УДК 004.042
Pyatova A.R. student
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev
Naberezhnye Chelny branch Dzenik A.D. student
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev
Annotation: The possibility of using processing algorithms data in the systems.
Keywords: data processing, data transfer.
The objects of control, the values of the parameters of which are to be determined, often have a very complex structure, and various processes and phenomena can occur in them. Therefore, individual measuring devices operating with one characteristic of a complex process usually cannot provide sufficient information about an object, especially when it is necessary to simultaneously evaluate many of its parameters [1, 2].
In such cases, a simultaneous analysis of several dozen, sometimes hundreds of quantities characterizing the state of the object is performed. This is necessary for organizing decision support in various areas: for managing a group of mobile robots when analyzing and processing data from the stereoscopic vision system; for the diagnosis of the psychophysiological state of a person when analyzing video streams containing pupil reactions to flashes of light [3, 4].
In this case, video sequences come from a variety of geographically distributed devices (smartphones with a special optical attachment); when monitoring work from the complex of sucker-rod pump pumps for gas and oil production in the analysis of dynamograms [5, 6].
Thus, the specificity of each of the above-described applications is the presence of a distributed network of primary and secondary data conversion devices, as well as simultaneous streaming of information that imposes requirements for the system to operate in a mode close to real time [7, 8].
In the following, the third section of the thesis, the first of the described applications in the task of designing a stereoscopic vision system, which can be installed on mobile robots, is considered in detail. The section also provides information on the second described application of the proposed system for collecting, processing and managing streaming information in an analysis task video streams to assess the signs of drug intoxication of the subject. Below is a brief description of the last task.
The most informative method of monitoring wells equipped with deep-well pumping units is dynamometer, because it provides information on more than three
dozen different characteristics of the state of downhole pumping equipment without lifting it.
Therefore, the obtaining of dynamograms is a mandatory requirement of all regulatory documents presented to the automated process control system of the field.
In this regard, it is an urgent task to build an automated information-measuring system (IMS) for monitoring and diagnostics of the state of submersible sucker-rod pumps (SHGN) to support decision making.
The system provides the user with information in accordance with its purpose and, in addition to measuring, provides for performing other necessary procedures for information service of the monitored object, including automatic collection, conversion, transmission, storage, recording and processing of measurement information [9, 10].
Sensors measure various characteristics of the test object; Transmitters transmit sensor signals to a single data collection point, which represents a device with access from an Ethernet network, via communication channels.
In IIS there is a client that periodically polls the list of data collection devices from sensors and enters information in the tables, as a result the client has up-to-date information, which, after appropriate processing as an appropriate data set, enters the database.
Also, a web server is installed in the diagnostic monitoring system, which, upon request from users, generates and returns the results: statistics of characteristics measured by sensors for a certain time interval (graphs, tables), information on possible faults in the nodes, etc.
The system allows you to select and perceive signal information separately from all sensors and devices, combine data on all the main characteristics of an object and create a fairly complete, cumulative description of it. The technical diagnostics system should provide information on the state of the monitored object (healthy or not healthy), as well as provide intellectual support in localizing the fault site (failure), or determine the presence of possible faults that should be promptly corrected with a certain degree of confidence.
In this case, the object for the system is poorly structured and noisy data sets that represent digital information signals about the studied technological processes (in the particular case, these are image matrices).
The success of drilling depends on the performance of all components of the process equipment, dredging and flushing modes, the state of the submersible pump, etc. The state of the nodes of the object of control and monitoring depends on the influencing factors and are determined by a set of parameters. Assessment of the state of a technological object is one of the main tasks when making decisions on the management of an object. From the possible states in which the object is located, the external influencing factors depend on the adoption.
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