Научная статья на тему 'Professionally significant qualities and skills of a teacher of foreign languages'

Professionally significant qualities and skills of a teacher of foreign languages Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Fayziyeva Nodira

This article provides information about important distinctive features of a teacher who teaches a foreign language. It focuses attention on how the teacher should build the educational process in order to achieve positive results.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Professionally significant qualities and skills of a teacher of foreign languages»

using games not only for mere fun, but more importantly, for the useful practice and review of language lessons, thus leading toward the goal of improving learners' communicative competence. In learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one element that links the four skills of speaking, reading, writing, and listening all together.


1. Haldfield K. (1999). Beginners' communication games. London: Longman.

2. Nation I. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. Massachusetts: Heinle & Heinle Publisher.

3. O'Dell F. (1997). Incorporating vocabulary into the syllabus: Cambridge University press.

4. Richards J.C., Platte J. and Platte, H. (1992). Dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics. London: Longman.



Abstract: this article provides information about important distinctive features of a teacher who teaches a foreign language. It focuses attention on how the teacher should build the educational process in order to achieve positive results. Keywords: professional, knowledge, practice, process, learner, sphere.

Successful implementation of the target aspects of teaching a foreign language in their modern understanding fully depends on the level of professional training of a teacher who teaches a foreign language. He must have professional competence, ability to implement his teaching activities effectively. The indicator of the formation of this competence is the professional mastery of the teacherformed from a combination of professional knowledge and abilities to apply this knowledge in practice, to transfer the acquired knowledge and skills to new learning conditions, as well as a positive attitude towards his professional activities.

Thus, professional mastery is the interconnection of professionally significant knowledge and teaching experience of a teacher, his creative and personal qualities. In other words, the teacher of a foreign language needs to know the subject he teaches and how he should build the pedagogical process in order to achieve positive results in reaching the goal of teaching a foreign language. He must creatively treat his profession, refracting his pedagogical experience in accordance with the individual characteristics of students and specific learning conditions. But to be a real professional, it is not enough just to know the subject and the ability to teach it. It is important that the teacher wants to work in this sphere, his positive attitude towards teacher's work and the need to improve his professional knowledge and skills.

Teacher should have professional knowledge [1]:

- the systems of language and basic linguistic and linguodidactic categories, as well as the culture of the country of the target language, its history and contemporary problems of

development, including the contemporary problems of foreign peers of students with whom he has to work;

- the psychology of the personality of the student in each specific "epoch" of its development, consistent patterns of assimilation a foreign language in educational conditions;

- the basic requirements set by society and science to the teacher, to his level of professional skill and personal qualities;

- the main consistent patterns of teaching a foreign language, as well as the content and specificity of all components of the teaching process: goals, content, methods, means of instruction in terms of their historical development and current state.

The teacher of a foreign language needs to be able to practise the above knowledge. This means that he must be able to use a foreign language as a means of communication and simulate situations of verbal communication in the learning process. His level of language training should allow him to build the entire educational process in a foreign language. Given that the teacher is, as a rule, the only "bearer" of the target language, special requirements are imposed on the level of his language training. This means that the teacher's speech should be authentic, normative and expressive. However, this is not enough. He needs to be able to adapt his speech in a foreign language to the ability of students to understand a certain level of training in the subject and to provide for the gradual expansion of these opportunities. To do this, the teacher must possess a certain "repertoire" of expression of classroom usage, which allows him to build a process of interaction with learners in a lesson, to stimulate them to intercultural learning. In addition to verbal means, this repertoire also includes non-verbal elements: gestures, mime.

The teacher of a foreign language should simultaneously manage both the process of acquiring by the learners of the target language as a means of intercultural communication, and the process of communication in this language in the learning process. And for this, it is necessary for him to be able to transfer his knowledge, skills and abilities to learners and organize an educational process effectively. Thus, the professionally meaningful skills of a teacher of a foreign language are understood as the ability to carry out pedagogically, psychologically and methodologically correctly their professional activity aimed at developing the traits of secondary language personality among learners, which predetermine the ability to participate in intercultural communication.

Designing a language course has many components. Classical models of curriculum plan and also more recent models agree on most of the components, although they may subdivide some of them and give them slightly other names [2]. The personal aspect is expressed in the coordinated activity of the teacher and learners, each of whom contributes to this process: the learner acquires new knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities; the teacher helps him in this by selecting effective methods and teaching approach relevant to the individual characteristics of students and providing those help to learn the content. The second aspect - process-psychological - is connected with the analysis of objective processes of acquiring of the target languageby learners and taking into account the peculiarities of passing of these processes. Assimilation of a foreign language involves two procedures: the understanding of knowledge about the objects of assimilation and action with this knowledge, as well as the development of knowledge, skills and abilities, i.e. mastering them at the required level. It should be borne in mind that the processes of language acquisition affect emotions, thinking, mnemonic activity and volitional qualities of the learner's personality. For the purpose of optimal mastering of the target language, it is necessary to provide for the third aspect of the design of the educational process related to the selection and development of methods, forms and means of teaching a foreign language that affect the motivational, emotional, cognitive and creative spheres of the personality of each learner. The pedagogical skill of the teacher is precisely to capture the uniqueness of each learner, to be attentive to everything that happens in the lesson, and to react promptly

and adequately to the behavior of the learners, to their attitude towards the teacher, to each other and to the subject.

These aspects of the modeling of the learning process in a foreign language are aimed at creating a specially organized "space" for mastering by students: a foreign language as a means of communication with representatives of other cultures; a certain set of knowledge about the language and culture of another people; the experience of communication, social interaction. Only under these conditions the learning process of a foreign language will have adevelopmental character and, therefore, it will be aimed at the personality of the learner.In a word, the creative component of the teacher's professional competence becomes a demanded category of the present day.

Teacher's mastery of the above mentioned knowledge and skills that make up his professional competence gives the reason to believe that he will be able to implement modern educational policy in the field of teaching a foreign language.


1. Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам: Пособие для учителя. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: АРКТИ, 2003.

2. Graves K. Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers. Heinle&Heinle Publishers, 2000.


Эшанкулова Наргиза - преподаватель, кафедра теоретических дисциплин английского языка 3, Университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: при обращении к проблеме национально-культурного своеобразия фразеологизмов необходимо, однако, осознавать, что на сегодняшний день в лингвистике существуют несколько различных подходов к выявлению национально-культурной составляющей фразеологических единиц (далее ФЕ), имеющих различную методологическую базу, различные методы исследования, отличающиеся друг от друга степенью охвата фразеологического материала.

Ключевые слова: ФЕ, номинативно-коммуникативные и коммуникативные единицы, номинативная функция.

Согласно предложенной Н.Амосовой классификации, ФЕ образуют две основные группы в соответствии с характером их функционирования в речи: коммуникативные и номинативно-коммуникативные [1]. Однако, в настоящее время функции фразеологических единиц расширяются. Так, учеными выделяются коммуникативная, номинативная, познавательная, семантическая, прагматическая, подтверждающая мысль, компенсаторная, текстообразующая и др. функции.

1) Фразеологические единицы являются коммуникативными, так как одна из их основных функций - функция коммуникации, или общения, предполагающего взаимный обмен высказываниями.

2) Номинативная функция - это их соотнесённость с объектами реального мира, включая и ситуации, а также замена этих объектов в речевой деятельности фразеологизмами. Разновидностями номинативной функции являются нейтрально-назывная и назывная (не нейтральная, а стилистически маркированная).

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