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project / model / business plan / idea / eighth technological order / organization / system / management / analysis / criterion

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Glushchenko V.

The subject of the article is the methodology of forming a project model of organizations' activities and developing a business plan for innovative projects during the development of the eighth technological order; the object of the article is the eighth technological order; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of management of innovative activities of organizations during the eighth technological order (mode); to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: development of a descriptive model of the 8th technological order; development of a project model of organizations' activities; research of factors and methods of synthesis of innovative ideas in the process of development of a new technological order (way); description of methods of modeling innovative projects; description of the methodology for developing a business plan of an innovative project; scientific methods in the article are the theory of business planning, the theory of technological orders, modeling theory, logical and structural analysis of projects, heuristic synthesis, expert assessments; the scientific novelty of the article is determined by the formation of the project model of the organization's activities, the description of the specifics of the methodology for developing business plans for innovative projects in the conditions of the development of the eighth technological order

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Glushchenko V.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Moscow, Russia


The subject of the article is the methodology of forming a project model of organizations' activities and developing a business plan for innovative projects during the development of the eighth technological order; the object of the article is the eighth technological order; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of management of innovative activities of organizations during the eighth technological order (mode); to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: development of a descriptive model of the 8th technological order; development of a project model of organizations' activities; research of factors and methods of synthesis of innovative ideas in the process of development of a new technological order (way); description of methods of modeling innovative projects; description of the methodology for developing a business plan of an innovative project; scientific methods in the article are the theory of business planning, the theory of technological orders, modeling theory, logical and structural analysis of projects, heuristic synthesis, expert assessments; the scientific novelty of the article is determined by the formation of the project model of the organization's activities, the description of the specifics of the methodology for developing business plans for innovative projects in the conditions of the development of the eighth technological order

Keywords: project, model, business plan, idea, eighth technological order, organization, system, management, analysis, criterion,

Introduction. The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of the development of management methods for the formation of the eighth technological order. Management of the development of this technological order (structure) covers the following functions: planning; organization of activities; motivation of personnel; control of the results of innovative activities. Improving the efficiency of planning the activities of organizations can be achieved by the development of business planning of innovative projects. The formation of the project model of the organization's activities should have a positive impact on the function of the organization of innovative projects during the development of the eighth technological order. The transition to the project model of the organization's work will increase the validity of motivation and control of the results of the organizations' activities. Additional relevance to this article is given by the fact that in 2021 there is an increase in the share of staff with a clip type of thinking among innovators belonging to generation Z (post-millennials).

The hypothesis of this study is the assumption that: the development of the project model of organizations and the methodology of business planning of projects during the development of the eighth technological order will contribute to improving the efficiency of innovative activities of organizations and individuals during this period.

The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of the management of innovative activities of organizations during the formation of the eighth technological order.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

- development of a descriptive model of the 8th technological order;

- formation of a project model of innovative organizations' activities during the eighth technological order;

- development of methods to improve the efficiency of synthesis and analysis of innovative ideas in the process of forming a new technological order;

- development of the methodology of business planning of innovative projects during the development of the eighth technological order.

The object of the article is the eighth technological order in the global economy.

The subject of the article is the formation of a project model of activity and business plans of innovative projects during the development of the eighth technological order.

The analysis of scientific publications on the topic of this article shows the following. The development of innovations during the formation of the eighth technological order leads to the formation of a project model of the activities of organizations [1, p. 15- 33; 2, p. 6375].

There is an increasing need for the development of methods for the synthesis of ideas for innovative projects. This deals with the theory of inventive problem solving [3, p. 2; 4, p. 2]. Innovative ideas can be found in the descriptions of the stories or in the marketing approach [5, p. 2; 6, p. 2]. To improve the efficiency of

innovation projects is developing a new research direction, which was named "systems engineering" [7, pp. 207-210; 8, p. 17-22; 9, p. 430-439]. Important stages in the formation and evaluation of innovative projects are the following procedures: conducting pre-invest-ment research in the implementation of innovative projects [10, p. 99-103]; using models for system ranking of such projects [11, p. 114-118].

Large organizational capabilities in innovative activities associated with the formation in the economy of clusters and technology platforms [12, p. 2]. The formation of a new conceptual theories creates additional opportunities for the emergence of new techniques and new ideas and innovative projects [12, p. 2; 13, p. 2; 14, p. 2]. Comparative analysis of process and design patterns of activity of the organizations conducted in [14, p. 53, 115]. In 2021, nature-like (convergent) technologies are considered as one of the promising areas of innovation development [15; 16]. Such a direction as the synthesis of ecosystems is developing [17, pp. 2324].

At the same time, experts note that for the successful implementation of an innovative project, not only a productive idea is required. An important condition for the successful implementation of the project is a strong project team (project team) [18; pp. 272-287]. In the development process of the new (eighth) technological order of importance will be: the development of a management paradigm [19, pp. 54 - 63]; strategic approach to innovation management [20, p. 2]; synthesis of innovation policy of enterprises (organizations) [21, p. 2].

In the process of forming the 8th technological order, there is a development of the labor economy and the personnel motivation system in the innovative activities of organizations [22; p. 2; 23, p. 2]. The competence of the project team can be assessed on the basis of determining the level of competitiveness of their products [24; p. 7-16; 25, p. 18-24]. This can increase the effectiveness of competitive selection procedures for employees of organizations [26; 27, pp. 27-40]. The source of risk for innovation can be mental conflicts between supporters of the development of new technologies and opponents of innovation (alarmists) [ 28, pp. 12-26]. The development of institutions (systems of relations) is an important element of the process of formation of a new technological way of life [29, pp. 5-21.

The validity of management decisions makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the processes of formation of the eighth technological order [30, p. 2; 31]. In the process of developing the eighth technological order, it is recommended to analyze and assess the risks of innovative projects [32, p. 2; 33, p. 12- 17].

Of great importance for the successful development of the 8th technological order in the economy will be the development of: innovative entrepreneurship and innovative infrastructure [34, pp. 25-33]; methodology for the formation of innovative projects [35].

In general, the analysis of literary sources carried out in this article shows the relevance of the chosen research topic.

Method. A conceptual approach to the development of a new technological order increases the efficiency of process management. However, it should be noted that currently there is no single concept of calculating the numbers of technological orders. Some authors believe that the way that is formed in the period from 2010 to 2040 will be the 6th technological order. However, this numbering of orders (ways) covers only the period of capitalist development. It is more correct to talk about periodization over the entire period of the development of human civilization. When considering the entire process of technological development, the new technological order can be recognized as the 8th (eighth) technological order. With this approach, the first technological order can be considered the use of horse-drawn traction by a person. This technological order covers the period from 2000 BC to the 9th century AD. The second technological order in the process of development of modern civilization was associated with the appearance of windmills and water mills as propulsion systems. It covers the period from the 9th century to 1770. After that comes the third technological order (1770-1830), which is called "textile machines". The fourth technological mode is called the "steam engine" (1830-1880). The fifth technological order can be called "electric motor and internal combustion engine" (1880-1930).

At the same time, the analysis showed that the internal combustion engine, which was previously associated with the 6th technological order, which lasted from the 1930s to the 1970s, appeared much earlier, namely in the period 1900-1910. This fact is confirmed by the fact that the Wright brothers' aircraft (1903) and the Ford T production car (1908) had reliable internal combustion engines. Therefore, a change was made to the name of the 5th technological order. At the same time, the compilers of the previously known periodization of technological structures did not take into account such a major not only technical, but also civiliza-tional phenomenon as the appearance of computers. The invention of computers falls on the 6th technological order (the time period from the 1930s to the 1970s). The history of technology confirms that the first fairly complete prototype of a computer appeared already in 1941.

Therefore, the author of this article (Glushchenko V.V.) this 6th (according to the specified periodization) technological order was renamed and named "computers and automation tools". Automation tools relate to the process of creating atomic bombs, which had complex automation and the creation of which occurred in

the 1940s and 1950s. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that it is the creation of the atomic bomb that affects the existing world order for the entire subsequent period of history. The seventh technological order is devoted to the development of microprocessor technology and microelectronics (1970-2-10). The eighth technological order is called «nanotechnology». This technological order will be observed in the period 2010-2040. The eighth technological order will be characterized by: advanced development of the service sector; intensification of innovation; development of neuromarketing and neuromanagement, and more [13, p. 2; 19, p. 54- 63].

It can be predicted that in the field of science, education and innovation, the 8th technological order will be characterized by the following features: science, innovation and education are recognized as key resources for the development of society; the process of decentralization in science and management of this sphere will continue; the "center of gravity" during research will move to small laboratories; the division into fundamental and applied science will become more conditional; the development of natural-like technologies and ecosystems will be ahead of the development; the main organizational form of the development of science and education will be projects (project approach).

Further development of science and technology in the 8th technological order will be connected: 1) deeper and deeper penetration into the nature of the material world (nanotechnology, environmentally friendly technologies and resource-saving technologies); 2) more comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the properties of the human brain and psyche (neurotechnology, information technology, digital technology), and others.

The intensification of innovation activity creates the need to move to a project model of organizations' activities.

At the same time, at the beginning of the 21st century, the process model of organizations' activities is the main one. The process approach was proposed in the 1920s by Henri Fayol [1, p. 15- 33; 2, p. 63-75]. At that time, innovation was relatively rare. This made it possible to describe an organization as a set of unchanging technological or business processes. A.Fayol identified the following types of processes in the organization: main production processes; servicing production processes; auxiliary production processes. The process model of the organizations' activities is shown in Table No. 1.

Table 1.

№ п/п Performance indicators of the organization / Names of types of processes in the organization The costs of conducting processes (million rubles) Income by type of process (million rubles) Profit/loss by type of processes (million rubles)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 Main production processes 12569 25762 13193

2 servicing production processes 693 1021 328

3 auxiliary production processes 159 58 - 101

4 Итого: 13421 26841 13420

Source: developed by the author

In the project model of the organization's activity, the decomposition of the organization's work is carried out according to innovative projects that this organization is currently implementing. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that projects are at different stages of their implementation. Such a model of the organization's activity can be called structurally cyclical. This is explained by the fact that such a model reflects: firstly, the structure of the project activity of the organization; secondly, the cyclicity of the project execution

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the implementation of the project model of the organization's activities is accompanied by a change in its organizational structure. The matrix organizational structure corresponds to the project model of the organization's activity [30, p. 117]. Such a structure is built on a balance between the functional and project components of the organization. It allows the organization to adapt to the external environment by implementing innovative projects. At the same time, the role of effective business planning in the project organization is increasing.

The basis of the business plan of an innovative project is an innovative idea that forms the basis of this project.

The Big Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas defines the concept of "innovative idea" in this way. An innovative idea is a real possibility of manufacturing an original product, product, service, or their improved modifications or variants, and in addition, new brands. The analysis of this definition shows that in this definition the emphasis is placed on the existence of the possibility of implementing the idea, and not on the innovative idea itself?

Other authors, by an innovative idea, mean a thought that is characterized by novelty, which is characterized by a certain target orientation and has potential social and/or economic utility (value). This definition of an idea has an immaterial character, and therefore can be recognized as more correct?

[1, p.15-33; 2, p.63-75; 20, p.2; 21, p.2]. One of the main hypotheses of financial management is not observed within the framework of the project model of organizations' activities. Namely, the hypothesis of the infinite continuation of the organization's activities is not respected. This is due to the fact that all projects have a limited period of their implementation. The project model of the organization's activities is shown in Table No. 2.

Table 2.

The following features are characteristic of an innovative idea: the immaterial nature of the idea; the connection of the idea with the mentality and thought process of a person; the correspondence of the idea to the general and professional culture; the potential usefulness of the idea for society and/or the economy, and others.

The developers of innovative ideas can be individuals (scientists; inventors; businessmen; engineers and others) or project teams. The sphere of activity of the subject of innovation affects the nature of the innovative ideas formed by it.

Business information sources should allow you to develop innovative ideas of the right kind. Such information sources for finding ideas for business development projects can be certain types of knowledge: information about customer needs; knowledge about the market; information about the development of new technologies; knowledge of methods of production of materials; knowledge about existing geographical or structural gaps in systems to meet the needs of the population.

Methods (sources) for searching for innovative business ideas can be: analogy method; morphological box; size-time-cost operator; brainstorming; collective generation of ideas; Theory of Inventive Problem Solving; use of conceptual developments; use of idea banks; information on the Internet; analysis of advanced achievements of science and technology; analysis of customer reviews; analysis of patent information and others. The process of generating ideas is heuristic in

Project model of the organization's activity

№ n/n Characteristics of the organization's projects /Names organization's projects Project start year Year of completion of the project Project cost (million rubles) Current investment volume (million rubles) Payback period of the project Income from the project (million rubles) NPV of the Project (million rubles)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 Project No. 1: Modernization of the company's products 2021 2025 115 5 5 0 0

2 Project No. 2: Modernization of production facilities of the enterprise 2021 2021 125 10 6 0 0

3 Ensuring the implementation of routine production processes 2010 - 300 300 The project paid off 200 -

Source: developed by the author

nature. The process of forming ideas is closely related to the mentality and intellectual potential of the employee. After the idea is formed, it needs to be checked for feasibility and effectiveness.

It is necessary to analyze such aspects of an innovative idea: the correspondence of the idea to the direction of technological progress; the possibility of implementing the idea at a given level of development of science and technology; the usefulness of the idea for customers or the possibility of meeting customer needs; the place of the satisfied (or created) need in the system of customer needs and values; assessing the level of satisfaction of this type of customer need at the time of the product; what are the time and quantitative characteristics of customer needs in this area; the need for additional development of the service sector and more.

The main characteristics of an innovative idea can be called: the ability to assess the potential usefulness of the idea for society and / or the economy; compliance of this idea with the trend of development of science and practice; the use of advanced scientific achievements; the possibility of its implementation at the current level of development of science and technology; compliance of this idea with key public institutions (systems of relations) and others.

System engineering can be recognized as a methodology for creating innovative ideas and projects. This is a new direction of science. System engineering is a field of knowledge (technical sciences, management, marketing, finance, etc.), the harmonious combination of which ensures the formation and successful implementation of innovative projects.

Additional relevance to the topic of this article is given by the fact that there is currently a global systemic crisis. This crisis is connected with the inconsistency of public institutions with new technologies of the eighth technological order. Therefore, the process of forming a new technological order affects the economy, society, institutions, public and individual consciousness [26, 27, pp. 27-40; 28, pp. 12-26].

At the same time, the process of developing the eighth technological order, the implementation of successful innovative projects is the very process of overcoming the crisis.

As for the conceptual approach, in the conditions of intensive development of the 8th technological order, this approach may be the most productive. The conceptual approach makes it possible to implement chains of interconnected innovative projects. This provides a synergistic effect in the process of innovation. At the same time, it is an integrated and conceptual approach that ensures the competitiveness of products and production.

During the implementation of innovative projects, it is important to take into account that the formation of a new technological order is accompanied by the formation of new social and professional institutions [28, pp. 12-26] and a new organizational culture of project teams.

The possibility of applying an integrated conceptual approach based on the use of the scientific theory of technological structures is related to the following: there are several directions of technology development; these directions of technology development are interconnected; the joint use of these technologies gives a synergetic effect.

The eighth technological order will be characterized by the development of such types of new technologies: nanotechnologies; information technologies; intelligent technologies; neurotechnologies; digitaliza-tion technologies; resource-saving technologies, environmentally friendly technologies. At the same time, these technologies (neurotechnologies, information) can be used to change people's ways of thinking [19, pp. 54- 63].

The synthesis of the idea of an innovative project can be: firstly, random, heuristic in nature; secondly, the result of a purposeful search for such an idea; thirdly, the result of a conceptual approach.

As methods of purposeful search of innovative ideas to implement business projects can be called such methods: the method of analogy, which may derive from the system of mentoring and/or use "recipes" [4, p. 2]; "method of morphological analysis (box)" [30, p. 214]; the operator "size-time-cost"; brainstorming; collective generation of ideas; the Theory of Inventive problem Solving [3, p. 2; 4, p. 2; 30, 214]; the use of conceptual approaches and developments etc.

A conceptual approach can mean the following:

- the idea of an innovative project or should follow from some concept (for example, the theory of technological structures, the theory of solving inventive tasks, etc.);

- the formation of the project should take place on a certain conceptual basis (philosophical concept);

- the idea of an innovative project should be organically integrated into the concept of development of the 8th technological order;

- the idea of the project should be aimed at improving the comfort and safety of stakeholders and more.

The concept of an innovative project will be called the most general systematic view of a new innovative project. Within the framework of the 8th technological order, such a conceptual approach can be expressed in the desire of the authors of the ideas to maximize the use of new technologies of this technological order to increase the comfort and safety of customers' activities.

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The conceptual approach to the formation of innovative projects should focus on the integrated application of technologies of the eighth technological order (such as neurotechnology, nanotechnology and others) to existing technologies and objects of previous technological orders, this direction should become the main direction of the development of innovative ideas for the period up to 2040.

An example of a conceptual approach to the generation of innovative projects aimed at the development of the 8th technological order in the economy is given in Table No. 3.

Table 3

Sources of ideas for innovative tractor modernization projects during the transition to the eighth technological

order (fragment)

№ n/n Technologies of the eighth way / Names of tractor subsystems nanotechnology Neurotechnology information technology

1. Tractor cab Increasing the strength and wear resistance of paint and materials of the tractor cab Registration of the tractor driver's condition and reactions Recording the characteristics of temperature conditions in the tractor cab

2. Subsystem for washing tractor cab windows Increasing the wear resistance and strength of parts Registration of the influence of glass pollution on the condition of the tractor driver Liquid flow recording, liquid flow optimization

3. Tractor fuel system Increase in specific characteristics of fuel, increase in wear resistance, strength of fuel system parts Warning about illogical or dangerous behavior of a tractor driver in emergency situations Recording of tractor fuel system performance characteristics

Source: developed by the author

Example 1. Consider the data in Table No.3. Column No. 3 (information technology) of this table provides for the recording of a number of indicators of tractor subsystems. This can be used to upgrade the tractor. You can record the readings: firstly, the fuel level in the tank; secondly, the liquid level for cleaning the glass of the tractor driver's cab. This creates, in particular, the possibility of using information technology to create voice assistants for a tractor driver. Such a tractor driver's assistant can form a voice signal in the event that the liquid level in the tank (fuel or for the cabin glass washer fluid) becomes lower than indicated as critical. The introduction of such voice assistants of a tractor driver will increase the safety of tractors and their operational readiness coefficient, eliminate sudden interruptions in tractor operation.

With this approach, it is important to maximize the number of applications of new technologies to existing facilities.

The more times a new technology is introduced into new and already known objects, the higher the indicator of its integration (multiplication) with objects of previous technological structures.

The higher the level of multiplication of a new technology, the more times it has been put into practice and the higher the level of its economic efficiency.

At the same time, the process of implementing an innovative project itself should be based on a certain

paradigm, the concept of innovation activity, which includes as its elements: philosophy, ideology, culture, politics, strategy and tactics of project implementation [19, pp. 54- 63].

At the same time, the idea of the project itself becomes part of its ideology, namely the part of it (ideology) that determines the main goal of the project. As you know, the second component of the project ideology ensures the distribution of power in innovation processes (leader, team, external stakeholders).

The well-known scientist believes that during the period of technological change, the most common object of innovation is the development of new technologies, and not individual products (goods and services). He also promotes the concept of the formation of convergent (-nature-like) technologies [15; 16]. Ecosystems and ecosystem approach in the implementation of business projects can be considered as a particular direction of nature-like technologies [17, pp. 23-24].

In 2021, the theory of nature-like and ecosystem technologies is not developed. Therefore, it is possible to conduct only a comparative analysis of individual characteristics of such technologies. A comparative analysis of marketing, ecosystem and nature-like (convergent) approaches in innovation is presented in Table No. 4.

Table 4

Comparative analysis of marketing, ecosystem approaches and convergent technologies in the work of innova___tive business projects__

№ п/п Approaches to the development of innovative projects / Names of approach factors Marketing approach Ecosystem approach Nature-like (convergent) technologies

1. Object of satisfaction The needs of a particular person Lifestyle of a social group The similarity of the product with the nature of human life

2. Planning horizon Tactical, strategic strategic Long-term, global

3. Development product (product or service) Individual product or service Complex product The product is related to the long-term needs and interests of society

4. The main direction of marketing Promotion of goods and services in the market segment Comprehensive service of the market segment Serving the interests of society as a whole

5. Attitude to competition The desire to win the competition in a certain market of goods or services The desire to avoid competition by creating comprehensive pioneer products Competition at the level of lifestyle and culture of society

6. Competition factors Competition factors Organizational culture of the company Organizational culture of the national innovation system

7. Market impact Impact on the market segment Market impact Impact on the global market

8. Efficiency criterion Current profit The cost of the company Proximity to natural technologies

Source: developed by the author

The subject of the development of the business plan of the innovation project concept is the project team (project group). The theoretical foundations of the formation of project teams are reflected in the work [18, pp. 272-287].

In this article, we will proceed from the assumption that the project team, in the process of forming a business plan for the project, acts: in good faith; scientifically justified; independently; in the interests of ensuring the success of the project; pursues the goal of maximizing the performance criterion: reducing the payback period, increasing the net reduced effect, increasing the return on investment index and others.

To improve the quality of the ideas of innovative projects, an algorithmic approach can be applied to solving the issue of synthesis of such ideas. The algorithm for synthesizing an innovative business idea consists of the following steps: 1. Detection of a business problem; 2. Analysis of the business situation; 3. Generation of solutions to the problem; 4. Formation of a criterion for the effectiveness of solving the problem; 5. Evaluation of the feasibility and effectiveness of the project; 6. Development of a business plan and making a management decision on the implementation of a specific project; 7. Creation of a project team; 8. Development of the project as a set of documentation defining the shape of the innovation project; 9. Formation of an innovation project implementation plan; 10. Implementation of the project; 11. Monitoring and control of the effectiveness of the project.

Often, in the process of drawing up a business plan and implementing a project, it is necessary to finalize

this project under the actual conditions. The creativity of the project team plays an important role in this process. By the creativity of the project team, we will understand the willingness of this team to create fundamentally new and/or modernized existing project ideas. The creativity of the project team can be represented as a set of such qualities of this team: the team's sensitivity to the problems of the project; the team's awareness of the existing shortage of solutions; the team's ability to find rational solutions; the ability of the team to propose and test hypotheses about the qualities and characteristics of the project; the ability of the team to make a predictive and factual description of the result of an innovative project, and more.

The following elements can be mentioned as factors in the formation of an algorithm for the synthesis of an innovative business idea:

1) the mentality of an individual or a project team;

2) professional composition and organizational culture of the project team;

3) technological structure of the field of activity;

4) the hierarchical level of the "technological pyramid" at which an innovative project is carried out;

3) type of market (producer, consumer);

5) type of innovation (industrial, post-industrial);

6) type of product: product or service;

7) the nature of the problem being solved (functional, structural, parametric);

8) the object of innovative activity (goods, services, technology, transformation of human consciousness and others.

Let's study the influence of these factors in the synthesis of ideas of business plans for innovative projects in more detail. The mentality of an innovatively active subject as a factor in the formation of an innovative project idea acts as: a psychological and mental basis for the synthesis of the idea of a new project; a factor in the formation of a project team; the basis of the creative process in the team of a specific project.

At the same time, dictionaries do not give an unambiguous definition of this concept.

Most often, the word "mentality (from Latin ... mens - mind, soul, spirit, mind)" refers to the mindset, worldview, complex of mental, emotional, cultural characteristics, value attitudes and orientations inherent in the subject of social or economic activity.

Under the "innovative mentality" in this article, it is proposed to understand the totality of such elements: the worldview of the team; the mindset of the team; the scale of values of an innovative active individual or project team that motivate an individual to participate in the implementation of innovative projects. It is the innovative mentality that forms the internal motivation of a person to engage in innovative activities, to consider innovations as a source of funds to meet their needs.

We will proceed from the fact that for the development of innovations in the field of, for example, nan-otechnology, one mentality is required (which is aimed at studying materials), and for research, in particular, neurotechnologies, another mentality is required (which is aimed at deep penetration into the activity of the brain, the thought process and the human psyche).

The composition and organizational culture of the project team affect several factors at once, which determine: the likelihood of a productive business idea (innovation) in this team; ways to detect and resolve project problems; the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team (may contribute to the emergence of ideas or suppress creativity) and more.

The technological structure of the sphere of activity determines the intellectual level, methods and organization of innovative activity. For example, innovations in the field of railway track management initially belong to the fourth technological order (steam engine). The objects of such innovative activity are sleepers, rails, bolts, nuts, arrows, and more. For such innovative activities, there are research institutes (research institutes) of railway transport. At the same time, the innovation process itself is distributed: for development (responsible for research institutes); for manufacturing -factories; for operation-travel service.

And the activity of modern Tick-Tockers belongs to the eighth technological order (information technology and neurotechnology). The object of their innovative activity is the process of thinking and the sphere of perception of a modern person. The organizational form of innovative activity of tick-tokers is the so-called "tick-tok houses". At the same time, one team of tick-tockers performs all the necessary work throughout the entire life cycle of their innovative ideas and information products created on their basis.

The hierarchical level of the "technological pyramid" on which the project team works also affects the

probability of synthesizing a productive innovative idea. Considering this issue, it should be remembered that each technological structure is a five-level technological pyramid. At the first (highest) level of this pyramid are conceptual developments (scientific theories, concepts, ideas, philosophy). At the second level there are developers of new technologies. These technologies are based on the results of theories, concepts, and philosophy. At the third level of the hierarchy are the developers of the means of production. At the fourth hierarchical level, there are organizations that operate these means of production (for example, carriers of goods and passengers). Raw material organizations are located at the lowest- fifth level of the hierarchy. The specifics of the activity at each of these levels of the technological pyramid determines the features of the synthesized innovative ideas and methods of implementing innovative projects.

The type of market (producer, consumer) also has an impact on the nature of the innovative projects being created. Innovative ideas aimed at increasing the volume of products produced by the enterprise are the main ones in the manufacturer's market. In the consumer market, innovative ideas are aimed at forming proposals on how this organization can win in the competition for its consumer.

An industrial or post-industrial type of innovation can also have an impact on the nature and essence of an innovative idea and project. Innovative ideas of an industrial type are aimed at a more diverse or more complete satisfaction of existing customer needs. Therefore, they can solve problems such as creating new ones: ways to meet needs; synthesis of new tools to meet needs; new use of goods, etc. If we talk about the post-industrial campaign in innovation, then this approach is based on: creating new needs (there are new needs)

The type of product (product or service) is a factor influencing innovative ideas: the product is material, therefore its production is more related to material factors (raw materials, machines, etc.), and the service that is immaterial is more focused on the interests of a particular client.

The nature of the problem being solved (functional, structural, parametric) also affects the development of a business plan and the implementation of an innovative project, and more.

Modeling is used in the formation of business plans for innovative projects. Modeling is effective under such conditions:

1) modeling should be sufficiently detailed in order to ensure the similarity and adequacy of the model with the original: technology, object or product. The fulfillment of this condition leads to an increase in the costs of creating a model and the modeling process itself;

2) the model should be simple, so that the costs of research using models are significantly less than the costs of the same research using a full-scale object.

Modeling is used to increase the efficiency and reduce the risks of business plans for innovative projects.

The language of modeling is the following forms of expressing information about the object of modeling [30, p.155; 29]:

1) a model in the form of a verbal description, which is considered as a simple and informal representation of information about the modeling object (project);

2) a model in the form of a graphic image: in the form of a graph tree of project goals; graphs of changes in characteristics; drawings; histograms, nomograms;

3) flowcharts, decision matrices allow you to display the structure and/or logical connections of the elements of the modeling object;

4) description in the form of a system of equations, formulas using variable characteristics and more.

Each of the known types of models uses its own forms of expressing information about the modeling object.

The principles of model development can be named [30, p.182; 29]: 1. the principle of compromise between the expected accuracy of modeling results and the complexity of the model; 2. the proportionality of systematic and random modeling errors (balance of accuracy); 3. the variety of model elements sufficient for the study of multifunctional and multivariate objects; 4. the visibility of the model for the consumer and researcher; 5. block description of the model; 6. specialization of models.

The following requirements are imposed on models created using these principles [30, p.182; 29]: adaptability, completeness, to ensure the possibility of implementing significant changes; the model must be sufficiently abstract; meet the conditions and requirements that limit the time of solving the problem; must focus on implementation using existing technical means; provide an increment of useful information about the modeling object; must be developed on the basis of generally accepted terminology; it must allow for verification of the truth (correspondence) to its original; the model must be characterized by the property of robustness (stability with respect to errors in the source data).

Using models in the process of forming a project as a set of coordinated actions, such management tasks (sequences of stages) can be performed: "search forecast - normative forecast - strategic planning - business planning - long-term planning - current planning - operational planning".

Abroad, the following types of models are most often used for modeling business processes: the business model of M. Johnson, K.Christensen, H. Kagermann; the model of Alex Osterwalder.

The business model of M. Johnson, K. Christensen, H. Kagermann includes four blocks. This model allows you to take into account the factors that determine the effectiveness of an organization's business processes. The disadvantage of this model is that it is not structured enough, which can make it difficult to analyze the impact of various factors on the financial results of the business plan. Therefore, one of the methods of structuring the business model of the project was proposed by Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pinier. The main thrust of their proposal is expressed in synthesizing a business model that: would be more understandable to stakeholders; would be well structured; would be placed on a single A4 sheet. Osterwalder executed the business model of the project in the form of a map. This map consists of nine blocks. This model allows you to analyze the business process taking into account the structure and characteristics of the business process.

An even more structured model of the innovation project was proposed by V.V. Glushchenko and I.I. Glushchenko in work [12, pp.110-115].

Phillip Kotler's three-level product model was adopted as the basis of this model. In this model, Kotler identified the following product levels: the 1st level characterizes its main purpose; the 2nd level of the model describes the product in real execution (specific properties of the product); the 3rd level represents "goods with reinforcement" (credit, warranty, aftersales service, etc. [6, p.265]. In order to describe the strategic and environmental impact of the product, it was proposed to supplement this model with its fourth level (environmental and strategic) [12, pp.110-115]. At the same time, in the model under consideration, the entire process of implementing an innovative project is divided into two groups of management decisions: decisions on external problems of the project; decisions on internal problems of the project. The content of these design solutions, respectively, was described in two tables (see Tables No. 2 and 3 [12, pp.110-115].

Tables No. 5,6 describe the external and internal factors affecting the effectiveness and competitiveness of the project.

Table 5.

Description of external factors affecting the competitiveness of an innovation project (fragment)

External factors of competitiveness of an innovative project

№ The source of the Risk factor Name of the risk factor The content of the risk factor Probability of overcoming the risk factor Probability of realization of the risk factor

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. global scientific and technological progress low level of technology insufficient level of technologies and technical solutions used in the innovative project Plt, (1- Plt)

2. global financial market Availability of investments Availability of the necessary sources of investment -Pa^ (1- Pai)

3. global goods market changing the market structure and classification of goods changing the structure of the market, transformation of the division of goods into tradable and non-tradable goods Pcs, (1- Pcs)

4. Global competition uncertainty of the composition of participants in competitive relations The possibility of new competitors, the uncertainty of the composition of participants in the competition Pu^ (1 - Puc)

5. Global consumption standards unification of social standards of consumption Changing tastes and needs of customers (buyers) (1- Pus)

Source: developed by the author

Table 6. Description of internal factors of successful implementation of the innovation project (fragment).

Internal factors of competitiveness of an innovative project

№ The source of the risk factor Name of the competitiveness factor of the project The content of the competitiveness factor of the project Probability of overcoming the risk factor Probability of realization of the risk factor

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Product. First level determination of the purpose of the goods correct description of the purpose of the product Pdp. (1- Pdp)

2. Product. Second level definition of the set of functions and main characteristics of the product The correct definition of the functions and main characteristics of the product to meet one need Pfc, (1 - Pfc)

3. Product. Second level reliability of the declared characteristics completeness and reliability of product quality assessment during testing Pcq, (1- Pcq)

4. Product. third level A set of measures to support the competitiveness of goods The composition and characteristics of a set of measures to increase the attractiveness of the product (warranty, credit, aftersales service, etc.) Pms, (1- Pms)

5. Product. Fourth level Assessment of the environmental and strategic impact of the product The nature and features of the environmental and strategic impact of the product Pes, (1- Pes)

Source: developed by the author

Based on the data of such a model, the probability of successful implementation (competitiveness) of an innovative project can be calculated as the product of the probabilities of successful solution of the project's problems. The competence and interaction of the project team members affect the probability of successful solution of project problems.

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The data obtained as a result of such modeling can be used in the development of a business plan for an innovative project. The business plan of the project is a management decision of the management of the organization on the implementation of a specific innovation project.

The business plan performs the following functions in the process of organizing innovation activities:

1) justification of the possibility of implementing an innovative project;

2) evaluation of the economic efficiency of the project;

3) determining the appearance of the project: product, customers, market capacity, sales volume, brand, marketing program, etc.;

4) research of the production system (site, technologies, equipment, raw materials, personnel, etc.);

5) studying the sources and procedure of investments in the project;

6) description of the main qualification requirements for the personnel (team) of the innovation project;

7) research and risk assessment of an innovative project;

8) synthesis of innovative project risk management methods;

9) forecasting the financial results of the project and others.

The roles of the project business plan can be called: increasing the degree of readiness of the project team for its implementation; reducing risks in the implementation of an innovative project.

The UNIDO methodology establishes that the content of the business plan of the project should include the following sections and characteristics of the innovation project:

1. Description of the conditions for the implementation of the innovation project and its initial data, including a description of the previous experience of the team members and the scientific research and projects carried out by the team members.

2. Characteristics of market features and description of the production capacity of the organization (enterprise). In this section of the business plan of an innovative project, they characterize: the type of market and the nature of demand for goods; make a forecast of sales of goods; describe the characteristics of the production program of the project, including by-products and waste disposal costs; assess the level of sufficiency and the existence of the possibility of an additional increase in the production program of the organization (enterprise).

3. Describe the material factors of production, including: basic materials, raw materials, auxiliary materials, fuel, energy resources, the situation with the supply at present and in the future, etc.

4. Characterize the location and area: factors and the results of the preliminary selection of a production site, the cost of land and the additional cost of bringing this area in a state suitable for use in this project.

5. Design documentation is provided, which covers a preliminary description of the framework of an innovative project, a description of the necessary technologies and equipment, options for placing this equipment on production areas, an assessment of investment costs for this equipment, the construction of necessary buildings and structures, a description of the construction materials used, and others.

6. Give a description of the organization of the enterprise and an assessment of its overhead costs, including the following sections: sales, production, management administration; approximate organizational structure; estimated overhead costs: factory, financial, administrative.

7. Provide a description of the labor resources necessary for the implementation of the project: the projected need for personnel; the structure of personnel divided by categories of personnel; give an estimate of personnel costs (labor resources).

8. Description of the projected timing of the project.

9. Projected financial and economic results, including the following data: sources of project financing; project capital structure, total investment costs, estimated assets, working capital, payback period, simple profit margin, break-even point, internal profit margin and other characteristics.

10. Results of risk analysis in the implementation of an innovative project, methods of their reduction, risk insurance [30, p.251; 32, p.22; 33, p. 12- 17 ].

The financial results of the project (payback period, net reduced effect, return on investment index, etc.) can be obtained according to the formulas given in works [32, p.22; 33, p. 12- 17 ].

Discussion. When developing a project model and a project business plan, the competence and organizational culture of the project team members are of great importance. The creativity of the team members is of great importance for the teamwork of the team members. At the same time, the organizational culture of the team should allow for the collective generation of ideas, increase the efficiency of the exchange of implicit knowledge in the process of project implementation. The competence of the team members directly and directly affects the competitiveness of the innovation project being carried out.

In addition, when forming innovative projects, it is necessary to additionally take into account the existence of: the financial cycle of the project; the marketing strategy of the enterprise [30, pp.140-141]; the product life cycle; the market cycle of products and more. It should be taken into account that in marketing it is customary to divide the market cycle of goods into such stages: the introduction of a product (product or service) to the market; the growth of sales of goods; maturity (constant demand for goods); saturation of the market with goods; decline in demand for goods; withdrawal of goods from the market [6, p.160].

At the same time, the objectively existing amount of information about the object being developed in an innovative project is determined by the stage of implementation of this project, the stage of the product development cycle.

In the theory of designing products of high-tech engineering, it is customary to distinguish such stages of the life cycle of such products (goods): the stage of development; the stage of production of goods (manufacturing); carrying out (stage) of commissioning and adjustment (adjustment); the stage of circulation on the market; the stage of operation by the owner; the stage of disposal or modification of high-tech goods [30, pp. 140141].

At the same time, the stage of development of hightech engineering products can act as an independent product development cycle. Such a cycle of development of high-tech products (goods) of mechanical engineering, in turn, is also divided into the following stages: an advance project or research work (R&D); a draft design; a technical design of a product; a stage of prototypes of products.

During the raelization of the stages of the development of an innovative product, the degree of uncertainty associated with an innovative project decreases, so the amount of information that the project team has about the project as an object of innovation and the project as a set of actions increases.

At the stage of research work (R&D) or an advance project, information of this kind is produced: a set of operating conditions of the product; product functions; an enlarged model of the innovation object; key production technologies and more. Therefore, at this stage of development, the existence of such types of product representations is possible: intuitive (implicit knowledge of the project team), subject and functional decomposition representation of the innovative object.

As you know, a typical representation of an object is considered to be the minimum amount of information that allows an innovative project to be implemented. The classification of typical representations of complex innovative objects is reflected in work [30, pp.126-133].

At the stage of the preliminary design of the product (product), the operating conditions are specified and the functions are described, the model of the product is formed exactly to its blocks, the production technologies of such products are designed in detail. At this stage of design, it is possible to use the following typical representations of the innovation object: intuitive (implicit knowledge) representation; subject description of the project; functional-decomposition representation of the design object; representation of the object by service contours; aggregate-decomposition representation of the object.

At the stage of the technical design of the product, all design documentation for this product and its production process are developed, tests of the product (product) are carried out in laboratory conditions. In this regard, at this stage (of the technical project), it is possible to use such typical representations of the innovation object in an innovative project: substantive, intuitive, functional-

decomposition, service contours, aggregative-decomposition, the "parameter - tolerance field" model constructed using the behavior of product characteristics.

At the stage of prototypes, the manufactured prototype product is tested in full-scale (real, field) conditions. At the same time, the practical application of all previously named representations is possible.

At the end of the 20th century, according to some expert estimates, the complexity of the stages of development of high-tech machine-building products may be in the following percentages: the stage of the preliminary design and/or research work (R&D) accounted for about 10% of all project costs; the stage of the preliminary design of the machine-building product accounted for about 15% of all costs; the stage of the technical design of the product spent 15-20% of all project funds; the stage of prototypes of the product accounted for 55-60% of the total cost of the project.

When implementing projects, it should be remembered that the level of risk in innovative projects in the field of high-tech engineering is higher than in the field of routine activities of organizations. This is confirmed by the data of F. Kotler, who talk about the following. In the consumer goods market, 40% of all proposed innovations become unsuccessful. In the market of industrial goods, failure befalls 20% of all new products. About 18% of new services turn out to be unsuccessful in the service market [6, p. 288].

The damage from a failed project can be great. For example, it is known that the Ford automobile company (according to expert estimates, in the 1950s) suffered about $350 million in damage on its unsuccessful Edzel model. [6, pp. 289-290]. For a smaller company, such damage could be catastrophic. Therefore, when implementing innovative projects, great attention should be paid to reducing their risks.

Conclusion. The article substantiates the fact that due to the intensification of innovation activity, enterprises can be expected to switch to the project model of their activities during the eighth technological order. It is shown that the changes will affect all management functions of organizations. At the same time, the importance of business planning in the implementation of innovative projects increases. The article proposes a methodology for the formation of ideas and business plans for innovative projects during the development of the eighth technological order. The paper describes the results of a study of the process of forming and modeling business plans of projects. The article develops a conceptual approach to the formation of innovative project ideas. In this work, well-known and proposed new methods of modeling business processes are described, the process of drawing up a business plan for an innovative project is studied and described. The results of this article will be useful in: transition of enterprises to the project model of their functioning; practical implementation of innovative projects, taking into account the specifics of the processes of formation of the eighth technological order in the economy and society, and more.


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Кострова Ю.Б.

Филиал ЧОУВО «Московский университет имени С.Ю. Витте» в г. Рязани, заведующий кафедрой

бизнеса и управления, к.э.н., доцент


Kostrova Yu.

Ryazan branch of the «Moscow Witte University», Head of the Department of Business and Management,

PhD in Economy, associate professor


В статье проводится исследование роли и значения CRM систем в управлении современной компанией. Сформулированы основные цели внедрения CRM-систем. Выявлены и классифицировать эффекты от внедрения CRM-систем в деятельность компании. На основе проведенного анализа автором исследована возможность нивелирования различных видов рисков при внедрении CRM-систем в деятельность компании.


The article examines the role and importance of CRM systems in the management of a modern company. The main goals of implementing CRM systems are formulated. Identify and classify the effects of the implementation of CRM systems in the company's activities. On the basis of the analysis, the author investigated the possibility of leveling various types of risks when implementing CRM systems in the company's activities.

Ключевые слова: управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами, CRM-система, экономические эффекты, риски, управление продажами.

Keywords: customer relationship management, CRM system, economic effects, risks, sales management.


Управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами (CRM) - это технология для управления всеми отношениями компании и взаимодействиями с возможными и потенциальными клиентами.

Цель ее проста: улучшить деловые отношения. Решение CRM помогает фирме сосредоточиться на отношениях организации с отдельными людьми - в том числе с клиентами, пользователями услуг, коллегами или поставщиками - на протяжении всего жизненного цикла предприятия или услуги (товара), включая поиск новых клиентов, завоевание доли рынка, а также предоставление поддержки и дополнительных услуг на протяжении всех отношений.

Научная новизна результатов данного научного исследования заключается в исследовании и формулировании основных задач, которые должна решать CRM-система. В первую очередь это повышение эффективности работы менеджеров и увеличение дохода от продаж. Также CRM-система обя-

зательно должна выполнять такие функции как: ведение базы клиентов, ведение показателей для возможности выполнения управленческих задач и планирования. Она должна быть совместима с ERP системами и телефонией. Главным мотивом внедрения CRM-системы должно быть не сокращение издержек организации, а повышение ее прибыли.

Объектом исследования является CRM-система как инструмент управления взаимоотношений с клиентами. Предметом исследования являются эффекты от внедрения CRM-системы в деятельность современной компании.

Цель научной статьи - исследовать роль и значение CRM-систем в управлении компанией.

Для достижения поставленной цели были определены следующие основные задачи:

1. сформулировать основные цели внедрения CRM-систем;

2. выявить, описать и классифицировать эффекты от внедрения CRM-систем в деятельность компании;

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