Научная статья на тему 'Reading as a challenging skill'

Reading as a challenging skill Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Azizova Zilola Ravshanovna

Reading is an important skill to help people learn from human knowledge and experience. Through reading, knowledge has greatly contributed to the growth of mankind. Reading is the fastest and simplest way to raise people’s educational level. Reading also stimulates the development of brain cells, reinforces language skills, enhances organizational abilities, improves one’s temperament and poise, and provides strength to endure frustration. In short, reading is the best and only way of enabling humans to absorb new experience and replace old views.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Reading as a challenging skill»



Abstract: reading is an important skill to help people learn from human knowledge and experience. Through reading, knowledge has greatly contributed to the growth of mankind. Reading is the fastest and simplest way to raise people's educational level. Reading also stimulates the development of brain cells, reinforces language skills, enhances organizational abilities, improves one's temperament and poise, and provides strength to endure frustration. In short, reading is the best and only way of enabling humans to absorb new experience and replace old views. Keywords: reading, psycholinguistic method, subskill, interactive process, decoding.

Teaching reading is considered to be one of the most challenging skills, as the majority of students find it difficult, boring and time-consuming. Before, the research the researcher used to think that reading was not important and it need not have to be taught as a separate subject. Unfortunately, teachers usually focus their students' attention on grammar and vocabulary only, through in fact using traditional materials. To help students derive meanings from a text, a teacher has to understand the process of reading. Reading can easily be defined as the process in which a person receives and interprets a message from printed materials. Reading is a process of how information is processed from the text into meanings, starting with the information from the text, and ending with what the reader gains. Reading is a language process, not merely the sum of various decoding and comprehension subskills. In short, reading is the process of reconstructing the author's ideas and information. Reading was traditionally viewed as a passive process in which the readers simply decode the written symbols without bringing their own knowledge to interact with the text. Research on reading showed that reading is actually an active process, in which the reader creates meaning from the printed words. Reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game, in which the reader actively interacts with the text to construct meaning. The "psycholinguistic method" of reading and argued that it had provided new insights into the reading process as well as the process of learning to read. To sum up, reading is the act of constructing meaning while transacting with text. Just as we use information stored in background knowledge to understand and interact with the world around us, so do we use this knowledge to make sense of print.

Adams defines reading as "...an enjoyable, intense, private activity, from which much pleasure can be derived, and in which one can become totally absorbed [1]." Reading means different things to different people, for some it is recognizing written words, while for others it is an opportunity to teach pronunciation and practice speaking. However reading always has a purpose. It is something that we do everyday, it is an integral part of our daily lives, taken very much for granted and generally assumed to be something that everyone can do. It is common for approaches to reading to be used in the same class. For example, where extensive reading is encouraged, the teacher may have all the students read the same text so they can discuss the topic together or learn a specific skill such as as writing an outline.

The reason for reading depends very much on the purpose for reading. Reading can have three main purposes, for survival, for learning or for pleasure. Reading for survival is considered to be in response to our environment, to find out information and can include street signs, advertising, and timetables. It depends very much on the day-to-day needs of the reader and often involves an immediate response to a situation. In contrast reading for learning is considered to be the type of reading done in the classroom and is goal orientated. While reading for pleasure is something that does not have to be done. For Cummins et all the central ideas behind reading are [2]:

- The idea of meaning;

- The transfer of meaning from one mind to another;

- The transfer of a message from writer to reader;

- How we get meaning by reading;

- How the reader, the writer and the text all contribute to the process.

Readers process texts in two ways, either Top-Down or Bottom-Up. Bottom-up processing is when the reader builds up meaning by reading word for word, letter for letter, carefully scrutinizing both vocabulary and syntax. This is often associated with poor or slow readers, but can sometimes occur when the readers own schema knowledge is inadequate [3]. Top-Down processing is the opposite,

where a global meaning of the text is obtained, through "clues" in the text and the reader's good schema knowledge. This is often associated with a good reader, who does not read word for word but quickly and efficiently. The most comprehensive description of the reading process is following in interactive models, "...in which every component in the reading process can interact with any other component... Reading is considered to be an interactive process (a conversation between writer/reader, even though the writer is not present) and for it to occur both processes are necessary, top-down to predict the meaning and bottom-up to check it". The two are therefore complementary ways of processing a text. Obviously, some people may disagree claiming that reading is very easy comprehended but there are strong correlations between reading and vocabulary knowledge and grammar rules.


1. Adams M.J., 1990. Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

2. Cummins etal, 1993. Developing Bilingual proficiency, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

3. Tickoo M.L., 2004. Teaching and Learning English: A Sourcebook for Teachers and Teacher-Trainers , New Delhi, Orient Longman.



Рахимова Рушана Эльдаровна — магистрант, специальность: лингвистика английского языка, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: обучение в сотрудничестве - это одна из разновидностей личностно-ориентированного подхода в преподавании иностранного языка, которая предполагает организацию групп учащихся, работающих совместно над решением какой-либо проблемы, темы, вопроса. Учебные задания структурируются таким образом, что все члены команды оказываются взаимосвязанными и взаимозависимыми и при этом достаточно самостоятельными в овладении материалом и решении задач. Основная идея этой технологии - создать условия для активной совместной учебной деятельности учащихся в разных учебных ситуациях.

Ключевые слова: сотрудничество, обучение, взаимозависимость, взаимопомощь, коммуникативная компетенция.

Основные принципы обучения в сотрудничестве заключаются в следующем [2]:

1) взаимозависимость членов группы;

2) личная ответственность каждого члена группы за собственные успехи и успехи своих товарищей;

3) совместная учебно-познавательная, творческая и прочая деятельность учащихся в группе;

4) социализация деятельности учащихся в группах;

5) общая оценка работы группы (описательного плана, не всегда в баллах), которая складывается из оценки формы общения учащихся в группе наряду с академическими результатами работы.

В классе все дети разные: одни схватывают на лету, другим требуется значительное время для осмысления, им трудно, они замыкаются и вскоре оказываются вообще выключенными из учебного процесса. Если же объединить ребят в небольшие группы по 3-4 человека и дать им одно общее задание, оговорив роль каждого в выполнении этого задания, то возникает ситуация, когда ученик отвечает за результат не только своей работы, но и всей группы в целом. Формирование групп осуществляется таким образом, чтобы в каждой присутствовали как «сильные» учащиеся, так и «слабые». «Слабые» стараются выяснить у «сильных» непонятные им вопросы, а «сильные» заинтересованы в том, чтобы все члены группы

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