PUBLIC DIPLOMACY IN KYRGYZSTAN: US AND RUSSIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Public diplomacy / Soft power / Russia / United States of America / Kyrgyzstan / Central Asia / Culture / Language / Social networks / Educational programs

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Kislova Alla

Russia and the United States are competing for influence in various regions, including Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan. Thereby, the use of public diplomacy in Kyrgyzstan by the United States of America and Russia has been paramount in terms of influencing the formation of their image within the country. The relevance of this topic is manifested in the fact that public diplomacy is an important tool for the influence of one country to another. The aim of this study to review the educational programs, funds specializing in the promotion of the culture and language of the country and practices of public diplomacy use by Russia and the United States in Kyrgyzstan.

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KISLOVA Alla MA Student, Kazakh-German University kislova.alya@inbox.ru



Russia and the United States are competing for influence in various regions, including Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan. Thereby, the use of public diplomacy in Kyrgyzstan by the United States of America and Russia has been paramount in terms of influencing the formation of their image within the country. The relevance of this topic is manifested in the fact that public diplomacy is an important tool for the influence of one country to another. The aim of this study to review the educational programs, funds specializing in the promotion of the culture and language of the country and practices of public diplomacy use by Russia and the United States in Kyrgyzstan.

Key words: Public diplomacy, Soft power, Russia, United States of America, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, Culture, Language, Social networks, Educational programs


Public diplomacy is the mechanism by which governments try to change the opinions of other people and governments in such a way as to influence their decisions. The purpose of this study is to identify the main strategies of public diplomacy used by the United States and Russia that influence building their image in Kyrgyzstan. The study draws on a systematic analysis of the United States and Russia's public diplomacy. Specifically, the article analyzes the main factors and tools of public diplomacy used, such as educational programs, working with media, social networks, and non-governmental organizations. Each of these countries has its own peculiarities in relation to Kyrgyzstan. For instance, the geographical proximity and shared past history define the public diplomacy of Russia towards Kyrgyzstan. By contrast, the United States seem to be more interested in supporting the democratic system of Kyrgyzstan.

Russian public diplomacy in Kyrgyzstan

The study of Russian educational programs in Kyrgyzstan can be started by looking at the role played by various foundations of Russia in this country. On the territory of Kyrgyzstan there are several foundations of Russia that aim to promote the Russian culture. Examples include the Russian World Foundation (Russkiy Mir Foundation) that was founded in 2007. It was one of the first to be opened in Kyrgyzstan. Its tools are "Russian Centers" that were opened with the goal to popularize and promote the Russian language and culture. Altogether, three Russian centers were opened in the country: the Russian center with the seat in the Bishkek Humanitarian University (named Kusein Karassayev), the Russian center with the seat in the Chuy regional library, and the

Russian center with the seat in the Osh branch of the Russian State Social University.1 Another project of the Russian World Foundation is "Cabinet of the Russian world". This project is the target program of the foundation. It aims to create favorable conditions in Kyrgyzstan for individual immersion into culture, communication with the values of this civilization, acquaintance with history and modernity through the culture and language. There are several such projects in the country: International Educational Center "Leader-Lingvo", in Nookat and Association "Slavic Diaspora" in Jalal-Abad. There is also the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after Boris Yeltsin; which was opened in 1993 after the signing of the treaty of friendship and cooperation between two countries. The aims of the university include the creation of training programs for Russian citizens in Kyrgyzstan, and assistance in the development of cultural and educational interaction with other countries of the CIS. The project Russian World organizes presentations and seminars to promote the Russian educational programs and universities in major cities of Kyrgyzstan. About four hundred thousand schoolchildren in Kyrgyzstan study in schools on Russian language. Training in schools in the Russian language is an important aspect for Russian public diplomacy. So Russia supports this process to keep it going. The current president of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov mentions in his interview that Russian can be considered spiritual wealth for the country.4 Rossotrudnichestvo (The Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation) is another important project worth mentioning. It was created in 2008; and its activity is aimed primarily at the implementation and promotion of Russia's state policy in the field of international humanitarian cooperation, including the spread and promotion of an objectively positive image of contemporary Russia in other countries, mainly the countries of CIS.5 It has two centers in Kyrgyzstan: the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Bishkek and the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Osh. These centers announce and hold events once or twice a month. With the financial and information support of Rossotrudnichestvo and The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute in Moscow an international program for volunteers has been implemented.6 ,7 The project called 'The Russian Language Ambassadors in the World" is held once a year in Kyrgyzstan since 2015. The idea of the program is that in one week 12 volunteers from Russian universities (either undergraduates or


graduates) teach everyone Russian culture, history, and language.

One more project operating in the CIS under the name of the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund was established in 2010 due to the order of one of the Presidents of Russia, D.A. Medvedev. Its goal is to support and develop public diplomacy, conduct seminars and

1 Каталог Русских центров. RusskiyMir [Электронный ресурс]. - https://russkiymir.ru/rucenter/catalogue.php

2 Кабинет Русского мира RusskiyMir [Электронный ресурс]. - https://russkiymir.ru/rucenter/cabinet.php (04. 09. 19)

3 Киргизско-Российский Славянский университет отметил 25-летие RusskiyMir [Электронный ресурс]. -https://russkiymir.ru/news/246322/?sphrase_id=861750 (04. 09. 19)

4 Презентации российских вузов прошли в школах и университетах Киргизии Russkiy Mir [Электронный ресурс]. - https://russkiymir.ru/news/248033/?sphrase_id=861750 (04. 09. 19)

5 Россотрудничество RS [Электронный ресурс]. - http://rs.gov.ru/ru/about (04. 09. 19)

6 Российский центр науки и культуры в Бишкеке KGZ [Электронный ресурс]. - http://kgz.rs.gov.ru/ru (04. 09. 19)

7 Российский центр науки и культуры в Оше OSH [Электронный ресурс]. - http://osh.rs.gov.ru/ru (04. 09. 19)

8 Аркадьев, А. "Собрание волонтеров программы «Послы русского языка в Мире» прошло в Бишкеке." TVzvezda, [Электронный ресурс]. - https://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane i mire/content/201712191524-oz57.htm (04. 09. 19)

conferences with the participation of Russian NGOs and promote Russian non-commercial organizations in the international arena; in addition, it supports young scientists with grants.9 Since 2015, the Fund has a project: the School on Central Asia. In 2016 the School worked in Bishkek. This is a platform for dialogue between experts from all countries that could be interesting for Russia, i.e. all post-Soviet states which are for cooperation with Russia and engaged in the study of Central Asia.10 The Gorchakov Fund also provides a financial support to Kyrgyz NGOs. NGOs can receive a grant from the Fund, if their project agrees with their interests.11

Important public diplomacy tool like Russian popular culture is also widespread in

Kyrgyzstan: citizens of Kyrgyzstan watch Russian television, read books and newspapers in


Russian, use the Russian-language segment of the Internet. According to polls, 73% of the respondents watch Russian news broadcasts and other programs, including advertising in


Russian. However, almost all the Mass Media present Russia as a corrupt and undemocratic state. So a negative image of Russia has being formed. At the same time, the information influence of the USA can be a negative factor for the public diplomacy of Russia in the region. 14,15 In the concepts of Russian foreign policy, public diplomacy and soft power began to appear only after 2013, especially the use of such a tool as the Internet. The social networking is one of the important mechanisms and instruments of the public diplomacy, which creates a single information field and information rapid spread of. For instance, The Russian Embassy in Kyrgyzstan has its own page on such social network as Facebook. One and a half thousand people are subscribed to the page. They make reports on past joint events, ask for support from citizens or post interviews with political leaders. 16, 17

It is also necessary for Russia to maintain contact with the Russian Diaspora in Kyrgyzstan. Diasporas can serve as a support for using the Russian language as public diplomacy. People who present that can motivate another citizen to learn Russian and show that it useful and important in Kyrgyzstan. During the time of independence, the number of schools with the Russian language of instruction has increased by 24 schools and the number of students by 31.1 thousand. Nevertheless of this fact, the research shows that knowledge of English gives more advantages

9 Фонд поддержки публично дипломатии имени А. М. Горчакова GorchakovFund [Электронный ресурс]. -https://gorchakovfund.ru/about/ (04. 09. 19)

10 Мендкович, Н. "Принцип российской "мягкой силы" — коммуницировать, а не контролировать." GorchakovFund [Электронный ресурс]. - https://gorchakoviund.ru/news/view/nikita-mendkovich-printsip-rossiyskoy-myagkoy-sily-kommunitsirovat-a-ne-kontrolirovat/ (04. 09. 19)

11 Мураталиева, Н. "«Мягкая сила» России в политических процессах Кыргызстана." GorchakovFund [Электронный ресурс]. - https://gorchakovfund.ru/news/view/nargiza-muratalieva-myagkaya-sila-rossii-v-politicheskikh-protsessakh-kyrgyzstana/ (04. 09. 19)

12 Летняков, Д. Э. Емельянова, Н. Н. "Стратегии «мягкой силы» в постсоветской Центральной Азии: Россия vs США, Китай, Индия." Россия в глобальной политике. - 2017. - №4. - с.118-140.

13 Савчук, Г. А. Франц, В. А. "Инструменты «мягкой силы» в формировании имиджа России в Кыргызстане." Cyberleninka [Электронный ресурс]. - https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/instmmenty-myagkoy-sily-v-formirovanii-imidzha-rossii-v-kyrgyzstane (04. 09. 19)

14 Казанцев, А. А. Гусев, Л. Ю. "Продвижение «мягкой силы» России в Центральной Азии как инструмент развития евразийской экономической интеграции." Евразийский вызов. - 2015. - №11. - с.80-91.

15 Фоминых, А. "Проецирование «мягкой силы»: публичная дипломатия США и России в постсоветской Центральной Азии." Центральная Азия и Кавказ. - 2010. №3. - с.73-86.

16 Концепция внешней политики Российской Федерации 2013 NG [Электронный ресурс]. -http://www.ng.ru/dipkurer/2013-03-04/9_concept.html?print=Y (04. 09. 19)

Аккаунт посольства России в Кыргызстане Facebook [Электронный ресурс]. -https://www.facebook.com/RusEmbassyKyrgyzstan (04. 09. 19)


than knowledge of the Russian language. But it's not only happened on territory of Kyrgyzstan. Also migrants from Kyrgyzstan who work in Russia have an impact on public diplomacy and Russia's image. From January to March 2017, 192 750 Kyrgyz citizens were temporarily registered in Russia. They could help in creating an attractive image of Russia in Kyrgyzstan, through the positive experience. However, most of them are disappointed and feel unprotected in front of the Russian employers. And migrants have less salary than citizens. 19

The economic interaction of Russia and Kyrgyzstan contributes to a more positive image, and can be an addition to the use of public diplomacy. The Russian mechanisms of public diplomacy serve mainly to attract Kyrgyzstan to their side, for example, writing off debts, rendering various kinds of humanitarian aid. In 2014 the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund was created, it operates in accordance with the Agreement "On the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund" of November, 24. This project can be called one of the most significant tools that assist in

the process of integration of Kyrgyzstan into the Eurasian Economic Union. The purpose of the


fund is the assistance and modernization in matters relating to the economy and integration. There are a number of controversial opinions about the effectiveness of Russian public diplomacy, that its advantage is a deep approach through culture and long-term goals. Or, on the

other hand, in foreign policy of the region there is a goal of achieving "quick results" and not


long-term prospects where Russia uses media as a priority instrument.

As can be seen from the reviewed programs, the strategies implemented by Russia allow it to remain quite relevant in Kyrgyzstan. .There are various educational programs that can make the country more attractive to Kyrgyz citizens. Their main goal is to promote the Russian language and Russian culture to reinforce a positive image. However, the existing tools and mechanisms of public diplomacy cannot guarantee success in achieving the goals, for example, a favorable image. Russia and Kyrgyzstan, in addition to educational programs and Russian's funds, are linked by a common past, language and geographical proximity. Russia relies on the past, especially in promoting the language, but the most influence of financial and economic relations and Russia's desire to be regional leaders in Central Asia.

US public diplomacy in Kyrgyzstan

The USA is interested in supporting the democratic system of Kyrgyzstan, which is more developed than in other Central Asia countries. The US focuses on supporting and strengthening the country's democracy. They contribute to economic increase, improvement and strengthening of the structure of public services and stronger ties between the countries of the CA region. Their instrument is the USAID (United States Agency for International Development) program. USAID has been working in Kyrgyzstan for more than 15 years, relying on the progress of a

18 Молодов, О. Б. "Русский язык как инструмент использования «мягкой силы» в странах Центральной Азии." Cyberleninka [Электронный ресурс]. - https://cyberleninka.ru/artide/v/russkiy-yazyk-kak-instrument-ispolzovaniya-myagkoy-sily-v-stranah-tsentralnoy-azii (04. 09. 19)

19 Авеносова, М. С. "Возможности и лимиты мягкой силы Российской Федерации в Средней Азии." Cyberleninka [Электронный ресурс]. - https://cyberleninka.ru/artide/v/vozmozhnosti-i-limity-myagkoy-sily-rossiyskoy-federatsii-v-sredney-azii (04. 09. 19)

Российско-Кыргызский фонд развития Donors [Электронный ресурс]. http://www.donors.kg/ru/agentstva/4282-rkdf#.W-2_zJMzbIU/ (04. 09. 19)

21 Ospanova, A. N. Rakhmatulin, O. I. "Russian foreign policy in central Asia: methods of soft and hard power." Society and security insights. - 2018. №1. - с.195-203 http://journal.asu.ru/ssi/artide/view/3860/3055 (04. 09. 19)

democratic management system, building partnerships with institutions, encouraging active civic participation in the life of the state, improving the provision and quality of public services, and economic development. In Kyrgyzstan this agency works with a regional USAID Mission for Central Asia, promoting "New Silk Road" initiative proclaimed by the government. The initiative aims to improve communication within the region and interaction with South Asia, Afghanistan, and a larger region. The agency's office is located in Bishkek.22

USAID programs and missions have been operating in Kyrgyzstan since 2002. They help develop contemporary curricula in the state and provide technical assistance in organizing the National Admission Test (NAT) in Kyrgyzstan. Together with the Kyrgyz Ministry of Education, USAID helps graduates to provide equal opportunities for students to study and receive higher specialized education. NAT was also introduced as a mandatory exam for admission to all universities in the country, public and private, and existed from 2012 to 2016. USAID develops and actively supports the created and applied Education Development Strategy of Kyrgyzstan 2012-2020. In addition the Agency works with 7,500 teachers to improve students reading level in the country. There are other educational projects, both current: e.g., Time to read (2016 -2019); Building the future (2016 - 2019); and finished: Joint reading (2013 - 2017); National certification testing (2002 - 2016); AUCA Moving Forward (2010 - 2015); Education Loan Program (2009-2012). These projects are aimed at the younger generation and try to develop them. Youth is the most suitable group for using public diplomacy, because they are easier to



USAID organization has many projects implemented in Central Asia and operating in Kyrgyzstan: American University of Central Asia, Health Protection Program, Election Support Program, Media Support Initiative, Human Rights Program and Program to strengthen parliamentarism in Kyrgyzstan. These projects are aimed at different age groups and solving various social issues, health, education, and management. They are able to exert a beneficial


effect on the image of the United States and USAID. One of the projects greatly supported by USAID is American University of Central Asia (AUCA) it is based in Bishkek, contributing to the fact that the city becomes the intellectual center of the entire region. AUCA is a foreign private university of liberal arts, under various names it has existed since 1993 in Kyrgyzstan. It was the first university in Central Asia that could offer graduates double degrees, an official educational institution accredited in the United States. This was possible with the help of an affiliate program, acting in conjunction with the University of Bard (Bard College). The university offers access to a preparatory program called the Academy of the New Generation; twelve different programs for bachelors, and two graduate programs. The principles of the university are freedom in self-expression; the development of critical thinking and analysis of research; the absence of corruption, and academic integrity in everything. The structure and methods of the university fully comply with American standards and educational models. The

Kyrgyz Republic country profile USAID [Электронный ресурс]. https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1861/Country_Profile_-_Kyrgyz_Republic_-_Mar_2017_ENG_0.pdf (04. 09. 19)

23 Kyrgyz Republic education USAID [Электронный ресурс]. - https://www.usaid.gov/kyrgyz-republic/education (04. 09. 19)

24 Бердаков, Д. "Кыргызстан и «мягкая сила»" Region [Электронный ресурс]. -http://www.region.kg/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1283:-l-r&catid=4:politika&Itemid=5 (04. 09. 19)

university has many affiliate programs around the world. In 2018, the university celebrates 25 years in Kyrgyzstan with almost four thousand alumni, some of whom work in the large


American companies. In addition to AUCA and USAID, the US government finances a large number of other educational programs aimed at improving their image through strengthening the relationship between citizens of different countries, like the USA and Kyrgyzstan; and the relationship between the peoples and cultures of these dissimilar countries. One of the most famous and quite popular programs is Fulbright scholarship programs. It is suitable for graduates, post graduates, and other researchers, especially novice specialists. The program allows Kyrgyz researchers study and carry on an investigation in the United States of America and American specialists can do the same in Kyrgyzstan. The "Foreign Language Teacher Assistant" (FLTA) scholarship helps to gain experience in teaching through the Kyrgyz language at US universities, an internship of up to 20 hours per week, at the same time it is possible study several courses. The program was founded in 1946. These are only two examples of Fulbright scholarships. There are other programs covering many areas of research and teaching activity e.g., a language program for teachers of English (TEA) or teachers of English in schools allows them to attend internships in America; Hubert Humphrey program allows talented specialists to study in the US for a year; the international student exchange program (Global UGRAD) allows students of Kyrgyzstan to study in different American states from a semester to a year, and a young musicians cultural exchange program (OneBeat).26 The American Corner program has been playing an important role in Kyrgyzstan since 2003. For 2018, there were seven "American Corners". They are located in Bishkek, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Talas, Naryn, Kant, and Karakol. They actively run social networks and organize a large number of events; it is noteworthy that they


operate not only in the two largest cities (Osh and Bishkek). If to talk about the role of the Internet, the US Embassy actively maintains a page on the social network Facebook with more than 45 thousand subscribers. Among their activities are the event announcements, conducting

online chats, maintaining informational support for other programs, and publishing up-to-date


information about their educational programs. Some media coverage of the USA public diplomacy policy is an attempt to influence and even pressure the country security decision-making. What can be observed, however, for the USA, the tools of public diplomacy play a big

29 30

role, because today it is very important to avoid using force, if possible. The US public diplomacy tools presented in Kyrgyzstan by educational and exchange programs for all ages of people. US also can to influence on Kyrgyzstan social institutes, help to create National Test and try to develop parties system in Kyrgyzstan. They finance NGO and Kyrgyz culture programs,

25 Президент Кыргызстана Сооронбай Жээнбеков поздравил АУЦА с 25-летием AUCA [Электронный ресурс]. - https://auca.kg/ru/auca_news/3569/ (04. 09. 19)

26 Программы обмена. Посольство США в Кыргызской Республике [Электронный ресурс]. -https://kg.usembassy.gov/ru/education-culture-ru/exchange-programs-ru/ (04. 09. 19)

27 Американский уголок. Посольство США в Кыргызской Республике [Электронный ресурс]. -https://kg.usembassy.gov/ru/education-culture-ru/american-corners-ru (04. 09. 19)

28 Аккаунт посольства США в Кыргызстане Facebook [Электронный ресурс]. -https://www.facebook.com/usembassy.bishkek (04. 09. 19)

29 Федорчук, О. "Мягкая сила: зачем США финансирует медресе в Кыргызстане." Vesti [Электронный ресурс]. - https://vesti.kg/politika/item/50924-myagkaya-sila-zachem-ssha-finansiruyut-medrese-v-kyrgyzstane.html (04. 09. 19)

30 Кислова А. А. "Сравнение использования Россией и США «мягкой силы» в Кыргызстане" Сборник материалов XI Ежегодной международной студенческой конференции «Современные глобальные тренды: вызовы и риски для центральной Азии». - 2019. - с.64.

but on a large scale than Russia. United States haven't common history with Kyrgyzstan and don't interdependence by migrants and because of that focused on modern ideas and interests of society.


Kyrgyzstan, as a platform for public diplomacy of the United States and Russia, can be influenced by their mutual relations. For Russia Central Asia as a whole and Kyrgyzstan in particular is a priority in foreign policy. The past of Kyrgyzstan is connected with the Russian language, and Russia spends a lot of recourses just to maintain the status of the Russian language in the region. Today the Russian language is the official one in Kyrgyzstan. Russia is focused on maintaining and promoting its favorable cultural image; and the Russian language, which is strategically important, in order to gain sympathy and demonstrate a positive image of modern Russia. The strengths of Russia in Kyrgyzstan are their common past, language and culture, Russian-speaking schools in the country, and a young researcher's support. Russia has a strong economic impact on the country, being a regional leader and it is a stronger tool than the cultural impact. Today the Russian language is the official one in Kyrgyzstan. Russia spends a lot of recourses to maintain the status of the Russian language in the region. Strengthening the position of the language is an important aspect, but the population of Kyrgyzstan doesn't put the Russian language at the first place and consider English more promising. Cultural exchange projects are less effective than educational projects that provide free education. Russia has a strong economic impact on the country, being a regional leader and it is a stronger tool than the cultural impact. For the United States Kyrgyzstan are not geographically or culturally close. They financially support NGOs and media in the country. USA conduct the educational programs, develop language programs, and give people the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of the United States if they get into the exchange program. Their attractive image for young people is the reason why they want to go there to study and then stay to live. The actions of the United States, however, are designed to ensure that they return to Kyrgyzstan and apply new knowledge there. They seek to preserve stability in the region. Perhaps they suggest that an increase in their attractiveness in the region will slightly weaken the attractiveness of Russia.


[1] Kyrgyz Republic country profile USAID [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1861/Country_Profile_-_Kyrgyz_Republic_-_Mar_2017_ENG_0.pdf (04. 09. 19)

[2] Kyrgyz Republic education USAID [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://www.usaid.gov/kyrgyz-republic/education (04. 09. 19)

[3] Ospanova, A. N. Rakhmatulin, O. I. "Russian foreign policy in central Asia: methods of soft and hard power." Society and security insights. - 2018. - №1. - pp. 195-203 [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://journal.asu.ru/ssi/article/view/3860/3055 (04. 09. 19)

[4] Авеносова, М. С. "Возможности и лимиты мягкой силы Российской Федерации в Средней Азии" Cyberleninka [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:

https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/vozmozhnosti-i-limity-myagkoy-sily-rossiyskoy-federatsii-v-sredney-azii (04. 09. 19)

[5] Аккаунт посольства России в Кыргызстане Facebook [Электронный ресурс]. -Режим доступа: https://www.facebook.com/RusEmbassyKyrgyzstan (04. 09. 19)

[6] Аккаунт посольства США в Кыргызстане Facebook [Электронный ресурс]. -Режим доступа: https://www.facebook.com/usembassy.bishkek (04. 09. 19)

[7] Американский уголок. Посольство США в Кыргызской Республике [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://kg.usembassy.gov/ru/education-culture-ru/american-corners-ru (04. 09. 19)

[8] Аркадьев, А. "Собрание волонтеров программы «Послы русского языка в Мире» прошло в Бишкеке" TVzvezda, [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane_i_mire/content/201712191524-oz57.htm (04. 09. 19)

[9] Бердаков, Д. "Кыргызстан и «мягкая сила»" Region [Электронный ресурс]. -Режим доступа: http://www.region.kg/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1283:-l-r&catid=4:politika&Itemid=5 (04. 09. 19)

[10] Кабинет Русского мира RusskiyMir [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://russkiymir.ru/rucenter/cabinet.php (04. 09. 19)

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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