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Ключевые слова
learning process / pedagogue's emotional exhaustion / stress / chronic fatigue / emotional instability / exhaustion. / учебный процесс / эмоциональное истощение педагога / стресс / хроническая усталость / переутомление / эмоциональная нестабильность / потребления.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Baghdasaryan Armine Agvanovna, Tonapetyan Sasun Sergeevich

the pedagogical activity presents great demands on the pedagogue, which are connected with his / her attention distribution processes, flexibility in communication, demonstration of high professional knowledge, etc. In addition to this, the challenges of modern life, which are associated with frequent changes in curricula and personal, family, economic difficulties, and political and military changes in the life of modern Armenia, further complicate the pedagogue's activity and mental state. These factors contribute to educators' emotional and professional exhaustion, which makes the research of this issue very relevant. The solution to this problem is primarily essential for preventing exhaustion.

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педагогическая деятельность предъявляет к педагогу высокие требования, связанные с процессами распределения его внимания, гибкостью в общении, демонстрацией высоких профессиональных знаний и т.д. Ко всему этому добавляются вызовы современной жизни, связанные с частыми изменениями учебных программ, личные, семейные, экономические трудности, а также политические и военные изменения в жизни современной Армении, которые еще больше усложняют деятельность и психическое состояние педагога. Эти факторы способствуют эмоциональному и профессиональному потреблению педагогов, что делает исследование этого вопроса очень актуальным. Решение этой проблемы наиболее важно, прежде всего, предотвратить потребление



EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION 1 2 Baghdasaryan A.A. , Tonapetyan S.S. (Republic of Armenia)

Email: Baghdasaryan582@scientifictext.ru

1Baghdasaryan Armine Agvanovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Рrofessor, DEPARTMENT OF PEDAGOGY;


Abstract: the pedagogical activity presents great demands on the pedagogue, which are connected with his / her attention distribution processes, flexibility in communication, demonstration of high professional knowledge, etc. In addition to this, the challenges of modern life, which are associated with frequent changes in curricula and personal, family, economic difficulties, and political and military changes in the life of modern Armenia, further complicate the pedagogue's activity and mental state. These factors contribute to educators' emotional and professional exhaustion, which makes the research of this issue very relevant. The solution to this problem is primarily essential for preventing exhaustion.

Keywords: learning process, pedagogue's emotional exhaustion, stress, chronic fatigue, emotional instability, exhaustion.


ЭМОЦИОНАЛЬНОГО ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ УЧИТЕЛЯ 12 Багдасарян А.А. , Тонапетян С.С. (Республика Армения)

1Багдасарян Армине Агвановна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, кафедра педагогики;

2Тонапетян Сасун Сергеевич - студент, кафедра психологии, факультет психологии образования и социологии, Армянский государственный педагогический университет им. Хачатура Абовяна, г. Ереван, Республика Армения

Аннотация: педагогическая деятельность предъявляет к педагогу высокие требования, связанные с процессами распределения его внимания, гибкостью в общении, демонстрацией высоких профессиональных знаний и т.д. Ко всему этому добавляются вызовы современной жизни, связанные с частыми изменениями учебных программ, личные, семейные, экономические трудности, а также политические и военные изменения в жизни современной Армении, которые еще больше усложняют деятельность и психическое состояние педагога. Эти факторы способствуют эмоциональному и профессиональному потреблению педагогов, что делает исследование этого вопроса очень актуальным. Решение этой проблемы наиболее важно, прежде всего, предотвратить потребление.

Ключевые слова: учебный процесс, эмоциональное истощение педагога, стресс, хроническая усталость, переутомление, эмоциональная нестабильность, потребления.

The term "emotional exhaustion syndrome" or "exhaustion syndrome" was first coined in 1974 by the American psychologist Fredenberg. The term was initially used to describe the psychological state of individuals whose work was intensely and closely related to people, which implied an emotionally tense condition that results in many socio-psychological problems.

At the beginning of the study of this syndrome, social workers, doctors, teachers, priests, and others were defined as a risk group [1, p. 3-9]:

Friedenberg's successor, George Greenberg, singled out five levels of mental stress related to professional activities and considered them as stages of emotional exhaustion.

1. The person is satisfied with his work, but constant stress gradually consumes his/her energy.

2. The first manifestations of the syndrome are insomnia, decreased ability to work, and partial loss of interest in the job.

3. At this stage, the person finds it very difficult to focus on work, and he does it very slowly. Filling in the blanks turns into a fiery thought, and it happens either very late in the evening or on weekends.

4. Fatigue affects physical health, weakens the immune system, and colds become chronic. People at this stage almost always complain about themselves and those around them; they often argue with relatives.

5. Emotional instability, exhaustion, exacerbation of chronic diseases suggest the final stage of emotional exhaustion [5].

Another American psychologist, Maslach, was instrumental in the development of the term. He made the use of the term more widely known. Also, his role was vital in identifying and preventing the symptoms of Exhaustion Syndrome.

The psyche functions due to the integrity of the nerve circuits that ensure the stability of emotional reactions, and if these chains are destroyed under the influence of stress, the person loses the usual internal supports. In other words, emotional exhaustion is the result of accumulated stress, which does not get discharged for a long time (several months, and sometimes a year), such as work stoppage, etc. [6].

According to L.V. Sushentsova, as a result of "exhaustion syndrome," an individual may experience the following social-psychological consequences:

1. Social-psychological exhaustion

2. Outburst or extinction of emotions

3. Tendency to argue

4. Psychological and physical fatigue

5. Decreased self-esteem

6. Feeling of meaninglessness and uselessness of the work being done

7. Ignoring professional achievements

8. Negative attitude towards surrounding people

9. Decreased ability to work

10. Inability to deviate from problems

11. Memory loss, lack of concentration

12. Feeling of lack of prospects and uncertainty of the future [2, p. 190].

The development of emotional exhaustion is preceded by a period of high activity, when the pedagogue is completely absorbed in work, gives up non-work-related needs, forgets about his needs. Then the first sign appears -exhaustion. It is characterized by overexertion, exhaustion of emotional and physical resources, fatigue that does not stop after a good night's sleep. After rest, these phenomena weaken but are restored immediately when returning to the previous working condition.

The pedagogue in such a situation understands that he/she can no longer live like this, he/she no longer has the opportunity and desire to perform the functions and be responsible for the work he performed in the past. He/she is "broken" by psychological and physical fatigue, becoming indifferent and realizing that he is "exhausted" mentally and physically. Often a pedagogue may experience demoralization. Decontamination is the destruction of normal human relationsThere is a tendency for hostility and aggression in the relationship, which spreads to the environment [31]. From this point of view, the concept of decontamination has a broader meaning and means a negative attitude not only towards other people but also towards the work and the subject in general [3, p. 98].

The activities of a pedagogue are associated with a number of stressful situations. Causes of stress can be:

S Disorganization and, as a result, improper allocation of time, lack of time to perform essential tasks, urgency,

S conflicts with partners,

S feeling overwhelmed, psychological stress at work,

S extremely high responsibility,

S parents and students tendency to aggressive behavior [8]:

No less important is the internal motivation in this process. If a person understands why he / she is engaged in this activity, what it gives him / her, sees his / her interest in the work and is ready to devote to it, if not his / her whole life, then at least a considerable part of it, all that can be done effectively, to work diligently throughout his professional life. When looking at emotional exhaustion syndrome from the point of view of existential analysis, it is possible to focus on the external conditions and factors of the work process and understand the main motives that motivate a person to choose this particular professional activity. A person who spends more than half of his/her time doing what he does without inner commitment and without enjoying the process should be prepared that sooner or later, he/she will have the exhaustion syndrome [4, p. 576].

In practical work and everyday life, the pedagogue often finds himself in pre-start situations (they precede any event, stressful event). These can be open lessons, responsible speeches, tense conversations with leaders. The catastrophic lack of time and the excessive flow of often negative information lead to constant depression, chronic fatigue, aggression, and wrong decisions. Stress can contribute to teachers' exhaustion. But the professional duty of a pedagogue requires balanced actions and decisions. He/she is obliged to overcome the outbursts of anger, irritability, anxiety, despair [7].

The reasons for the stress of teachers' professional activities are due to both objective and subjective factors.

Objective factors include working conditions such as workload, short working hours, declining work results, poor living conditions, and low wages. In addition, the pedagogue has many social responsibilities.

Subjective factors that negatively affect a pedagogue's activities include individual personality traits that impede communication with students and colleagues, lack of work experience, dissatisfaction with professional growth, uncertainty or lack of responsibility, and other personal characteristics.

Based on the theoretical research, we came to the conclusion that:

1. Emotional exhaustion can occur mainly in those who work long and hard on a busy schedule. It is often expressed:

• Physical weakness and reduced ability to work;

• Gradually weakens concentration and timely performance of responsibilities.

• The normal rhythm of life is disturbed;

• Negative relationships with the environment are created.

2. Exhaustion syndrome is characterized by emotional and mental exhaustion, with a decrease in job satisfaction. In this case, life does not bring joy, and work does not bring satisfaction. The human nerves are exhausted, as a result of which the person becomes indifferent to everything.

3. Exhaustion syndrome can also occur due to constant and prolonged interactions with many people when it is necessary to show different emotions, which sometimes do not coincide with the internal emotional state. There are situations when a person sacrifices his/her needs for work, almost completely forgetting about himself/herself and his/her family.

As the main symptoms of exhaustion in the pedagogue lead to a number of undesirable phenomena and in this case, first of all, the educational activity suffers, in the center of which is the child who should never suffer under any circumstances, we suggest measures to eliminate artificial tension and to increase professional motivation,

> Active cooperation and mutual assistance with partners. The pedagogue should not be alone with his/her professional and personal challenges; he/she should have the opportunity to seek help and ask advice from colleagues,

> Defining a healthy atmosphere and mutual agreement in the staff.

In order to find out which stage of emotional exhaustion prevails among pedagogues, we conducted a survey with the participation of 60 teachers aged 40-60 in different public schools of Yerevan. The research was based on V.V. Boyko's "The Diagnosis of Emotional Exhaustion Level" methodology.

10% - the phase of tension (stress) 45% - the phase of resistance 20% - the phase of exhaustion 25% - no emotional exhaustion...

Fig. 1. Diagram.Indicators of the stages of emotional exhaustion ofpedagogues

Based on the research, we obtained the following results: the phase of stress (low level) prevails in about 10% of educators. The resistance phase (intermediate level) predominates in about 45%, and the exhaustion phase (high level) was recorded in 20% of the respondents. About 25% of those surveyed did not experience any of the emotional exhaustion stages (Diagram 1).

According to our observations, for the pedagogues who were in a tense phase, their work had stopped being pleasant; the pedagogues were stressed, anxious, tired, and bored.

The pedagogues who were observed to be in the resistance phase had the following characteristics: they were nervous about every detail and poured all their anger on those around them.

According to our observations, the working capacity of the pedagogues who were in the stage of exhaustion had decreased; they had a feeling of tiredness, indifference to their work. These pedagogues who were surveyed/observed showed a loss of desire to do something.

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