PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS OF THE SECONDARY LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY SYMPTOMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dumnova Nadezhda Igorevna, Soldatov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich

The problem discussed in the article is related to the study of the actual issue of personal neo-formations that naturally form in students who intensively and successfully acquire a foreign language. The aim of the article was to assess and justify the need to enrich the existing range of psychodiagnostic tools in modern psychology, which will allow to study the personality transformation of the students who intensively study a foreign language. The research methodology is based on the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky about the relationship between external forms of activity and internal transformations of the individual, which are expressed in behavior and speech.

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6. Макарова, И.Ф. Работа психолога с семьей нетипичного ребенка [Текст] / И.Ф. Макарова // Материалы всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Деятельность психолога в службах медико-социальной экспертизы и реабилитации инвалидов». - СПб, 2002. - С. 71-76.

7. Мамайчук, И.И. Психологическая помощь детям с проблемами в развитии [Текст] / И.И. Мамайчук. -СПб.: Издательство «Речь», 2001. - 201 с.

8. Мастюкова, Е.М. Семейное воспитание детей с отклонениями в развитии [Текст] / Е.М. Мастюкова, А.Г. Московкина. - М.: Гуманитарный издательский центр «ВЛАДОС», 2003. - 408 с.

9. Ратынская, Т.М. Помощь семье, воспитывающей ребенка с нарушениями развития [Текст] / Т.М. Ратынская, А.В. Рязанова // научно-практический сборник «Особый ребенок. Исследования и опыт помощи» - М.: «Теревинф», 2006. - Вып. 5. - С. 52-64.

10. Шипицына, Л.М. Особенности взаимоотношений в семьях, имеющих взрослых детей с умственной отсталостью [Текст] / Л.М. Шипицына // «Необучаемый» ребенок в семье и обществе. Социализация детей с нарушением интеллекта. - СПб.: Издательство «Речь», 2005. - С. 208-215.



assistant Dumnova Nadezhda Igorevna

State University of Humanities and Technology (Orekhovo-Zuyevo);

candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Soldatov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich

State University of Humanities and Technology (Orekhovo-Zuyevo)


Аннотация. Обсуждаемая в статье проблема связана с изучением актуального вопроса о личностных новообразованиях, закономерно формирующихся у студентов, интенсивно и успешно овладевающих иностранным языком. Цель статьи состоит в оценке и обосновании необходимости обогащения существующего в современной психологии арсенала психодиагностических средств, релевантных задаче изучения трансформации личности студентов, интенсивно изучающих иностранный язык. Методология исследования базируется на идеях Л.С. Выготского о взаимосвязи внешних форм деятельности и внутренних трансформаций личности, которые находят свое выражение в поведении и речи.

Ключевые слова: языковая личность, вторичная языковая личность, трансформация личности, углубленное изучение иностранных языков, психологические методы исследования вторичной языковой личности.

Annotation. The problem discussed in the article is related to the study of the actual issue of personal neo-formations that naturally form in students who intensively and successfully acquire a foreign language. The aim of the article was to assess and justify the need to enrich the existing range of psychodiagnostic tools in modern psychology, which will allow to study the personality transformation of the students who intensively study a foreign language. The research methodology is based on the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky about the relationship between external forms of activity and internal transformations of the individual, which are expressed in behavior and speech.

Keywords: linguistic personality, secondary linguistic personality, personality transformation, advanced study of foreign languages, psychological methods of secondary linguistic personality studying.

Introduction. In our research, we proceeded from the idea that learning a foreign language is such an important factor of development that it cannot but affect the personality characteristics of students. People studying foreign languages in depth, naturally change personally. In the process of a foreign language acquisition, personality transformation naturally occurs, due not only to those changes that relate to the linguistic aspects of cognition and communication, but also to such features that are traditionally studied by personality psychology. The transformation of the personality actively studying a foreign language, has a rather deep character, affects the motivational, value, emotional, self-esteem, and other spheres of the human's psyche. We suggested that the psychological correlates of the transformations that the personality of a student who intensively studies a foreign language undergoes, can be studied.

The contradiction is that in modern linguistics and psychology, the concept of "secondary linguistic personality" is quite actively used, but the concept is ambiguously interpreted from linguistic and psychological points of view, empirically poorly studied, and also do not have standardized special tools for adequate diagnostics.

The article aims to substantiate the fact that the phenomenon of "linguistic personality" may become an object of psychological research. In addition, the task is to study the patterns of psychological transformation of a person who is in a situation of "linguistic introjection", i.e., in-depth study of a foreign language. To solve these problems, it is necessary to evaluate the existing range of psychodiagnostics tools in modern psychology that are relevant to the task of studying the transformation of the personality of students who intensively study a foreign language, and to justify the need to enrich this range.

Currently, few psychological researches of linguistic personality have been presented, nevertheless some productive ideas were expressed about the structure of language consciousness of the personality (P.Y. Galperin, 1967), the relationship of speech, language and creativity of the personality (N.I. Zhinkin, 1998), internal form of the word, self-consciousness of the personality and its spirituality (G.G. Shpet, 1996), language influence on personality (Benet-Martínez V., Ramírez-Esparza, N.).

There have been attempts to study the phenomenon of language and personality relationship with the help of different methods, and received scant findings about its features, perhaps that is why there is currently no complete concept or systematic psychological approach to the study of the secondary linguistic personality. Attempts to explore the relationship between language and personality traits have been made by different researchers using different hypotheses and techniques.

A. Sharp tried to determine how personal differences, learning strategies and students' language competence are related. A determinant of personality types by Myers-Briggs was used to establish personal differences (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI), questionnaire for identifying language learning strategies (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning, SILL) and the standard English language proficiency test. There was not found any significant

dependence between language learning strategies and linguistic competence in the research, and also there was not detected a significant relationship between personal traits and level of language proficiency [Sharp].

The purpose of the experiment conducted at Bilkent University, Turkey, was to study the relationship between students' personality traits (introversion-extroversion) and the styles they use to learn a foreign language [5]. To collect experimental data the following methods were used: Maudsley Personality Inventory and Jeffrey Barsch Learning Styles Inventory. The last questionnaire allows to identify the dominant modality in perception and information processing. The research conducted among first-year students at five faculties of Bilkent University showed that there is no significant statistical relationship between the personality traits (introversion-extroversion) of students and the success of a foreign language acquisition.

It has been frequently noted that bilinguals display different personality traits depending on the language they communicate in. Despite the widespread idea that the language of communication affects personality, only few researches have been focused on this phenomenon.

A study of personality traits with the parallel use of the Thematic Apperceptive Test (TAT) in English and French, conducted on a group of French-English bilinguals, showed that women performing the test in English use more "achievement themes" than when performing the test in French. When interpreting these results, the authors tend to believe that the role of a housewife is more characteristic to French culture, while the values of social activity are more relevant for English-speaking culture [13, p. 101].

It may be explained by the fact that the American culture is less interested in social roles than the French one: the role of the housewife is more characteristic of the French culture [13, p. 101].

Even more illustrious evidence of the influence of the language of psychological methods on the results of the diagnostics, was obtained during the research with the use of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) in a group of Spanish-English-speaking bilinguals [7, 8, 13, p. 102]. Performing the questionnaire in Spanish, the subjects found scores higher in the questionnaire scale "good impression". Researchers tend to explain such symptoms by the fact that the Spanish culture values group membership and the quality of interpersonal relationships more than the English culture [10]. On the contrary, the Spanish-English bilinguals received higher scores in the "intellectual efficiency" factor, which is explained by the peculiarities of the American-English culture, where individualism and the desire for achievement are highly valued [2].

The most successful concept that theoretically explains the patterns and mechanisms of the influence of language on the personality is called "Cultural Frame Switching" [6, 12]. The essence of this concept is the assumption that cultural individuals have two or more cultural interpretive systems that act as specific constructs of personality. These interpretative formations address the assessment of social phenomena and direct behavior (i.e., speech, communication) at the moment of their awareness [Hong, Morris et al., 8]. In the speech of bicultural/bilingual individuals, the interpretative systems of the culture in which the person speaks are reflected, while the change of language naturally leads to a change in cultural norms, attitudes, traits.

A specially conducted experimental test of the phenomenon of "Cultural Frame Switching" confirmed the existence of a tendency of bicultural individuals to change the interpretation of the world in response to specific cultural stimuli, i.e. language and other cultural signs [Hong, Chiu, etc.].

The results of the article and their discussion. The research methodology is based on the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky about the role played by the "social situation of development" in the conversion of a person involved in the active acquisition of another language. The interrelationships of external forms of language activity and internal transformations of the personality, which find their expression in behavior and speech - this is what defines the subject and describes the patterns and consequences of acquiring a second language.

When selecting diagnostic methods, we proceeded from the assumption that in the process of foreign language active usage, psychological changes should affect important aspects of the students' personalities, which will manifest when performing a number of psychological methods. We have selected a number of methods allowing to record significant changes in the personality of a foreign language learner.

This article discusses the results of psychological diagnostics of secondary linguistic personality symptoms with students using the following methods: 1) the method of research of self-esteem of personality (S.A. Budassi), 2) "Big Five Personality" test (R. McCrae, P. Costa adapted by A.B. Khromov, 1999), 3) Diagnostic technique for general communicative tolerance (V.V. Boyko), 4) Methodology "Value Survey" (M. Rokeach), 5) express questionnaire "Tolerance Index" (G.U. Soldatova, O.A. Kravtsova, O.E. Khukhlaev, L.A. Shaigerova), 6) The methods of motivational induction (MMI) (J. Nuttin 2004; N.N. Tolstykh, 2007)..

We performed a psychodiagnostics research in which 187 participants, aged 16 to 33 years, took part. Students studying at the faculty of foreign languages and philological faculty (profile Russian language, literature, English), and graduates from the faculty of foreign languages (76 people total), were selected to the first group; 111 students of psychological, pedagogical and philological faculties (profile Russian language and literature) were selected to the second group. The purpose of this research was to study the personal differences of subjects of the two contrasting groups [3, 4].

While analyzing the data received with the help of "The Five-Factor Personality Inventory" ("Big five"), it was found that the test subjects of the linguistic group had higher indicators in the factor of "assertiveness" compared to the first one (x2 = 6,85; p < 0.05).

Analysis of the obtained results did not confirm the assumption that the study of foreign languages has a significant impact on the level of assertiveness and the dominance of certain values among students. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of "The Five-Factor Personality Inventory (questionnaire)" in the diagnostics of the phenomenon of "secondary linguistic personality" does not seem appropriate.

Diagnostics of value orientations using the "Rokeach Value Survey" allowed to identify differences between the groups according to the indicator of "efficiency": the test subjects of the linguistic group had higher indicators in the factor of "efficiency" compared to the non-linguistic group (%2 = 9,76; p < 0.01). In the linguistic group, the number of test subjects who emphasize the value of "efficiency" is bigger than in the first one. However, the analysis of the obtained results did not confirm the prediction that studying foreign languages has a significant impact on the dominance of certain values among students, so we can conclude that the use of the "Rokeach Value Survey" to identify signs of the secondary linguistic personality, tends to be inappropriate.

The study of communicative tolerance was performed by E.S. Grebenets, S.V. Rusakova, I.V. Lvova, I.B. Ignatova, E.I. Kasyanova, N.B. Drozhzhina, V.P. Mikhailova and others. A.N. Plekhov studied the level of communicative tolerance of the secondary linguistic personality in the groups of participants before and after the

educational experiment. The author concludes that the level of communicative tolerance has significantly increased in the non-linguistic group of test subjects (p< 0.01).

The results of experiment, obtained using the method of diagnostics "General Communicative Tolerance" (V.V. Boyko), did not show any statistically significant relationship between communicative tolerance and the foreign language proficiency level. This may indicate that the phenomenon has a "flickering effect", that means that in some samples it occurs but in others - does not. However, it is impossible to make reliable conclusions, since the relationship is probably not very stable and will not be experimentally confirmed in all cases.

In the course of natural development, the communicative tolerance of the secondary linguistic personality may not be formed, as it was confirmed in our study.

Therefore, communicative tolerance itself cannot be a reliable indicator of the formation of the secondary linguistic personality. The method of diagnostics of "General Communicative Tolerance" by V.V. Boyko cannot be used as a reliable method for diagnosing symptoms in formation of the secondary linguistic personality. This methodology perhaps will be able to identify the phenomenon we are interested in, but only if the process of forming the secondary linguistic personality is very intensive (i.e. moving to another country). At the present time we are unable to perform a research with such test subjects, but the trait of communicative tolerance does not statistically significant occur under the conditions of learning a foreign language in higher education.

It has been proven that people who speak two or more languages are more tolerant towards other cultures [1]. We also consider that tolerance towards a foreign language culture is a symptom of the secondary linguistic personality. To study the differences in the level of tolerance towards a foreign language culture, we used the express questionnaire "Tolerance Index" (G.U. Soldatova, O.A. Kravtsova, O.E. Khukhlaev, L.A. Shaigerova). There were found statistically significant differences only on the scale "Tolerance as a personality trait" (X20.01= 8,6; v=2, n=174). In our opinion, this method allowed us to evaluate such an important structural element, but we may not advise to use the Express questionnaire "Tolerance Index "(G. U. Soldatova et al.) to study of the phenomenon of the secondary linguistic personality.

For experimental study of self-esteem as a symptom of the secondary linguistic personality, the methodology developed by S.A. Budassi was used. The results, obtained by using the method, did not show statistically significant differences in the groups. It can be concluded that the use of this method is not appropriate for identifying signs of the secondary linguistic personality and it is necessary to continue searching among existing methods or create new ones.

Personality research cannot be considered complete in the absence of an empirical study of the motivational sphere. In our research, "The Method of Motivational Induction (MMI) by J. Nuttin was used: the findings allowed us to determine which motives prevail in the test subjects of the compared groups (N.N. Tolstykh, 2007). Since it was extremely important for us to find out the motivational tendencies of the participants with regard to a foreign language, in the instructions there was written the following phrase: "Complete the sentences by expressing your attitude towards the foreign language being studied and its learning processt".

The analysis of the findings showed that in our study, showed that the method was unable to identify such motivational trends of secondary linguistic personality as "communication with native speakers", "travel around the world, abroad", "tourism", "self-realization, self-improvement", "educational activities".

The method allowed us to identify the following motivational tendencies of the secondary linguistic personality, which differed at a statistically significant: "professional activity" (/20.001= 42,35; v=1, n=163), "travel/study to/in the country of the studied language" (X20.01= 7,6; v=1, n=163), "negative motivation to the educational process" (/20.05= 4,9; v=1, n=163). Therefore, we can conclude that "The method of motivational induction (MMI)" (J. Nuttin, N.N. Tolstykh) can successfully be used to study some symptoms of the secondary linguistic personality.

Thus, we can see a general trend: students of "linguistics" faculties have much more symptoms of the "secondary linguistic personality" formation. There are reasons to believe that the dynamics of the secondary linguistic personality formation is directly dependent on the intensity of not just formal language "learning", but using it to solve life problems - communication, professional activity, looking for information, expression of emotions and thoughts.

Сonclusions. The secondary linguistic personality reveals psychological phenomena that goes far beyond the limits of speech behavior, speech activity, i.e. it has not only a linguistic nature, but also psychological, which manifests in such deep changes in the personality as individualism, communication, openness, motivation, and, apparently, others that still remain unknown.

The results of the empirical study of psychological personality transformations, suggest that the secondary linguistic personality formation correlates with the intensity of foreign language acquisition. Namely: formal, superficial study of a foreign language as an alternative language system naturally does not affect the personality and does not cause its changes. On the contrary, intensive acquisition of a foreign language, and its usage while solving life problems naturally leads to certain changes in personality.

Psychologists try to find symptoms of the secondary linguistic personality, but they get only fragmentary data [2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14]. Trying to use a number of well-known psychological methods, we were also able to get only fragmentary findings that do not fully reflect the problems and phenomenology of the secondary linguistic personality, although they allow us to register some individual phenomena that can be interpreted as symptoms of the secondary linguistic personality.

The analysis of the empirical results from the present study, let us conclude that the existing methods in modern psychology do not allow us to study the phenomenon of the secondary linguistic personality from psychological point of view, namely, as a set of properties acquired by a person in the process of advanced study of foreign languages. Only some methodologies allow us to study individual traits, since the methods were not evaluated for the purpose specifically. Thus, the study of the entire phenomenology of the secondary linguistic personality is not possible today: we do not have a list of phenomena to be studied, and there are practically no special tools for studying them. We may state that the psychological phenomena of the secondary linguistic personality today has been studied rather by chance, using the methods that are not specifically designed for such a study.

It is obvious that the phenomenon of the secondary linguistic personality requires a more detailed study. We have illustrated a possibility to study this mass psychological phenomenon, which remains insufficiently studied not only in Russia, but also, as we may notice, in the world psychology.


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- Pp. 17-25.


УДК 159.972

кандидат психологических наук, доцент Дунаева Наталья Ивановна

Национальный исследовательский Нижегородский государственный университет имени Н.И. Лобачевского (г. Нижний Новгород); аспирант, психолог Баранова Юлия Михайловна Национальный исследовательский Нижегородский государственный университет имени Н.И. Лобачевского (г. Нижний Новгород); психолог Бабинова Наталия Сергеевна

Национальный исследовательский Нижегородский государственный университет имени Н.И. Лобачевского (г. Нижний Новгород)


Аннотация. В статье представлен опыт профилактики деструктивного, аддиктивного и делинквентого поведения среди студентов Центром социально-психологического сопровождения студентов ННГУ. Рассмотрены конкретные мероприятия первичной, вторичной и третичной профилактики социально-психологической дезадаптации и аутоагрессивного поведения студентов.

Ключевые слова: аутоагрессия, первичная, вторичная, третичная профилактика, студенты, форум-театр.

Annotation. The article presents the experience of prevention of destructive, addictive and delinquent behavior among students by the Center for Socio-psychological Support of students of the UNN State University. Specific measures of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of socio-psychological maladjustment and autoaggressive behavior of students are considered.

Keywords: autoaggression, primary, secondary, tertiary prevention, students, forum-theater.

Введение. Аутоагрессия - это агрессия, направленная на самого себя. К характерным проявлениям аутоагрессии относят суицидальное поведение, нанесение физических травм самому себе, химическая зависимость от алкоголя, наркотиков, пищевая зависимость, экстремальное поведение.

Как считает Д.Б. Эльконин, поведение личности в юношеском возрасте определяется ведущей деятельностью, в данном случае учебно-профессиональной. Аутоагрессивное поведение в юношеском возрасте обусловлено комплексом психофизиологических и социальных причин, которое тесно связано с социальной дезадаптированностью, а также с состояниями стресс - фрустрации, которые могут порождаться процессом адаптации обучения в новом учебном заведении и новому социальному окружению. Отсюда возможна вероятность нервно-психических срывов, склонности к самоповреждению [3].

Но все же, в юношеском возрасте особенности проявления агрессивного поведения будут зависть в большей степени от внутренних факторов. Для возникновения аутоагрессии необходимо наличие трех составляющих. Первая - наличие субъекта с подавляемой агрессией, которая актуализирует внутриличностный конфликт. Вторая составляющая - наличие психотравмирующей ситуации, где субъект пытается разрешить свой внутриличностный конфликт. Третья - несбывшиеся ожидания по отношению к объекту и ситуации. Все это приводит к увеличению напряжения, увеличения агрессии и формирование у субъекта экзистенциального кризиса. Таким образом, можно считать, что аутоагрессия в юношеском возрасте многоаспектное социально-психологическое явление, охватывающее всю совокупность проблем личности и социума.

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