PROSPECTS FOR RUSSIA'S TRANSITION TO A CIRCULAR ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kanunnikova K.I.

This article outlines the prospects for Russia's transition to a circular economy. The need for a transition from a linear economy to a cyclic economy has been updated. The main problems and ways to solve them in a number of sectors of the national economy by building a cyclical economy are determined. The main goal and objectives of the cyclical economy are reflected. The problem of solid domestic waste processing in Russia is revealed from the ecological and economic points of view. The conclusion is made about the importance of Russia's transition to a circular economy.

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Supervisor: E.A. Pavlova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor National Research University ITMO (Russia, St. Petersburg)


Abstract. This article outlines the prospects for Russia's transition to a circular economy. The need for a transition from a linear economy to a cyclic economy has been updated. The main problems and ways to solve them in a number of sectors of the national economy by building a cyclical economy are determined. The main goal and objectives of the cyclical economy are reflected. The problem of solid domestic waste processing in Russia is revealed from the ecological and economic points of view. The conclusion is made about the importance of Russia's transition to a circular economy.

Keywords: economy, ecology, household waste, Russia, consumers, green technologies, circular economy, problems, sector.

Currently, 7.9 billion people live on the planet, which is only 0.01% of the number of all living beings. However, humanity has already led to the extinction of 83% of wild mammals and half of the plants, according to a report by analysts from the World Economic Forum for 2020 on natural risks. The modern economic cycle - production and consumption patterns, land use and urbanization, trade, and industry - requires a profound

modification in terms of human impact on the environment. In this regard, the circular economy is gaining more and more popularity - it represents an alternative to the classical linear economy based on the principle of «production - use - disposal». The main difference between a circular economy and a linear economy is that in a circular economy everything is interconnected. The cyclical economy model is shown in the figure.

Fig. Circular economy model (compiled by the author)

For different sectors of the circular economy, a universal set of solutions can be developed to reduce resource intensity and climate and environmental damage, in particular, it is necessary to:

- design for easy and safe recycling;

- recycle and reuse waste;

- switch to renewable energy sources;

- refuse the goods of disposable consumption;

- translate physical into digital;

- invest in more durable products and provide warranty service.

Universal circular economy solutions are combined with specific and sector specific measures presented in the table [1].

Table. Ways to solve problems with the Circular Economy

Sector Problem Solution

1. Residential premises and objects of their service This sector is the most resource intensive: 38 billion tons per year. Buildings account for about 1/3 of all materials consumed in the world and 40% of carbon dioxide emissions due to their inefficient energy service. - use of non-toxic, innovative and durable renewable materials; - improving the energy efficiency of buildings; - use of modular structures suitable for assembly (disassembly).

2. Food This sector is the second in terms of resource intensity of goods: 21.3 billion tons per year for agriculture. Deforestation, land degradation due to unsustainable agricultural practices, a large amount of waste due to unsustainable consumption, the release of methane, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen impurities, etc. in landfills, which causes a greenhouse effect. - development of point organic farming; - use of innovative methods of plant breeding; - reduction of irrational consumption of food waste; - widespread use of environmentally friendly packaging materials.

3. Transport This sector generates 24% of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and is highly dependent on fossil fuels and carbonintensive materials. Vehicle pollutants include soot, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, methane, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds. - promotion of public transport, carpooling and carsharing among the population; - improved urban and transport planning; - optimization of the mass and dimensions of vehicles; - electrification of transport, use of renewable fuels (biofuel, hydrogen fuel).

4. Consumer goods The sector accounts for 35% of global material consumption and 75% of municipal solid waste. Excess non-recyclable packaging, poor quality products or disposable items (mostly plastic). - reducing the amount of packaging materials and increasing their processing and proper sorting; - increasing the share of secondary raw materials in products; - development of programs for repair, rental, maintenance, sharing or reuse, as well as return.

5. Communication The sector accounts for 56.3 million tons of toxic e-waste in 2019. Rapid consumption without recycling and proper disposal, depletion of rare chemical elements, high energy consumption. - improving the efficiency of electronic waste disposal; - promotion of repair and maintenance programs; - possibility of replacing parts, modules, batteries; - development of cloud technologies.

The main goal of the circular economy is the widest possible use of renewable resources and, ideally, the transition to waste-free production. Analysts at the Economic Cooperation Organization believe that reusing the same material as a raw material will help minimize the economic damage to the environment. The priority task of the circular economy is the organization of the return of useful components from production and consumption waste to the economic cycle. The maximum amount of waste should be recycled and reused. This measure will reduce the growth of landfills and landfills (including unauthorized ones) in the country.

The economy of reuse of raw materials will reduce the generation of household waste by up to 80%. In 2022, Russia will start the

federal project for the transition to a circular economy, for the implementation of which 10 billion rubles have been allocated [2]. The federal project covers six areas:

- reduction of waste generation;

- creation of infrastructure for waste collection for recycling;

- stimulation of the use of secondary resources;

- limiting the circulation of non-environmentally friendly packaging;

- creation of a system for monitoring the movement of waste;

- environmental education and eco-enlightenment of the population.

The government of the Russian Federation has set a goal by 2030 to use 40% of secondary resources in construction, 50% in agricul-

tare, and 34% in industry. These figures are practically comparable with foreign data, but it is worth adopting the experience of other countries in waste management, for example, in Sweden the share of recycled waste is 99%, in Norway 80%, in the Netherlands 93%, and in Japan 90% of waste.

The Russian Federation lags behind Western countries in terms of waste disposal. Our country produces about 70 million tons of household waste per year (in 2019, this figure was 65 million tons), of which 3 million tons is plastic. Only 5-7% is recycled and the rest ends up in landfills. The culture of waste sorting and recycling is still in its infancy, but without a well-formed eco-consciousness, it is difficult for enterprises to organize a massive and efficient recycling of plastic waste.

However, it should be mentioned that Russian waste recycling industry has just begun to develop, the population has not yet formed an ecological culture, and there is no system of environmental education. This situation is quite natural, since any innovation requires a restructuring of the consciousness of citizens and entrepreneurs, and this process takes years.

The transition to a new type of economy is possible only with the unification of business, the population, activists and all levels of government. It is important for the consumer to minimize the amount of single-use packaging that we use, for example, in catering estab-

posable items already have an environmentally friendly alternative. For example, several alternatives to plastic materials have been developed to date - these are various types of environmentally friendly packaging and disposable tableware such as: compostable packaging, biodegradable packaging and packaging made from recycled plastic. It is worth noting the fact that various organizations in our country, for example: Sobirator and Sbor-ka eco-centers, Separate Collection eco-movement, Organics-Not Garbage project actively carry out events and campaigns in the field of ecology and eco-enlightenment.

Thus, the task of forming a circular economy in Russia should become one of the priorities, since it has undeniable advantages for the country.

1. With the transition to a circular economy, the country will undergo a significant renewal and development of technological equipment and infrastructure.

2. The competitiveness of eco-technologies is growing rapidly, and in the future, alternative energy sources will offer cheaper ways to generate electricity than traditional sources.

3. The experience of other countries shows that transformations within the circular economy will further increase the gross domestic product, create new jobs, new industries and services, as well as provide healthier and more equitable living conditions for the population.

lishments and shops. In addition, most dis-


1. Circular Economy // Official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. - [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/file/0ee76e163793a5dfd4f68023e1db3621/271221.pdf (date of access: 05/28/2022).

2. In 2022, the federal project for the transition to a circular economy will start // Official website of the Government of the Russian Federation. - [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://government.ru/news/44337/ (date of access: 05/25/2022).



К.И. Канунникова, магистрант

Научный руководитель: Е.А. Павлова, канд. экон. наук, доцент Национальный исследовательский университет ИТМО (Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург)

Аннотация. В данной статье очерчены перспективы перехода России на экономику замкнутого цикла. Актуализирована необходимость перехода с линейной экономики на циклическую. Определены основные проблемы и пути их решения в ряде отраслей народного хозяйства посредством построения циклической экономики. Отражена основная цель и задачи цикличной экономики. Раскрыта проблема переработки твердых бытовых отходов в России с экологической и экономической точек зрения. Сделан вывод о важности перехода России к экономике замкнутого цикла.

Ключевые слова: экономика, экология, бытовые отходы, Россия, потребители, зеленые технологии, циклическая экономика, проблемы, сектор.

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