Научная статья на тему 'Professional basis for developing the content of pedagogical disciplines in the field of traditional applied arts'

Professional basis for developing the content of pedagogical disciplines in the field of traditional applied arts Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
pedagogical activity / functions of activity / professional standard / content / pedagogical disciplines / traditional applied art

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Aleksandrova N.M., Tikhomirov S.A.

The article is devoted to the development substantiation of the pedagogical disciplines content in the field of bachelor's degree in traditional applied arts. The basis for the development of the pedagogical disciplines content are the functions and actions of pedagogical detail stated in professional standards approving pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, basic and secondary general as well as additional education. A set of disciplines including psychological and pedagogical disciplines is proposed for the development of pedagogical activity. The connection between the disciplines has been traced, their content by sections and topics has been established

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Текст научной работы на тему «Professional basis for developing the content of pedagogical disciplines in the field of traditional applied arts»

y^K 37.013:745

Aleksandrova N.M., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, director of the Research institute for traditional arts and crafts of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)», 191186, Saint -Petersburg, Griboyedov canal embankment, 2, lit. A, e-mail: profped@bk.ru

Tikhomirov S.A., candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Research, Associate Professor of the Department of Art History of the «Higher school of folk arts (academy)», 191186, Saint-Petersburg, Griboyedov canal embankment, 2, lit. A, e-mail: naukavshni@mail.ru

Professional basis for developing the content of pedagogical disciplines in the

field of traditional applied arts

Abstract. The article is devoted to the development substantiation of the pedagogical disciplines content in the field of bachelor's degree in traditional applied arts. The basis for the development of the pedagogical disciplines content are the functions and actions of pedagogical detail stated in professional standards approving pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, basic and secondary general as well as additional education. A set of disciplines including psychological and pedagogical disciplines is proposed for the development of pedagogical activity. The connection between the disciplines has been traced, their content by sections and topics has been established.

Keywords: pedagogical activity, functions of activity, professional standard, content, pedagogical disciplines, traditional applied art.

The occupational foundations for the development of the pedagogical disciplines content in the field of bachelor's degree training in various types of traditional applied arts in higher education are based on the theory of the professionology of pedagogical education which was developed at the Russian Academy of Education in the early 2000s [16, 25] and represent the functions and actions of pedagogical activity, professional pedagogical standards, pedagogical positions.

In accordance with the conceptual framework of this theory the professionology of pedagogical education is understood as the scientific section of professional pedagogy which is formed by the interdisciplinary, integration of the professionology of vocational education and pedagogy.

The scientific section explores the professions that implement pedagogical activity as well as the problems of selection and professional adaptation of students to pedagogical activity; the formation and development of professionally important qualities of a teacher's personality i.e. the problems that somehow accompany the creation functi oning and development of pedagogical professions types of teacher's activities and pedagogical education [25, p. 4].

The provisions of the theory of the professionology of vocational education in the study of the educational field of traditional applied art were previously applied

to the creation of occupational models as professional qualification characteristics of bachelor graduates in a specific field of traditional applied art. Thus, the following groups of professional activities were proposed, systematized according to their industrial purpose (industry-wide professional special groups); new conditions for the development of positions in the field of traditional applied arts and profiles of their professional training taking into account the results of the analysis of not only one type of professional activity or one position but also related related activities or positions [19, pp. 89-90]. In addition, M.A. Saltanov's dissertation research on the bachelor's education system in the field of Fedoskino lacquer miniature painting presents the work of a bachelor's artist of this type of painting [21, pp. 83-94]. In this characteristic the professional activity of the artist of lacquer miniature painting is considered.

Pedagogical activity has not been studied (in accordance with the professional standards "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool primary general basic general secondary general education) (educator teacher)" and "Teacher of additional education for children and adults").

This fact is the reason that prompted an in-depth study of the preparation of undergraduate graduates for teaching activities. This is supported by the fact that training is carried out not only in artistic but also in pedagogical activities and it is assumed that graduates will be employed in accordance with the above-mentioned professional standards for teaching positions at this level of higher education in the areas of "Decorative and applied arts and education" and "Traditional applied arts" in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards [1,21]. This actualizes the development of effective content of pedagogical disciplines in the training of teachers in the field of traditional applied arts.

The main methods of developing effective content of pedagogical disciplines are analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, experiment. The necessary research tools are Federal State Educational standards, professional standards, educational programs, curricula and work programs of pedagogical disciplines. The research was carried out at the Higher school of folk arts (academy) and its branches.

The analysis of the content of pedagogical professional standards specified in the Federal State Educational Standards of the Bachelor's degree level [19 20] convinces that they are intended to form students' orientation in their future teaching positions work functions and actions as well as the development and implementation by teachers of such content of pedagogical disciplines that would correspond to the level of pedagogical training declared in professional standards.

However, the preparation for practical pedagogical activity of graduates at the university is carried out by studying the content of the disciplines "Fundamentals of Psychology", "Pedagogy" and "Methods of teaching disciplines" as practice has shown with the addition of pedagogical two-week practice usually held at the university. At the same time the pedagogical experiment revealed that there is no clear agreement between the content of pedagogical disciplines and the content of labor functions and also actions approved in professional standards.

For example, the labor functions "educational activity" and "developmental activity" are specified in the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in

the field of preschool, primary, general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator teacher)" [11]. It is problematic to form students at the required educational level within the framework of studying the above-mentioned disciplines and pedagogical practice. This is explained by the fact that the main type of mastered professional activity of students studying in the field of specific types of traditional applied art is artistic and creative. However, these pedagogical professional standards are given as priority for the employment of graduates with higher education and professional standards for the implementation of artistic and creative activities are not stated according to the Federal State Educational Standards in the section devoted to the future employment of bachelors. This means that graduates who have mastered artistic and creative activities can apply it by finding a job as teachers in institutions of preschool, primary, general, basic general, secondary general and additional education for children and adults.

The above proves that the content of pedagogical disciplines in the field of traditional applied arts should be revised in accordance with the content of activities stated in professional pedagogical standards. Let's look at this in more detail.

Students need basic knowledge and skills in psychology and pedagogy which is dictated by the professional actions of teachers included in the work functions to master the pedagogical work functions stated in the discussed professional standards. In this sense the disciplines "Fundamentals of Psychology" and "Pedagogy" are needed. However, their content should not include only general information about the sciences "Psychology" and "Pedagogy". Highly specialized information is also required revealing special sections of sciences in accordance with the sphere of future professional activity of graduates i.e. preschool, primary, basic, secondary school education and additional education for children and adults. This is required by the professional standards "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary, general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator/ teacher)" and "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" [17, 18].

In this regard it is possible to propose a structure of the content of these disciplines in a two-component (complex) composition. The first component is the general information of science, the second is special (professionally- oriented). For example, the content of the first component of the discipline "Fundamentals of Psychology" may include the definition of the category "psychology"; the structure of science; information about psychological research methods; information about the development of the psyche in accordance with the age of a person; basic information about consciousness; the essence of the concepts "personality", "individual" "activity", "individuality", "mental regulation of behavior"; individual psychological characteristics of personality (temperament, character, abilities „intelligence, creativity); information about the emotional and volitional sphere of personality; information about cognitive processes; scientific knowledge about interpersonal relationships.

The content of the second component is developed taking into account the content of professional functions and actions specified in professional pedagogical standards. Its development is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in the course of teaching the discipline "Fundamentals of Psychology". The second

component reveals the features of psychological information about preschool and school-age children as well as adults which is necessary for the successful implementation of education upbringing and development of children of different ages as well as adult education.

For example, specific information about children of primary school age includes mechanisms of personality development by means of traditional applied art in primary school age; the need for independence of actions by performing simple tasks in the field of this art; the process of becoming a subject activity from activity to an author's position; the development of cognitive motivation taking into account traditional applied art.

In this regard the content of the component is a complex multidimensional section of the discipline and can be separated into a separate discipline; for example, with the title "Psychological characteristics of children and adults".

Sections and topics of the special component were formulated in the course of the study in accordance with the functions of professional activity of teachers. It is defined in the professional standards "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary, general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator/ teacher)" [17] and "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" [18]. As a result of studying the content of scientific works and textbooks on preschool psychology psychology of school-age children adult psychology (among them the works ofL.S. Vygotsky [5], V.S. Mukhina [3], L.Ts. Kagermazova [4], O.O. Gonina [7], I.S. Kon [9], Z.I. Aigumova [15], E.I. Stepanova [23], G.A. Uruntayeva [26], etc.) sections and topics of the special component were formulated.

There are four sections, mainly psychological characteristics of preschool children, psychological characteristics of primary school age children, psychological characteristics of middle and high school age children, psychological characteristics of adults. Each section includes from three to eight topics.

For example, the section "Psychological characteristics of children of middle and high school age" includes information on the mental development of children of this age; psychological characteristics of boys and girls of this age; psychological characteristics of the success of teaching children with various psychological characteristics; the development of memory attention thinking of children; the influence of the social situation on the interaction and communication of the child; labor and research activities of children; the crisis of adolescence; the development of the psyche of adolescence; the peculiarities of the psyche of children with disabilities. Thus, when we are studying the mental development of children of middle and senior school age, the following issues are highlighted, mainly building aspirations drives interests of adolescents by deepening knowledge about the development of various types of traditional Russian crafts and joint artistic and creative activities with a teacher to create artistic products; the use of traditional applied art in the formation of aesthetic needs of the individual and the discovery of art in a young person as a source of happiness.

It should be noted that each of the three sections of the special component of the discipline content related to child psychology includes a topic that reveals the problems of mental development of children with disabilities behavioral deviations.

The fourth section contains a topic that reveals the psychological characteristics of adults with disabilities. This is supported and explained by the fact that a teacher in the field of preschool and school education should not only know "the characteristics of students with disabilities and the specifics of an inclusive approach in education (depending on the orientation of the educational program and the contingent of students)" in accordance with paragraphs 3.1.3 3.2.1 of the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary, general, basic, general secondary, general education) (educator/ teacher)" as well as a teacher of additional education in accordance with paragraphs 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults". Teachers also should "conduct activities for students with disabilities with disabilities and with their participation" [18] to adjust educational activities based on the data of monitoring educational results taking into account the uneven individual mental development of children [17].

All sections of the psychological discipline necessarily include topics that reveal the cognitive characteristics of a person of different ages because they greatly affect the success of education upbringing and development.

Psychological discipline (or disciplines) are studied before mastering the course in pedagogy due to the high importance of their content for the differentiated mastery of pedagogical activity at the levels of preschool school and additional education. It should be noted that the learning process as in any other discipline is divided into two parts. First part is theoretical (lecture and practical seminars and practical classes). At the same time as the practice of conducting psychology classes has shown the development of psychological competencies at a high level. It is facilitated by the separation of academic hours for theoretical and practical training in equal parts.

The graduates will simultaneously carry out the processes of learning according to the above-mentioned pedagogical professional standards. Upbringing and personal development of the pedagogical disciplines content includes differentiated theoretical and practical information about the peculiarities of teaching in preschool school and institutions of additional education for children and adults. It is supplemented with information about the upbringing and development of children. This allows the content of pedagogical education to be considered as a complex system and include at least two educational pedagogical disciplines in it, mainly "General Pedagogy" and "Pedagogical activity at different levels of education".

The content of the discipline "General Pedagogy" aims to introduce students to teaching activities by familiarizing them with general categories and concepts of pedagogy sections of science and general theoretical provisions relevant for preschool school and vocational education [6, 8,12]. The discipline may include the following sections, mainly the subject tasks methods and conceptual apparatus of pedagogy; the education system in the Russian Federation; the content and learning process as the main sections of didactics; the education system and its technologies; methodology and educational and program documentation of education and

upbringing; basic concepts principles methods and forms of management of educational systems.

The structure of the discipline "Pedagogical activity at different levels of education" is a system of interrelated components. To develop its content we were guided by scientific works and textbooks on preschool pedagogy and methods of school education as well as professional pedagogy by V.V. Kuznetsov [10], M.I. Rozhkova, L. V. Bayborodova, T.B. Grebenyuk [11,24], N.E. Shchurkova [27], I.P. Podlasygo [13, 14], V.l. Blinova [2], L.D. Starikova [22], etc.

Pedagogical knowledge of the above-mentioned discipline is differentiated by levels of education (preschool, primary, general, basic, general secondary, general additional for children and adults); affects the education upbringing and development of personal qualities of students; includes specific methods means of teaching and upbringing children with disabilities and gifted children.

The artistic and creative competencies of graduates are taken into account when developing the content of the discipline. Such competencies include (on the example of preparation for solving artistic tasks of graduates of the bachelor's degree in the profile "artistic embroidery") the development of an author's artistic and graphic project on artistic embroidery with the obligatory use of the type of embroidery of a specific regional center; the ability to master the technology of manufacturing products with artistic embroidery; knowledge of the properties of the materials used and techniques of work in the layout and modeling of products with artistic embroidery etc. This implies the inclusion in the content of the topics of the sections of the discipline in accordance with their professional orientation information about pedagogical activities for the implementation of teaching traditional applied arts and the education of personal and socially significant qualities by means of art.

The main sections of the discipline are the following: Federal state educational standards for preschool primary general basic general and secondary general education; teaching activities and its features in accordance with the levels of education; the specifics of the educational activity of a teacher depending on the level of education mastered by students; organizational and methodological activities of a teacher at different educational levels. Each section includes three topics.

For example, the section "Learning activities and their features according to educational levels" includes the following topics:

- educational activities in preschool education in accordance with the directions of child development and the profile professional competencies of a teacher in traditional applied arts;

- activities in primary general education for the development and implementation of the content of academic subjects of artistic and aesthetic orientation and the educational process;

- pedagogical activity on the development and implementation of academic subjects of artistic and aesthetic orientation and the educational process in basic and secondary general education;

- the activity of a teacher related to the development of the content of an additional general education program by children part of which is the development of a specific type of traditional applied art;

- organization of additional adult education in one or more types of activities in traditional applied arts;

- features of methods means and technologies of teaching traditional applied arts depending on the level of general and professional education.

The section "Specifics of educational activity of a teacher depending on the level of education mastered by students" includes the following topics: design and implementation of educational programs in accordance with age and the level of general education being mastered; development and implementation of educational goals and objectives in institutions of additional education for children; ways to develop cognitive activity and independence of children in educational institutions; methods and means of educating a creative personality in the educational activities of institutions of basic and additional education using various types of traditional applied art.

The disciplines "General Pedagogy" and "Pedagogical activity at different levels of education" in accordance with the technology of their implementation include theoretical and practical classes on each topic of the section. At the same time practical classes in an equal number of hours are divided into seminars and practical work. During the seminars the problems of teaching upbringing and development of children at various levels of education are discussed; in the form of speeches and discussions students establish and formulate theoretical positions of pedagogy. Practical work is devoted to mastering such pedagogical skills as: designing the content of sections and topics of an educational subject for teaching children in secondary schools; analyzing the educational situation in classes at educational institutions of different levels; organizing activities to develop methods tools techniques and technologies for teaching and educating children of different ages and at different levels of education; developing conditions for creating an artistic and creative environment to maintain the interest of students in education etc.

The psychological and pedagogical content of future bachelors in the field of traditional applied arts training ensures the development of labor functions and actions developed in professional standards presented in the current federal state educational standards in the areas of "Decorative and applied arts and crafts", "Traditional applied arts" and promotes the employment of graduates.

Further research in the direction of providing bachelor's degree graduates with knowledge and skills in the field of pedagogical activity will be devoted to the creation of effective technologies for teaching psychology and pedagogy as well as the development of a learning quality assessment system.


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2. Blinov V. I. Vvedenie v pedagogicheskuyu deyatefnosf : uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov / V. I. Blinov. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2023. - 129 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-08088-9.

3. Vozrastnaya psixologiya : detstvo, otrochestvo, yunosf : xrestomatiya : uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vy'sshix uchebny' x zavedenij / sostaviteli i nauchnye redaktory' : V. S. Muxina, A. A. Xvostov. - 6-e izdanie, stereotipnoe. -Moskva : Akademiya, 2007. - 624 s. - ISBN 978-5-7695-5004-1.

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6. Golovanova N. F. Pedagogika : uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov / N. F. Golovanova. - 2-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2023. - 372 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-01228-6.

7. Gonina O. O. Psixologiya doshkornogo vozrasta : uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov / O. O. Gonina. - 3-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2023. - 460 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-17771-8.

8. Kodzhaspirova G. M. Pedagogika : uchebnik dlya vuzov / G. M. Kodzhaspirova. - 4-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2024. - 711 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-14492-5.

9. Kon I. S. Psixologiya rannej yunosti /1. S. Kon. - Tekst : eTektronny'j // StudFiles : [sajt], - URL: https://studfile.net/preview/9750493/(data obrashheniya: 27.04.2024).

10. Kuzneczov V. V. Obshhaya i professional'naya pedagogika : uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov / V. V Kuzneczov. - 2-e izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2024. - 156 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-09036-9.

11. Obshhie osnovy' pedagogiki. Teoriya obucheniya : uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov / M. I. Rozhkov, L. V. Bajborodova, O. S. Grebenyuk, T. B. Grebenyuk ; pod redakciej M. I. Rozhkova // Pedagogika : v 2 t. Tom 1. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2023. - 402 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-06487-2.

12. Pedagogika : uchebnik i praktikum dlya bakalavriata / L. S. Pody'mova, E. A. Dubiczkaya, N. Yu. Borisova [i dr.] ; pod obshhej redakciej : L. S. Pody movoj, V. A. Slastyonina ; Moskovskij gosudarstvenny j pedagogicheskij universitet. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2018. - 246 s.

13. Podlasy'j I. P. Pedagogika v 2 t. Tom 1. Teoreticheskaya pedagogika v 2 knigax. Kniga 2 : uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov /1. P. Podlasy j. - 2-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2020. - 404 s.

14. Podlasy'j I. P. Pedagogika v 2 t. Tom 2. Teoreticheskaya pedagogika v 2 knigax. Kniga 2 : uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov /1. P. Podlasy j. - 2-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2020. - 386 s.

15. Psixologiya detej mladshego shkoFnogo vozrasta : uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov / Z. I. Ajgumova [i dr.]; pod obshhej redakciej A. S. Obuxova. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2024. - 424 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-00595-0.

16. Professional'noe pole deyatefnosti pedagoga sistemy' obshhego i professionaTnogo obrazovaniya : sbornik nauchnyx trudov / pod nauchnoj redakciej N. M. Aleksandrovoj. - Sankt-Peterburg : FGNU IPOOV RAO, 2012. -95 s. -ISBN978-5-902064-54-1.

17. Rossijskaya Federaciya. Ministerstvo truda i social'noj zashhity\ Ob utverzhdenii professionafnogo standarta «Pedagog (pedagogicheskaya deyatefnosf v sfere doshkofnogo, nachafnogo obshhego, osnovnogo obshhego, srednego obshhego obrazovaniya) (vospitatef, uchitef)» : Prikaz Mintruda ot 18 oktyabrya 2013 g. N 544 H. - Tekst: eTektronny'j // KonturNormativ : spravochno-pravovaya sistema. - URL: https://normativ.kontur.ru/document?moduleId=l&doc umentld=281205 (data obrashheniya: 13.04 2024).

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19. Rossijskaya Federaciya. Ministerstvo nauki i vy' sshego obrazovaniya. FederaTny'j gosudarstvenny'j obrazovatel'ny'j standart vy'sshego obrazovaniya -bakalavriat po napravleniyu podgotovki 54.03.05 Tradicionnoe prikladnoe iskusstvo. - Tekst: e'lektronny' j // GARANT.RU : spravochno-pravovaya sistema. - URL: https://base.garant.ru/400114628/53f89421bbdaf741eb2dlecc4ddb4c33/ (data obrashheniya: 27.04.2024).

20. Rossijskaya Federaciya. Ministerstvo nauki i vy'sshego obrazovaniya. Federal'ny'j gosudarstvenny'j obrazovatel'ny'j standart vy'sshego obrazovaniya -bakalavriat po napravleniyu podgotovki 54.03.02 Dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo i narodny'e promy'sly'. // GARANT.RU : spravochno-pravovaya Sistema-URL: https://base.garant.ru/74566320/53f89421bbdaf741eb2dlecc4ddb4c33/ (data obrashheniya: 13.04.2024).

21. Saltanov M. A. Sistema obrazovaniya bakalavrov v oblasti fedoskinskoj lakovoj miniatyurnoj zhivopisi : special'nost' 13.00.08 «Teoriya i metodika professional'nogo obrazovaniya» : dissertaciya na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata pedagogicheskix nauk / Mixail Alekseevich Saltanov. - Sankt-Peterburg, FGBOU VO «Vy'sshaya shkola narodny' x iskusstv (akademiya)», 2020. - 172 s.

22. Starikova L. D. Vvedenie v pedagogicheskuyu deyatel'nost' : uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov / L. D. Starikova, M. L. Vajnshtejn. - 2-e izdanie, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2023. - 125 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-07379-9.

23. Stepanova E. I. Psixologiya vzrosly'x : experimental'naya akmeologiya/ E. I. Stepanova ; otvetstvenny'j redaktor A. A. KryTov. - Sankt-Peterburg : Aletejya, 2000. - 286 s. - ISBN 5-89329-239-1.

24. Teoriya i metodika vospitaniya : uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov / M. I. Rozhkov, L. V. Bajborodova, O. S. Grebenyuk, T. B. Grebenyuk ; pod

redakciej M. I. Rozhkova. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2024. - 330 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-06464-3.

25. Teoriya professiologii pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya : monografiya / pod nauchnoj redakciej N. M. Aleksandrovoj. - Sankt-Peterburg : RGPU im. A. I. Gercena, 2013. - 230 s. - ISBN 978-5-8064-1803-7.

26. Uruntaeva G. A. Detskaya psixologiya : uchebnik dlya studentov uchrezhdenij vy' sshego obrazovaniya / G. A. Uruntaeva. - Moskva : Akademiya, 2013. - 336 s. - ISBN 978-5-7695-9674-2.

27. Shhurkova N. E. Pedagogika. Vospitaternaya deyaternosf pedagoga : uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov / N. E. Shhurkova. - 2-e izdanie. - Moskva : Yurajt, 2023. - 319 s. - ISBN 978-5-534-06546-6.

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