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Ключевые слова
education / modernization / innovation / cooperation / human capital / digitization / educational environment / scientific potential. / ta'lim / modernizatsiya / innovatsiya / hamkorlik / inson kapitali / raqamlashtirish / ta'lim muhiti / ilmiy salohiyat

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Gulmira Tulenova

Today, young people who are ready to actively participate in the current stage of development of society, which is rapidly changing in terms of quality, in front of higher education, as well as to implement priority projects to prepare for the assimilation and practical application of the knowledge they have received in the context of the digital economy there are important tasks such as educating the next generation. The article examines the need for further improvement of the education system in the context of socio-political modernization of society and in the new digital educational environment.

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Bugungi kunda oliy ta'lim oldida jamiyatning sifat jihatidan tez o'zgarib borayotgan hozirgi rivojlanish bosqichida faol ishtirok etishga, shuningdek, raqamli iqtisodiyot sharoitida olgan bilimlarni o' zlashtirish va amaliyotda qo'llashga tayyorlash bo'yicha ustuvor loyihalarni amalga oshirishga tayyor bo„lgan yosh avlodni tarbiyalash kabi muhim vazifalar turibdi. Maqolada jamiyatning ijtimoiy-siyosiy modernizatsiyasi sharoitida va yangi raqamli ta'lim muhitida ta'lim tizimini yanada takomillashtirish zarurligi masalalari ko„rib chiqilgan




Gulmira Tulenova

doctor of philosophy, professor, Tashkent University of information Technology

named after Muhammed al-Khorazmi

Today, young people who are ready to actively participate in the current stage of development of society, which is rapidly changing in terms of quality, in front of higher education, as well as to implement priority projects to prepare for the assimilation and practical application of the knowledge they have received in the context of the digital economy there are important tasks such as educating the next generation.

The article examines the need for further improvement of the education system in the context of socio-political modernization of society and in the new digital educational environment.

Keywords: education, modernization, innovation, cooperation, human capital, digitization, educational environment, scientific potential.

Bugungi kunda oliy ta'lim oldida jamiyatning sifat jihatidan tez o'zgarib borayotgan hozirgi rivojlanish bosqichida faol ishtirok etishga, shuningdek, raqamli iqtisodiyot sharoitida olgan bilimlarni o' zlashtirish va amaliyotda qo'llashga tayyorlash bo'yicha ustuvor loyihalarni amalga oshirishga tayyor bo'lgan yosh avlodni tarbiyalash kabi muhim vazifalar turibdi.

Maqolada jamiyatning ijtimoiy-siyosiy modernizatsiyasi sharoitida va yangi raqamli ta'lim muhitida ta'lim tizimini yanada takomillashtirish zarurligi masalalari ko'rib chiqilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: ta'lim, modernizatsiya, innovatsiya, hamkorlik, inson kapitali, raqamlashtirish, ta'lim muhiti, ilmiy salohiyat


In the era of globalization and information technologies, the country's development level is determined not only by socio-economic, cultural indicators, assessment of strength and power, but also by



its intellectual potential.

B May, 2024

Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal

Because the development of science and technology, the foundations of which are established in the educational environment, is the central link of the country's sustainable development and well-being.

In order to solve the tasks of building a new state, it is important to train personnel with modern knowledge and thinking who are educated on the basis of national and universal values and are able to realize the large-scale tasks of modernizing the country and building a modern democratic society. becomes important.

Practice shows that only those who can prepare educated, literate, professional and motivated individuals who are true patriots of their country, who can enrich them with the spiritual heritage of the great national culture, who can make a worthy contribution to the treasury of world culture. only the country or the nation can achieve a great future and prosperity.

The way to achieve national revival is only through higher enlightenment and higher culture. Therefore, the level of education and professional preparation should be a measure of the country's social development in the 21st century. This is the best guarantee for the successful implementation of the planned reforms, and it is the direction that gives the greatest dividend from the funds spent over time.

According to the report of the World Bank entitled "Changes in the level of national well-being", it is the sum of human capital, people's knowledge, talent, skills and abilities that constitute the main wealth of the country. Accordingly, 68% of the prosperity of developed countries, and only 41% of developing countries, is achieved through human capital.

The issue of reforming the education system in Uzbekistan is particularly urgent to ensure the transition to a new level of social development. It is known that the reforms include the processes of overcoming stable economic dependence, political instability, creating the most effective model of development of innovative activities, introducing new technologies, and creating a modern system of moral values and ideological points of view.


The most important strategic goal of Uzbekistan is to occupy a worthy place among the developed countries in the world, to create decent living conditions for all citizens, to increase the standard of living, and to ensure stability.

Currently, a clear and well-thought-out development strategy is being implemented in our country, and the organizational-legal and practical, consistent and systematic

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measures are being adopted to fully realize the professional, intellectual and spiritual potential of citizens and society as a whole, are fully supprting the implementation of democratic, political and economic reforms, social changes aimed at creating wide opportunities for science and practice.

It should be noted that the policy in the field of education in our country is aimed at ensuring the consistent and systematic implementation of the principles guaranteeing the right to free education firmly established in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. [1]

In recent years, a number of Decrees and Decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at modernizing the entire national education system of the country have been adopted.

They have tasks such as reforming the higher education system, increasing the level of scientific and pedagogical potential of professors and teachers, aligning the educational process with the modern requirements of educational methods and information provision. [2,3]

In general, more than 1.7 trillion soums and more than 203 million dollars were allocated for the implementation of measures to improve the higher education system for 2021, starting from 2017 alone. Of this, 1.2 trillion soums (about 144 million US dollars) were allocated for the construction, reconstruction and perfect repair of educational and laboratory buildings, sports halls and student residences. More than 500 billion soums (about 60 million US dollars) were allocated for equipping with educational and laboratory equipment, and the establishment of inter-university laboratory complexes for mutual use, as well as the development of information and communication technologies furniture and inventory. [7]

On the basis of partnership relations and contracts established with foreign universities, it is planned to attract at least 350 highly qualified foreign teachers and scientists to the educational process in Uzbekistan's higher educational institutions.

At the same time, work is being carried out on the wide introduction of advanced pedagogical technologies, educational programs and methodical materials into the educational process based on international educational standards. Taking into account the prospects of comprehensive development of regions and economic sectors, the needs of regional and branch programs, the target parameters of personnel training are formed in accordance with higher education, training directions and specialties are optimized.

Consistent work is being done to solve the issues of creating and introducing new generation study guides to the higher education system, providing higher education institutions with modern educational

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and scientific literature. Translation of new foreign literature into Uzbek has also been started.

Constantly improving the level and quality of professional skills of pedagogic personnel, in turn, they study in training courses, improve their knowledge and skills, internship of professors-teachers, graduates of higher education institutions in master's programs abroad. requires training in educational institutions.

Establishing close cooperation with our compatriots living and working abroad, especially scientists, specialists and talented young people with great scientific potential, is also necessary for the comprehensive and rapid development of Uzbekistan, competitive in the world labor market and "El-yurt umidi" fund was established in September 2018 in Uzbekistan in order to provide personnel for highly qualified specialists through training and upgrading their skills in leading foreign educational institutions and in Uzbekistan. [5]

The main tasks and areas of activity of the fund are as follows:

- establishing relations with our compatriots who work in prestigious scientific research, educational and medical institutions abroad, in promising sectors of the economy, especially in the fields of production and application of the newest materials and innovative technologies, and have valuable scientific and practical experience;

- creation and maintenance of an electronic register (database) of citizens with valuable scientific and practical experience, cataloged by world countries and specialties, which can be used by personnel services of state bodies and can be searched online;

- to attract foreign scientists, teachers, engineers and other specialists, including compatriots, to the fields of education, health, economy and public administration, especially to new, promising sectors, to create favorable conditions for them, to solve their current problems, development of proposals and implementation of measures to ensure effective use of their potential;

- active use of the potential of compatriots in forming and supporting a positive image of Uzbekistan abroad, as well as in establishing relations and developing cooperation with prestigious educational and scientific centers of developed countries;

- to monitor the study of promising specialists in prestigious foreign educational and scientific institutions, to help them get a decent job in Uzbekistan, to monitor the labor activities of these specialists, to help them grow professionally and to rise in the career ladder, ets.

It is known that the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On

Education" was adopted in 2020, which clearly defines the main

B May, 2024

Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal

principles of the state policy in the field of education, the education system, types and forms in the field of education. specified. In particular, Article 5 of this Law guarantees equal rights to education to everyone, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, faith, personal and social status.

According to Article 51 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, citizens have the right to receive higher education at public educational institutions based on selection at the expense of state funds, and higher education organizations have the right to academic freedom, self-management, and research in accordance with the law and freedom of teaching is guaranteed. This once again clearly shows that priority is given to youth policy in our country. The main goal of this is to expand the opportunities of talented young people to fully demonstrate their abilities by receiving education at the bachelor's and master's level on the basis of a state grant. [1]

In fact, the development of the education system in our country has risen to the level of state policy. The task of reforming this most important sector, where the future of the state is concentrated, is being solved step by step.

It is known that on January 28, 2022, the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev "On the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan in 2022-2026" was announced. The fourth priority of this Strategy is aimed at the implementation of a fair social policy and the development of human capital.

In particular, in order to solve problems related to the further development of this field, in order to improve the quality of education in schools, to raise the knowledge and skills of pedagogical personnel to the international level, the following are considered:

- determine local or international certification requirements for each subject to operate the school;

- diagnosis of knowledge and skills of school teachers who do not have qualification category;

- optimization of regional divisions of the public education system, their activities through full digitization, etc.

Objectives 43, 44 of this strategy include, among other tasks, improving the quality of education in schools, raising the knowledge and skills of pedagogical staff to the international level. [4]

In the concept of the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, issues such as the development of public-private partnerships in the field of higher education, the establishment of state and non-state higher

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education institutions in the regions, and the creation of a healthy competitive environment in the industry 'focused.

On September 11, 2023, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the strategy of Uzbekistan - 2030" was announced. This strategy includes 100 important goals in five priority areas of the country's development. Among the main goals defined in this strategy, special attention is paid to the creation of an education system that fully meets the needs of the people and international standards.


Today, efforts to attract leading foreign universities to open their branches in Uzbekistan are gaining momentum in our republic. Branches of Westminster International University, Singapore Institute of Management Development, Turin Polytechnic University, INHA University of South Korea are successfully operating in our capital.

In 2018, the "Silk Road" international tourism university in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, and Pyuchon University of South Korea in Tashkent started their activities. Today, this list was completed by the branch of the American Webster University.

Cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan in the field of higher education has been actively developing in recent years. A vivid example of this is the establishment of branches of leading Russian universities in Uzbekistan.

Today, the republic has ten branches of Russian higher education institutions (Moscow State University, Russian State University of Economics named after V. Plekhanov, Russian Institute of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin, branch of National Research Technological University "MISiS" (Russia). Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I.Gersen in the city of Olmalik, Tashkent, etc.), six of which were opened in 2019.

Thus, in reality, a common educational space is being created, which will serve to further strengthen cooperation bilaterally, including in a number of strategically important sectors of the economy. We are talking about the branches of MIFI (nuclear industry), MISIS (metallurgy), MPEI (energy) and the Russian University of Chemical Engineering (chemical industry) opened this year.

It should be noted that natural resources, industry and agriculture are of great importance for the economy of Uzbekistan, therefore, training of highly qualified local personnel on the basis of branches of

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Russian higher education institutions is one of the important factors for the development of the economy of Uzbekistan.

It is known that on May 26-28, 2024, the President of Russia V.V. Putin made a state visit to Uzbekistan. Within the framework of the visit, issues of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of science were also discussed. Further strengthening of cooperation between higher education institutions is indicated as a priority and promising direction for strengthening mutually beneficial relations between the two countries.

It should be noted that Russia and Uzbekistan are mutually interested in cooperation in the field of education. Today, the number of Uzbek students in Russia is 63,000, and 14,000 of them receive education based on the budget.

Taking into account the existence of cooperation agreements and the signing of new agreements between the leading higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan and Russia, the development of joint educational programs, internships and exchange of experience, organization of scientific events, joint is considered a sufficient basis for doing things like publishing scientific works.

Thus, there is reason to assume that cooperation in the field of science and education between Russia and Uzbekistan will develop successfully in the future.

To date, the number of higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan has reached 102, of which 85 are local universities and their branches, and 17 are foreign higher education institutions and their branches.

Such an increase in the number of higher educational institutions, including branches of foreign and local universities, as well as the emergence of non-state universities, allows young people to receive quality higher education.

It is worth noting that in the future it is planned to hold educational forums with countries such as France, Germany, Japan, Turkey, China, South Korea, and India. These and other new features of joint education plans indicate that there is a great demand for quality education among the youth of Uzbekistan.


It is known that information technologies occupy a central place in the educational process: various online courses, educational resources and platforms are emerging that can complement and compete with traditional educational organizations.

In this regard, it is extremely urgent to attract production partners to the activities of educational institutions in Uzbekistan,

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to form a unified system for evaluating the quality of education, and to further improve the activities of scientific experts.

Within the framework of cooperation with foreign countries, the necessary conditions will be created for the implementation of complex technological projects and the introduction of new innovative models of cooperation between higher education institutions and industrial enterprises of different countries for the training of highly qualified specialists, advanced medicine, and engineering.

Today, the amount of State subsidies to support these processes has increased for the creation and support of digital education platforms, as well as for the development and adaptation of legislative and technical policies and initiatives. Indeed, digital tools in higher education are becoming an integral part of domestic and global politics and economics.

The digitization process is also affecting the academic field. The modern system of higher education has passed an extremely important stage of computerization and informatization. It should be noted that the mechanisms of changes in the information space are complex and depend on funding, the level of training of higher education institutions and professors.

It is known that information technologies have a special role in increasing the efficiency of the educational process. Unfortunately, today the level of use of information technologies in the field of education remains low, both in terms of using Internet resources and applying new methods of teaching.

The measures taken to solve these problems allow for wide use of information and communication technologies, more flexibility in choosing training courses and mastering relevant specialties of higher education with lower costs.

The introduction of modern educational programs, pedagogical and smart technologies into the educational process will help to fundamentally improve the quality of education. It can be seen that the organization of remote classes and seminars, video conferences in our country and foreign educational institutions has a positive effect on the quality training of highly qualified specialists. Modern digital technologies, media platforms, electronic texts are more and more in demand in education, because they allow to implement educational opportunities, build the educational process more effectively, put students and teachers at the center of the networked social world. New digital technologies make it possible to solve the main problems of education that are not solved by traditional technologies. [6]

Digital technologies improve the quality of education, ensure the successful functioning of the internal structure of the educational organization, which, in turn, supports the development and adoption of management decisions from digital systems of

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resource planning, electronic document circulation systems. refers to the use of systems.

Digital learning environment refers to certain ICT tools that are systematized and meet the requirements of DTS aimed at more effective achievement of learning outcomes. In the effective management of educational institutions, the digital environment provides a space for mutual cooperation for all participants of educational relations, and becomes an effective tool for managing the quality of education.

Today, digital educational technologies of OMHT (public open online courses) have become widespread. Such distance e-learning courses are offered by modern educational institutions to all interested parties. They provide students with the opportunity to receive a qualified education in a specific field that matches their level of knowledge, needs and professional interests.

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In fact, the digital form of organizing the activity of any educational institution, that is, a higher education institution, is becoming an important indicator that ensures effective work, development, competitiveness and demand. As a result, the digital learning environment becomes one of the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of educational organization management.

The introduction of digital technologies and digital tools helps to move from them to the personalization model of the educational process in managing the organization, creating an opportunity to refer to digital educational and methodical materials, expanding the space for creativity and effective use of resources.

Although digitalization of education is a big step towards the future, the current stage of digitalization of education is a reason to modernize the traditional educational process, bring it up to date, and implement other structural changes.

Effective digital transformation is about more than just technology. In addition to organizational processes, this process also requires preparation to adopt technology in a new way.

Digital learning must continually evolve to improve teaching and learning, support existing processes, and increase efficiency. This, in turn, significantly changes the role of the teacher, now he will have the opportunity to create his own educational content and form his personal professional profile. As a result, the teacher becomes a coach who guides students in the field of digital education.


In fact, the issue of increasing the competitiveness of higher educational institutions is very important today. Taking into account the modern experience of organizing the educational

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process in the world's leading higher educational institutions, the principal new normative documents in the field of education (educational standards) that are currently being developed are the main means of solving this task.

In the development of new educational standards, taking into account the training of highly qualified specialists who have modern knowledge, analytical and creative thinking, the skills of using advanced information and communication technologies, who can effectively apply all the knowledge they have received in their daily practical activities, the main is a task.

Today, in the republic, efforts are being made to stimulate scientific research and innovation activities, to create effective mechanisms for the implementation of scientific and innovative achievements, to establish research institutes, high technology centers, and technology parks.

Uzbekistan is successfully solving the modernization of its national education system, introduction of modern information and communication technologies, creation of a digital educational environment and other strategic tasks.

There is no doubt that the implementation of these strategic tasks ensures the consistent development of the continuous education system as a single educational-scientific-production complex.

This, in turn, helps to create a competitive environment in the field of education and personnel training, the openness of the republican continuous education system in the market of educational services, and strengthening the international reputation of the educational system of Uzbekistan.

Today, Uzbekistan has become a rapidly developing country, which is experiencing both significant economic growth and natural population growth. These factors determine the need to develop infrastructure, create new jobs and realize the role of education on the part of the country's leadership as the main factor of competitiveness in the modern world.


1. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. -T.: Uzbekistan, 2023

2. "Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for the further development of the higher education system" (PP-2909, April 20, 2017)//lex.uz

3. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher education institutions and ensure their active participation in comprehensive reforms implemented in the country" (PQ-3775 - number 05.06.2018)//lex.uz

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4. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" (PF-60, January 28, 2022)// lex.uz

5.Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the establishment of the activities of the "El-Yurt Umidi" fund for the training of specialists under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad and communication with compatriots" (PF-5545 - number 25.09.2018)

6. Туленова Г. Современный опыт Узбекистана по модернизации системы образования //"Journal of science-innovative research in Uzbekistan".-Volume 1, ISSUE 6, 2023. September.

7. The list of higher education institutions operating in Uzbekistan was published.-https://kun.uz/news/2019/05/11

И May, 2024

Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal

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