ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ РАБОТЫ С ЗАСТЕНЧИВЫМИ ДОШКОЛЬНИКАМИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
застенчивость / родители / игры / дошкольник / личность / воспитатель. / shyness / parents / games / preschooler / personality / educator.

Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Бондарчук О.Ю.

В статье представлена психотехнология работы с уменьшения застенчивости у детей дошкольного возраста. Предложенная программавключает в себя индивидуальную и груповую работу психолога не только с детьми, но и с родителями и педагогами. Психотехнология направлена на формирование позитивного взаимодействия в группе сверстников, которая активизирует познавательный интерес в застенчивого ребенка, его инициативность, коммуникабельность, способствует совместной игровой деятельности; побуждает у дошкольников формирование качеств, противоположных застенчивости, а именно: наличие позитивного Я-образа, активизация лидерских качеств, познавательного интереса, инициативности и творчества, коммуникативности и общительности.

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The article presents the psychotechnology of work with the reduction of shyness in preschool children. The proposed program includes individual and group work of a psychologist not only with children but also with parents and teachers. Psychotechnology is aimed at the formation of positive interaction in a group of peers, which activates cognitive interest in a shy child, his initiative, sociability, promotes joint play activities; encourages preschoolers to form qualities opposite to shyness, namely: the presence of a positive self-image, activation of leadership qualities, cognitive interest, initiative and creativity, communication and sociability.





УДК 159.92

Бондарчук О.Ю.

Национальный педагогический университет имени М.П.Драгоманова


Bondarchuk O. Yu.

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



В статье представлена психотехнология работы с уменьшения застенчивости у детей дошкольного возраста. Предложенная программавключает в себя индивидуальную и груповую работу психолога не только с детьми, но и с родителями и педагогами. Психотехнология направлена на формирование позитивного взаимодействия в группе сверстников, которая активизирует познавательный интерес в застенчивого ребенка, его инициативность, коммуникабельность, способствует совместной игровой деятельности; побуждает у дошкольников формирование качеств, противоположных застенчивости, а именно: наличие позитивного Я-образа, активизация лидерских качеств, познавательного интереса, инициативности и творчества, коммуникативности и общительности.


The article presents the psychotechnology of work with the reduction of shyness in preschool children. The proposed program includes individual and group work of a psychologist not only with children but also with parents and teachers. Psychotechnology is aimed at the formation ofpositive interaction in a group ofpeers, which activates cognitive interest in a shy child, his initiative, sociability, promotes joint play activities; encourages preschoolers to form qualities opposite to shyness, namely: the presence of a positive self-image, activation of leadership qualities, cognitive interest, initiative and creativity, communication and sociability.

Ключевые слова: застенчивость, родители, игры, дошкольник, личность, воспитатель.

Keywords: shyness, parents, games, preschooler, personality, educator.

The study of personal shyness in preschool children is a complex and insufficiently scientifically studied phenomenon, and the lack of full diagnostic material makes it impossible to find a single common approach of psychologists to the peculiarities of the formation and manifestation of this phenomenon in the early stages of personality development. Theoretical analysis of psychological literature on the peculiarities of psychosocial development of preschool children and current approaches to personality shyness allowed us to identify the main criteria of shyness in preschool age, which would fully contribute to the disclosure of the specifics of this phenomenon in children 3-6 years. These are the predominance of low self-esteem, personal insecurity and anxiety, emotional vulnerability and sensitivity, negative reaction to outside help, avoidance of communication and the presence of social fears. Opposite to the high indicators of this integrated personal quality is the presence of leadership qualities and cognitive interest, communication, positive self-image, initiative and sociability of the preschooler.

The results of our observational experiment showed that childhood shyness is particularly pronounced in middle preschool age, so in our opinion, the period of childhood lasting from 3.5 to 5 years is the most effective for psychocorrectional work to reduce the manifestation of shyness in preschool children, because at this time the preschooler begins to actively develop its cognitive and creative initiative, develops the

ability to evaluate their actions, overcome internal and external obstacles, choose by contemplation and evaluation of other patterns of future behaviour, and the presence of social and personal disharmonious factors can have devastating consequences for the harmonious psycho-emotional development of the preschooler in the future.

Based on the fact that shyness in preschool is an integrated psychological feature of the individual, which is actively formed during the junior and middle school years, there is a problem of organizing a system of work aimed at correcting the psychological factors of shyness, taking into account the age characteristics of children's development at this time.

Our work aims to substantiate, develop and test psychological technology to reduce shyness in preschool children.

The objectives of the program of psychological support to reduce the level of shyness in preschool children are: to develop a model of psychological work to reduce the manifestation of shyness in preschool-age; analysis and selection of exercises, techniques and methods for the implementation of corrective work to eliminate shyness in preschool children; formation of children's interaction in a group of peers, which activates the cognitive interest of a shy child, his initiative, communication, promotes joint play activities; encouraging preschoolers (using various psychological meth-

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ods and techniques) to form qualities opposite to shyness, namely: the formation of a positive self-image, activation of leadership qualities, cognitive interest, initiative and creativity, communication and camaraderie; organizing educational and counseling work with parents and educators to understand the psychological characteristics of child shyness, the inner world of the child, the difficulties faced by the child, and providing adult support in the process of leveling the personal shyness of the preschooler.

An experimental study was conducted during the winter of 2017 to spring 2019 in preschool education institution number 430 in Kyiv. The study involved 84

children (experimental group - 41 preschoolers; control group - 43 preschoolers).

The developed model of the technology of psychological support for reducing the level of shyness in preschool children is presented in Figure 1.

The presented program of psychological technology to reduce the level of shyness in preschoolers is focused on the educational, counselling, correctional and developmental work of a practical psychologist.

Educational and counselling work included individual psychological counselling of parents and educators, training, thematic conversations, lectures, discussions on the problem of personal shyness in preschool age.

Figure 1. Model of psychological technology to reduce preschooler shyness



Correctional and developmental work carried out with children consisted of various forms, methods and techniques of psychological influence. which are focused on the gradual formation of shameless behaviour of the child through the correction of socio-psycholog-ical conditions of child development. The psychologist's work with preschoolers involved group and individual forms of work, as well as the involvement of parents and teachers in cooperation with a specialist at each stage of correctional and developmental work.

The psychotechnology of working with the personal shyness of a preschooler had several successive stages, which were implemented in the period from 3 to 6 years of the child.

The first stage, which lasted from 3 to 4 years of the child's life, was aimed at working with interpersonal conflict relationships of the preschooler. The work, with the use of moving games, relaxation exercises, art therapy, music therapy, etc., involved the preschooler to understand his emotional state, eliminate negative feelings and emotions, identify fears and more.

The second stage of psychological technology to overcome shyness in preschoolers focused on 4-5 years of the child's life and included the work of a psychologist with the child's social fears, anxiety and the formation of the need for external support of others. This stage was realized with the help of art therapeutic techniques, fairy tale therapy, game exercises, etc. and provided for the reduction of anxiety, identification and overcoming of social fears, the development of motivation, communication, camaraderie, the ability to interact with others, overcoming the unfounded fear of adults.

The third stage of psychological work was implemented with children aged 5-6, which is aimed at developing communication skills and positive self-esteem of the preschooler. This stage of work included fairy tale therapy, reading stories, thematic conversations, sketches, active games, exercises, children's participation in theatrical performances and more. Such exercises helped to reduce anxiety, insecurity, fear of public speaking, contributed to the formation of positive perceptions of the preschooler about themselves, their skills, developed the child's communication skills when interacting with peers.

The results of the formative experiment showed that in the experimental group the indicators of personal shyness in preschool children are as follows: low level of shyness in preschoolers increased by 14.63% (from 51.22% to 65.85%). Psychotechnology to reduce shyness in preschoolers helped to improve children's self-esteem, the formation of the child's self-confidence, responsibility, initiative in the children's team, energy, low levels of socially mediated fears, ease of establishing and maintaining contacts, the ability to offer storytelling and storytelling emotional openness, sociability. In the control group, the rates of low shyness before the experiment were 53.49%, after - 60.47%.

Preschoolers from the experimental group, whose behaviour depends on the situation, situational emotions and social circle, have an average level of personal shyness, which increased by 9.76 during the experiment (from 17.07 to 26.83%). Preschoolers with this level of personal shyness have an average level of self-esteem, retain their desire to avoid threatening situations, a little anxious, introverted, in communication

with peers can be both active, proactive, and passive, uninteresting. Behaviour depends on the child's cognitive interest, motivation, emotional involvement in the activity, as well as criticism of adults or personal attitudes of peers. In the control group, the average level of shyness before the experiment was 20.93%, after -18.6%.

The high level of shyness in preschoolers in the experimental group decreased by 24.39% (from 31.71% to 7.32%) and is determined by personal insecurity, doubts about their actions, underestimation of their abilities, conformity, expectations of condemnation or criticism from others. , emotional secrecy, oversensitiv-ity and vulnerability, suspicion and distrust of adults and peers; avoid communication, although occasionally try to interact with other children in the group and watch them play closely, more confidently use shared toys, in interaction with the educator hesitantly, but ask for permission to engage in any play activities (before the experiment the child could just all day sit next to the teacher, and any suggestions of the game immediately alerted and rejected). In the control group, the high level of shyness before the experiment was 25.58%, after - 20.93%.

Conclusions. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implemented program of psychological support showed that due to the proposed algorithm of work of a practical psychologist with parents, educators (counselling, lectures, etc.) and directed by the child (games, exercises, fairy tale therapy, art therapy techniques, relaxation exercises, etc.) Subjects from the experimental group revealed significant positive quantitative and qualitative changes in the level of personal shyness. Analysis of the differences between the indicators before and after the exposure showed that positive significant changes occurred in the experimental group for all indicators of shyness in preschool children.


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