Научная статья на тему 'Развитие экспортных и импортных операций на рынке птицеводства'

Развитие экспортных и импортных операций на рынке птицеводства Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
продукция птицеводства / экспорт – импорт мяса птицы / Европейский Союз / регулирование рынка продукции птицеводства / poultry products / export and import of poultry meat / European Union / regulation of poultry products market

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — О. Ф. Кирилюк, Д. А. Кирилюк

В статье исследованы современные тенденции развития отрасли птицеводства Украины в условиях углубления евроинтеграции, рассмотрены приоритеты экспортно-импортных операций на мировых продовольственных рынках. За последние годы на Украине официально был изменен вектор внешней политики и экономики.

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Development of export and import operations in the market of poultry production

The article examines the current trends in the development of the poultry industry in Ukraine in the context of the deepening of European integration; the priorities of export and import operations in the world food markets are examined. In recent years, Ukraine has officially changed the vector of foreign policy and economy.

Текст научной работы на тему «Развитие экспортных и импортных операций на рынке птицеводства»


УДК 339.1:637.5:636.5 РС! 10.21661/Г-466535

О.Ф. Кирилюк, Д.А.Кирилюк

Развитие экспортных и импортных операций на рынке птицеводства


В статье исследованы современные тенденции развития отрасли птицеводства Украины в условиях углубления евроинтеграции, рассмотрены приоритеты экспортно-импортных операций на мировых продовольственных рынках. За последние годы на Украине официально был изменен вектор внешней политики и экономики.

I Ключевые слова: продукция птицеводства, экспорт - импорт мяса птицы, Европейский Союз, регулирование рынка продукции птицеводства.

O.F. Kyryliuk, D.A. Kyryliuk

Development of export and import operations in the market of poultry production


The article examines the current trends in the development of the poultry industry in Ukraine in the context of the deepening of European integration; the priorities of export and import operations in the world food markets are examined. In recent years, Ukraine has officially changed the vector of foreign policy and economy.

| Keywords: poultry products, export and import of poultry meat, European Union, regulation of poultry products market.

In recent years, Ukraine has officially changed the vector of foreign policy and economy. This led to the liberalization and improvement of the terms of trade with the EU countries and the reduction of foreign trade relations with the Russian Federation. The development of modern foreign economic transformations is characterized by a deepening of the process of Ukraine's integration into the European community, a radical change in the geographical and commodity structures of export and import operations of domestic poultry enterprises, which in turn affected the pace of the industry's development.

The development of foreign economic activities of domestic poultry enterprises is reflected in treatises of R. Buryak, N. Ilchuk, S. Kvasha, A. Shpychak, O. Kyryliuk and other scientists [1-3]. Despite significant scientific developments, it is advisable to investigate the impact of modern transformations on the development of the country's economic relations in the context of changing national priorities.

The purpose of the article is to study the development of export and import operations of Ukrainian production of eggs and poultry meat enterprises at the present stage of development of international relations, changes in trends of the geographical and commodity structure of foreign trade in poultry products and determine the consequences of such changes.

As a result of cardinal changes in Ukraine's foreign economic policy, the main foreign economic priority has been European integration. Its tasks are regulated by the Association Agreement with the European Union. The consequences of such changes have spread to a lot of sectors of the domestic economy, through which the existing imbalances, the reduction in production volumes are aggravated. At the same time, limiting the access to the Russian market, a weak external demand for domestic products, a drop in world prices in commodity markets, and a low solvency of the population became characteristic of the current state of the country's economic development.


The conducted researches showed that the main factors that caused the decline in the export of domestic poultry products are changes in the price situation in the EU, non-tariff methods for regulating the access of Ukrainian products to the EU market, and the economic situation in certain EU countries. The results of October show that the index of world food prices, according to FAO, was 176.4 points, which is 2.2% lower than the previous month, but 2.5% higher than the same month of the previous year. Prices on imports of domestic chickens decreased: if in January 2017 the price was - 0,39-0,5 USD / kg, then in March - 0,37-0,47 USD / kg.

The main reasons for the decline in the export of eggs and poultry meat are the introduction by the Russian Federation of an embargo on Ukrainian goods and restrictions on transit through its territory. During 2015-2017, there have been some changes in the structure of exports of Ukrainian goods, domestic enterprises are forced to seek new markets for their products due to the loss of the Russian market, but a positive trend is an increase in the export of poultry products to East Asian countries. Transformation also occurred in the field of import operations. The development of integration processes contributed to the fact that domestic poultry products become a real competitor to world producers, with the importer of chicken meat, Ukraine has become an exporter. The production of chicken meat in Ukraine for the first 6 months of 2017 increased on 4% and reached 562.4 thousand tons. The main producers of chicken meat in Ukraine are Myronivsky Hliboproduct with a share in the total production structure of products of 64%, Gavrilov Poultry Complex -11%, Agro-Oven - 5.8%, Agro-industrial group of companies «Dneprovskaya» - 5.3%, Vladimir-Volyn Poultry Factory -4.5%.

In 2016, the share of poultry meat in total exports was 80% - 124 thousand tonnes, or 42% more than in 2015. Ukrainian poultry is in high demand in Egypt, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are leaders in the import of Ukrainian products in the region with a share of 87%. Domestic chicken meat is in high demand in the foreign market. With stable production volumes over the past six months, its exports increased by 46%. This explains the investors' interest in the industry. So, the Netherlandish fund Safedam concluded a

deal to acquire a 20% stake of the «Volodymyr-Volyn Poultry Factory». This enterprise produces chicken under the brand «Cheboturochka» and takes 6% share in the market. In April, Melinda Corporation acquired a 24% stake of the company.

Problems with the infection of eggs with finpronil in the EU and in the world have significantly influenced the market: powerful factories in Germany and the Netherlands were closed. The shortage of production caused an increase in its price: according to the data of the European Commission for the last year it grew by 53% and amounted to 16 cents per egg. Poland is the largest egg producer and exporter in the European Union: annual production is 9 billion eggs, 43% of this volume is exported. In order to reduce the shortage of products and thereby stop the price increase, Poland began to purchase it from Ukraine: in mid-September of this year, the company «Ovostar Union» (TM «Yasensvit») has already been certified for deliveries to the EU of eggs in the shell. The company carried out the first deliveries of products to Poland and other EU countries within the non-tariff quota. The demand of Polish consumers for Ukrainian products confirms its high quality and safety. Per period from January to September Ukraine 2017 exported 62.4 thousand tons of eggs for $ 43600000. The volume of exports for 9 months of this year on 23.1% exceeded the result for all 2016, when for export was sent 50.7 thousand tons of eggs. The main importers of Ukrainian eggs are traditionally the United Arab Emirates ($ 21300000), Iraq ($ 6,700,000) and Qatar ($ 3,700,000), agreed certificates for the export of eggs to Israel, Iraq, Hong Kong. Negotiations on the export of eggs and egg products from Ukraine to Montenegro, Qatar, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines and China are continued.

The conducted researches allow to draw conclusions that the producers of eggs and poultry meat can become unconditional exporters of poultry products to the countries of the European Union and countries of Asia and Africa. Effective mechanisms of reproduction the export potential of the poultry industry, the development of an export-oriented strategy, the harmonization of the legislative framework with respect to the conformity of the quality parameters of products with the European standards, diversification of the geographical and commodity structure of foreign trade operations should be the basis for intensifying export and import operations.


1. Исследование и прогнозирование конъюнктуры рынка продукции птицеводства / Р.И. Буряк // Вестник Национального университета биоресурсов и природопользования Украины. Серия: Экономика, аграрный менеджмент, бизнес. - 2017. - Вип 260. - С. 41-53 [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://nbuv.gov.ua/ UJRN/nvnau econ 2017

2. Кирилюк О.Ф. Конкурентоспособность отечественной продукции птицеводства в условиях углубления евро-интеграции // Биоресурсы и природопользования Украины. - 2013. - №5-6. - Т. 5. - С. 140-146.

3. Анализ и прогноз конъюнктуры мировых рынков продукции животноводства / О.М. Шпичак, Ю.А. Лупенко, М.В. Присяжнюк [и др.]; под ред. А.Н. Шпичака. - М.: ННЦ ИАЭ, 2012. - 250 с.

4. Официальный сайт Государственной фискальной служба Украины // Государственная фискальная служба Украины [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://sfs.gov.ua/

Interactive science | 12 (22) • 2017 81



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