PROPHETIC HADITHS ON SCIENTIFIC INDICATORS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Assistant Lecturer, College of Islamic Sciences, Iraqi University, Iraq. Email: gjwbys@gmail.com

Praise be to Allah, whose remembrance and glorification are frequent, and the hearts of lovers gathered to love Him, glorify Him and unite Him. Peace and blessings be upon the best of the wilderness, our master Muhammad, his family, and his companions, the righteous stars, and the leaders. Allah sent the Messengers and supported them with the evidence that was authenticated for them, and in order to reassure people of the truth of what the Messengers told them, and to disprove against those who would not believe them, and so that no one would lie to them. Allah supported them with the evidence that was authenticated for them. The Almighty said: "We sent aforetime Our apostles with Clear Signs And sent down with them The Book and the Balance (Of Right and Wrong)" Quran 75:25.

The evidence that was given to our master Muhammad was in accordance with the Arabs who were sent to them, and with what comes after them from the generations until the Day of Resurrection. The importance of his evidence stems from the fact that it is the only evidence that remains today from the evidence of the apostles. It proves his truthfulness, and the truthfulness of the messengers before him, and by which the argument is based on all mankind.

The evidence supported by the Prophet is present and complete, which any Muslim can cite and indicate. Unlike the Jews, they cannot today bring the stick of Moses or any of his evidence, and the Christians cannot present to people today any of the evidence of Jesus, and the two sides only have historical narrations, which Muslims naturally have.

The miracle associated with the prophethood of our master Muhammad takes two directions: one is the evidence indicating his message, and the largest and greatest of these evidences is the Holy Qur'an without dispute. It is an argument in itself, because it was revealed with the knowledge of God Almighty. One of its most prominent evidences today is the scientific miracle that provided all mankind with the greatest miracle in the divine knowledge it carries, as the Almighty said: But Allah bears witness to what He has revealed: "But God beareth witness that what He hath sent unto thee He hath sent from His (Own) Knowledge and the angels bear witness: but enough is God for a Witness" Quran 4:166.

The second trend is that the miracles indicative of his prophecy represented by the good tidings contained in the Torah and the Gospel and the news and descriptions they carried that indicated the Prophet's mission. It indicates his name, his physical and moral attributes, his lineage, the place of his mission, the description of his companions, the character of his enemies, the features of the religion he calls for, the incidents he faces, and the time at which he is resurrected, to be evidence of his sincerity. He appears by applying those descriptions to him, which are descriptions and tidings received by the people of those religions quoting their monks, pontiffs and priests many centuries before the birth of the Prophet.

The Holy Qur'aan refers to these tidings, and the Almighty says: "The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons" quran 2:146 .

This research is related to the first aspect, i.e. the evidence in support of the Prophethood, from which I chose a topic for this research (the hadiths of the Prophet

indicating scientific references). I showed the scientific indications that came in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet.

It should be noted that the true believer is encouraged by the discovered scientific facts in support of the prophecy of the master of mankind, even if it does not have that effect on the degree of his faith. Yet, the research of these issues is very important in introducing the status of the Prophet and the sincerity of his prophecy in our speech to the Western mentality. It is more convincing if he is supported by scientific facts, and that the delay of Muslims in opening up to the West. Their reluctance to introduce their Prophet appropriately was one of the reasons for the recent campaign that tried to mock the Messenger God.

It is appropriate to mention that some scientific discoveries are not conclusive, they are subject to experiments and subject to change in light of the phase of the variable finders.

It is also appropriate to quote the authentic news narrated from the Messenger of Allah(PBUH) in order to stop questioning these miracles because of the weakness of the hadith or the ignorance of the support and so on.

From this point of view, I decided to shed light on some definitive scientific facts that indicate the truth of the prophecy narrated in correct ways, in a way that cuts off any room for doubt or rebuttal. These facts are in harmony with the spirit and mentality of the age.

This research included an introduction, two sections and a conclusion: The first topic is the evidence of medical miracles in the Sunnah of the Prophet The second topic is the evidence of social miracles in the Sunnah of the Prophet The third is the evidence of cosmic miracles in the Sunnah of the Prophet

I hope that I have succeeded in presenting the topic, and in line with the capacity of the pages of this research. God is the guide to both ways, and may God bless our master Muhammad and his family and companions and peace be upon him a lot.

There are very many evidences indicating medical miracles in the hadith of the Prophet, but we can say with confidence and reassurance that there is no health commandment recommended to us by the Messenger of Allah except. It involves conclusive scientific facts; science has succeeded in proving some of them. It is still far from discovering the secrets of what was not discovered.

It is unfortunate that Muslims have taken the role of the recipient, with regard to the scientific facts supporting what was stated in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. They are satisfied with this negative role, so proving this evidence or that fact depends on what the West proves and reveals to us. Rather we establish scientific research institutions in which religious scholars participate with other physicists, chemists, medicine and others to find out the facts contained in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and reveal them instead of waiting for what the West reveals to us because of the lack or absence of our research institutions.

For centuries, we have been reciting the words of the Almighty: "He hath only forbidden you dead meat and blood" Quran 2:173 without standing on the real cause inherent in the prohibition of pork without other animals, and some Muslims have had various thoughts to find out this illness.

The same is the case with how the rain falls. For example, those who read the books of interpretation, for example, find strange information that raises eyebrows, while the reason for the rain has become known to primary school students today. Also, they knew

what was a puzzle to the scholars.

This is not a challenge to our esteemed scholars, as they did what they could and according to their information. The point is that in all these matters we receive news from the West and point out that the Holy Qur'an mentioned this a thousand ago, but the perplexing question remains: Why did our scholars not discover this?

Justifying this by the backwardness or delay of scientific research methods may be acceptable. This excuse seems logical in revealing facts and intentions related to planets and stars. Yet, it does not seem logical in revealing some simple facts that any righteous person with simple abilities can stand on.

What are the most medical commandments that the Prophet has benefited us with, which can be proven with very simple abilities. Abu Hurayrah who said: The Messenger of Allah said: ((The Shaytaan is sensitive to sense, so beware of him against yourselves, whoever has a wind in his hand, and something hits him, he does not blame anyone but himself))(Al-Salami, 1859).

It is not impossible for any of the medical laboratories to take a swab from the hand of a human being, but to sleep after it and show the results of that. We are confident that it will be supportive of what was stated in the hadith, and by it the significance of the devil is known, whether it is real or metaphorical.


From the evidence of medical miracles

In the Sunnah of the Prophet

It is clear that the Sunnah of the Prophet is full of evidence of medical commandments that science has proven to be true and revealed its secrets.

In this section, I will shed light on some of these commandments.

First: plague:

Ibraaheem ibn Sa'd said: I heard Usama ibn Zayd talking about Sa'da from the Prophet who said: "If you hear of the plague in a land, do not enter it, and if it occurs in a land while you are in it, do not go out of it." I said, "You heard it happen to Sa'da and not deny it?" He said: Yes(Al-Jaafi, 1987).

Preventing entry to the city may seem logical, because the interior may be susceptible to this disease. So, why is it forbidden to leave it?

The answer to this is that recent studies have revealed that when plague is spread in a city or an area, the number of those who show symptoms of the disease ranges between 10-30%. The rest of the inhabitants of the city carry the germ in their bodies, but their immune system overcomes the germs, so they remain in the body but do not harm it. So if this is true in the town where plague is located, there is no fear for it, because of the vaccinated, and resistance from the immune system to prevent him from the disease.

Going out of this city or town, people carry this germ, transmit that disease to a new city. This may result in the death of millions of people because of the exit of this infected person with the germ from among the uh of this city infected with the plague.

The question is: How long will this siege on this city last?

So, the behavior of the germ changes by adding a new genetic trait in which the infection that spreads and transmits the disease to others (Samad, 2004> goes away .

In this hadith, the Prophet imposed quarantine on plague patients 1400 years ago, and

the quarantine was not known before. He is the first to put the quarantine and draw its rules, and the Western mind if it does not stand on the miracle in this fact. It is at least will know that the Prophet has a mighty creative mentality that preceded his time by more than one thousand five hundred years, and this alone is not an easy matter as it is known.

Second, the difference between a dog and a cat :

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: ((The Messenger of Allah said: If the dog bites into the pot of one of you, let him lick it, then wash it seven times)), and in a narration: ((If the dog licks it, wash it seven times, first with dust)) (Al-Bukhari, 1422; al-Nisaburi, 261)-

It was narrated that Kabsha bint Ka'ab ibn Maalik. ibn Abi Qatadah was inside and Abu Qatadah entered she poured ablution for him, and a kitten came to drink from it, and Abu Qatadah listened to her until she drank. Kabsha said: He saw me looking at him, and he said: Are you surprised, O daughter of my brother? She said: I said: Yes, and he said: The Messenger of Allah said: It is not unclean, but it is one of the aspects, or rafts. The hadeeth was narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah and saheeh: 1/55, no. 104, and saheeh by Ibn Hibbaan: 4/115 and al-Hakaam, 1/263.

This is a conflict between two animals that live in the human home and mix with it. The dog is much more beneficial to humans than the cat, and the need for it may be urgent in grazing or guarding and others other than the cat. If it were not for the fact that our master Muhammad was a prophet, he would have gone to prefer the dog over the cat for the urgent need for it, as the West does the day of acquiring dogs, kissing them and embracing them.

We often hear phrases from some of them in which they are surprised by this prohibition, reasoning that Westerners accept dogs and do not suffer any harm.

The answer to all this is that the dog carries a lot of infectious diseases. It carries approximately fifty parasitic diseases, many of which are found in its saliva.

The cat is one of the purest animals medically, as it does not carry germs and microbes only what causes only one disease, blinding humans. This disease is found in the feces of the cat, if another animal eats this feces, this disease moves to the body of this animal, and when that animal is slaughtered and its meat is eaten, the is the human is infected(Samad, 2004).

It should be noted that the wisdom of Allaah (SWT) has made this animal bury its feces without other animals so that other animals do not eat it, and thus absolve it of responsibility. From this we know the credibility of the two noble hadiths.

As for our response to those who invoke the Westerners kissing dogs and raising them inside homes, we say: we are not surrounding the details of the lives of these to know whether they were infected with a certain disease or not, and that modern Western trends go to the need to take dogs out of homes and raise them in gardens.

Third: Fever:

Ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet said: "Fever is from the flood of Hell, so cool it with water."(al-Nisaburi, 261)

It was narrated from Jabir ibn 'Abd-Allaah that the Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) was jealous of um al-Sa'ib or um al-Musayyib, and he said: "O um al-Sa'ib or um al-Musayyib, do you want to do it?" She said: Fever, may Allah not bless it, and he said: Do not curse fever, it decreases the sons of humans as the bellows reduces iron slag (Balban, 1993).

There have been many ahaadeeths that on this trend, including what was also narrated by Samra ibn Jundub: The Prophet said: "The fever is a piece of fire, so cool it from you with water." He said: When the Messenger of Allah was hot and called for a bottle of water, he emptied it on his horn and did ghusl.

It has been proven that when a fever with a high temperature of up to 41°C may lead to severe agitation. Then general depression and coma are the cause of death. Therefore, it was necessary to reduce this burning temperature in the body immediately so that the thermoregulatory center in the brain is regulated.

This has no way but to put the patient in water or make sacks of cold water and ice as if the intensity of this temperature decreases the body returns as normal. Then the thermostat center is organized in the brain, and reduces this heat by various means of evaporation, radiation and others.

It has been scientifically proven that when infected with fever the rate of interferon increases to a large degree. It has been proven that this substance secreted by white blood cells can eliminate the viruses that attacked the body with antibodies. It is also confirmed that the substance (interferon) that is secreted profusely during fever does not only rid the body of viruses and bacteria, but increases the body's resistance against diseases and its ability to eliminate cancer cells since the beginning of their formation. Thus, it protects the body from any cancer cells that can lead to the body contracting cancer.

Therefore, some doctors said that many diseases where we are promising fever as the patient is hopeful of wellness. So the fever is much more useful than drinking medicine, such as rheumatism articulation disease, in which the pain of the interval hardens and becomes unable to move, and therefore among the methods of medical treatment in such cases is industrial fever, i.e.: finding a case of fever in the patient injected with certain substances(Samad, 2004).

Hence we realize the wisdom of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in refusing to curse fever and even praising it as purifying sins just as fire purifies iron slag.

Fourth, it is haraam to eat the flesh of prey and all that has tusks:

It was narrated that Abu Tha'alba x said: "The Prophet forbade eating all of the seven tusks"(al-Baqi).

It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah forbade all those with (PBUH) tusks and all those with a claw of birds(al-Nisaburi, 261).

Modern dietetics has proven that peoples acquire some of the characteristics of animals that they eat. This is because their meat contains toxins and internal secretions that flow in the blood, and move to the stomach of humans, affecting their ethics.

It turns out that the predator when it matters to seize its prey secrete in his body hormones and substances that help him to fight and seize prey.

Dr. S.Liebig, Professor of Dietetics in Britain stated that these secretions come out in the body of the animal even while locked in a cage when they are offered him a piece of meat to eat. He explains this theory by saying: you only have to visit the zoo once and take a look at the tiger in his nervous movements raging while cutting the piece of meat and chewing it, and you see the image of anger and shroud painted on his face. Then return your gaze to the elephant and observe his meek condition when he eats while playing with children and visitors, and look at the lion and compare his brutality and ferocity with the camel and his meekness.

It has been observed that people who eat meat of prey or other meat that Islam forbids

suffer from a kind of ferocity and a tendency to violence, even for no reason other than the desire to shed blood.

Studies and research have confirmed this phenomenon on the backward tribes that continue to eat such meat to the extent that some of them are infected with ferocity and eat human cannibalism. Those studies and research also concluded to another phenomenon in these tribes, which is infected with a kind of sexual disorder, and the lack of jealousy for the opposite sex, as well as lack of respect for the family system and the issue of honor and honor.

It is a situation closer to the life of those predators, as the male attacks the other male of the herd and kills him in order to have his females until another male comes more young, energetic and strong, and the male kills the previous rapist, and so on.

Perhaps eating pig is one of the reasons for the lack of sexual jealousy among Europeans and the emergence of many cases of homosexuality phenomena such as the exchange of wives and mass marriage. It is known that the pig if raised even in clean barns left free to graze in the forests, it returns to its origin and eats carrion and dead and enjoys it more than legumes and potatoes that accustom to eat in clean sterile barns.

That is why the pig's body contains worms, parasites and microbes of various kinds, as well as increasing the proportion of uric acid secreted by it that is transmitted to the body of those who eat its meat .

Pork also contains the largest amount of fat among all the different types of meat, which makes its meat difficult to digest. It is scientifically known that the meat that humans eat depends easily digestible in the stomach on the amounts of fats it contains, and on the type of these fats, the fattier, the harder to digest the meat.

It is stated in the Encyclopedia of America that every hundred pounds of pork contains fifty pounds of fat, i.e., 50%, while the fat in lamb accounts for only about 17%. In calves not more than 5%, as it has been proven by analysis that pork fat contains a large proportion of complex fatty acids, and that the percentage of cholesterol in pork fat to lamb and calves is: 6: 7: 9, and this means by simple calculation that the percentage of cholesterol in pork more than ten times what in cow.

This fact has a serious significance because these fats increase cholesterol in human blood, and this substance when it exceeds the normal range is deposited in the arteries, especially the arteries of the heart.

Thus, it causes atherosclerosis and high pressure, which is the main cause of most cases of heart attack spread in Europe, where it appeared from the statistics published regarding heart attack and atherosclerosis that the incidence of these two diseases in Europe is equivalent to five times the rate in the Islamic world. In addition, the impact of nervous tension is confirmed by modern science.

It is worth mentioning that carnivores are scientifically defined as having the tusk referred to in the hadeeth because they have four large tusks in the upper and lower jaw.

This is not limited to animals alone, but also includes birds, as they are divided into herbivores and plants such as chickens and pigeons, and carnivores such as falcons and eagles.

To distinguish scientifically between them: the carnivore bird has a sharp claw and there is no such claw in domesticated birds and in poultry. It is known that the human instinct by nature averse to eating the meat of animals or birds carnivorous except in some societies that are said to be civilized societies, or in some backward tribes as we have already indicated.

It is an astonishing fact that Islam defined and alerted this scientific division fourteen centuries

ago(Samad, 2004). Fifth: Disease Prevention:

Jabir narrated (PBUH) from the Messenger of Allah that he said: "Cover the pot and water it. This is because there is a night in the year when an epidemic descends that does not pass through a vessel that does not have a lid on it, or a water that does not have an agent on it, unless it descends from that epidemic." (al-Nisabur1> 261)-

Modern medicine has proven that the Prophet is the (PBUH) first setter of the rules of maintaining health by guarding against the infection of epidemics and infectious diseases, it has been shown that infectious diseases circulate in certain seasons of the year, and some of them even appear every certain number of years, and according to a careful system whose explanation is not yet known.

For example, measles and polio abound in September and October, typhoid in summer, cholera takes a cycle every seven years and smallpox every three years.

This explains to us the scientific miracle in the words of the Prophet: e There is a night in the year in which an epidemic descends, i.e.: seasonal epidemics, and they have certain times(Samad, 2004)


From the evidence of social miracles

In the Sunnah of the Prophet

Islam is the religion of life, and the fragrant Sunnah of the Prophet does not stop at the limits of medical miracles, but includes all aspects of life. These aspects in addition to the medical aspect are social commandments, i.e. those related to the individual, society and people's lives in general. Among the miraculous aspects mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet are the following:

First, the stability of personality:

Aisha (may Allaah be pleased with her) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: " the pen is lifted from three: the boy until he becomes an adult, the fool until he wakes up, and the sleeper until he wakes up." This is a saheeh hadeeth on the condition of a Muslim and they did not narrate it. The hadeeth was saheeh by Ibn Khuzaymah, 4/348, Ibn Hibbaan, 1/335, and Ibn al-Jarud, 46.

It has been proven in modern medicine that human cells in the skin, muscles, bones and eyes are all renewed every seven years once, except for nerve cells, they stop growing in humans at about the seventh year, as 9/10 of the brain grows in that period.

Otherwise, if neurons changed, the personality of a person would change, and he would have several actions in one day.

This is from the wonderful work of God and his mercy. God Almighty lifted the assignment of the those who are exempted, those not yet complete growth. When a boy grows up and proved his personality of the stability of his neurons that do not increase or decrease because of damage, or disease, otherwise his functions would have been

disrupted from movement(al-Quoz, 1409).

Second, birth control:

It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may God be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah said: (PBUH) "Marry the friendly and the fertile woman, for I will increase the Prophets on the Day of Resurrection."(Balban, 1993)

It is scientifically proven that the use of any kind of birth control means has serious effects on the health status of the mother, as the reproductive system of women dominates the function of a

group of reproductive hormones secreted from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and ovaries.

In the normal case, these hormones are secreted in estimated and certain proportions. Any increase or decrease leads to a pathological condition. Hence, the medical community recognizes that the methods used to contraceptively have disadvantages to those who use them, as a result of many researches that have come up with these results:

• Imbalance in the hormonal balance in the body.

• Increasing body weight and accumulating large amounts of fluid in it.

• The occurrence of severe infections of the mother's reproductive system.

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• Increasing the likelihood of fatal heart attacks for those over thirty years of age, especially those over forty.

News agencies have reported the death of one of the British women as a result of taking birth control pills, she has been taking HBob (Valdan) for eight years. She then replaced them by another variety (methochlor) fell ill weeks later severally, forcing her to stay in bed, then her health collapsed and died.

It has finally been proven that the use of contraceptives, especially pills, may lead to some cancerous conditions.

But what the Prophet forbade (PBUH) is breastfeeding the child if his mother becomes pregnant because this affects the infant badly, which makes him weak structure. If we contemplate this guidance of the Prophet, we will find the distance between the pregnancy and the other takes three years, especially if we return to the words of the Almighty: "The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years if the father desires to complete the term" Quran 2:233.

From this we find that birth control and giving the mother the opportunity to restore her health is called for by religion. This is unlike absolute contraception.

It is strange that most Islamic countries are swept by the call for birth control under the pretext of facing economic and social challenges, and allocate to this campaign a lot of funds that could have been employed in more feasible economic and social projects, reports in one Arab country confirm that what is spent on the success of the birth control campaign in one year from cars, doctors, nurses, medicines, missions, surgeries, hospitals and others is enough to care for more than one million children, while the increase in children in the country does not exceed A quarter of a million children.

Moreover, Islamic countries have projects and areas of work with no workers, which forces them to import labor from outside the country, even from Asia and Europe, to implement construction in these countries.

There are other countries where there is an increase in population with no capital to build projects that can accommodate them, or to find jobs for them that benefit them and the homeland. So what if these people benefit from the population of those so that human brotherhood continues?

Moreover, human wealth is the basis of progress and sophistication if it is well exploited instead of pretending to lack of available resources.

This is proven by the experiences of daily life from the reality of rich civilized countries such as Japan and others, hence the importance of human offspring that comes from friendly and loyal women, as (PBUH)the Prophet told us<Samad> 2004).


From the evidence of the cosmic miracle

In the Sunnah of the Prophet

The dazzling achieved by both the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet continues to tell us (1400 years ago). It showed facts discovered by man today in amazement, while recited for hundreds of years without being aware of their truth. One of the important cosmic goats that the Prophet told us (PBUH) is that what reaches the earth from precipitation is accurately calculated and does not change on average from year to year. This is expressed in the geographical sciences and natural sciences with the moisture and precipitation balance as in The Holy Qur'an: "That sends down (From time to time) Rain from the sky In due measure ;— And We raise to life Therewith a land that is Dead ; even so will ye Be raised (from the dead) ;—" Quran 43:11.

It was narrated by Ibn 'Abbaas ((PBUH)may Allaah be pleased with him) that the ] Messenger of Allaah said: "There is no year with more rain than another, but he spends it wherever he wants, and then he read: And We have distributed The (water) amongst them, "We spent it among them" Quran 43:50

There are two facts in this noble hadeeth:

A - limited amount of annual precipitation (no year more rain than another).

B He said, peace be upon him: He spends it where he wants. It means the distribution of precipitation on the surface of the earth is determined by the Lord of Glory in a way that achieves the regional balance on the surface of the earth, and the moisture balance that is released to achieve various forms of material and energy balance of the earth, and "with God everything is in an amount Every single thing is before His sight, in (due) proportion" Quran 13:8.

When we stand in front of the phenomenon of the moisture cycle on the surface of the earth, the moisture cycle consists of two groups of moisture elements:

A Group I is a group of moisture gain elements.

B Group II group of (Ivanov et aL> 1984) moisture loss elements.

Away from the language of numbers and specialized scientific equations, we see in the oceans that the elements of moisture gain are reflected in the amount of annual precipitation over the oceans. The same is true with the fresh river water received from the land and the loss is the amount of water evaporated annually from the oceans, and that the amount of what evaporates annually from the oceans is equivalent to (505) thousand km 3, which is equivalent to the amount of precipitation over the oceans (458) thousand km 3 in addition to the water of rivers in which (47) thousand km 3.

As for the continents, the element of gain is the amount of annual precipitation of (119) thousand km3, but the moisture loss is reflected in the amount of water of the rivers in the global ocean. It is equivalent to (47) thousand km3 as we have seen. So we find that the total evaporation annually over the continents is equivalent to (72) thousand km3, that is: the total evaporation on the surface of the earth is equivalent to the amount of annual precipitation above it(Nikolkova, 1976).

The Prophet who is no less than Inspiration sent down to him "Nor does he say (aught) Of (his own) Desire. There is no year that rains more than another." Quran 53:3-4.


After this brief presentation of some of the Prophetic evidence, which included facts

indicating scientific miracles, the most important of what was stated in this research is as


1. The scientific miracles in the Sunnah of the Prophet are an established fact, as in the Holy Qur'an.

2. The scientific miracles in the Sunnah of the Prophet include all the facilities of life, and we have mentioned some evidence for this in the medical, social and cosmic fields.

3. The necessity of establishing joint scientific research institutions composed of religious scholars, scientists in physics, chemistry and medicine to take it upon themselves to analyze the Qur'anic verses and the hadiths of the Prophet, and to identify the miracles in them with the available capabilities.

4. It is required to follow the established modern scientific discoveries, and meet them with the Qur'anic facts and prophetic news.

5. We need to address the Western mind in a clear language understood by them, and include scientific figures and facts in order to introduce them to Islam and its Holy Prophet PBUH .


[1] al-Baqi, M. F. A. Sahih Muslim, The true abbreviated reference to the transfer of justice from justice to the Messenger of God, Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj Abu al-Hasan al-Qushayri al-Nisaburi, 261AH. Beirut: House of Revival of Arab Heritage.

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[10] Nikolkova, N. B. (1976). General Earth Science: Moscow.

[11] Samad, M. K. A. (2004). Scientific Miracles in Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Beirut: Dar Al-Safadi.

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