PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
skills / physiology / psychological requirements / consciousness / pronunciation / experimental phonetics

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Muhabbat Anatolevna Yusupova

This article discusses the interactions between the teacher and a student in the process of teaching foreign languages, the interaction between the teacher and a student with the psychological nature of learning, and the psychological processes that determine the content of the educational process

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ISSN: 2181-1385


Muhabbat Anatolevna Yusupova

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


This article discusses the interactions between the teacher and a student in the process of teaching foreign languages, the interaction between the teacher and a student with the psychological nature of learning, and the psychological processes that determine the content of the educational process

Keywords: skills, physiology, psychological requirements, consciousness, pronunciation, experimental phonetics


It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of a foreign language for modern society as it influences directly all the main life aspects in the development of every country. Nowadays, to be a highly qualified specialist signifies not only to be professional in your narrow sphere of knowledge but to master foreign languages as well. There exist different factors in providing successful foreign language teaching. One of the most important among them belongs to Psychology. Deep understanding of various psychological aspects may help teachers to solve many key moments in their work: to find a proper method of working in every students' group; to realize the right approach to students according to their skills and abilities taking into account complicated age peculiarities; to provide high motivation in foreign language mastering; to overcome natural problems, so called "barriers" appearing in the process of language studying.

Educational process in the university - a complex multi-dimensional unity. Due to the originality of the goals, objectives, content, forms and methods of the learning process, as well as due to the age and psychological characteristics of students, technical University has its own specifics. Socio-economic conditions require graduates of technical universities such qualities as entrepreneurship, sociability, willingness to adapt to new working conditions. A specialist in the workplace has to deal with an abundant flow of information that he needs to properly accept, process and transmit, which is impossible without the presence of personal communicative reserves.


The existence of different approaches to the professional activities and personality of the teacher and student (TK Yesarev, VV Kraevsky, N.V., Kuzmina, VA Slastenin, etc.) [2] testifies to the scale of work in this direction. Whatever these approaches and directions (from classical - the transfer of knowledge and skills, to innovative - creating a comfortable, creatively organized environment for training and education), it is important to give a holistic description of the personality of a high school teacher who initiates activity and a creative search for students. Knowledge and the development of the personality of teachers and students remains the main concept of higher education today. Higher school today needs a teacher who owns knowledge of his specialty, who loves his profession, students, decides to solve his professional tasks quickly and with maximum results.

Returning back to the history of foreign language teaching we want to notice that it is as old as the history of humanity. The need to learn foreign languages started from Latin as this language was the dominant one for education, commerce, religion during many centuries. Later it was displaced by other languages like French, Italian and English. Among those researchers who tried to reverse this process was J. A. Comenius. He composed the full course for Latin learning and was one of the theorists who examined languages learning laws. According to J. A. Comenius, teaching must be oral.

Modern languages study turned out not to be in the curriculum of schools in Europe until the 18th century. In accordance with the completely academic study of Latin, students of modern languages studied most of all grammatical rules and translated abstract sentences. The teaching seemed not to be oral at that time.

The rapid development of foreign language teaching began in the 19th century bringing different innovations in the 20th century which sometimes led to a number of conflicting methods, each trying to be a major improvement over the existing methods. The earliest linguists including H. G. Ollendorff (1803-1865), H. Sweet (1845-1912), O. Jespersen (1860-1943), and H. Palmer (1877-1949) tried to use linguistic and psychological theories in language teaching principles and approaches but many of the specific practical details were left by them for other researchers to devise.

The history of teaching foreign languages knows different methods that excluded and added each other. However, the principle about ambiguity, difficulty and spottiness of this process formulated by great didactics J. A. Comenius and I. G. Pestaloci is actual till nowadays. A. Disterverg considered the learner as the subject of the education process, the educational subject being put in the second place.

The method of teaching foreign languages is not limited, but it is associated with several other sciences (philosophy, physiology, psychology, linguistics, pedagogy). As G.V. Vedel points out, "there are no controversial ideas in other methods, such as the method of teaching a foreign language." As an example. G.V. Vedel points out the following problems:

- The mechanism of comprehension in the native language and foreign languages, their origin and their function, as well as the role of translation;

- Level of foreign language proficiency: from knowledge to skills.

- The role of mechanical memory and the characteristics of age in learning a foreign language.

-Letter-by-word and word-for-word teaching, as well as teaching by translating comprehension.

-Teaching grammar features during lessons based on rules and sample sentences.

According to G.V. Vedel, the style itself should find a solution to similar problems. The above problems can be solved by the method in combination with or based on psychology and physiology.

When learning a foreign language, it is important to take into account not only the psychological aspects, but also the needs and responsibilities of the community.

Given the difference in approach to foreign language teaching, I would like to highlight the key process in foreign language teaching. First, foreign language learners observe the phonetic, morphological, and syntactic structure of a foreign language. Such observations are made in the study of foreign languages as well as in their native languages. For example, reading the letter Aa [ei] in English with four different sounds (name, cat, park, care) sometimes causes difficulties for foreign language learners, because in Uzbek the letter Aa is read with only one sound (bayram, aka, lola).

"It is well known that learning a foreign language means learning to think in that language," says Berlitz. Such a fairly stated view seeks to overcome the extra psychological factors encountered in the study and mastery of a foreign language through the methods of psychological research-law (legislation) .

It is known that in the XIX century, psychology introduced many innovations in the methodology of teaching a foreign language. As an example, Wilhelm Wund's views such as spiritual speech and emotions can be cited. Later, in psychology, requirements were also established for the study of other disciplines, such as the study and mastery of a foreign language. The requirements cited by G.E. Vedel as an example are:

- Unity theory of consciousness and activity;

- The theory of the sequence of formation of mental processes;

- installation theory;

- The concept of open and secret teaching methods; Degree theory of the state of arousal of students in an intensive state in the teaching process;

-Mechanism of verbal and figurative thinking, system of internal and latent articulatory views;

-The theory of latent verbalization to control the neurodynamics of mental and other processes;

It is well known that because of sounds that reflected in human thinking, we can distinguish the meaning of words through the sounds we receive. V.A. Artyomov's textbook "Experimental Phonetics" describes an experiment with a language learner who has never learned a foreign language how to pronounce sounds.

The first time the scientific experimenter was behind the scenes, the second time the sounds were seen and understood by the scientific experimenter, and the third time the sounds were understood and pronounced by listening based on direct impressions and analytical explanations. The results of the third case were more positive than the results of the first and second cases. The study showed that in the study of a foreign language, the impressions that learners receive when a teacher pronounces sounds correctly depend on their specific acoustic relationships, i.e., their ability to pronounce sounds correctly.


Training of specialists should be completed by the formation of a personality and the acquisition of life and professional experience in a sociocultural context. The main idea of such an educational system is to replace the abstract learning process with the practical experience of students in real life. The emphasis is on the interests of the individual, the method of project training, psychological and pedagogical approaches. With such training, the teacher becomes the coordinator of the practical activities of students. Teachers today need to build their relations with students according to the laws of cultural life, in the professional sphere. "A student together with a teacher works for culture and with culture" . For such training, of course, we need a new type of teacher, for whom such a method of pedagogical interaction would be organic and comfortable. The main thing is that the student has passed the key stages of the formation of his socio-cultural and professional consciousness. The teacher must be competent and from a psychological point of view in order to properly organize the learning process, as well as to have certain personal and professional qualities.


S. Hardjono pays much attention to the process of improving the intelligence of teaching. He divides it into four stages:

1)teacher presents and explains the new material;

2) teacher convinces that the new material has really been mastered by the learners;

3) teacher trains learners in order that they are able to produce the material by themselves;

4) teachers educate learners, so that they are able to use the material actively and creatively.

The next step in the successful process of a language mastering belongs to students' attention. For better presenting the material and absorbing it by students as well, a teacher should be acquainted with psychological theory that is connected with the process of directing attention and the process of absorbing the material of a given lesson. Besides, it's also very important for every teacher to concentrate students' attention. For this purpose a teacher uses various teaching techniques.

Thus, the use of visual aid at exact time is a great help in this case. A teacher should care about it not to lose students' attention after a few minutes. It's very essential to use visual aid at an exact time otherwise the effect will be quite the opposite. For example, a picture or some table hanging in front of a class at the beginning of a lesson will not give a positive effect as students have already seen it and their attention will not be concentrated on it at a proper moment. In this case the use of visual aid not at exact time will more likely have a negative effect.

We also want to mention the dependence of students' attention on the interest in the studied material. The aim of every teacher is to raise up the interest in the presented material. Psychological knowledge will help here as for raising students' interest, a teacher needs to know the condition of learners' psychics before. The interest is sure may be caused by two factors: motivation to get knowledge and positive emotional attitude of something.

We have noticed that interest always appears with practical and effective activity and motivation of getting knowledge can appear if students understand the studied material and are able to absorb it. Not less important factors in this process belongs to a teacher as a personality, his attitude and feelings to his students and the manner of presenting the material, his ability to find the best approach to the learners. Students may have great desire to learn a foreign language and to speak it fluently as quickly as possible but their interest sometimes is very low because they do not see the results from what they study.

S. Hardjono believes that, comprehension that should be obtained by the learners is divided into two kinds: general comprehension and specific comprehension. If the learners only get the general comprehension, their knowledge will be superficial and, on the contrary, if the learners only get specific comprehension, they will get only some knowledge. For example: a teacher gives some difficult sentences in a foreign language. If a teacher gives its translation, the learners understand the sentence in general because they do not understand phrases, structures etc. On the contrary, if a teacher asks the learners to pay attention to specific things only, such as the meaning of words, use of grammar tense, etc, the learners will not understand the whole sentence. It means that a teacher should try to pay attention to both these comprehension presenting the material in order to give the opportunity for students to get the result from what they study.


Thus, it is possible to eliminate errors by comparing the sounds that are pronounced in a foreign language with the sounds that are present in the native language. Therefore, the teaching process is a mutual process that occurs between the teacher and the student, since zero reading is an interaction between teacher and student by its psychological nature. The task of the teacher is to guide the student in the conscious performance of an action. The above considerations lead to the conclusion that psychological thinking plays a key role in the teacher's professional thinking system, because the content of the educational process always reflects the social life of psychological laws and their mechanisms, and is always person-centered.


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