Научная статья на тему 'Psycholinguistic aspects of teaching foreign languages to adult audience'

Psycholinguistic aspects of teaching foreign languages to adult audience Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Azamova Mohiroy

The present article focuses on the peculiarities and approaches of teaching a foreign language to an adult audience. The author considers psychological, physiological and social factors of teaching and learning a foreign language to adults and provides groundworks by a number of Russian and foreign linguists in which the psycholinguistic aspects of a language learning, suggested methologies and theories are thoroughly included. She dealing with the pedagogical and psycholinguistic approaches and issues to learning, evaluates classical and new methods and the ways how they are applied in teaching process. In particular, the main disadvantages of up-to-date methods that are currently being implemented are covered. The author puts forward postulates, the account of which, in his opinion, can significantly increase the level of teaching a foreign language for the adult audience.

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В данной статье рассматриваются особенности и подходы преподавания иностранного языка для взрослой аудитории. Автор рассматривает психологические, физиологические и социальные факторы преподавания и изучения иностранного языка для взрослых и предоставляет основу для ряда русских и иностранных лингвистов, в которую тщательно включены психолингвистические аспекты изучения языка, предлагаемые методологии и теории. Она занимается педагогическими и психолингвистическими подходами и проблемами в обучении, оценивает классические и новые методы и способы их применения в учебном процессе. В частности, рассматриваются основные недостатки современных методов, которые внедряются в настоящее время. Автор выдвигает постулаты, учет которых, по его мнению, может существенно повысить уровень преподавания иностранного языка для взрослой аудитории.

Текст научной работы на тему «Psycholinguistic aspects of teaching foreign languages to adult audience»



Азамова Мохируй - магистрант, кафедра магистратуры, факультет английского языка и литературы, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются особенности и подходы преподавания иностранного языка для взрослой аудитории. Автор рассматривает психологические, физиологические и социальные факторы преподавания и изучения иностранного языка для взрослых и предоставляет основу для ряда русских и иностранных лингвистов, в которую тщательно включены психолингвистические аспекты изучения языка, предлагаемые методологии и теории. Она занимается педагогическими и психолингвистическими подходами и проблемами в обучении, оценивает классические и новые методы и способы их применения в учебном процессе. В частности, рассматриваются основные недостатки современных методов, которые внедряются в настоящее время. Автор выдвигает постулаты, учет которых, по его мнению, может существенно повысить уровень преподавания иностранного языка для взрослой аудитории.

Ключевые слова: психолингвистические аспекты обучения иностранному языку, взрослая аудитория, современные методы обучения иностранному языку.



Abstract: the present article focuses on the peculiarities and approaches of teaching a foreign language to an adult audience. The author considers psychological, physiological and social factors of teaching and learning a foreign language to adults and provides groundworks by a number of Russian and foreign linguists in which the psycholinguistic aspects of a language learning, suggested methologies and theories are thoroughly included. She dealing with the pedagogical and psycholinguistic approaches and issues to learning, evaluates classical and new methods and the ways how they are applied in teaching process. In particular, the main disadvantages of up-to-date methods that are currently being implemented are covered. The author puts forward postulates, the account of which, in his opinion, can significantly increase the level of teaching a foreign language for the adult audience.

Keywords: рsycholinguistic aspects of teaching a foreign language, adult audience, modern methods of teaching a foreign language.

Language is one of the most important means of communication and a tool for overcoming language barriers between representatives of different nationalities. Today, knowledge of a foreign language is one of the most important conditions for adaptation of an individual in the modern world. Therefore, most European countries proposes that

education should be aimed at mastering two or more languages. Today, about 28 per cent of the EU population have two or more foreign languages. According to the European Commission's 2006 figures on multilingualism, more than half of Europeans are fluent in a single foreign language.

In our article, we want to focus on the psychological and linguistic aspects of foreign language teaching to adult audiences, which, as it is known, has its own specifics, which lies in psychological, physiological and social factors.

In adults, we understand people aged 20 and over who have low or no language skills. The object of the article is the education of adult audiences. The subject of the article is psycholinguistic components that positively influence the ways of increasing the effectiveness of teaching adult audiences of a foreign language.

The purpose of the article is to consider psycholinguistic aspects of teaching foreign languages to adult audience.

Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the study of the psychological concept of foreign language teaching, which mainly emerges in the development of abilities through various types of educational activities. Psychological foundations of the activity approach in teaching are covered in the works of L.S. Vygotsky and A.N. Leontev, S.L. Rubinstein, P.Y. Galperin in „General theory of activity", „Theory of thinking and mimic activity".

Much attention in the works of Russian scientists was paid to thinking and conscious understanding in the process of cognitive activity of man. In particular, S.L. Rubinstein considered the formation of speech skills in their inseparable connection with cognitive activity in the process of communication; L.S. Vygotsky developed the theory of development of the higher mental functions of a person in the process of communication and assimilation of cultural values by speakers.

Psychological and methodological research (I.P. Pavlov, A.P. Starkov, R. Ranier, O'Mailley, G. Lozanov, and others) found that success in learning a foreign language depends not only on cognitive processes, but also on the affective aspect (emotionally-expressive aspect) and personal factors.

The founder of humanistic psychology, K. Rogers, singled out the principles of human behavior, according to which a human being, above all, is an emotional being. A truly harmonious person lives in harmony with his feelings and emotions, and is able to fully realize his inner potential. Such a person does not need to protect himself from the world around him through the use of defense strategies; such a person is the creator of himself, which improves himself with each step, in every decision.

The humanistic concept of K. Rogers is reflected in the works of C. Carrin, in which he as the most important conditions for mastering a foreign language allocates the followings: motivation, level of anxiety, level of self-esteem, stiffness (relaxed), risk appetite, empathy, extra-version.

Proceeding from the above mentioned conditions, C. Carrin created a communicative method according to which he considered the audience not as students or listeners, but as a group of people who need psychological counseling and therapy. The main goal of the teacher-therapist is to establish psychological contact with the group, to create a good microclimate, which helps to increase self-esteem, relaxation, empathy, etc., which eventually helps students to overcome the "language barrier" and better assimilate language material.

Thanks to modern psychological research, based on the suggestopedia (discovery of hidden human capabilities), a number of intensive methods of teaching foreign language, which are based on the work of the subconscious: "method of 25 frames", "method of teaching while sleeping", "method of immersion", etc., have been developed.

The founder and "pioneer" in the development of non-traditional methods of teaching foreign language is considered to be the Bulgarian psychotherapist G. Lozanov, who proposed to use Suggestopedia as a means to activate mental processes in teaching foreign

language. His proposed methods are based on the means that help to activate the internal reserves of the enterprise and to reveal the human abilities and opportunities hidden in the unconscious mind.

On the basis of Suggestopedia Russian teachers - methodologists G.A. Kitaygorodskiy, I.Yu. Shehter, L.V. Davydova and others have developed and implemented new intensive methods of foreign language teaching .

According to the methodology developed by A.A. Kitaygorodskiy the principles of consciousness, activity and emotionality in learning are dominant. The main goal of the method is to overcome the "language barrier" and psychological discomfort by creating artificial situations that encourage communication: communicative tasks, role-playing games, etc. Unlike traditional methods of teaching foreign languages, the Kitaygorodskiy system relies on the psychological reserves of the individual and the collective with the directed menejment of the social and psychological processes of communication in the group, which allows students to quickly and efficiently process huge volumes of new information.

One of the main features of intensive learning methods is the number of hours of study in the classroom. Only if the lessons are not less than 25-30 hours a week it is advisable to talk about the effectiveness of intensive methods of work.

Among the psycholinguistic studies related to the issues of teaching and learning a foreign language, it is advisable to note the following A.A. Leontev, V.A. Artemova, I.A. Kholodno, I.M. Rumyantseva. In particular, V.A. Artemov developed a communicative theory of speech, became the basis for his theory of foreign language teaching, according to which the main mental ability for successful learning of a foreign language is consciousness, which is embodied in a conscious reflection of the form and content of educational material, the understanding of speech and language phenomena through the native language.

I.M. Rumyantseva considers the language not only as a system of signs (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar), which is traditionally studied at school and most of the language courses, but also as the highest mental function of a person, is the work of its psychophysiological processes. She believes that psycholinguistic parameters, in particular, character and temperament, can be considered as psycholinguistic universals.

The essence of the adult education methodology of I.M. Rumyantseva consists in the application of various psychological trainings, which help relaxation after a working day, release the adult from various psychological complexes, develop his psychological processes and at the same time the ability to learn a foreign language (primarily speaking).

Let's focus on practical psycholinguistic aspects of adult education in specialized courses.

Today, the use of textbooks and, consequently, the methods of teaching native speakers has become very common. On the one hand, what can be better? But experience clearly demonstrates the imperfection of such training in our conditions. As a result, at the end of the majority of courses, the listener has the so-called "inferior" knowledge of a foreign language, the author's term, which can be characterized as follows: a person speaks, but with great difficulty, often illiterate, can write something, but with elementary mistakes, read, but very slowly, looking through the word in the dictionary. In general, speech is at a primitive level of "Ellochka the Ogre". But in contrast to the above mentioned lady, she expressed her thoughts perfectly, using her meager vocabulary, the modern student of the course does not know how to apply in practice even the knowledge he was able to assimilate.

The main reason is that the authors of such textbooks (native speakers), use the same method of learning a foreign language with the support of it (for example, learning English with the support of English) without taking into account the linguistic, national and cultural characteristics of the audience, studying. Such books, basically, it is expedient to use for training in language schools of the native speaker country where specificity of educational process considerably differs from studying of language in "house conditions". Of course, when one group of students from different countries of the world study in different

languages, it is simply impossible to use any other method. In addition, the lesson material is fixed outside the classroom, in everyday situations that require the updating of communication skills.

But it is necessary to make an essential remark concerning the level of foreign language of the students who have undergone initial language training abroad. Although they mainly have a fast pace of speech and good speech, the construction of sentences is terribly illiterate, which ultimately affects the content, which is not always clear.

We believe that the main reason for this result is the wrong approach to adult learning. We believe it is appropriate to note that the teaching of "foreign methods" is fundamentally different from the classical method of teaching "foreign methods".

In our opinion, the principles of the organization of the educational process and teaching methods should take into account the psycholinguistic features of the people (national, language, speech, psychological) in conjunction with the classical methodology and new trends in teaching foreign languages.

When choosing the methods of teaching, which should be the methodology, will go beyond the limits of "technique of speech", while taking into account the national and cultural specificity of a particular people: "Whatever the textbook or method of teaching, it is information about culture, above all, is the main wealth of education. The teacher should not be limited to narrow linguistic goals. Without recourse to cultural phenomena, the study of language becomes impoverished and comes down to the assimilation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical phenomena. Yes, of course, special attention should be paid to the study of speech mechanisms and training of language models, but the teacher should not forget the golden rule: "there is no point in talking about anything, if nothing else".

One of the reasons for the unsatisfactory results in the study of a foreign language is the lack of full use of the possibilities of the audiolinguistic method, which has developed under the influence of behaviorism and structuralism. Its main principle is the formation of skills through learning to automatize certain speech samples. This method, which has proven to be effective in practical learning activities, rather than is reflected in the majority of foreign textbooks: the lexical and grammatical material of the lesson is not repeated, but is not fixed at the next lessons.

Moreover, it is not practiced in a workbook for the lesson, which serves as an additional material rather than a means of consolidating knowledge and skills. As a result, it does not remain in the listener's long-term memory at the level of cognitive processes of reproduction, recognition or mentioning.

We propose to expand the possibilities of the audiolinguistic method, relying on the well-known popular wisdom: "repetition is the mother of the teachings". We believe that the studied lexical and grammatical material should be activated from lesson to lesson and serve as a basis for further learning.

Further we suggest to activate the author's principle, which is based on the idiomatic saying: "better, better, better", that is, there is much more useful is the deep assimilation of a smaller amount of material than an attempt to give the listener as much information as possible.

In this context, it is appropriate to pay attention to the specifics of the adult audience. In most cases, these are adults who study in the evening and who, in addition to the courses, have many other things to do: work, family, personal life, etc. Basically, they do not have enough free time to fully perform home exercises or additional tasks. This is another specific detail in adult language training courses. And it should also be taken into account in the construction of training sessions.

Returning to the methods of intensive learning, it is important to note once again that the effectiveness of such lessons is achieved only if 25-30 hours of training per week, differs from the proposed majority of courses 2-3 lessons per week for several hours. That is, if the number of hours is less than 25-30, then we can not call it "intensity", or accelerated learning of a foreign language.

Even stranger are the promises of some "professionals" to teach them to think in a foreign language. You can only learn to think in another language after a few years of living in a language environment (it is in a language environment, not abroad in the United States or working closely for a long time there). There are many examples when our compatriots, who left for permanent residence and lived there for several years, never learned a foreign language.

We offer postulates, tested by the author over many years of teaching practice, which, combined with already known methods and techniques, help to significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning a foreign language: To take into account the psycholinguistic peculiarities of the listeners of a certain national-cultural space and the peculiarities of the culture of the people whose language is studied

□ using special exercises to convert passive vocabulary into active vocabulary to teach to quickly transform one's thoughts into a foreign language, using one's own active vocabulary

□ systematically fix the material; the main thing is not the amount of training material provided by the teacher, but the amount of material that the listener is able to remember new material should remain in the listener's long-term memory at the level of cognitive processes of reproduction, recognition or mentioning.

Thus, we believe that in order to meet the needs of modern society to study a foreign language, it is necessary to combine the classical methodology and new trends proportionally, with the mandatory consideration of the psycholinguistic characteristics of the adult audience studying.

References / Список литературы

1. Artemov V.A. Psychology of foreign language teaching. М., 1966.

2. Winter I.A. Psychological aspects of foreign language teaching. Moscow: Education, 1985. 160 с.

3. Lacerte J. Reality of French culture in French language lessons // Linguistic aspect of teaching Russian to foreigners / Ed. E.M. Vereshchagin, V.G. Kostomarov. М., 1974. С. 218.

4. Rogers C., FreibergD. Freedom to learn. M.: Meaning, 2002. 527 с.

5. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://ec.europa.eu/education/languages/languages-of-europe/doc137_en.htm/ (date of access: 19.02.2020).

6. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://www.multikulti.ru/Strategy/info/Strategy_ info_234.html/ (date of access: 19.02.2020).

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