Научная статья на тему 'Professional motivation of students and their psychological features'

Professional motivation of students and their psychological features Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tulaganova Gulnoza Alimjanovna

Рrofessional motivation can be considered as a process of stimulating oneself and other people to professional activities. From professional motivation depends: the choice of a professional path, the effectiveness of professional work, satisfaction with the work and results of the profession, the success of the professional training of the student. The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the socio-psychological characteristics of the educational and professional motivation of students of a psychological college. The links of the educational and professional motivation of students with their status and characteristics of the informal structure of the training group are shown.

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Профессиональная мотивация может рассматриваться как процесс стимулирования к профессиональной деятельности себя и других людей. От профессиональной мотивации зависит: выбор профессионального пути, эффективность профессиональной деятельности, удовлетворенность трудовой деятельностью и результатами профессии, успешность профессионального обучения студента. В статье представлены результаты теоретико-эмпирического исследования социально-психологических особенностей учебно-профессиональной мотивации студентов психологического вуза. Показаны связи учебно-профессиональной мотивации студентов с их статусом и характеристиками неформальной структуры учебной группы.

Текст научной работы на тему «Professional motivation of students and their psychological features»

производит обработку речевых сигналов по статистическим законам языка. Правое полушарие осуществляет обобщение акустичеоких речевых сигналов по абсолютной частоте основного тона, ее изменениям во времени, что обеспечивает опознание интонационных и голосовых индивидуальных характеристик речи. Кроме того, правое полушарие повышает слуховую активность, в условиях различного характера шумов - обеспечивает помехоустойчивость речевого слуха. В организации слуховой функции существенное значение имеет не только специализация больших полушарий, но и разные формы межполушарных взаимодействий. Динамическое взаимодействие доминантного и недоминантного полушарий оптимизирует слуховую функцию, обеспечивает целостное восприятие многообразных речевых и неречевых звуковых образов.

Проведенные исследования позволили обнаружить ряд закономерностей в сочетаемости вариантов параметров звукового, темпо-ритмового оформления речи индивида и ее кинетического сопровождения. Наблюдавшиеся закономерности проявляются в двух планах: безотносительно к конкретному языку и в непосредственной с ним связи. Явления первого плана определяются общечеловеческими анатомо-физиологическими и нейропсихологическими факторами, явления второго - обусловливаются строем языка, особенностями его артикуляторной базы, системой ударений в нем, конститутивными характеристиками темпа речи народа, спецификой его кинесики, принятой в данную эпоху социальными и этическими нормами устного общения /Ковшиков В.А., Глухов В.П., 2007, 3/.

Список литературы /References

1. Леонтьев А.А. Национальные особенности коммуникации как междисциплинарная проблема. Объем, задачи и методы этнопсихолингвистики. В кн.: Национально -культурная специфика речевого поведения. ГЛ.: Наука, 1977. С. 5-14.

2. Ахманова О.С., Егоров Г.Г. Аудиторный анализ и вопросы ритмико-интонационного оформления речи. В кн.: Сб. лаборатории устной речи филол. фак-та МГУ. М., 1972. С. 313.

3. Ковшиков В.А., Глухов В.П. Психологивистика. Теория речевой деятельности. М.: Астрель, 2007. С. 130-135.

PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION OF STUDENTS AND THEIR PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES Tulaganova G.A. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Tulaganova344@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: professional motivation can be considered as a process of stimulating oneself and other people to professional activities. From professional motivation depends: the choice of a professional path, the effectiveness of professional work, satisfaction with the work and results of the profession, the success of the professional training of the student. The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the socio-psychological characteristics of the educational and professional motivation of students of a psychological college. The links of the educational and professional motivation of students with their status and characteristics of the informal structure of the training group are shown.

Keywords: interpersonal relations, educational and professional motivation, structure, status, students, university.


Тулаганова Гулноза Алимжановна - преподаватель, кафедра профессионального образования, Ташкентский финансовый институт, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: профессиональная мотивация может рассматриваться как процесс стимулирования к профессиональной деятельности себя и других людей. От профессиональной мотивации зависит: выбор профессионального пути, эффективность профессиональной деятельности, удовлетворенность трудовой деятельностью и результатами профессии, успешность профессионального обучения студента. В статье представлены результаты теоретико-эмпирического исследования социально-психологических особенностей учебно-профессиональной мотивации студентов психологического вуза. Показаны связи учебно-профессиональной мотивации студентов с их статусом и характеристиками неформальной структуры учебной группы. Ключевые слова: межличностные отношения, учебно-профессиональная мотивация, структура, статус, студенты, вуз.

The study of the educational and professional motivation of students is a task of great importance for increasing the effectiveness of higher education. A significant amount of research revealing the characteristics of educational and professional motivation is associated with the motivation of the training. The latter is defined as a particular type of motivation included in educational activities. Like any other kind, the learning motivation is determined by a number of factors specific to the activity in which it is included. It is determined, firstly, by the most educational system, by an educational institution; secondly, the organization of the educational process; third, the personality traits of the learner; fourthly, the personal characteristics of the teacher, above all, related to his attitude towards the students and his profession as a whole; fifth, the specificity of the academic subject.

The educational motive as a structural component of educational motivation, by definition of L.I. Bojovich, is "motivations that characterize the student's personality, its main direction, brought up during the previous life by both the family and the school itself" [1, p. 22]. A.K. Markova defines the motive as "the student's orientation to certain aspects of academic work, related to her student's internal attitude toward her" [5, p. 56].

Studies have shown that when analyzing the motivation of educational activity it is important not only to identify the dominant motivator (motive), but also to take into account the structure of the human motivational sphere. So, for example, in N.N. Vlasova's research two plans of motivation are distinguished: voluntary and involuntary. An arbitrary motivation plan is manifested when the student's motives are called without outside help. Involuntary motivation arises in the case of intentional formation of the motive from the outside (for example, with the help of pedagogical influence) [3, p. 87].

With reference to the tasks of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process in a university it is advisable to speak not so much of the educational as to the educational and professional motivation, since it is the willingness of the student-the future specialist-to the solution of professional tasks that is the goal of higher education. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, it can be concluded that the motivation of educational and professional activity is the correlation of the goals that the student seeks to achieve, and the inner activity of his personality. In teaching, motivation is expressed in the student's acceptance of the goals and objectives of instruction as personally significant and necessary. Important is the fact that motivation is characterized by direction, stability and dynamics. When studying educational and professional motivation, the central question is often the question of the structure of motivation. The concept of "structure of motivation" is used when it comes to domination, the hierarchy of motives, the allocation of their main groups and subgroups [4, p. 48]. Hierarchical motivational structure determines

the direction of the personality of the student, which acquires a different character depending on which motives in their content and structure become dominant at one time or another.

Researchers of educational and professional motivation (L.I. Bozovic and others) sing out cognitive motives related to the content of educational and professional activities and the process of its implementation, as well as social motives, conditioned by the various social relations of the student with other people [1, p. 39].

Among the cognitive motives, in turn, broad cognitive motives are determined that are determined by the person's orientation to the assimilation of new knowledge, and the educational and cognitive motives characterized by the orientation toward mastering the methods of obtaining knowledge, as well as the motives for self-education are the focus on self-improvement of ways of obtaining knowledge.

The social motives include: broad social motives - the desire to be useful to society; narrow social (positional) motives - the desire to take a certain position in society, to gain prestige; motives for social cooperation - the desire to understand, analyze the ways and forms of their cooperation with others, to the continuous improvement of these forms.

At the stage of mastering the profession, the motivation associated with interest in this profession acts as a resource and prerequisites that are necessary for the development of professionalism. In other words, the student needs stable professional motives for training activities and quite adequate ideas about his future work.

In the presence of these components of motivation, students will strive for a constant development of creativity aimed at obtaining new knowledge and forming professionally important qualities [3, p. 125]. Of great importance for the success of university education is the fact that the student's predominantly external or internal educational and professional motivation dominates in the student's motivational profile. For example, the study of A.G. Bugrimenko [2, p. 31] showed that the educational and professional activities of internally and externally motivated students of a pedagogical university vary significantly.

Predominantly internally motivated students are more immersed, included in the learning process. For them, the motivation for self-determined activity is characteristic: they are more active, conscious, arbitrary in planning their professional education [7, p. 43].

They pay equal attention to both general educational and narrow professional subjects. Students with a predominance of external motivation are less arbitrary in the organization of the educational process, less immersed in educational activity, because they are driven not so much by cognitive or professional motives as external factors in relation to the process and the result of learning activity.

The educational and professional motivation of students is also largely determined by the socio-psychological factors of their professional development, first of all, by the peculiarities of the interaction between subjects of the educational process (students, teachers, administration representatives).

The features of the motivation of learning, associated with the specifics of the system of interpersonal relations of students, rarely become the subject of psychological research [6, p. 92]. At the same time, as the results of the analysis of scientific literature show, the socio-psychological characteristics of the student's educational and professional activities can be an important determinant of her motivation.

In order to study the patterns of the influence of socio-psychological factors on the educational and professional motivation, it is necessary to turn first of all to the results of studies of interpersonal relations of students. Educational and professional motivation of students has specific features that are conditioned by the logic of personal and group social and psychological development of students in the process of university education. The ratio of the central (professionally directed) and professional-related components of the profile of the students' educational and professional motivation is different depending on the specific stage of the socio-psychological development of students in the process of university education.

The profile of the educational and professional motivation of students is related to their status in the informal structure of the training group, as well as to the features of the training group that unites them. Studying of educational and professional motivation of students is a problem not only actual, but also extremely complex, requiring further development.

References / Список литературы

1. Bozhovich L.I. Psychology of students motivation. Psychological science and education. M.,

2010. № 4.

2. Bugrimenko A.G. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: Textbook. St. Petersburg, 2012.

3. Vlasova N.N. Professional inclinations of medical students // Modern problems of human development and education psychology: Collected materials of the First All-Russian Conference with international participation / Pod. Ed. VN Skvortsova. St. Petersburg, 2009.

4. Gorlova N.V. On the issue of the peculiarities of psychological readiness for professional activity at the initial and final stages of vocational education // Modern problems of the psychology of human development and education: Collection of materials / Pod. Ed. V.N. Skvortsova. SP., 2010.

5. Markova A.K. Socio-psychological features of the modern student's study group: Author's abstract. dis. ... cand. psychol. sciences. M., 2013.

6. Kuzmin E.S. Socially-psychological features of personality in the light of the theory of relations // Experimental and applied psychology (Psychology of personality and small groups). Issue. 8 / Ed. E.S. Kuzmina, I.P. Volkov, A.V. Yarmolenko. L., 2011.

7. Smirnov S.D. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education: from activity to personality. M.,


MOTIVATION SYNDROME AS MOTIVATING COMPONENTS ^o^igi^a N-Н. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Кholyigitova344@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: various studies of the structure of human activity invariably emphasize the need for a component of motivation in it. Any activity is more effective and gives qualitative results, if the person has strong, bright, deep motives that cause the desire to act actively, with full force, overcome inevitable difficulties, unfavorable conditions and other circumstances, pushing hard to the goal. The essence of motivation is to describe the relationship between different components or different motives. Also, theoretical approaches to the adequate interrelation of the structure of motivation in the activity of the subject were considered and conclusions were provided. Keywords: motivational syndrome, motivational behavior, professional interests in educational activity, personal development, educational activity, vocational training, independent motivation, professional motivation, professional orientation.


КОМПОНЕНТ Холийгитова Н.Х. (Республика Узбекистан)

Холийгитова Насиба Хабибуллаевна - cmapmm научный сотрудник, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет им. Низами, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: разнообразные исследования структуры деятельности человека неизменно подчеркивают необходимость наличия в ней компонента мотивации. Любая деятельность протекает более эффективно и дает качественные результаты, если при этом у личности


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