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Millennial farmers / interest / entrepreneurship / capital

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Parandy La Mema, Soedarto Teguh, Baihaqi Vanity Kurnia

Youth is the hope of the nation in the present and in the future. Youth who are interested in working in the agricultural sector are the noble ideals of the Indonesian nation as the embodiment of an agrarian country. This study was aimed to determine the interest of youth in agriculture. This research was descriptive qualitative. Data collection was obtained through in-depth interviews with 1050 participants in the Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Support Services (YESS) PROGRAM training during the period July to December 2022 in Pacitan Regency East Java. The results of this study indicated that there are still many young people who are interested in working as farmers and wish to be agricultural entrepreneurs and keep abreast of today's ever-changing developments. Digital is existing social media. It is hoped that in the future, there will be more training that provides psychological encouragement and capital support in agricultural businesses.

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UDC 37; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2023-04.02


Parandy La Mema, Doctoral Candidate Soedarto Teguh, Professor Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran", Surabaya, Indonesia

Baihaqi Vanity Kurnia*, Ph.D Candidate Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan, People's Republic of China

*E-mail: vanitykbaihaqi@gmail.com


Youth is the hope of the nation in the present and in the future. Youth who are interested in working in the agricultural sector are the noble ideals of the Indonesian nation as the embodiment of an agrarian country. This study was aimed to determine the interest of youth in agriculture. This research was descriptive qualitative. Data collection was obtained through in-depth interviews with 1050 participants in the Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Support Services (YESS) PROGRAM training during the period July to December 2022 in Pacitan Regency East Java. The results of this study indicated that there are still many young people who are interested in working as farmers and wish to be agricultural entrepreneurs and keep abreast of today's ever-changing developments. Digital is existing social media. It is hoped that in the future, there will be more training that provides psychological encouragement and capital support in agricultural businesses.


Millennial farmers, interest, entrepreneurship, capital.

Indonesia is an agricultural country, where most of the population is farmers. In Indonesia, national agriculture, in this case the development of the agricultural sector, needs serious attention in the framework of developing the national economy (Partowijoto, 2003)1 in the process of economic recovery which is reflected in several economic indicators (Abdalloh, Irwan, 2018).2 Farming is one of the professions of vocational education that is not missed by the current millennial generation. The trigger is the welfare factor of the farming profession which has not improved to date (Wibowo, 2021).3

The government through the ministry of agriculture has established policies related to highly competitive millennial farmers. Millennial is the name for today's young generation which is synonymous with modern, up-to-date people and likes anything that smells of advanced technology. The millennial generation is present in every area of human life, including agriculture.4

The Agricultural Human Resources Extension and Development Agency (BPSDMP) of the Ministry of Agriculture established three characteristics of the millennial generation of farmers, including being 19-39 years old, having a millennial spirit and being adaptive to digital technology, having a network of business cooperation.

Agriculture has an important role in human life because it functions as a provider of food, feed for livestock, and bioenergy. The role of agriculture is very strategic in supporting the national economy, especially in realizing food security, increasing competitiveness,

1 Partowijoto, A. 2003. Increased Production as a Factor of Food Security. Peningkatan Produksi Sebagai Salah Satu Faktor Ketahanan Pangan. Majalah Dunia Insinyur. Jakarta.

2 Abdalloh, Irwan, Pasar Modal Syariah, Jakarta: PT Gramedia, 2018.

3 Wibowo, P. T. (2021, January 04). Apa Itu Pay-Per-Click (PPC)? (A. Dinilhaq, Ed.) Digital Economy, p. 1.


employment and reducing poverty. In addition, encouraging the growth of downstream agro-industry and spurring exports of agricultural commodities to increase the country's foreign exchange. On the other hand, supplying people's food needs is a major task that is not easy, namely it is estimated that Indonesia's population in 2050 will reach 330.9 million people, the sixth largest in the world after India, China, Nigeria, the United States and Pakistan (United Nations Population 2019) .5

Presidential Regulation Number 18 of 2020 concerning the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), the agricultural sector is expected to contribute to quality economic growth in Indonesia. Nationally, it is estimated that economic growth in the next five years is expected to increase to 5.7-6.0% per year, driven by increased productivity, sustainable investment, improved labor market and improved quality of Human Resources (HR).

Agricultural development is expected to continue to be a support for positive economic growth by improving/changing strategies to increase productivity, strengthen product added value, sustainable investment, improve the labor market and improve the quality of Human Resources (HR).

It is hoped that the Ministry of Agriculture's Strategic Plan (Renstra) for 2020-2024 will serve as a direction as well as a reference in the preparation of agricultural development programs and activities for the 2020-2024 period. The revision or improvement of the Strategic Plan also needs to be integrated into five programs in the Ministry of Agriculture, namely: Availability, Access and Consumption of Quality Food; Increasing Value Added and Industrial Competitiveness; Science and Technology Research and Innovation; Vocational Education and Training; and Management Support.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia's population is still predominantly employed in the agricultural sector with a labor market share of 24.96% in 2020 or 35.00 million people out of a total workforce of 140.22 million people.

Figure 1 - Narrow Agricultural Workforce 2015-20196

NTP is calculated by comparing the price index received by farmers (It) with the price index paid by farmers (Ib). NTP is useful for measuring the exchangeability of products sold by farmers with products needed by farmers in household production and consumption. In 2019 (2012=100), NTP increased by 0.91% compared to 2018. The largest increase in NTP occurred in the Horticulture sub-sector, namely 2.54%, while the lowest increase was in the Livestock sub-sector of 0.63%. Meanwhile, the decline in NTP occurred in the Smallholder Plantation Sub-Sector by -0.15%.7

5 Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Republik Indonesia Nomor 484/Kpts/Rc.020/M/8/2021 Tentang Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pertanian Tahun 2020-2024

6 Sumber Biro Pusat Statistik 2015-2019 dioleh

7 Sumber Indikator Pertanian 2019

Figure 2 - FTT and Farmer Business Exchange Rates 2015-2020 (2018 = 100)8

Data from the Center for Research and Development of Land Resources (2016) shows that Indonesia's total land area is around 191.1 million ha, which is divided into 43.6 million ha of wetlands and 144.5 million ha of dry land. Of this total area, 15.9 million ha has the potential for agricultural areas, consisting of 3.4 million ha of APL land (Area for Other Use), 3.7 million ha of HP land (Production Forest), and 8.9 million ha HPK land (Convertible Production Forest). The potential availability of land resources for the development of lowland rice is 7.5 million ha, 7.3 million ha of food crops, chili, shallots and sugarcane, and upland chili and shallots of 154.1 thousand ha.

Based on National Work Unit (Sakernas) data (2018), more than 35.7 million workers still depend on the agricultural sector. If the knowledge and skills of the population in an area can be increased so that they are able to work and do business in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, it is hoped that this will increase the production capacity of various commodities to meet the needs of the domestic and global markets.

Based on the 2010 Census, in 2010-2040 there will be an explosion of a young population in Indonesia or a demographic bonus. During this demographic bonus period, Indonesia has a great opportunity or opportunity (window of opportunity) to make productive use of its young population. This condition can be a good opportunity to spur growth in all fields through the availability of skilled young workers. However, if this opportunity is not utilized properly, this condition can backfire which actually hinders growth in all fields, especially in agriculture.

Figure 3 - Projection of the Dependency Ratio and Indonesia's Population Growth 2015-20459

Various technology packages are available, but not all of them can be adopted by farmers due to various constraints, such as limited capital, weak institutions, relatively small

s Sumber Biro Pusat Statistik 2015-2020 dioleh 9 Sumber Biro Pusat Statistik 2015-2020 dioleh

business scale, limited skills, and uneven distribution of technology activities at the farm level.

In terms of education, the workforce in the agricultural sector who did not attend school until they graduated from elementary school reached 66.42%, followed by junior high school graduates at 16.13% and senior high school graduates at 14.33%. With education still dominated by junior high school and below and the emergence of new groups of farmers who are inexperienced, strategies are needed to increase competence, creativity and innovation through vocational training (vocational training), as well as mentoring new agricultural business actors.

Pendidikan Petani Usia Petani (Tahun)


41 US% 4 til HV.U.

tM« 0** Ol«*»

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Figure 4 - Education and Age of Farmers in 201810

Based on BPS data (2020), the percentage of poor people in 2020 was 10.19 percent, an increase of 0.97 percentage points compared to 2019. The number of poor people in 2020 was 27.54 million people, an increase of 2.76 million people compared to 2019. The percentage of poor people in urban areas in 2019 was 6.56 percent, increasing to 7.88 percent in 2020. Meanwhile the percentage of poor people in rural areas in 2019 was 12.60 percent, increasing to 13.2 percent in 2020.

Table 1 - Percentage of Poor People in Rural and Urban Indonesia, 2014-2020 (%)11

WILAYAH 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

PERDESAAN 13,76 14,09 13,96 13,47 13,1 12,6 13,2

PERK0TAAN 8,16 8,22 7,73 7,26 6,89 6.56 7,88

JUMLAH 10,96 11,13 10,7 10,12 9,66 9,22 10,19

Based on BPS data (2018) it shows that the main income of the Indonesian population in 73 thousand villages (87%) comes from the agricultural sector. This condition indicates that efforts to eradicate poverty, unemployment and food insecurity must be carried out by developing agriculture and rural areas.

In addition to the problems above, various factors emerged that influenced the interest of youth (the younger generation) to engage in agriculture.

There are many factors causing the decline in the interest of the younger generation to enter the world of agriculture, among them:

1. Young people's perceptions of the agricultural sector include that farming is dirty, requires hard work, old school, difficult, not cool, less profitable, takes a long time and is close to poverty;

10 Sumber Biro Pusat Statistik 2019

11 Sumber Indikator Penduduk BPS 2020

2. Families, schools, and non-agricultural activities have shaped rural youth into "modern" human resources. These modern youths encourage migration from villages to cities and leave agriculture which is only a small scale;

3. Most (70%) of parents do not want their children to become farmers (People's Coalition for Food Sovereignty, 2015;

4. Most parents do not want to hand over agricultural land to their children, their children only receive agricultural land at the age of around 40, after their parents died.

This study was aimed to determine the interest of young farmers in entrepreneurship in agriculture.


This research uses a Qualitative Descriptive Method by conducting in-depth interviews with agricultural training participants held by the Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Support Services (YESS) PROGRAM during the period July to December 2022.

The location for the research was the organizer of the YESS Training Program in Paciatan Regency, East Java, which is located in every sub-district in Pacitan Regency. Pacitan Regency was used as a research location for various reasons, including:

1. Venue for the YESS Program for Youth;

2. There is high motivation from learning residents to take part in various trainings held at the YESS Program;

3. Availability of relatively complete facilities and infrastructure to carry out the process of life skills training for youth.

This study used data from participants in the YESS Program training in Pacitan district, as many as 1,050 young people participating in the training as research informants.

Informants were divided into 3 age groups:

A. Age 17 years to 22 years;

B. Age 23 to 28 years;

C. Age 29 to 35 years.

1) Informant data on interviews with 600 people consists of:

• 50% male and 50% female:

There were 200 informants A consisting of 100 men and 100 women;

There were 200 informants B consisting of 100 men and 100 women;

There were 200 informants C consisting of 100 men and 100 women.

2) Informant data on the 450 people Questionnaire consists of:

• 50% male and 50% female:

There were 150 informants A consisting of 75 men and 75 women;

There were 150 informants B consisting of 75 men and 75 women;

There were 150 informants C consisting of 75 men and 75 women.

The technique uses in-depth interviews and questionnaires to 1050 participants as research informants.

Variables in interviews and questionnaires related to Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) and Choice Model:

• Personal input (Progressive information in agriculture);

• Affordances Contextual Background (experience in agriculture);

• Learning experience in agriculture (past performance achievements);

• Self-Efficacy (belief in the capacity to execute in the agricultural sector);

• Interest (curiosity in agriculture);

• Contextual Influence Proximal to Career Behavior (eg social influence and support, significant adults, role models, peers);

• Choice Goals (intention to pursue a career in agriculture);

• Outcome Expectations (Changes in behavior, success in the agricultural sector);

• Choice Actions (Decision making to be involved in the agricultural sector);

• Domain of Performance and Achievement (Behavior e.g. Pursue a career in agriculture).

Variables in interviews and questionnaires related to The Theory of Planned Behavior


• Behavioral Beliefs;

• Attitudes toward Behavior;

• Normative Beliefs;

• Subjective norms;

• Belief Control;

• Perceived Behavioral Control;

• Intentions / Interests;

• Actual Behavior Control.

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Interview and questionnaire model questions were given to informants, namely YESS

Program training participants or Young Farmer Candidates (CPM).


Based on the results of the interview with the Variable - SCCT indicator, the results

were obtained through Interview:

Since when did you know agriculture?

• Informant 1A: "Since elementary school I have known farming";

• Informant 1B: "I have never been to the fields and I am not very familiar with agriculture";

• Informant 1C: "For me I have known agriculture since I was a baby, the term from a small age was familiar with agriculture because my grandfather always took me to the agricultural fields".

Who encouraged you to work in agriculture?

• Informant 2A: "Right now my parents want me to continue the existing farming because I am the only child;

• Informant 2B: "My family, especially my parents and my wife, encouraged me to work on the farm because I could see my family every day";

• Informant 2C: "Nothing if I want to go into agriculture, just because of circumstances rather than being unemployed".

Where did you study agriculture?

• Informant 3A: "I know from school because I studied Agriculture School";

• Informant 3B: "I am from my environment because all farmers";

• 3C Informant: "I know from my family all farmers".

Are you sure you can work in agriculture?

• Informant 4A: "Kulo takih doubts nopo saged kulo kerjo teng sabin, kulo mboten gadah tenogo" (I still doubt whether I can work in the fields, because I don't have the strength);

• Informant 4B: "I will try to be like my grandparents who have been farmers for a long time";

• Informant 4C: "I'm sure I can, I've been used to it since childhood".

Are you interested in agriculture?

• Informant 5A: "I want to work outside the farm. Maybe work in a factory or office. I'm not interested in farming;

• Informant 5B: "I will try to have an interest in agriculture, because it will continue the generations of my ancestors";

• 5C Informant: "I must have an interest in agriculture because it has become the backbone of my family".

What prompted you to become interested in agriculture?

• Informant 5A: "My environment is factory workers, and I don't have a rice field. So I don't think there is a push towards agriculture";

• Informant 5B: "What pushed me was my family environment from my grandparents, uncles, uncles, uncles, and my own family, because I come from a family of farmers in my village";

• Informant 5C: "Working in agriculture is our family background, so what drives us to be attracted to agriculture because our environment is farmers".

Currently you work as a farmer, what is your behavior in agriculture?

• Informant 8A: "Since I chose to be a farmer, all my behavior has tried to adapt to nature and I work happily in agriculture. The example of working in the fields is dirty, so I just enjoy it";

• Informant 8B: "My behavior must not be disgusted with mud or dirt from the fields, that's a farmer. If you want to be clean, don't be a farmer. Just stay at home or work in an office. Because I choose farming, living dirty everyday is normal and doesn't bother me";

• Informant 8C: "'All of this is because of my choice and my interest and my environment to be a farmer, so my behavior is directed at supporting the increase in our agricultural production. Improving everything without fear of getting dirty or rundown because of the mud, yes, I work all out for the advancement of agriculture".

Tell us about your hopes if you really intend to work as a farmer?

• Informant 8A: "As a farmer, I have hope that agriculture can progress and become a promising livelihood for young people like me";

• Informant 8B: "My hope is that agriculture will progress and improve the standard of living for the farmers themselves and workers in agriculture. If the standard of living has increased, it means that farming is very promising and becomes the object of ridicule. Farmers are dirty, rundown. No. Farming is profitable and I have survived until now because of farming";

• Informant 8C: "Farming can progress and can be a promising job field with yields 3 times a year minus production and operational costs for farming, it turns out to be profitable, yes, this is what I have been looking for and have developed so far as a farmer. My hope is that I can send my children to college in agriculture so that they understand that agriculture is great.

If your hopes of becoming a successful farmer failed, what would you do?"

• Informant 8A: "For me, if something doesn't work out, we have to fight, don't give up. We have to try even though I'm still young I will do my best and not give up";

• Informant 8B: "Life is not always smooth, the road is not always flat, everything has waves. When there are obstacles or failures, we need to learn why we failed. We have to recalculate our mistakes, where we try to fix them. It's important we don't moan or complain. If we are used to splice or complain, any work will never work. For me, farming is a fun job. If there is a failure, we have to improve ourselves so that our agriculture can revive";

• Informant 9C:"I have often seen people fail. For me, failure just happens because of a miscalculation. So, so far in the agricultural sector, I feel that failure is most likely only in the production results because of pests or if I sell products because the prices are low so that production costs are not covered from sales, then at that time I will lose. The way now I have to see that all this time has been farming for decades, for example, 20 years of failure, at most in certain years, maybe 3 years of failure, 10

years of profit, 2 years of normal, 5 years of very profit. So there's nothing to lose. All this time I have been working on agriculture sincerely and diligently, the nature of our earth understands us, and in the end I don't feel like I have lost or failed in agriculture".

What is your strong reason for surviving as a farmer despite the many obstacles and obstacles in farming?

• Informant 9A: "I received information that in life it is not always successful and there will definitely be failures, but if I work on a farm there are obstacles and obstacles, so I look for solutions to people who understand more about agriculture and I have to learn that those obstacles and obstacles can be mine. go ahead and enjoy it. Don't give up keep fighting";

• Informant 9B: "For me farming is the final choice because I don't want to go and I stay on the farm. Because being a farmer is a gift. I have a rice field, I have a field and it has supported my life so far. Of course there are obstacles, I consider that normal, you don't need to make it difficult, keep fighting to move forward and move forward";

• Informant 9C: "No...obstacles are common, so it's a normal thing, everything has obstacles, there are obstacles, why do you have to bother. We face it, we live with enthusiasm, everything will be resolved".

From the results of the SCCT interview above, it can be seen from Finding 1 that the participants of the Young Farmer Candidates (CPM) tend to support careers in agriculture as much as 76.75% supported (PRO), while 23.25% refused (CONS) a career in agriculture. This can be seen from the total percentage of 10 question indicators related to SCCT.

Based on the results of the interview with the Variable - TPB indicator, the results were obtained through interview:

Are you sure you can work as a farmer?

• Informant 11A: "Yes, I'm sure";

• Informant 11B: "Yes sure...you can";

• Informant 11C: "Sure".

What would you do if you worked as a farmer?

• Informant 11A: "Yes, I will work diligently";

• Informant 11B: "Yes, you have to work hard";

• Informant 11C: "Kulo bade kerjo diligently amazed to meet urip kulo's needs. (I will work hard to make ends meet for my life)".

How do you overcome laziness to work in agriculture?

• Informant 11A: "If I'm lazy, I don't work, I just stay at home";

• Informant 11B: "For me, if you do work, don't be lazy, let's just go. Unless I'm sick I don't go to the fields";

• Informant 11C: "Yen, kulo lazy, kulo bade, teng rumiyen shop, then bully teng sabin. It's nice to drink coffee when you're healthy, even when you work in the rice fields. (If I'm lazy, I'll go to the shop and go to the rice fields. After coffee, I'm happy to go to the rice fields).

What is your attitude towards working as a farmer, dirty and not clean because of the mud?

• Informant 12A: "I have to realize that agriculture has to be hit by mud, so I have to accept it, if I don't want to get hit by mud, I will choose to work outside the farm";

• Informant 12B: "The rice fields are dirty muddy, that's considered normal. Why do you have to bother or don't want to get muddy when working in the fields? If you don't want to get dirty with mud, don't work in the fields, that's fine. But if it's normal for me, it's not a big problem";

• Informant 12C: "Dirty, sticky mud... that's usually not an obstacle to working in the fields, you don't need to make a fuss about it. That's the world of agriculture".

What is your attitude towards the lure of working outside the farm because it is cleaner?"

• Informant 12A: "If a friend invites me to work outside of agriculture I don't want to because I want to be a farmer";

• Informant 12B: "In the past, I was invited by a friend to work outside of agriculture but I felt uncomfortable because other people arranged it. But on the farm I manage it myself and it's fun on the farm even though it's dirty it's okay";

• Informant 12C: "It was only natural when they were young that they were asked to apply for jobs outside agriculture because they were clean. After all, I finally returned to my village and worked in my parents' rice field until today".

How is your attitude towards the ridicule or humiliation of working as a farmer still being


• Informant 12A: "Wow... that's normal, don't even think about it, I work on a rice field farm owned by my own parents. Why is dizzy considered poor? Don't let it go";

• Informant 12B: "Even if they are considered poor, for me working as a farmer is fun and there is no need to be ashamed of being considered poor. The poor don't work, don't have a rice field and pretend to hang out, a luxurious lifestyle is poor, covered in prestige. For me, farmers are great, not poor";

• Informant 12C: "It's easy to say, but if you know what it feels like to work sincerely, there's no feeling of complaining about the connection. Let other people think of farmers as poor, the important thing is that I don't ask people to eat food from people who say farmers are poor. Allah has provided for my life by farming until now Alhamdulliah. Don't bother. The farmer is rich".

Are you sure that working as a farmer can support you?

• Informant 13A: "Yes, I'm sure sometimes I also doubt it";

• Informant 13B: "I have tried other jobs but I feel farming is suitable for me";

• Informant 13C: "Because I am already this age (35 years old) I feel farming can still support my family".

Is your belief in agriculture because of pressure from other people?

• Informant 13A: "If there's no pressure, it's because I study agriculture from school";

• Informant 13B: "There is no pressure from other people";

• Informant 13C: "In the beginning, yes, but for me, even if we are pressed, if we don't want it, it won't work".

What convinced you that agriculture was the right job for you?"

• Informant 13A: "Because I feel that farming can give me a better life expectancy after I know how agricultural businesses can progress and develop";

• Informant 13B: "When I have problems at work or work elsewhere is quiet, I go back to the fields, the fields feel promising. And I've experienced it several times. So that's what convinced me that farming could be right for me";

• Informant 13C: "I also often experience that I am not suitable for other jobs so farming or gardening is more fun and I can make a living from rice fields or plantations. The farmer suits me".

Do you agree that working on a farm will not make you a successful person?

• Informant 14A: "For me, success or not depends on the intentions of the person. If we study hard and work hard, success will surely follow. Everything needs a process. So I don't agree with saying that farming won't be successful";

• Informant 14B:"I do not agree that working on a farm is not successful, because I am trying in agriculture and I can feel that I can support my family because of farming. Success can happen on the farm";

• Informant 14C: "I have been involved in agriculture for decades, if I am not successful or not successful in agriculture, I will definitely have moved on to another job. In fact, since I was young, I still work on the farm until now. And farming can support my family. So I don't agree that working on a farm is considered unsuccessful".

What is the main reason for your interest in agriculture? Explain

• Informant 17A: "Farming is part of our family's life. Starting from our ancestors or grandparents, we are all farmers and I am the 5th generation of a large family of farmers. I am interested in agriculture because I know how it works and I can do it";

• Informant 17B: "The main factor attracted me to agriculture because my environment is all farmers and I see that success and it can become the main livelihood in our family. We currently control almost 40 - 60 percent of the agricultural land in our area. Therefore agriculture is a clear livelihood";

• Informant 17C: "The main factor is that I am attracted to agriculture, the work is easy and not difficult and I am used to managing the work of my farmers or workers in agriculture. All my workers, Alhamdulillah, prosper with me in agriculture. All raised his welfare. Therefore agriculture is the livelihood of my family plus my agricultural employees".

If the agriculture you live in turns out to be unprofitable for you, will you work in other fields besides agriculture?"

• Informant 18A: "I am still young, of course I will experience unpleasant things, but I will try my best so that if there are obstacles in the field of work or agriculture, I will ask people who know more about agriculture. It's not that we immediately gave up changing jobs, it's not a good thought for me if one fails to move to another field. But instead I have to learn from that failure and I will try to correct that mistake or failure";

• Informant 18B: "Thank God for me, failure and success are normal, everything has its ups and downs. So when you become a farmer, the harvest doesn't always have to be profitable and the harvest doesn't always have to be a loss. That's all we have to do is feel grateful and feel enough to live this life in the field of care. For me there are advantages and disadvantages in all jobs. If the current crop fails, I accept it and I have to work even better. Maybe when I work in the fields I complain that it is the driving force behind our failures, our own mistakes. Therefore, working anywhere, don't complain, don't stop, let nature be with our lives too. Be friendly with our garden fields. They will provide welfare to us too";

• Informant 18C: "That's the thought of young children; it's not good when they move to another place. That's just not my type. As a farmer, what obstacles or obstacles exist, I need to observe, learn and fix them. So there is no word of giving up or changing jobs because of crop failure. No, that's not wise. Examine the failure of our work because of our own actions, which are unknowingly because we ridicule or insult our own work. This means that we work a lot, complain a lot. Failure will haunt you and you will encounter failure itself. On the other hand, we work with good intentions and we accept it gracefully, hopefully the work will be successful. There was never any thought of moving jobs outside of agriculture. Farming is still my choice".

From the results of the TPB interviews above, it can be seen from Finding 2 that the candidates for Young Farmer Candidates (CPM) tend to support careers in agriculture as much as 94.27% support (PRO), while 5.73% reject (CONTRA) careers in agriculture, this can be seen of the total percentage of the 8 indicator questions related to SDGs.

Based on the results of the QUESTIONNAIRE (Questionaire) with Variable - SCCT indicators, the following results are obtained:

Table 1 - SCCT Questionnaire

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No RELATED RESEARCH Question Strongly Disagree Questions: (STS) 1 Disagree: (TS) 2 Neutral (N) 3 Agree: (S) 4 Strongly Agree: (SS) 5 Total Voter* In % Categories PROS/CONS

Working on the farm does not need any knowledge V A = 90 B = 90 C = 90 180 180 180 20 20 20

1 Personal input (Progressive information in agriculture) Working on the farm does not need information V A = 90 B = 90 C = 80 180 180 160 20 20 20

Working on the farm requires training V A = 100 B = 100 C = 100 200 200 200 0 0 0

Experience in agriculture is necessary for beginners V A = 90 B = 80 C = 80 180 160 160 20 40 40

2 Affordances Contextual Background (experience in agriculture) Experience in agriculture is necessary for those who have rice fields V A = 75 B = 70 C = 75 150 140 150 50 60 50

Experience in agriculture is necessary for those who study at school V A = 70 B = 60 C = 65 140 120 130 60 80 70

Learning experience in agriculture (past performance achievements) Experience in agriculture can be obtained from parents V A = 85 B = 80 C = 90 170 160 180 30 40 20

3 Experience in agriculture can be obtained from friends V A = 70 B = 70 C = 70 140 140 140 60 60 60

Experience in agriculture can be obtained from training V A = 80 B = 70 C = 60 160 140 120 40 60 80

Working on a farm can improve your standard of living V A = 75 B = 80 C = 90 150 160 180 50 40 20

4 Self-Efficacy (belief in the capacity to execute in the agricultural sector) Working on the farm can improve the welfare of family life V A = 90 B = 90 C = 90 180 180 180 20 20 20

Working on the farm can be a source of livelihood V A = 80 B = 90 C = 90 160 180 180 40 40 40

5 Interest (curiosity in You have an interest in agriculture because of school V A = 80 B = 70 C = 70 160 140 140 40 40 40

agriculture) You have an interest in agriculture because of encouragement from friends V A = 70 B = 60 C = 55 140 120 110

You have an interest in agriculture because of your parents' encouragement V 0 dJ A 1 1 1 1 M 888 0 0 0 160 160 160 40 40 40

6 Contextual Influence Proximal to Career Behavior (e.g. social influence and support, significant adults, role models, peers) Chose a job in agriculture because of encouragement from friends V A = 70 B = 65 C = 65 140 130 130

Chose a job in agriculture because of parental encouragement V A = 75 B = 80 C = 75 150 160 150 50 40 50

Chose a job in agriculture because of an environmental push V A = 80 B = 80 C = 80 160 160 160 40 40 40

7 Choice Goals (intention to pursue a career in agriculture) Choose work on the farm to increase income V A = 80 B = 90 C = 95 160 180 190 40 20 10

Choose work on the farm to increase income V A = 80 B = 90 C = 95 160 180 190 40 20 10

Choose work on the farm to improve lifestyle V A = 60 B = 40 C =30 120 80 60 80 120 140

8 Outcome Expectations (Changes in behavior, success in the agricultural sector) By working in agriculture, you hope to live a more prosperous life V A = 80 B = 90 C = 95 160 180 190 40 20 10

By working in agriculture, you hope to live a more decent life V A = 80 B = 90 C = 95 160 180 190 40 20 10

By working in agriculture, your hope is to live simply V A = 80 B = 90 C = 90 160 180 180 40 20 20

9 Choice Actions (Decision making to get involved in the agricultural sector) Your decision to choose to work on the farm because you feel agriculture is suitable for the future V A = 80 B = 90 C = 95 160 180 190 40 20 10

Your decision to choose to work in agriculture is because you feel confident that agriculture can improve your standard of living V A = 80 B = 90 C = 95 160 180 190 40 20 10

Your decision to choose to work in agriculture is because you only took part in the training V A = 60 B = 50 C = 55 80 100 90 120 100 110

10 Domain Performance and Achievement (Behavior e.g. Pursue a career in agriculture) With the failure in the field of farming makes you give up surrender V A = 75 B = 70 C = 70 50 60 60 150 140 140

Having a failure in farming makes you struggle even harder V A = 80 B = 80 C = 85 160 160 170 40 40 30

Having a failure in agriculture makes you improve your steps in the future V A = 80 B = 85 C = 85 160 170 170 40 30 30

n PRO 12.460

KONTRA 2.070


Table 2 - TPB Questionnaire

No RELATED RESEARCH Question Strongly Disagree Questions: (STS) 1 Disagree: (TS) 2 Neutral (N) 3 Agree: (S) 4 Strongly Agree: (SS) 5 Total Voter* In % Categories PROS/CONS

Confidence is required in working on the farm V A = 80 B = 85 C = 85 120 127,5 127,5 30 22,5 22,5

1 Behavioral Beliefs Confidence is required in working in an agricultural school V A = 80 B = 75 C = 80 120 112,5 120 30 37,5 30

Confidence is needed in entrepreneurship in agriculture V A = 80 B = 90 C = 95 120 135 142,5 30 15 7,5

Your attitude of wanting to be a farmer remains firm when friends influence work outside of agriculture V A = 80 B = 75 C = 80 120 112,5120 30 37,5 30

2 attitude towards behavior Your attitude of wanting to be a farmer remains firm when a friend invites you to work in a factory V A = 80 B = 75 C = 80 120 112,5 120 30 37,5 30

Your attitude of wanting to be a farmer is normal when friends ask you to work in a factory V A = 70 B = 70 C = 70 105 105 105

You can achieve the belief in a prosperous life through agriculture V A = 80 B = 75 C = 90 120 112,5 130 30 37,5 20

3 Normative Beliefs You can live a prosperous life through agriculture V A = 80 B = 80 C = 90 120 120 130 30 30 20

The belief in a prosperous life that can be achieved through agriculture can be shaken by invitations from colleagues to work elsewhere V A = 60 B = 65 C = 60 60 52,5 60 90 97,5 90

Welfare of life can be achieved if we really work on the farm V A = 80 B = 85 C = 90 120 127,5130 30 22,5 20

4 Subjective Norm Welfare of life can be achieved if we really want to try in agriculture V A = 80 B = 85 C = 90 120 127,5130 30 22,5 20

Prosperity of life is difficult to achieve if we do not really want to work in agriculture V A = 80 B = 75 C = 90 120 112,5130 30 37.5 10

5 Belief Control Your encouragement to work on the farm because of the influence of friends V A = 80 B = 75 C = 75 30 37,5 37,5 120 112.5 112,5

Your encouragement to work on the farm V A = 80 120 30

is due to family influence B = 75 C = 90 112.5135 37,5 15

Your encouragement to work on the farm because of your own desires V A = 80 B = 80 C = 90 120 120 130 30 30 20

6 Perceived Behavior Control If farming progresses, you will still work on the farm V A = 80 B = 80 C = 90 120 120 130 30 30 20

If farming is backwards, you will still work in other fields V A = 70 B = 60 C = 60 105 90 90

If agriculture is backwards you will still work in agriculture and try to advance it V A = 80 B = 80 C = 90 120 120 130 30 30 20

7 Intentions / Interests Your intention and interest in agriculture remains strong despite the many challenges you face V A = 80 B = 80 C = 90 120 120 130 30 30 20

Your intention and interest in agriculture will decrease if you face many challenges V A = 60 B = 60 C = 60 60 60 60 90 90 90

Intention and interest and willingness to work hard are the keys to your success in agriculture V A = 80 B = 80 C = 90 120 120 130 30 30 20

8 Actual Behavior Control Determination and interest and hard work are the keys to success in agriculture V A = 85 B = 90 C = 95 127,5 130 142,5 22,5 20 7,5

Not giving up easily is needed in agriculture V A = 85 B = 90 C = 95 127,5 130 142,5 22,5 20 7,5

Whatever the difficulties, if we want to change our fate, we must be willing to take risks so that we can be successful V A = 85 B = 90 C = 95 127,5 130 142,5 22,5 20 7,5

n PRO 5.920

KONTRA 2.335


TOTAL 8.855

From the results of the questionnaire (Questionnaire) with the SCCT indicator above, it can be seen from Finding 3 that 12,460 supported (PRO) a career in agriculture = 81.44%, while 2,070 refused (CONTRA) a career in agriculture = 13.53% while 770 were neutral = no PRO and no CONTRA = 5.03% in agriculture. This can be seen from the answer choices that came in as many as 15,300 votes = 100% of the SCCT indicator questionnaire (Questionnaire).

From the results of the questionnaire with the TPB indicator above, it can be seen from Finding 4 that 5,920 support (PRO) a career in agriculture = 66.85%, while 2,335 refuse (CONTRA) a career in agriculture = 26.36%, 600 neutral = no PRO and no Counter = 6.77% in agriculture. This can be seen from the answer choices that came in as many as 8,855 votes = 100% of the TPB indicator questionnaire.

From the results of Findings 1, Findings 2, Findings 3 and Findings 4 we can find a Minor Proposition that: "The younger generation is still interested in entrepreneurship in agriculture".

Making Job Choices: SCCT Interview

Affordances Contextual Background (experience in agriculture), informants 2A, 2B, and 2C answered:

Does your family work in agriculture?

• Informant 2A: "Yes";

• Informant 2B: "Yes";

• Informant 2C: "No".

What experience do you have in agriculture?

• Informant 2A: "I used to dig in the fields";

• Informant 2B: "I know and can harvest rice in the fields";

• Informant 2C: "I don't know and don't understand". Who encouraged you to work in agriculture?

• Informant 2A: "Right now my parents want me to continue the existing farming because I am the only child

• Informant 2B: "My family, especially my parents and my wife, encouraged me to work on the farm because I could see my family every day"

• Informant 2C: "Nothing if I want to go into agriculture, just because of circumstances rather than being unemployed"

Self-Efficacy (belief in the capacity to execute in the agricultural sector), informants 4B and 4C answered:

Are you sure you can work in agriculture?

• Informant 4B: "I will try to be like my grandparents who have been farmers for a long time";

• Informant 4C: "I'm sure I can, I've been used to it since childhood". Do you have the ability to work in agriculture?

• Informant 4B: "I can be able to work in the fields";

• 4C Informant: "I can work in my family's rice fields".

How do you overcome problems in the agricultural sector due to energy reasons?

• Informant 4B: "Usually I will look for energy to go to the fields if I can't do it myself. In other words, hiring other people";

• 4C Informant: "Just like what happened in the rice fields, the family usually has workers working on my rice fields and we give them a daily wage".

Making Job Choices: TPB Interview Behavioral Beliefs, informants 11A, 11B, 11C answered: Are you sure you can work as a farmer?

• Informant 11A: "Yes, I'm sure";

• Informant 11B: "Yes sure...you can";

• Informant 11C: "Sure".

What would you do if you worked as a farmer?

• Informant 11A: "Yes, I will work diligently";

• Informant 11B: "Yes, you have to work hard";

• Informant 11C: "Kulo bade kerjo diligently amazed to meet urip kulo's needs. (I will work hard to make ends meet for my life)".

Normative Beliefs, informants 13A, 13B, 13C answered:

Are you sure that working as a farmer can support you?

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• Informant 13A: "Yes, I'm sure sometimes I also doubt it";

• Informant 13B: "I have tried other jobs but I feel farming is suitable for me";

• Informant 13C: "Because I am already this age (35 years old) I feel farming can still support my family".

Is your belief in agriculture because of pressure from other people?

• Informant 13A: "If there's no pressure, it's because I study agriculture from school";

• Informant 13B: "There is no pressure from other people";

• Informant 13C: "In the beginning, yes, but for me, even if we are pressed, if we don't want it, it won't work".

What convinced you that agriculture was the right job for you?"

• Informant 13A: "Because I feel that farming can give me a better life expectancy after I know how agricultural businesses can progress and develop";

• Informant 13B: "When I have problems at work or work elsewhere is quiet, I go back to the fields, the fields feel promising. And I've experienced it several times. So that's what convinced me that farming could be right for me";

• Informant 13C: "I also often experience that I am not suitable for other jobs so farming or gardening is more fun and I can make a living from rice fields or plantations. The farmer suits me".

Feeling interested in Entrepreneurship: SCCT Interview

Interest (curiosity in agriculture), informants 5B, 5C answered:

Are you interested in agriculture?

• Informant 5B: "I will try to have an interest in agriculture, because it will continue the generations of my ancestors";

• 5C Informant: "I must have an interest in agriculture because it has become the backbone of my family".

What prompted you to become interested in agriculture?

• Informant 5B: "What drives me is my family environment from my grandparents, uncles, uncles, uncles, and my own family, because I come from a family of farmers in my village";

• Informant 5C: "Working in agriculture is our family background, so what drives us to be attracted to agriculture because our environment is farmers".

What prevented you from not being interested in agriculture?

• Informant 5B: "Working in the fields has no obstacles, it's even easier for me because I don't have to go far and I know how to deal with farming if there are problems. There are no obstacles for me";

• Informant 5C: "Why do you have to be hampered and afraid of getting dirty. It was from the farm that my family and I could send my children to school and my grandparents were successful because of agriculture. Dirty muddy and not clean is common in agriculture. It's not a hindrance it's fun".

Feeling interested in Entrepreneurship: TPB Interview

Subjective Norms, informants 14A, 14B, 14C answered:

Do you agree that working on a farm will not make you a successful person?

• Informant 14A: "For me, success or not depends on the intentions of the person. If we study hard and work hard, success will surely follow. Everything needs a process. So I don't agree with saying that farming won't be successful";

• Informant 14B:"I do not agree that working on a farm is not successful, because I am trying in agriculture and I can feel that I can support my family because of farming. Success can happen on the farm";

• Informant 14C: "I have been involved in agriculture for decades, if I am not successful or not successful in agriculture, I will definitely have moved on to another job. In fact, since I was young, I still work on the farm until now. And farming can support my family. So I don't agree that working on a farm is considered unsuccessful".

Do you believe that working in agriculture can lead to a more prosperous life than other jobs?

• Informant 14A: "My experience is from seeing my ancestral family as farmers, in reality they are still farming and their children can go to school from the agricultural produce. So that's where I feel confident that working in agriculture can live a more prosperous life than other jobs";

• Informant 14B: "I have experienced and seen everything, my friends who work outside the city have finally returned to the village, the simple reason is that working in the city does not meet their needs. Then back in the village farming is now also successful... meaning that the game can be successful. Although slowly but surely";

• Informant 14C: "My experience in agriculture has taught me to be more diligent in working. So the success lies in the persistence and the craft of working on the farm. I feel successful with agriculture because since childhood all the family has worked on agriculture and has been successful in finance and the economy because of agricultural products".

Explain your answer to question no 11.

• Informant 14A: "Almost all of my families are farmers and I experienced being a farmer. Success in agriculture has been seen since I was small, starting with my grandparents, Uncle Pak De Bude Bulik, all the farming families in this village. Their children go to school to university but are still inseparable from agriculture. They also have a large enough agricultural land wherever they are. That's what I know they are successful because of farming";

• Informant 14B: "I used to work in a wood factory in the city but that was not enough. I returned to the village and worked in the rice fields. The garden was even sufficient and until now I am still gardening. I think agriculture is still more promising if we really work with heart and sincere, I have experienced it myself";

• Informant 14C:"Experience is the best teacher. Working as a farmer and I know how to solve problems in agriculture can all lead us to succeed in agriculture. I am sure that all of this works sincerely and sincerely and with the blessing of Allah SWT we will succeed. The farm is still promising. I know and believe that working on a farm can make me and my family prosperous".

Feel Good for Entrepreneurship: SCCT Interview

Contextual Influence Proximal to Career Behavior (e.g. social influence and support, significant adults, role models, peers), informants 6A, 6B, 6C answered: Who do you look up to as a role model in working on the farm?

• Informant 6A: "My friend who graduated from school wants to go to a factory, I don't have a role model, I follow a friend who just graduated to work in a factory";

• Informant 6B: "At first I joined my parents to work on the farm. After a while I felt that it was also good to work as a farmer";

• Informant 6C: "I don't have a farmer's background, so I work outside of farming, I can work in a factory or another office. Currently I work in freight forwarding".


• Informant 6A: "For me, my friends have just graduated and are looking for a new job, not imitating our parents";

• Informant 6B: "Because I saw that my parents and grandparents were also farmers, why should I be confused about finding work, after all, my parents' rice fields were also wide. So working as a farmer was my choice and was encouraged by my environment";

• Informant C: "For me, farmers are not my favorite, I don't have rice fields, I don't have farming experience, so I'm looking for work outside of agriculture. Now I work in a freight forwarding company. Yes, not bad for life".

Do your peers invite you to work in agriculture?

• Informant 6A: "None";

• Informant 6B: "Nothing, I am purely from family support";

• Informant 6C: "Not really, we try ourselves outside of farming".

Feel Good for Entrepreneurship: TPB Interview Perceived Behavioral Control, informants 16A, 16B, 16C answered: The term Indonesia is an agrarian country or an agricultural country, what do you feel about it?

• Informant 16A: "Because I studied in agriculture, I can feel the importance of agriculture and Indonesia as an agricultural country or an agricultural country, so we have to make it happen. I will be proud if we can become a developed agricultural country. So that the younger generation like me will be able to work on the farm happily";

• Informant 16B: "I would be proud to be an agricultural country where the government supports all its programs for the advancement of agriculture. If necessary we are given training or agricultural education that is cheap as well as support for cheap agricultural seed fertilizer and the results of selling agricultural products are also easy and profitable, so I am happy to be proud";

• Informant 16C: "That's what I want our country to progress in agriculture, so we can be proud. In the past, my grandparents told me that Indonesia could become a rice self-sufficient country. We can supply domestic rice, we can export and sell abroad. We are proud. But if we don't have a strong government movement in the agricultural sector, it's clear that becoming an agricultural country is difficult. I hope the government will support its people to do farming and it's easy to get everything, especially fertilizer and seeds. I would be proud".

If in the future agriculture in Indonesia can achieve self-sufficiency in food and no longer import, what do you feel and what actions do you need to take?

• Informant 16A: "Yes, that is our hope, the government supports farmers by providing training and an easy supply of fertilizers and seeds, and we can achieve self-sufficiency in food. That's what I hoped for and wanted";

• Informant 16B: "If you want to be self-sufficient, the government must provide support to agriculture in the form of training in providing seed fertilizer easily and inexpensively. It will support our agriculture. We can feel proud if we succeed in being self-sufficient";

• Informant 16C: "All need cooperation, farmers are given facilities by the government to provide support in the form of training and the provision of fertilizers and seeds that are easy and that is applied thoroughly to agriculture so that self-sufficiency can be achieved. We're proud".

With so many more promising off-farm job offers, how do you feel about it?

• Informant 16A: "It's only natural that there are lures to work outside agriculture because those who are lured are definitely not agricultural people. If you are an agricultural person, you want agriculture to progress. It is considered normal";

• Informant 16B: "I have experienced and I have participated in work outside of agriculture. But for me it's a disadvantage I feel better on the farm. Farming is good";

• Informant 16C: "When I was young I was invited to work in the city, but I didn't feel comfortable, I didn't feel comfortable. I returned to the farming village and became a

farmer. It's normal when you're young, looking for identity, wanting to work this or that. After all, for me, I still do farming. Farming is more promising".

Desire for entrepreneurship: SCCT Interview

Choice Goals (intention to pursue a career in agriculture), informants 7A, 7B, 7C answered:

Do you currently intend to work as a farmer?

• Informant 7A: "After graduating and looking for work was difficult, so I just switched to agriculture";

• Informant 7B: "Yes, I really intend to be a farmer";

• Informant 7C: "I am my age and I have already started farming, so I intend to continue farming".

Are you sure that with your current situation you will be successful in working as a farmer?

• Informant 7A: "My belief in agriculture is because for me nothing is impossible. Anything is possible and I can succeed in agriculture";

• Informant 7B:""I do have experience in agriculture, because since childhood I have been involved in agriculture. I thought I would be successful with farming";

• Informant 7C: "From a young age and from a farming family background, I was sure that I would survive as a farmer. To be successful, for me it is important and if possible, I can even develop this agriculture even better".

By working as a farmer, what is your goal in working as a farmer?

• Informant 7A: "My goal is to become a farmer because ideally our country is an agricultural country. If agriculture goes backwards it's funny. So with the training in agriculture I attended so that I could contribute my thoughts and energy in improving agriculture;

• Informant 7B: "My goal is to make agriculture in my area progress and improve the welfare of all farmers, both landowners and workers. That's my goal";

• Informant 7C: "Similarly, I also want agriculture to progress and become self-sufficient in rice, like in Pak Harto's time, that is my goal as a farmer".

Desire for entrepreneurship: TPB Interview

Intention / Interest, Informants 17A, 17B, 17C answered: What is the main reason for your interest in agriculture? Explain.

• Informant 17A: "Farming is part of our family's life. Starting from our ancestors or grandparents, we are all farmers and I am the 5th generation of a large family of farmers. I am interested in agriculture because I know how it works and I can do it.

• Informant 17B: "The main factor attracted me to agriculture because my environment is all farmers and I see that success and it can become the main livelihood in our family. We currently control almost 40 - 60 percent of the agricultural land in our area. Therefore agriculture is a clear livelihood.

• Informant 17C: "The main factor is that I am attracted to agriculture, the work is easy and not difficult and I am used to managing the work of my farmers or workers in agriculture. All my workers, Alhamdulillah, prosper with me in agriculture. All raised his welfare. Therefore agriculture is the livelihood of my family plus my agricultural employees"

Your interest in becoming a farmer arose because of the environment or because of personal desire? Explain.

• Informant 17A: "Once again, this matter of interest comes from me personally and is supported by the environment, for example the opportunity to work on my own family farm and I feel that is good";

• Informant 17B: "The environment certainly influences it, but if you don't have the intention of not being interested, then it's impossible to achieve it. I farm working as a farmer because I feel able to make farm management arrangements. So that the

results from my agriculture can vary, there is rice, corn, other vegetables or other productive plants. For me farming is great";

• Informant 17C: "I have experienced everything, first I had the intention of wanting to continue my parents' farming and it turned out that my family was supportive. At first, it only took a little time for us to grow farming and the results could be for family welfare, so I felt farming was right for me. The problem of family support is certain because my wife and I are also from a farming family. Farming is no stranger to us. Living in the fields and getting dirty with mud is normal, that's the joy of being a farmer. If you want to be clean, not dirty, those who are not farmers just work elsewhere. Farming, I can manage time and not be pressured by other people. It all depends on us. Therefore, start working with intention, determination, enthusiasm, don't complain, don't delay this or that. Do it diligently and sincerely and Allah's blessing be with it. Farming or any work will be successful and useful for everyone's welfare.

After so many years of not finding a suitable job, and you chose agriculture, was it simply because you ran away? Explain.

• Informant 17A: "I'm still young for me the job is suitable and it doesn't depend on our intentions. Because I studied at an agricultural school, I couldn't help but have to have an interest and intention in agriculture. If I went to an agricultural school, then I jumped into a field outside of agriculture, so I thought I had chosen the wrong school. But because I study in agriculture, agriculture is the best. Not an excuse for running away from work"

• Informant 17B: "It's not escape, but I work on a farm, we do have land for farming, so it's not right for me to farm because of running away from work. I have been in the village and I live in a large village. In my village, I work as a farmer in the village. Alhamdulillah my agricultural business can progress and I learn a lot from agriculture. It all takes patience and persistence. The main thing is to work with determination, interest, everyone can be successful, including in the agricultural sector"

• Informant 17C: "I never felt unemployed or didn't have a job. Because since childhood I have been trained to work on farms, so I don't think it's in my mind that I don't work. My grandfather ordered that as long as you want to move (move) and not be idle working in the fields, it will be a blessing. It turned out that it was true that I could feel myself working as a farmer being able to support my family and I am very grateful for being able to work as a farmer. And it's fun anyway"

Dare to take risks to achieve success: SSCT Interview

Outcome Expectations (Changes in behavior, success in the agricultural sector), informants 8A, 8B, 8C answered:

Currently you work as a farmer, what is your behavior in agriculture?

• Informant 8A: "Since I chose to be a farmer, all my behavior has tried to adapt to nature and I work happily in agriculture. The example of working in the fields is dirty, so I just enjoy it";

• Inforamn 8B: "My behavior must not be disgusted with mud or dirt from the fields, that's a farmer. If you want to be clean, don't be a farmer. Just stay at home or work in an office. Because I choose farming, living dirty everyday is normal and doesn't bother me";

• Informant 8C: "'All of this is because of my choice and my interest and my environment to be a farmer, so my behavior is directed at supporting the increase in our agricultural production. Improving everything without fear of getting dirty or rundown because of the mud, yes, I work all out for the advancement of agriculture".

Tell us your hopes if you really intend to work as a farmer?

• Informant 8A: "As a farmer, I have hope that agriculture can progress and become a promising livelihood for young people like me";

• Informant 8B: "My hope is that agriculture will progress and improve the standard of living for the farmers themselves and workers in agriculture. If the standard of living has increased, it means that farming is very promising and becomes the object of ridicule. Farmers are dirty, rundown. No. Farming is profitable and I have survived until now because of farming";

• Informant 8C: "Farming can progress and can be a promising job field with yields 3 times a year minus production and operational costs for farming, it turns out to be profitable, yes, this is what I have been looking for and have developed so far as a farmer. My hope is that I can send my children to college in agriculture so that they understand that agriculture is great.

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If your hopes of becoming a successful farmer failed, what would you do?"

• Informant 8A: "For me, if something doesn't work out, we have to fight, don't give up. We have to try even though I'm still young I will do my best and not give up";

• Informant 8B: "Life is not always smooth, the road is not always flat, everything has waves. When there are obstacles or failures, we need to learn why we failed. We have to recalculate our mistakes, where we try to fix them. It's important we don't moan or complain. If we are used to splice or complain, any work will never work. For me, farming is a fun job. If there is a failure, we have to improve ourselves so that our agriculture can revive";

• Informant 9C:"I have often seen people fail. For me, failure just happens because of a miscalculation. So, so far in the agricultural sector, I feel that failure is most likely only in the production results because of pests or if I sell products because the prices are low so that production costs are not covered from sales, then at that time I will lose. The way now I have to see that all this time has been farming for decades, for example, 20 years of failure, at most in certain years, maybe 3 years of failure, 10 years of profit, 2 years of normal, 5 years of very profit. So there's nothing to lose. All this time I have been working on agriculture sincerely and diligently, the nature of our earth understands us, and in the end I don't feel like I have lost or failed in agriculture".

Choice Actions (Decision making to be involved in the agricultural sector), Informants

9A, 9B, 9C answered:

When did you make the decision to become a farmer?

• Informant 9A: "Since I went to agricultural school I wanted to be a farmer";

• Informant 9B: "After graduating from high school I want to farm";

• Informant 9C: "Since I was little I wanted to be a farmer imitating my grandmother".

When you decided to become a farmer, who influenced your decision?

• Informant 9A: "No, in fact, my parents support being a farmer, that's why I went to an Agricultural High School";

• Informant 9B: My parents support me to be a farmer";

• Informant 9C: "My environment is all farmers, so support from my family and environment".

What is your strong reason for surviving as a farmer despite the many obstacles and

obstacles in farming?

• Informant 9A: "I received information that in life it is not always successful and there will definitely be failures, but if I work on a farm there are obstacles and obstacles, so I look for solutions to people who understand more about agriculture and I have to learn that those obstacles and obstacles can be mine. go ahead and enjoy it. Don't give up keep fighting";

• Informant 9B: "For me farming is the final choice because I don't want to go and I stay on the farm. Because being a farmer is a gift. I have a rice field, I have a field and it has supported my life so far. Of course there are obstacles, I consider that normal, you don't need to make it difficult, keep fighting to move forward and move forward";

• Informant 9C: "No...Obstacles are common, it's a normal thing, everything has obstacles, and there are obstacles, why do you have to bother. We face it, we live with enthusiasm, and everything will be resolved".

Domain of Performance and Achievement (Behavior e.g. Pursue a career in agriculture, Informants 10A, 10B, 10C answered:

It has been a long time since you have been farming; of course you have faced many obstacles. What factors pushed you to survive in agriculture?

• Informant 10A: "I am only 4 years old but I continue to try to go through these obstacles happily and work with heart in agriculture. No complaints or complaints";

• Informant 10B: "I have worked for almost 15 years and of course I already know about these obstacles or obstacles and can face them. Just live life it's my way";

• Informant 10C: "It's important to work sincerely, diligently, honestly. I have gone through all the challenges. The obstacles were difficult at first, but now it's normal. I've been farming for more than 20 years. Come on, just be a farmer, its good."

With limited modern experience, what factors pushed you to persist in agriculture?

• Informant 10A: "Indeed, we lack agricultural tools, but that does not mean we cannot work. We are still using existing equipment and we are slowly upgrading it to make it more modern";

• Informant 10B: "Modern tools are necessary, but we will try to buy them or make them ourselves to make our agricultural work easier";

• Informant 10C: "We can buy modern equipment and we train our farmers with the tools, for those who can't teach us how to use them. That's on my farm".

Will you continue to work as a farmer even if you receive financial support? Explain why.

• Informant 10A: "As a young farmer candidate, of course there are still many shortages of existing capital. If there is funding support I am happy to be able to develop my farm. But if there isn't any, I will try to find the funds so it doesn't interfere with my agricultural work";

• Informant 10B: "So far I have received financial support from bank loans or support from my own family so that my work on the farm can continue. Yes, let's just be grateful for what is in my own family environment";

• Informant 10C: "Initially it came from my family but I survived and thank God I have survived to this day and is very supportive of my agricultural work. It all comes from the family and sometimes the funds come from the bank or soft loan funds from farmer cooperatives".

Dare to take risks to achieve success: TPB Interview

Actual Behavior Control, informants 18A, 18B, 18C answered: What is the agricultural environment in your family that encourages you to work as a farmer?

• Informant 18A: "Yes, it definitely encourages. We are a family of farmers";

• Informant 18B: "Of course there is a family drive";

• Informant 18C: "We live in a village with family support, there must be directives from the family for farming. That's natural and normal".

If the agriculture you live in turns out to be unprofitable for you, will you work in other fields besides agriculture?"

• Informant 18A: "I am still young, of course I will experience unpleasant things, but I will try my best so that if there are obstacles in the field of work or agriculture, I will ask people who know more about agriculture. It's not that we immediately gave up changing jobs, it's not a good thought for me if one fails to move to another field. But instead I have to learn from that failure and I will try to correct that mistake or failure";

• Informant 18B: "Thank God for me, failure and success are normal, everything has its ups and downs. So when you become a farmer, the harvest doesn't always have to be profitable and the harvest doesn't always have to be a loss. That's all we have to do is feel grateful and feel enough to live this life in the field of care. For me there are

advantages and disadvantages in all jobs. If the current crop fails, I accept it and I have to work even better. Maybe when I work in the fields I complain that it is the driving force behind our failures, our own mistakes. Therefore, working anywhere, don't complain, don't stop, let nature be with our lives too. Be friendly with our garden fields. They will provide welfare to us too";

• Informant 18C: "That's the thought of young children, it's not good when they move to another place. That's just not my type. As a farmer, what obstacles or obstacles exist, I need to observe, learn and fix them. So there is no word of giving up or changing jobs because of crop failure. No that's not wise. Examine the failure of our work because of our own actions, which are unknowingly because we ridicule or insult our own work. This means that we work a lot, complain a lot. Failure will haunt you and you will encounter failure itself. On the other hand, we work with good intentions and we accept it gracefully, hopefully the work will be successful. There was never any thought of moving jobs outside of agriculture. Farming is still my choice".

"Ono Dino ono upo" means there is a day when there is rice. What do you think of those words for a farmer?"

• Informant 18A: "For me as long as we work we can eat. What's more, working on a farm is impossible to starve. Because nature will accompany our steps and every day we work, we can still eat";

• Informant 18B: "That's an expression to encourage us to want to work without being unemployed. We are in the village where we can go to the fields and work in the fields can be our livelihood. Ono dino ono upo then work so you can eat. Don't be unemployed, don't work, don't be lazy. That's what I think";

• Informant 18C: "I once heard the words that for me it was a whip so that we would not be lazy to work. If you want to be able to eat, you have to work, not unemployed or waiting for your parents. When I grew up and had a family, I still remembered and made it a guideline if you want to be able to eat; you have to try to work. If you want to be rich, you have to work, not be lazy. If you want to be successful, you have to fight, not stay idle at home. So those are good words, in my opinion, so that we can keep our spirits up and intend to make efforts in this life".

From the results of Finding 5 we can know that:

• Making a Choice Working as a farmer is the main choice because of a background of self-confidence;

• Feeling interested in entrepreneurship because of being driven by curiosity and feeling confident that there will be success in working in agriculture;

• Feel Happy to be Entrepreneur because of Environmental Influence and feel that having your own business can increase your income and life's welfare;

• Desire to become an entrepreneur because to pursue a career in agriculture based on strong interest and intention will succeed in agricultural entrepreneurship and develop it with technology for welfare;

• Dare to take risks to achieve success because you dare to make decisions to succeed based on determination and intention and the right behavior in the field of agricultural entrepreneurship and realize that all work and business must have risks of profit and risk of loss, easy risks and difficult risks will be experienced and will happen.

Major proposition that: "Young generation dares to take risks for entrepreneurship in agriculture".

The novelty of this research is: "Agriculture supported by digital technology will increase value added income".

This research shows that the younger generation as prospective young farmers still has a place in the hearts of the young workforce between the ages of 17 to 35 years.


This is evidenced from the results of Findings 1, Findings 2, Findings 3 and Findings 4 we can find a Minor Proposition that: "The younger generation is still interested in entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector".

Finding 5 raises the Major Proposition that: "Young people dare to take risks to become entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector".

The novelty of this research is: "Agriculture supported by digital technology will increase value added income".

Suggestion: there is a need for further agricultural training to find out interest from a psychological perspective and business capital support from an economic perspective.


Thanks to Vanity Kurnia Baihaqi, Ph.D Candidate, as a Corresponding Author who has provided guidance and suggestions as well as criticism in writing this research.


The researchers declare that there is no conflict of interest with any party in this study.


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