Научная статья на тему 'Rarely recorded lichens and lichen-allied fungi from the territory of the Baikal Reserve - additions for lichen flora of Russia'

Rarely recorded lichens and lichen-allied fungi from the territory of the Baikal Reserve - additions for lichen flora of Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Urbanavichene I.N., Palice Z.

The paper presents findings of 15 lichenized and lichen-allied species rarely recorded in southern Siberia and in Russia in general. All of them were collected for the first time on the territory of the Baikal Reserve (Southern Pribaikal’e, Mts. Khamar-Daban). Absconditella celata is new to Asia. Bacidia pycnidiata and Micarea micrococca are novelties to Siberia. Sarea resinae is new to South Siberia. New records for the southern Baikal region include Arthonia helvola, A. vinosa, Biatora helvola, B. ocelliformis and Gyalideopsis piceicola. Cladonia acuminata and Lepraria finkii are additions to the lichen flora of the Khamar-Daban range. The respective species are briefly discussed, mainly with regard to their distribution on the territory of Russia.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Rarely recorded lichens and lichen-allied fungi from the territory of the Baikal Reserve - additions for lichen flora of Russia»

Turczaninowia 19 (1): 42-46 (2016) DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.19.1.5 http://turczaninowia.asu.ru

■"■ISSN 1560-7259 (print edition)


¿¿ЫЛ ISSN 1560-7267 (online edition)

УДК 582.29(571.54)

Rarely recorded lichens and lichen-allied fungi from the territory of the Baikal Reserve - additions for lichen flora of Russia

I. N. Urbanavichene1, 2 *, Z. Palice3

1Komarov Botanical Institute, BINRAS, Prof. Popov, 2, St.-Petersburg, 197376 2Baikal Reserve, Krasnogyardeyskaya Street, 34, Tankhoi, Republic of Buryatia, 671220, Russia.

E-mail: urbanavichene@gmail.com 3Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, 25243 Pruhonice, Czech Republic; Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Charles University, Benatska 2, 128 01 Prague, Czech Republic. E-mail: zdenek.palice@ibot.cas.cz

*Corresponding author

Key words: lichen, forest, South Baikal area, Khamar-Daban Range.

Summary. The paper presents findings of 15 lichenized and lichen-allied species rarely recorded in southern Siberia and in Russia in general. All of them were collected for the first time on the territory of the Baikal Reserve (Southern Pribaikal'e, Mts. Khamar-Daban). Absconditella celata is new to Asia. Bacidia pycnidiata and Micarea micrococca are novelties to Siberia. Sarea resinae is new to South Siberia. New records for the southern Baikal region include Arthonia helvola, A. vinosa, Biatora helvola, B. ocelliformis and Gyalideopsispiceicola. Cladonia acuminata and Lepraria finkii are additions to the lichen flora of the Khamar-Daban range. The respective species are briefly discussed, mainly with regard to their distribution on the territory of Russia.

Редкие виды с территории Байкальского заповедника -дополнения к лихенофлоре России

И. Н. Урбанавичене1, 2, З. Паливд3

'Ботанический институт им. В. Л. Комарова, БИНРАН, Проф. Попова, 2, Санкт-Петербург, 197376 2Байкальский государственный биосферный заповедник, Красногвардейская, 34, Танхой, Республика Бурятия, 671220, Россия 3Институт Ботаники Чешская Академия наук, 25243 Пругоницы, Чешская Республика; Кафедра ботаники, факультет естественных наук, Карлов Университет, Бенатская, 2, 128 01 Прага, Чешская Республика

Ключевые слова: лишайники, лес, Южное Прибайкалье, хребет Хамар-Дабан.

Аннотация. В работе приводятся находки 15 видов, редких для лихенофлоры России и Южной Сибири. Все они впервые собраны на территории Байкальского заповедника (Южное Прибайкалье, хр. Хамар-Дабан). В основном это эпифитные и эпиксильные виды, произрастающие на Abies sibirica и Pinus sibirica. Впервые для Азии приводится Absconditella celata, для Сибири - Bacidia pycnidiata, Micarea micrococca; для Южной Сибири - Sarea resinae. Новые для Южного Прибайкалья - Arthonia helvola, A. vinosa, Biatora helvola, B. ocelliformis, Gyalideopsis piceicola. Для Хамар-Дабана новыми являются Cladonia acuminata, Lepraria finkii. Представлены краткие сведения о местонахождении видов и распространении их по территории России.

Introduction Daban ridge) (Urbanavichene, Urbanavichus,

This species list continues the series of 1998; Urbanavichus, Urbanavichene, 2004;

publications dealing with interesting lichen records Urbanavichene, 2010, 2015a, b). Our results are

from the Baikal Reserve (Southern Siberia, Khamar- based on investigations from the field trips made

Поступило в редакцию 11.12.2015 Принято к публикации 14.02.2016

Submitted 11.12.2015 Accepted 14.02.2016

by I. N. Urbanavichene between 2006-2015 in the Khamar-Daban region.

Material and methods

We present the most interesting floristic findings of corticolous and lignicolous lichen species from coniferous and mixed forests with Abies sibirica, Pinus sibirica, Populus suaveolens, Betula pubescens, Sorbus sibirica and Salix rorida. All species are described for the first time for the Baikal Reserve and are new or rarely recorded in Siberia.

Most species were identified using a stereomicroscope or compound microscope, and with the help of chemical spot reactions (para-phenylenediamine-ethanol solution, sodium hypochlorite, 10 % potassium hydroxide and Lugol's iodine). Lichen substances were analyzed by standard TLC (Orange et al., 2001). Specimen number, storage location and collector are given for each studied sample in addition to label data characterizing the features of the habitat and the species localities. The latitude, longitude and elevation range were measured with a GPS device (WGS 84). The major part of the collected specimens is deposited in LE and ALTB.

List of species

Absconditella celata Dobbeler et Poelt

This ephemeral species was until now only reported from Europe and North America (Spribille et al., 2009). There exists only one record from Russia, Tver' Region (Notov et al., 2011). Here it is reported as new for Asia.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., left bank of the Pereemnaya River, on decomposed wood of Abies sibirica in shaded habitats of wet forest, alt. 815 m. N51.3941°, E105.2730°. 05 VIII 2014. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12686)".

Arthonia helvola (Nyl.) Nyl.

It is very local and sporadic in undisturbed mixed forests in Russia. In Central Europe it was recorded also in partly disturbed lowland alluvial woods (Palice, 1999) and managed mixed forests (Guttova, Palice, 1999). Spot-like red apothecia are easily mistaken for subepidermal colonies of free-living trentepohlioid algae. Its distribution in Russia requires additional investigations. New for Baikal Siberia and southern part of the Lake Baikal region.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., valley Po-dosinovka River, on solid wood stump of Pinus si-

birica, alt. 472 m. N51.3700°, E105.9746°. 04 VIII 2010. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12687, dub. ALTB)".

Arthonia vinosa Leight.

The species is more or less common in wet coniferous and mixed forests in the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia reported from Northern and Central parts of European Russia, the northern part of the Ural Mountains and Southern Siberia (Urbanavichus, 2010). It is reported here as new for Baikal Siberia and the southern part of the Lake Baikal region.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., near the headwaters Pereemnaya River, right bank of the Bol'shoy Klyuch River, mixed forest (Abies sibirica, Pinus sibirica, Populus suaveolens, Sorbus sibirica, Betula pubescens), on stump of Abies sibirica, alt. 850 m. N51.4131°, E105.5008°. 09 VIII 2015. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12689)".

Bacidia pycnidiata Czarnota & Coppins

This species is an early pioneer species usually growing on terricolous and epiphytic bryophytes both in managed and native forests, and occasionally in anthropogenic habitats, switching also to other lichens or shaded bark of trees (Czarnota, Hernik, 2014). In Russia it has mostly been recorded in old-growth humid forests with a closed canopy or near water streams (Urbanavichene, Urbanavichus, 2014). In Asia it has been previously recorded only in the North Caucasus (Urbanavichus, Urbanavi-chene, 2013).

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., basin of the Pereemnaya River, right bank of the Bol'shoy Klyuch River, mixed forest (Abies sibirica, Pinus si-birica, Populus suaveolens, Sorbus sibirica, Betula pubescens), on bark of the deadwood of Abies si-birica, alt. 850 m. N51.4131°, E105.5008°. 09 VIII 2015. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12951)"

Biatora helvola Körb. ex Hellb.

According to Printzen (1995), the species' range reflects the distribution of Picea abies in Europe. Its eastern distributional limit in Russia is not well known. Well separated from superficially similar species due to the presence of gyrophoric acid in apothecium (C+ rose-red). New to the southern part of the Lake Baikal region.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., on a steep slope, coniferous forest with Abies sibirica and

Urbanavichene I. N., Palice Z. Rare lichens from Baikal Reserve

Pinus sibirica, on bark of Abies sibirica, alt. 1369 m. N51.5285°, E105.4191°. 14 VIII 2013. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12952)".

Biatora ocelliformis (Nyl.) Arnold

The species is much rarer than Biatora helvola in the boreal forests of the Holarctic (Printzen, 1995). In the Asian part of Russia it preferably grows on broad-leaved and small-leaved tree species. New to Khamar-Daban Mts. and the Baikal Reserve.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., right bank of the Vydrinaya River, mixed forest (Abies sibiri-ca, Pinus sibirica, Sorbus sibirica, Betula pubes-cens), on bark of ashberry, alt. 515 m. N51.4261°, E104.9072°. 29 VII 2008. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12953)".

Caloplaca obscurella (J. Lahm ex Körb.) Th. Fr.

This is a widespread but inconspicuous species, most frequent on nutrient-enriched bark of deciduous trees. C. obscurella shows more continental distribution than superficially similar C. ulcerosa, which however contains anthraquinones in its apo-thecia when fertile (Vondrak et al., 2009). In Russia it was reported from all regions of European Russia, Caucasus, Ural, Siberia and Far East (Urbanavi-chus, 2010). New to the southern part of the Lake Baikal region.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., basin of Osinovka Mishinskaya River, on bark of the dead-wood at the base of the tree Abies sibirica, alt. 1360 m. N51.5288°, E105.4191°. 09 VIII 2015. I. N. Ur-banavichene (LE № L-692)".

Cladonia acuminata (Ach.) Norrl.

This is a terricolous species growing preferably on basic or weakly acidic bare mineral soil or humus. It is widespread but scattered, more frequent only in calcareous areas (Ahti et al., 2013). New to Khamar-Daban Mts. and the Baikal Reserve.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., poplar forest in the floodplain of a stream, shore of the Chernoe Lake, on the sand, mossy surface of fallen Populus suaveolens, alt. 1086 m. N51.3765°, E105.2251°. 04 VIII 2014. leg. I. N. Urbanavichene, det. T. Ahti (LE № L-12693)".

Cresponea chloroconia (Tuck.) Egea & Torrente

The species is confined to broad-leaved and small-leaved trees, but it is rare in coniferous and

mixed forests. This finding is a rare exception. New for Baikal Siberia and the southern part of the Lake Baikal region. In Russia it has been reported from Northen and Central part of European Russia, Southern Ural, Western and Southern Siberia (Ur-banavichus, 2010).

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., basin of the Pereemnaya River, right bank of the Bol'shoy Klyuch River, mixed forest (Abies sibirica, Pinus si-birica, Populus suaveolens, Sorbus sibirica, Betula pubescens), on bark of of Pinus sibirica, alt. 850 m. N51.4131°, E105.5008°. 09 VIII 2015. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12694)".

Gyalideopsis piceicola (Nyl.) Vezda & Poelt

This distinctive species is widespread in the boreal and temperate zone of the Holarctic, mainly in montane forests (Wirth et al., 2013). New to Baikal Siberia and southern part of the Lake Baikal region. In Russia known from Northern Ural (Hermansson et al., 2006) and Southern Siberia (Urbanavichene, 2012).

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., near the headwaters Pereemnaya River, right bank of the Bol'shoy Klyuch River, mixed forest (Abies sibiri-ca, Pinus sibirica, Populus suaveolens, Sorbus sibirica, Betula pubescens), on bark of the stump of Abies sibirica, alt. 850 m. N51.4131°, E105.5008°. 09 VIII 2015. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12695, dub. ALTB)".

Lepraria finkii (B. de Lesd.) R. C. Harris

A common and widespread species in the Northern Hemisphere (Lendemer, 2010, 2013). The type specimen of L. lobificans was examined by the author. The taxon turned out to be conspecific with a rare, recently described Mediterranean taxon L. santosii (Tretiach et al., 2009) and should have priority over the latter name. L. finkii was taken up for the species previously referred to as L. lobificans by most authors. In Southern Siberia L. finkii was recently reported from Dzherginskyi Reserve by Kharpukhaeva and Khanin (2012, as Lepraria lobificans). New to the Khamar-Daban Mts. and the Baikal Reserve.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., valley Podosinovka River, mixed forest (Abies sibirica, Pinus sibirica, Populus suaveolens, Betula pubescens), on rotten stump of Pinus sibirica, alt. 472 m. N51.3700°, E104.9744°. 04 VIII 2010, I. N. Ur-

banavichene (LE № L-12696)".

Micarea micrococca (Körb.) Gams ex Coppins

Only recently published from Russia (Urbanavi-chene et al., 2013), although it is a widespread and frequent species in the temperate and boreal zone. Nevertheless, until recently it was not distinguished from M. prasina (see e.g. Czarnota, 2007). We follow here the morphospecies concept by Czarnota and Guzow-Krzeminska (2010), who distinguish M. micrococca s. str. (small, white-cream, convex non-adnate apothecia) from the chemically concordant M. byssacea (with adnate and usually grey, pale-rimmed apothecia). However, more taxa exist within this species complex containing methoxymi-careic acid according to molecular phylogeny based on mitochondrial sequences (Czarnota, Guzow-Krzeminska, 2010; A. Launis pers. comm.). Further taxonomic and molecular phylogenetic studies are necessary to elucidate taxonomy of this group. New for Siberia.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., left bank of the Pereemnaya River, on decaying wood of Abies sibirica in shaded habitats of wet forests, alt. 815 m. N51.3941°, E105.2730°. 05 VIII 2014. I. N. Ur-banavichene (LE № L-12697)".

Protothelenella leucothelia (Nyl.) H. Mayrhofer & Poelt

An arctic-alpine species, rare in Siberia (Makryi, Lishtva, 2005) and new for the southern part of the Lake Baikal region.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., subgo-lets (sub-alpine) belt, on plant debris, alt. 1421 m. N51.5186°, E105.4094°. 18 VII 2009. I. N. Ur-banavichene (LE № L-12698)".

Rinodina efflorescens Malme

R. efflorescens is characterized by discrete,

mostly scattered yellowish-brownish soralia with farinose soredia, the presence of pannarin (Pd+ red) and the Physcia-type spores. The species is known from north-west and central Europe, the Pyrenees, and North America (Mayrhofer, Moberg, 2002), and is also widespread in Russia (Urbanavichus, 2010). In the Asian part of Russia it was reported for the Kodar area (Makryi, Lishtva, 2005). The present collection is fertile and is new to the Khamar-Daban Mts. and the southern part of the Lake Baikal region.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., left bank of Pereemnaya River, on bark of Salix rorida, alt. 485 m. N51.5133°, E105.2078°. 01 X 2006. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12699)".

Sarea resinae (Fr.) Kuntze

A non-lichenized fungus growing on old resin of coniferous trees. Characterized by the flat to concave, orange apothecia (0.5-1.3 mm in diam.) and polysporic asci with rounded spores 2-3 pm. New for Siberia.

Specimens examined: "Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskiy district, Khamar-Daban Mts., basin of the Osinovka River, coniferous forest (Abies sibirica, Pinus sibirica), on bark of Pinus sibirica, alt. 535 m. N51.5368°, E105.1196°. 22 VIII 2015. I. N. Urbanavichene (LE № L-12691, dub. ALTB)"


We are grateful to the administration of Baikal Reserve. Thanks are given to N. Gamova and her colleagues from Moscow State University - A. Beilin and V. Chernov for our joint expedition to the Baikal Reserve. We also thank L. Konoreva for advice in determining Micarea micrococca.

The study was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects № 1404-01411).


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Urbanavichene I. N., Palice Z. Rare lichens from Baikal Reserve

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