PROPER NOUN IN CHINESE AND KAZAKH, ITS LINGUISTIC FEATURES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Chinese language onomastics / Kazakh language onomastics / onomastic names / toponym / proper nouns / Ономастика китайского языка / ономастика казахского языка / ономастические имена / топоним / имена собственные

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dilmanova, Madina

This article discusses the main ways of forming Chinese and Kazakh onomastic names. The schemes identified as a result of the study indicate their widespread use in the studied territories.

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В статье рассматриваются основные способы образования китайских и казахских ономастических имен. Выявленные в результате исследования схемы свидетельствуют об их широком использовании на исследуемых территориях.




d 10.24412/2181-1784-2021-1-65-68

Madina Dilmanova

Master of Arts, Chinese language Instructor

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Annotation. This article discusses the main ways of forming Chinese and Kazakh onomastic names. The schemes identified as a result of the study indicate their widespread use in the studied territories.

Key words: Chinese language onomastics, Kazakh language onomastics, onomastic names, toponym, proper nouns

The study of the structure and features of the formation of onomastic names is an integral part of any research in onomastics, as a result of which it is especially important to analyze the methods of toponyms formation and their linguistic basis.

This article will consider and analyze the main methods of formation of onomastic names in the Kazakh and Chinese languages, their similarities and differences will be noted.

Chinese (Han nationality) personal names form a rather complex part of the Chinese language lexicon [1, c. 33-39]. Most proper names retain the lexical meaning of their constituents (morphemes, words). Therefore, toponyms are mostly semantically transparent, and this semantic transparency sometimes causes problems with their identification as proper names in some contexts. Furthermore, they are recorded with the use of characters, the product of the Chinese ideographic-phonetic system. In the Chinese writing system, characters are strung together one after another without any indication of word boundaries. This system was developed on the basis of the monosyllabic nature of the Archaic Chinese language, where words were predominantly monosyllabic, and in that system, generally speaking, each individual word was represented by means of a single symbol, i.e. the Chinese character,^. However, in later phases of language development, and especially in Modern Standard Chinese, each character is predominantly used to write down a monosyllable. Words consisting of more than one syllable are written with as many characters as there are syllables. Normally, each syllable can be considered to be a morpheme or word, having a lexical, grammatical or onomastic meaning, but occasionally some polysyllabic words of obscure etymology or of foreign origin cannot be divided into meaningful elements. In some cases, the characters are employed purely for their phonetic value, i.e. they are used in the notation of


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syllables of identical or similar pronunciation as phonetic (and consequently graphical) representations of the syllables transcribed.

Let us consider in detail the issues of China's toponymy.

E. M. Murzaev wrote on the toponymy of China: "... it is subordinated to the general laws of the formation and establishment of geographical names in any other country, especially it has many similarities with the toponymy of Intra-Asian areas. ... Most of the geographical names are two-three-syllable, less frequently monosyllabic. The combination of an adjective with a noun, typically, is the most common pattern of a toponym formation... combinations of numerals with nouns or adjectives can be found. " [2. 211 c.].

It is important to note that the formation of Chinese place names directly depends on the peculiarities of the language. Due to the fact that the Chinese language belongs to the isolating type of languages, gender, number, and noun declensions, conjugations etc. mostly not applicable to the names (words). The meaning is formed by the connection between words and word order in a phrase and a sentence.

Chinese place names have certain characteristic features: 1) place names consist mainly of two or three syllables, less frequently of four; 2) distinctive definitions are always in preposition, and geographical terms are always in postposition [3, 131 c].

In the "Instructions ..." Ya. A. Miropolsky notes that Chinese toponyms are mainly formed by means of compounding, and identifies the following main Chinese toponymic models:

1) adjective + noun: ^^ "Black Mountains" etc.;

2) noun + noun: # "Birch grove"; "Sand dunes in the wind are like an eagle's beak"; A ^ "Crossing" and others;

3) numeral + noun: ^^ "Checkpoint for 4 seasons" [4, 80 c.] h gp.

Kazakh toponyms can often be found not only in Kazakhstan, but also on the

territory of the XUAR, there are also other Turkic names, for example, in the provinces of Gansu and Qinghai.

E. M. Murzaev confirms: "the most powerful horizon in modern toponymy of Xinjiang is the Turkic one" [4, c. 16]. They mainly consist of one, two or more words: St # ^^^^ (Toxuk Bulak) "Spring cave", ^^ (Kizil Daban) "Red

Pass" [4, 80 c] etc. As noted earlier, the definition is in preposition and geographic terms in postposition. In this aspect, Turkic place names are absolutely similar to Mongolian and Chinese place names.

The following main Turkic toponymic models are distinguished:

1) adjective + noun;

2) noun + noun;

3) numeral + noun;

4) a combination of a noun, which is a definition, with a noun, which is defined and formalized by the affix of belonging to a third person (the construction of izafat).


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The Turkic layer of toponyms in the XUAR is widely represented by Kazakh toponyms.

In the Kazakh language, much attention is paid to the harmony of vowels and consonants in place names.

Singharmonicity is defined as a morphological phenomenon consisting in a uniform vocal (sometimes consonant) design of words as a morphological unit, and acts as a "cementing agent" (I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay) [5, с. 445]. Refers to neutral vowels and is found in both anterior and posterior words. The rankings largely depend on the vowel of the first syllable. In toponymy, as in common nouns, vowel harmony is strictly observed. This is especially true when attaching various suffixes.

Place names, as in the Chinese language, are formed from one or more words, as well as from phrases.

The main toponymic models are:

1) noun + noun: Маралтау (like the head of a maral);

2) numeral + noun: Бескел (five lakes); Жетюу (seven rivers); Yшкeл (three lakes);

3) adjective + noun: Алатау (variegated mountains); Аксу (pure water).

Most often, toponyms are formed using nouns, adjectives, less frequently numbers, verbs and other parts of speech. In place names, the genitive possessive case is often found; for the formation of toponyms, the endings -нщ, -ньщ, дщ, -дьщ, -Tin, -тыц are used. In the genitive case, the following endings can be added: -ci, -сы, -i, -ы. The following endings are applicable to adjectives: -л^ -лы, -д^ -ды, -ri, -ты, -ri, -Ki, -гы, -кы and others. Also, much attention is paid to the harmony of vowels and consonants in one word.

Thus, we come to the following conclusions. Place names in the Chinese language are figurative, metaphorical in nature, reflecting the aesthetic perception of the nation, while Kazakh place names are associated with the reflection of specific facts, personalities, etc. Toponyms are vocabulary that preserves in its semantics knowledge about the language and culture of the country, about national history, about the ethnic experience and worldview of the people. This is especially true for Chinese, whose toponyms consist of hieroglyphs that practically do not change in structure. Toponymy in the Kazakh and Chinese languages has common lexical and semantic features of the naming, however, there are also some differences.

Both in Kazakh and in Chinese, place names bear the imprint of the environment of the designated place (by relief, water body, etc.). Various natural resources are also reflected in the names of toponyms (plants, mineral resources), this especially affects the industrial cities formed at the places of discovery of deposits. The names of plants in China have some peculiarity, since some places are named not only by the predominance of a certain plant in the area, but also by their similarity to the shape of the plant, which is why a figurative method is used to form the toponym. Names

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correlated with anthroponyms in China also have a lexical-semantic feature, if in Kazakhstan the toponym is named most often after the name of a single figure, then in China toponyms in their structure contain a collective anthroponym (the most common surname in the territory or the surnames of the first people who lived in the area), etc.

Prospects for further research of the problem are seen in a more detailed consideration of the lexicosemantic features of the nomination of toponyms in the Kazakh and Chinese languages in order to adapt for use as material in various disciplines, as well as in the study of various types and types of toponyms in the Kazakh and Chinese languages.

This article is written within the framework of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan grant funding scientific project «Linguistic basis for the transcription of onomastic names of the Chinese language in the new Kazakh Latin», IRNАР09562073


1. Kaluzynska, Irena Chinese female namings. Past and present. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo AGADE, 2008.

2. Miropolsky, Ya. A. Instructions on the Russian transfer of Chinese geographical names. Moscow: Scence, 1983. - 131 p.

3. Monraeva, E.M. Geographical names of China (Xinjiang toponymicon): a dictionary of toponyms. Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of the Russian State Economic University (RSEU), 2012. - 211 p.

4. Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1990. - 688 p.

5. East Toponimy: meeting proceedings (r. Moscow, April 10-13, 1961) / ed. E. M. Murzaeva et al. M.: East. lit., 1962 - 211 s.

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