Научная статья на тему 'Psychological features of assertive behavior and professional motivation of students'

Psychological features of assertive behavior and professional motivation of students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Abdumadjidova Dildora Rahmatullaevna

Аssertiveness is an important personal quality necessary for effective human activity. The presence of this quality of personality is especially significant in the modern world. Professional motivation is an internal driving factor for the development of professionalism and personality, since only on the basis of a high level of its formation is it possible to effectively develop professional education and personal culture. The article contains reflections on the effective formation of assertiveness and asertive behavior in positive and meaningful communication in the upbringing and training of professional motivation.

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Ассертивность является важным личностным качеством, необходимым для результативной деятельности человека. Наличие этого качества личности особенно значимо в современном мире. Профессиональная мотивация выступает внутренним движущим фактором развития профессионализма и личности, так как только на основе высокого уровня её сформированности возможно эффективное развитие профессиональной образованности и культуры личности. В статье приведены размышления об эффективном формировании ассертивности и асертивном поведении в положительном и содержательном общении в воспитании и обучении профессиональной мотивации.

Текст научной работы на тему «Psychological features of assertive behavior and professional motivation of students»

способностью принуждать их к совершению определенных действий, в том числе с помощью системы правовых и моральных норм, дающих одним право управлять, а другим вменяющим в обязанность подчиняться.

Список литературы /References

1. Кондратьева М.В. Влияние длительности трудового стажа на выраженность мотивации достижения специалистов социально-психологического профиля // Вестник СевероКавказского государственного технического университета: научно-исследовательский журнал. Ставрополь: СевКавГТУ, 2011. № 3 (28). С. 170-174.

2. Максимова С.Г. Особенности мотивации профессиональной деятельности социальных работников в сфере социального обслуживания (социально-психологический аспект). // Научный журнал «Известия АГУ», 2003. № 2 (28). Раздел Социология. С. 75-80.

PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF ASSERTIVE BEHAVIOR AND PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION OF STUDENTS Abdumadjidova D.R. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Abdumadjidova 344@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: assertiveness is an important personal quality necessary for effective human activity. The presence of this quality of personality is especially significant in the modern world. Professional motivation is an internal driving factor for the development of professionalism and personality, since only on the basis of a high level of its formation is it possible to effectively develop professional education and personal culture.

The article contains reflections on the effective formation of assertiveness and asertive behavior in positive and meaningful communication in the upbringing and training of professional motivation. Keywords: assertiveness, individual behavior, effective communication, confidence and positive installation, cognitive components, integral characteristics.


СТУДЕНТОВ Абдумажидова Д.Р. (Республика Узбекистан)

Абдумажидова Дилдора Рахматуллаевна - преподаватель, кафедра профессионального образования, Ташкентский финансовый институт, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: ассертивность является важным личностным качеством, необходимым для результативной деятельности человека. Наличие этого качества личности особенно значимо в современном мире. Профессиональная мотивация выступает внутренним движущим фактором развития профессионализма и личности, так как только на основе высокого уровня её сформированности возможно эффективное развитие профессиональной образованности и культуры личности.

В статье приведены размышления об эффективном формировании ассертивности и асертивном поведении в положительном и содержательном общении в воспитании и обучении профессиональной мотивации.

Ключевые слова: ассертивность, индивидуальное поведение, эффективное общение, уверенность и позитивная установка, когнитивные компоненты, интегральная характеристика.

Pedagogical practice shows that many children are often characterized by clearly insufficient equipment with the necessary social skills, which seriously complicates their relationship with adults and peers, as a result of which such children are either ignored or actively rejected. Both in the first and in the second case there is a deep experience of psychological discomfort and, as a consequence, he has a feeling of insecurity in himself, in his capabilities and abilities, which undoubtedly affects various activities and their results.

The modern strategy of development of the education system is aimed at the upbringing and development of personal qualities that meet the requirements of the information society, taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, as well as professional motivation.

The success of social adaptation is determined by how active, positive and meaningful is the interaction between the student and the teaching staff. As a rule, children, even to the senior preschool age, have a limited circle of communication, insufficient level of social development and interaction with the social environment.

Problems in teaching generate a multitude of psychological and pedagogical consequences, one of which is the emergence of self-doubt. Students with a long unsuccessfulness form a low estimate of their abilities, which further increases their difficulties in teaching, making their positions in the class even more unfavorable. A "vicious circle" is formed: difficulties: failure, self-doubt give rise to even greater difficulties, even greater failures, even greater uncertainty, etc.

Difficulties in learning activity, its low effectiveness and the corresponding attitude of a teacher, parents and classmates to it lead to the fact that success does not become a traumatic factor for them.

The difficulties that can arise during the training period are associated with the impact of a large number of factors, both external and internal.

Owning the necessary life skills that ensure successful communication with peers and adults, the ability to build relationships, and interaction with the closest social environment are extremely important for the child. Optimizing the conditions and means of forming assertive behavior in children, including them in active social relations, is an important task.

As a scientific concept, assertiveness, or self-confidence, has appeared in psychological literature relatively recently. Assertiveness is the ability of a person to defend his rights confidently and with dignity, while not disregarding the rights of others. Assertive is a direct, open behavior that does not aim to harm other people [2, p. 40]. By "assertiveness" is meant a certain personal trait, which can be defined as autonomy, independence from external influences and assessments, the ability to independently regulate one's own behavior.

D. Volpe showed that the social fear experienced by a person in certain situations plays a significant role in creating insecurity [7, p. 65]. Once emerging, social fear is strongly associated with certain situations and then reinforced by the reinforcement mechanism.

D. Volpe described in detail the fear of criticism, the fear of being rejected, the fear of being in the center of attention, the fear of appearing inferior; fear of bosses, fear of new situations, fear of making claims or failing to deny a claim, fear of failing to say "no." Of course, to any extent the probability of the birth of these fears is peculiar to any person.

However, the problem of insecure ones is that for them social fear becomes the dominant feeling blocking their social activity [6, p.78].

A.Solter suggested that the cause of uncertainty can be the predominance of inhibition processes over the processes of excitation, leading to the formation of a "braking" personality incapable of openly and spontaneously expressing one's feelings, desires and needs, limited in self-realization and experiencing difficulties in dealing with others people. [10, p. 132].


A sense of self-confidence, increases the person's endurance to severe trials and maintains vitality in the most critical circumstances [9, p. 150].

L.S. Vygotsky noted that everything in man can be brought up and re-educated with the appropriate social impact. Personality in this case should be understood not as a complete form, but as a constantly ongoing dynamic form of interaction between the organism and the environment [3, p. 198].

L.I. Bozovic believed that a person who is a person has such a level of mental development that makes him able to manage his behavior and activities. A necessary characteristic of a person is a special form of her activity, connected with the presence of a hierarchical structure of the motivational sphere; a person who has reached such a level of mental development is able to act, not only following immediate impulses, but also in accordance with consciously set goals and accepted intentions [1, p. 17].

Assertiveness, is one of the effective means of mastering a junior schoolchild with training activities and overcoming difficulties. The formation of professional motivations, life competences, is conditioned by the need for self-affirmation, self-determination; including the formation and development of various qualities of the child's personality, promoting communication, the development of social skills and skills, the assimilation of social roles. Acquiring skills in the field of interpersonal relationships predetermines future success or failure in life situations. [4, p. 188].

The most valuable is the formation of personal strategies and tactics of behavior, interaction of the individual with the society [5, p. 107]. Assertiveness is a relatively new concept in psychology, used to characterize the personality traits of a person. To date, in psychological science there is still no established idea of the content of this concept. In this regard, his analysis on the basis of philosophical and psychological concepts of personality, its properties, activity in various activities, communication, cognition is very relevant.

Thus, the problem of the regulation of self-control, the arbitrariness of behavior in children is a lack of volitional behavior, in a broad sense, as inability to overcome difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving the goal, carried out on the basis of a conscious choice of motives in a situation of moral conflict. In this regard, it is important to teach children to manage their behavior, actions, speech in the process of communication, develop and maintain active and voluntary attention, to behave properly in joint activities with others. Summarizing the aforesaid, it can be argued that the purposeful formation of life competencies promotes the development of assertive behavior, increasing the potential of their social activity, opens up opportunities for the successful resolution of those problems that arise in the process of education and training.

Assertive behavior provides an active-research attitude to the world, an active, creative approach to life, the ability to openly express their emotional experiences, preferences, points of view, opinions, ideas, to form, achieve and retain their own life goals and their fearless defense in constructive-aggressive encounter with other individuals and groups. The effectiveness of the assertive actions of a person depends on the person having a sufficiently high level of development of universal psychological qualities, such as his intellectual, communicative, volitional properties.

References / Список литературы

1. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 2012. 463 p.

2. Great psychological dictionary / comp. and Society. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakov, V.P. Zinchenko. St. Petersburg. M.: Prime-Euroznak: Olma-Press, 2004. 666 p.

3. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. Moscow: Pedagogika-Press, 1999. 536 p.

4. Kapponi V., Novak T. How to do everything in its own way, or assertiveness - in life. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1994. 188 p.

5. Malofeev N.N. A single concept of a special federal state standard for children with disabilities: the main provisions / N.N. Malofeev, O.S. Nikolskaya, O.I. Kukushkina, E.L. Goncharova // Defectology, 2010. № 1. P. 6-22.

6. Romek V.G. Ponyatie of self-confidence in modern social psychology // Psychological bulletin. Вып. 1. Part 2. Rostov n / a: Publishing house of the Russian State University, 1996. P. 132138.

7. Romek V.G. Self-confidence as a social-psychological characteristic of a person: Author's abstract. dis. Cand. ped. Nauk. Rostov n/D, 1997. 22 p.

8. Stepanov S.S. Popular psychological encyclopedia. Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2005. 672 p.

9. Khukhlaeva O.V. Tropina to her self: Program for the formation of psychological health in junior schoolchildren. Moscow: Genesis, 2011. 280 pp.

10. Hjell L., Ziegler R. Theories of personality.-SPb.: Peter Press, 2010. 608 p.

PECULIARITIES OF DIAGNOSTICS OF MENTAL DEVELOPMENT IN PRESCHOOL AGE (6 - 7 YEARS) Jurakulova D.Z. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Jurakulova344@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: timely psychological and pedagogical assistance to children is a necessary prerequisite for their successful education and upbringing. Many problems of learning difficulties lie in early and preschool years. The article analyzes the features of the diagnosis of mental development in the preschool age (6-7 years), specifies the conditions that determine the child's readiness for schooling. And also, the author studies the theoretical foundations of the psychological and pedagogical examination of preschool children.

Keywords: preschool childhood, preschool education, child development, mental development, psychological and pedagogical survey.


Журакулова Дилдора Зиядуллаевна - преподаватель, кафедра педагогики, психологии и технологии образования, Центр подготовки и переподготовки работников народного образования Ташкентский областной Чирчикский педагогический институт, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: своевременная психологическая и педагогическая помощь детям является необходимой предпосылкой их успешного обучения и воспитания. Многие проблемы трудностей в обучении кроются в раннем и дошкольном возрасте. В статье анализируются особенности диагностики умственного развития в дошкольном возрасте (6 - 7 лет), уточняются условия, определяющие готовность ребёнка к школьному обучению. А также автор изучает теоретические основы психолого-педагогического обследования детей дошкольного возраста.

Ключевые слова: дошкольное детство, дошкольное образование, развитие ребёнка, психическое развитие, психолого-педагогического обследования.

Дошкольное детство - большой и ответственный период психического развития ребенка. В личностной сфере формируются иерархическая структура мотивов и потребностей, общая и дифференцированная самооценка, элементы волевой регуляции поведения. Активно усваиваются нравственные формы поведения. Нарушение любого звеньев или механизмов психологической структуры развития дошкольника может решающим образом сказаться на всем

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