PROPER UPBRINGING OF CHILDREN IN THE FAMILY INSTRUCTIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Islamava S.

Еvery family has a number of important rules and regulations that are suitable for raising a child, and strict adherence to them will have a great impact on the child's future and ensure that the work of education will be effective.

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Islamava S. teacher

Department of Uzbek language, pedagogy and physical culture Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology

Uzbekistan, Andijan



Annotation. Every family has a number of important rules and regulations that are suitable for raising a child, and strict adherence to them will have a great impact on the child's future and ensure that the work of education will be effective.

Key words. Chastity, luxury, pilgrimage, reputation, mugham, deception, language, flattery.

The organization of cooperation is defined as a concept of culture, and in the course of the study the views of Western and CIS researchers on the culture of cooperation in our country were studied and theoretically analyzed. As a result of the study, special attention was paid to the level of importance of the approaches presented in the description of the author's interpretation. As a result of the analysis, it can be argued that the main task of education is to reflect, preserve, develop the content of cultural values, and serves to reflect the level of culture of the individual.[1]

In our ring there are such transplants as "the bird does what it is afraid of in its nest", "from the age of the child,from the beginning of the nigul", in which we bite their core: how children are brought up, grow up and reach the arc, how their character is formed, in what way the parents raise their children in the first

When a parent gives the child an idea of what it is to live in life from an early age, that if he does not have a profession, he sees many difficulties in life, the child, not knowing what to do more and more, will remain idle, will suffer from idleness, will apply to ugly deeds, his reputation and upbringing will be disrupted. That is why parents teach a child to be moral from a small age, make science useful, cook his eyes on the machine-tool is a bad omen.

In every family there are a number of specific and appropriate Mukhim laws of upbringing a child, the observance of which ensures the effectiveness of upbringing work. It should be noted that these rules can be said to be general in relative terms, since each child is a universe, they each have their own personality, their authority and behavior, therefore it is necessary to treat it according to it. Therefore, in upbringing, the

responsibility, skill, intelligence and authority of the parents are important. It is important that the parents deliberately lead the child's Trabia from cooperation with preschool institutions, school and the public, equally fear the children, treat them fairly, take care of the child's age, the peculiarities of growth and development, and respect the child's personality at a certain time, the ratio is demanding for him, these instructions give very good results if the There are also many methods and means of educating children, their skills and abilities, in which it is extremely necessary for a parent to know them well in everyday life, to use the direct letter in its place for its intended purpose in moderation. To the sentence of these:


- Sample Method,

- getting used to good behavior,

- get used to the good,

- nasihat when the role comes,

- give a strict tanbix,

- not talking to the child in a vactic way,

- changing attitudes towards them,

- persuasion,

- public influence,

- tools such as encouragement and condemnation from this are styles.

One of the main conditions for the correct upbringing of children in the

family is unity in upbringing. In this case, the parent, large and small in the family, must head out of the same collar and act. In everything: in the treatment of children, in their encouragement and punishment, educational influence should be unanimity in the application of other means. Usually often the child's mother or grandmother let anything be reprimanded by his father or the punishment given by his father is repudiated by oansi, while Boal's one act is praised by his grandmother so that his father coyid him wahokazo. Such a talba breaks tascarianism, avlolo, child upbringing. In such situations, the demanding father and the sarcophagus get used to finding a way between his mother and the soulful grandmother. Among adults, instability and discord zezgan borla mughambir gets used to deception, tongue twisters, flattery.

No matter how dress the relationship between the teacher and the parents should be as expected, it is necessary to find ways to achieve this.

Factors that negatively affect the upbringing of a child in a family often arise from the fact that parents treat a child without understanding his permission, lack of pedagogical knowledge, inattention to the laws of Personality Development.

In the family, it is necessary for parents to have the same affection and demand for all children. Rizouddin Ibn Fakhriddin says: "keep away from things like that which you have done in order to teach Justice and righteousness, and when you have studied what you need, make all things equal, and give all of

them the same thing when you give them gifts, and give one thing in secret, and say: Be careful not to let your brothers know, because doing so will teach them such things as Happiness radiates to their hearts the same corruption as hubbin-lust (self-love)." In the family, to react with encouragement or harshness to the behavior of each child, to scold, to punish is a tried and tested method in upbringing.

Pedagogical cooperation is pedagogical creativity, pedagogical techniques, education, the interaction between a teacher and a student in the learning process, communication tactics, speech culture, thinking, organization and development of spiritual and educational work of the teacher, in the process of behavior and emotions. Pedagogical cooperation is based on restraint (or tolerance) of participants in the educational process.[2]

In the upbringing of a child in the family, each family member, that is, Grandfather, Grandmother, parent, sister, brother, aunt, aunt, uncle, put a neighbor, neighborhood, school, community as one and the other. In our people, proverbs such as "seven neighboring parents for one child", "one uncle in the place of seven fathers", "neighborhood your father-your mother" are not for nothing. Therefore, in the upbringing of a child, it is necessary that everyone has the same demand, attitude. The variety of methods of upbringing, requirements and opinions between educators leads to the child's lack of upbringing. One of the methods of upbringing tested in the upbringing of children in the family is an example. The behavior, gait, problem,behavior of grandparents, parents, older people around them, their attitude to society, nature, as an example, plays a huge educational role. The foundations of mental moral,aesthetic, religious, labor education of the child are instilled on the basis of the parental pattern. It is necessary for a parent to set an example in front of a child with his intelligence, treatment, dress, sweetness, determination, non-lying, hard work, fairness in maintaining a family, knowledge. The child's character is quickly shown by mutual quarrels of parents, a negative attitude towards the family, society, the environment, lying, indecision, dressing up, a pala-party in running a household, a lack of love for work, his negative education. Seeing the high moral attitude of the parents towards each other, the child who knows will become ready to live in this way with his spouse even when starting a family in the future. in the science of life, a mother is a teacher, a coach for a girl, and a father for a boy. It is not for nothing that it is said that" take your daughter by seeing her mother and take her bosom by seeing Rahi." A child also suffers from the wrong behavior of parents, descendants-ancestors, unclean deeds, mentally regrets when there are no children of such people. Some parents consider that the future of their child consists only in material support. That is why, in different ways, the Moldavian, who reaches his distant

generation, tries to accumulate, becomes oppressed by the disease of greed. Diseases of the human body-soul can be cured, but the treatment of this disease is quite complicated. He deprives a person of humanity, leads to various crimes, committing non-pecuniary actions, discredits within the El land. Such wealth brings happiness to the child, not happiness. It is necessary that the parents inherit the attributes of devotion, compassion, love of life, people for the nation and the motherland, not an overwhelming wealth, striving for knowledge, rigor. For a child, a deep knowledge of the moral and spiritual values of his nationality, culture, Sanhati, religion, family traditions and obtaining spiritual nutrients from them,pride acquires an educational character. It is in the family that the understanding of the essence of state symbols (Consititia, hymns, coats of arms, flags, national currency)begins to be carried out, to be proud of past scholars, descendants and ancestors, to study their heritage perfectly, to use the promoted lifeguards for the prosperity of our society.


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