is more reasonable to use sea transport. The conducted analysis showed that the project for the construction of an extended railway from Dudinka to Novy Urengoy with a view to joining the All-Russian rail network seems to be more costly. Moreover, at the moment, Norilsk Nickel has its own container ships and river fleet. To ensure year-round supply of the constantly growing volume of goods, it is necessary to modernize the international port "Dudinka", making it a so-called "warm" port [3]. In addition, it seems necessary to buy new ships with high-class ice protection for export purposes to various destinations

during the cold season. Thus the company would be able to supply sulfuric acid at the same time minimizing cases of non-compliance with the storage limits.

Electricity supply can be ensured by construction of a new thermal power station or of several power lines. Focusing on maritime transport it is advisable to carry out the construction of a thermal power station, due to the fact that both gas pipelines and maritime transport can be used for the delivery of fuel.

Moreover, to create favorable working and living conditions at the new PDA the construction of social infrastructure should be implemented.

In the case of Taimyr PDA project approval various benefits will be provided by the state: tax benefits, related to the elimination of administrative barriers and other things that would help to increase profitability and to attract investors. The most significant effect is expected from the tax incentives, in particular from reducing the income tax and mining tax.

In addition, it seems possible to create a free customs zone at Taimyr along with a simplified connection to public infrastructure, preferential loans for construction and simplification of licensing. The potential cumulative effect of all the provided benefits would be 149 billion rubles.

tax on profits


Fig. 2. Budget revenues (billion rubles)

The PDA Taimyr project will allow to achieve the goals of federal and regional scale, concerning the increase of budget revenues, creation of new jobs, increase in the export performance and improving the region's environmental status. According to forecasts, the PDA project will bring in the country's budget 5.9 trillion rubles by 2030, increasing the number of jobs by 47000, at the same time boosting the growth of wages and the overall standard of living in the region. The increase in the export revenue of the country in general and the proportion of the Taimyr Peninsula in it can also be expected as the result of the project implementation. Tax revenues to the federal budget in view of the availability of benefits at first will not show a significant growth, however the rate will gradually return to its common figures year after year, which eventually will lead to the revenues increase to the regional budget by 95% in 15 years. The modernization of industrial facilities in its turn activities will reduce air pollution by 28% [3].

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Fig. 3. Emissions (thousand tons) 41

Thus the project area of advanced development "Taimyr mining and industrial cluster" will allow implementation of a strategic goal of Norilsk Nickel as well as state objectives at the federal and regional levels, attracting additional revenue to the budget and improving the socio -economic situation in the country.


1. BBC NEWS // Russia's Arctic: Taimyr Peninsula. [ELectronic resource]. URL: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-23799682/ (date of access: 06.10.2016).

2. RUSNET // Taimyr Peninsula. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.rusnet.nl/encyclo/tAaimyr.shtml/ (date of access: 10.10.2016).

3. Norilsk Nickel // REGULATORY PRESS RELEASES 2015. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.nornik.ru/investoram/raskryitie-informaczii/regulyatornyie-press-relizyi/2015/ (date of access: 11.10.2016).

4. Norilsk Nickel // Quarterly reports. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.nornik.ru/investoram/raskryitie-informaczii/ezhekvartalnyie-otchetyi-emitenta/ (date of access: 10.12.2016).


Жилинская В.В.

Жилинская Виктория Владимировна — магистр муниципального и государственного управления, Институт предпринимательства и международного бизнеса Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет им. академика М.Ф. Решетнева, г. Красноярск

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматривается понятие аутсорсинг, описывается возможность передачи на аутсорсинг основных государственных и муниципальных функций, с целью разгрузки государственных органов и освобождения их от выполнения непрофильных функций. Проводится анализ тенденций использования технологий аутсорсинга в государственном и муниципальном управлении.

Ключевые слова: аутсорсинг, государственные и муниципальные функции, государственный контракт.

В настоящее время в мировой экономике отмечается стремление многих организаций повысить конкурентоспособность и получить дополнительные конкурентные преимущества. Среди них можно отметить гибкость, клиенториентированность, инновационную активность. Негосударственные организации постоянно пытаются внедрить новые управленческие технологии организации. К таким недавно появившимся управленческим технологиям относят даунсайзинг, реинжиниринг бизнес-процессов, всеобщее управление качеством, бенчмаркинг, аутсорсинг и многие другие.

Нельзя не отметить стремление и органов государственной власти соответствовать динамично развивающейся общественной жизни. Появление новых потребностей у населения требует от органов государственной и муниципальной власти способности адаптироваться и отвечать на многочисленные вызовы в кратчайшие сроки. Внедрение новых технологий в практику государственного и муниципального управления механизмов позволяет эффективнее использовать технологии при осуществлении государственных и муниципальных функций и при предоставлении государственных услуг.

В практике государственного менеджмента все чаще стали использоваться методы и технологии управления, которые ранее зарекомендовали себя в управлении частным сектором. Одной из таких технологий и выступила технология аутсорсинга.

Термин «аутсорсинг» дословно в переводе с английского языка знаменуется как поиск ресурсов во внешней среде. Сущность аутсорсинга заключается в делегировании реализации отдельных видов деятельности государственного органа, ранее выполнявшимся своими силами, сторонним организациям, специализирующимся на выполнении этих самых функций [1].

Основной ценностью аутсорсинга для государственного управления является выведение недостаточно эффективно реализуемых видов деятельности, ранее выполнявшихся органами

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