Научная статья на тему 'Productivity, quality of work and costs on mechanized forest planting'

Productivity, quality of work and costs on mechanized forest planting Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биотехнологии в медицине»

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Ключевые слова
planting / mechanized planting / Ecoplanter / Bräcke / slash removing / саджання / механізоване саджання / Bracke / Ecoplanter

Аннотация научной статьи по биотехнологиям в медицине, автор научной работы — M. Sc. Veli-Matti Saarinen

Bräcke and Ecoplanter planting machines and regeneration chain mounding and manual planting were surveyed and compared to each other in three different sites with and without slash removal. Work productivity of the Bräcke was, on average, 198 seedlings per effective hour without slash removal. After slash removal, the increase of work productivity (E0) in mechanized planting was 18 per cent with the Bräcke. The productivity of Ecoplanter was, on average, 233 seedlings per effective hour with and without slash removal. Work quality was maintained with the Bräcke and regeneration chain mounding and manual planting, but worse with Ecoplanter. Mounding and manual planting was cheaper than machines, on average. However, on two sites with slash removal, the planting cost with the Bräcke was lower than cost of mounding and manual planting. The planting cost with the Ecoplanter was the most expensive method on all sites and with both slash treatments. The results show that mechanized planting is a competitive method in forest regeneration, especially after slash removal.

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Продуктивність, якість роботи та витрати на механізоване саджання лісу

Дослідження проводилися на трьох різних площах у хвойних лісах з використанням саджальних машин "Bracke" та "Ecoplanter" і вручну. Продуктивність саджальної машини "Bracke" в середньому склала 198 саджанців за годину, а після очищення площі від лісозаготівельних залишків зросла на 18 %. Продуктивність машини "Ecoplanter" склала в середньому 233 саджанців за годину з очищенням, чи без очищення лісосіки. За якістю роботи перевага надана машині "Bracke". Що стосується витрат, то ручне саджання виявилося набагато дешевшим, ніж машинне. Результати дослідження довели, що механізоване саджання лісу є конкуруючим способом у лісовідновленні, особливо на площах очищених від залишків лісозаготівлі.

Текст научной работы на тему «Productivity, quality of work and costs on mechanized forest planting»

УкраТнський державний лкотехшчний унiверситет

M. Sc. Veli-Matti SAARINEN1 - Finnish Forest Research Institute


Bracke and Ecoplanter planting machines and regeneration chain mounding and manual planting were surveyed and compared to each other in three different sites with and without slash removal. Work productivity of the Bracke was, on average, 198 seedlings per effective hour without slash removal. After slash removal, the increase of work productivity (E0) in mechanized planting was 18 per cent with the Bracke. The productivity of Ecoplanter was, on average, 233 seedlings per effective hour with and without slash removal. Work quality was maintained with the Bracke and regeneration chain mounding and manual planting, but worse with Ecoplanter. Mounding and manual planting was cheaper than machines, on average. However, on two sites with slash removal, the planting cost with the Bracke was lower than cost of mounding and manual planting. The planting cost with the Ecoplanter was the most expensive method on all sites and with both slash treatments. The results show that mechanized planting is a competitive method in forest regeneration, especially after slash removal.

Keywords: planting, mechanized planting, Ecoplanter, Bracke, slash removing

Магктр Вел^Мат Саартен - Фтський in-т лкових дослджень, Ф^яндЫ Продуктившсть, яюсть роботи та витрати на мехатзоване саджання лгсу

Дослщження проводилися на трьох рiзних площах у хвойних люах з викорис-танням саджальних машин "Bracke" та "Ecoplanter" i вручну. Продуктившсть сад-жально'1 машини "Bracke" в середньому склала 198 саджанщв за годину, а шсля очи-щення площi вщ люозаготсвельних залишюв зросла на 18 %. Продуктившсть машини "Ecoplanter" склала в середньому 233 саджанщв за годину з очищенням, чи без очищення люоаки. За яюстю роботи перевага надана машиш "Bracke". Що сто-сусться витрат, то ручне саджання виявилося набагато дешевшим, шж машинне. Результата дослщження довели, що мехашзоване саджання люу е конкуруючим способом у люовщновленш, особливо на площах очищених вщ залишюв люозаготсвль

Ключов1 слова: саджання, мехашзоване саджання, Bracke, Ecoplanter


The mechanisation of forest planting has been an objective in Scandinavian forestry since the 1960's. The development of planting machines was originally been driven by increased labour costs, but nowadays a lack of forest workers is also an important reason for mechanisation.

During the 1970's and 1980's the main development trend in the mechanisation of planting work was the continuous improvement in machines [1]. At that time, site preparation and planting with a narrow working width was done continuously employing a fully automatic planting machine. The quality of the planting work was acceptable, but low cost-effectiveness meant that it was not competitive with manual planting [2].

The subsequent and current trend in mechanisation of forest planting in Scandinavian is intermittently advancing planting machines [1]. These boom-tip mounted machines with or without a site preparation mechanism can be attached to a harvester or excavator boom. The working width of boom-tip planting machines

1 Suonenjoki Research Station, FIN-77600 Suonenjoki, Finland. Phone: +358 10 211 4847. E-mail: veli-matti.saarinen@metla.fi


Лкова iнженерiя: техшка, технолопя i довкшля

HiivKOBiiii BiciiiiK, 2004, BHn. 14.3

is quite wide. The operator determines planting points individually. The possibility to use harvesters and excavators for tasks outside the quite short planting season is an important factor in reducing capital costs. In a previous study [2], the work quality of planting with Bracke and Ilves boom-tip mounted machines was at the same level as in manual planting, but manual planting was still the cheapest method.

Higher planting costs compared to manual planting is perhaps the main reason why mechanized planting is still uncommon in Finland. Only 1.5 percent of planting was carried out mechanically in 2003 [3]. In recent years conditions for the development of mechanisation of forest planting have improved. In 2002, the first Ecoplanter planting machine was imported into Finland. Compared to previous boom-tip planting machines it is equipped with double planting heads so that is possible to plant two seedlings simultaneously. Productivity should then be higher than using machines with a single planting head.

In addition, slash removal for forest chips for energy production has became quite common. The use of slash, mainly from regeneration areas, has tripled during the last three years [4]. In accordance with national target, the use of forest chips should be 2.5 times higher in 2010 than today [5]. After slash removal, mechanized planting is assumed to become more profitable. In a previous study [6], the increase of work productivity after slash removal was, on average, 20 percent in mechanized planting and the quality of work was slightly better.

The object of this study is to survey the work productivity, quality and costs of mechanized and manual planting. Two boom-tip-mounted planting machines equipped with site preparation mechanism (mounding) and regeneration chain mounding and manual planting were compared in three different conditions. At the same time, the effects of slash removal were surveyed. Only preliminary results are reported at this juncture.

Methods and materials

Three regeneration areas of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) with different soil types and stoniness (work difficulty factors) were selected in the southern part of Finland (Table 1). The experimental design was split-plot in three blocks (replications) with planting methods as main plots (0,30 ha/block) and slash as subplots (0,15 ha/block). This design was replicated on each site (Table 1). The use of excavator-mounted Bracke (Figure 1) and harvester-mounted Ecoplanter (Figure 2) planting machines and manual planting were compared in summer 2002.

Table 1. Description of the sites.

Site Jappila Site Kangasniemi Site Karttula

Forestry land Mire, transforming Mineral soil Mineral soil

Soil type Peat Till Till

Stoniness index, % Class 1. (0 - 20 %) Class 3. (55 - 75 %) Class 4. (>80 %)

The machines differ in the mounding principle they employ. The Bracke planting machine is equipped with a mounding blade and a mound compaction system (Figure 1). The Ecoplanter is equipped with two rotavator-wheels and two planting heads without a mound compaction system (Figure 2).

1. TexHiKa Ta TexHO^oriï ^icoBoro rocnogapcTBa


yKpaiHCbKHÖ .icp^aBUMÜ .ricoTexmHHMH ymBepcMTeT

Figure 1. The Bräckeplanting machine and its mounding method. (Photo: Kari Kautto)

Time studies were conducted during planting (containerised Norway spruce). After planting, the density and the quality of site preparation and planting was analysed with measurements of the seedlings. Mound classification was based on the main material of the mound surface layer.

Figure 2. The Ecoplanterplanting machine and its mounding method.

(Photo: Ecofrasen Ab)

The condition and the height increment of the seedlings were surveyed after the first and the second growing seasons. The condition of the seedlings was analysed subjectively based on health. The classes employed were: health, weakened, dying and dead.

Planting cost calculations for the machines were made using a four month planting or mounding season with a two-shift routine. Outside the planting season, harvesters worked on logging and excavators on excavation work. The annual operating costs for planting (labour, fuel and lubricants, repair and maintenance, transport) and capital costs of the planting period were included. Wages of the forest workers in manual planting was based on piece-rates and work difficulty factors from collective agreements including supervision supplements.


There was little difference in the productivity of the surveyed machines. The removal of slash improved the work productivity of planting only in the case of the Bracke. The productivity per effective hour (E0) with the Bracke was on average 198 seedlings with slash and 233 with slash removed (Figure 3); that is to say, an improvement of about 18 per cent.


^icoBa iH^eHepm: TexmKa, TexHO^oria i goBKimH

HiiyK'QBiiii BiciiiiK, 2004, BHn. 14.3

The productivity of the Ecoplanter was on average 223 seedlings per effective hour (E0) in both slash treatments (Figure 3). The productivity was surprisingly low, although it is possible to plant two seedlings simultaneously with the Ecoplanter. On the other hand, the Bracke operator was much more experienced in mechanised planting than the Ecoplanter contractor. _ 270 250 230 210 190 170 150


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■ ■

H ■

□ ■

No slash removal Slash removed No slash removal Slash removed No slash removal Slash removed

Jgppilg site Kangasniemi site Karttula site

□ Brgcke ■ Ecoplanter Figure 3. Work productivity (E0) of the planting machines.

The quality of the mounding phase differed between the planting machines. The proportion of ideal mineral soil mounds and good mineral soil-humus mounds was quite low, especially in the Ecoplanter plots. The quality of mounds was higher both in the mounding (manual planting) and Bracke plots. The proportion of mineral soil and mineral soil humus mound types was under 20 per cent in the Ecoplanter plots and about 40 per cent in the mounding and Bracke plots. The effects of slash removal were slight in all treatments.

The quality of the planting phase also differed between the methods. For example, sweeping the seedlings immediately after planting was clearly higher on mechanized planted plots. One fifth of mechanized planted and under one tenth of manual planted seedlings were at the angles of 15 degrees or greater. Sweeping effects from mechanized planting were less when slash was removed.

The condition of the seedlings after the second growing season was the same for both manual planted and Bracke plots, but worse for Ecoplanter plots. The proportion of dead seedlings by the second growing season was, on average, 10 percent on Ecoplanter plots, 3 percent on Bracke and manual planted plots. The proportion of weakened and dying seedlings was also the highest on Ecoplanter plots. The main reasons for lower results with the Ecoplanter were the rotovated and uncompacted mounds. Pine weevil damage was worse on the Ecoplanter plots than elsewhere. Differences in the condition and height increment of the seedlings between planting or slash treatments were not observable.

The planting cost in mechanized planting was, on average, higher than in manual planting (Figure 4). The Bracke planting machine was the cheapest planting method after slash removal on two sites. Planting costs with the Ecoplanter were about 20 per cent higher than with the other methods. Planting costs of Ecoplanter were quite high because of high capital and operational costs and low productivity.

1. TexmKa Ta TexHO.rorii .mcoBoro rocnogapcTBa


yKpaiHCbKHH icp^aBMMM .ricoTexMiHMMH yMiBepcMTeT

a ♦ ^


<D <D

m O


0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20

No slash removal Slash removed No slash removal Slash removed No slash removal Slash removed

Jgppilg site Kangasniemi site Karttula site

□ Brgcke ■ Ecoplanter ♦ Mounding and manual planting

Figure 4. Planting costs by planting methods and slash treatments. Mounding cost in

manual planting is included


Bracke and Ecoplanter planting machines and regeneration chain mounding and manual planting were surveyed and compared to each other in three different sites with and without slash removal.

These preliminary results and a previous study [6] show that slash removal will increase the work productivity and quality of forest regeneration. The comparison between this and earlier studies is difficult, because in practical conditions, machines and operators skills vary considerably.

The work productivity (E0) of Bracke planting machine without slash removal was now (on average, 198 seedlings/h E0) higher than in the other study (148 seedlings/h E0) [2]. Very high figures for the Bracke (254 seedlings/h E0) have also been published [7]. The increase of productivity with slash removal for the Bracke machine (18 %) was at the same level than in the previous study (20 %) [6], but then the machine was equipped with an automatic feed system. The work productivity of the Ecoplanter without slash removal has been higher (460 seedlings/h E0) [8] than now (on average 223 seedlings/h E0), but similar results (230 seedlings/h E0) [9] have also been reported.

As before [2], these results show that work quality of Bracke planting machine approaches that of manual planting. In addition, after slash removal, planting costs were even lower than in chain mounding and manual planting. Work quality with the Ecoplanter was clearly poorer than with the other methods. At the same time, the planting costs of Ecoplanter were the highest.

The effects of slash removal, which is becoming more common, are to the advantage of mechanised planting. In addition, new technology and a worsening labour shortage in forestry will increase the competitiveness of mechanized planting.


1. Hallonborg, U. 1997. Aspects of mechanized planting. Doctoral dissertation. Acta Uni-versitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, Silvestria 29. - 39 p.


^icoBa iH^eHepm: TexMiKa, TexMO^oria i goBKimH

Науковий вкник, 2004, вип. 14.3

2. Rummukainen, A., Tervo, L. & Kautto, K. 2002. Ilves- ja Bräcke-istutuskoneet - Tu-ottavuus, työnjälki ja kustannukset. Abstract: Ilves and Bräcke forest planting machines - Productivity, quality of work and cost. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja 857. - 75 p.

3. Vartiamäki, T. 2003. Koneellinen metsänistutus vuonna 2003, kyselytutkimuksen tulok-set. Metsätehon raportti 154. 14 p.(in Finnish).

4. Ylitalo, E. 2004. Puupolttoaineiden käyttö energiantuotannossa 2003. Metsätilastotiedote 719. Metsäntutkimuslaitos. 7 p. (in Finnish).

5. Hakkila, P. 2003. Developing technology for large scale production of forest chips: Wood Energy Technology Programme 1999-2003. Interim Report. Technology Programme Report 5/2003. National Technology Agency, Finland; 2003. - 54 p.

6. Saksa T, Tervo L, Kautto K. 2002. Hakkuutähde ja metsänuudistaminen. Abstract: Forest regeneration and slash. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja 851. - 41 p.

7. von Hoisten, H. 1993. Hög kvalitet även pä högkvaliteten med Öje-Planter. Summary: The Öj e Planter machine - good performance at a competitive cost. Skogforsk Resultat nr 3/1993. - 4 p.

8. Ählund, J. 1995. Mekaniserad plantering med Ecoplanter 2000 - en prestationstudie samt systemjämförelse med Silva Nova och manuell plantering. Summary: Mechanised forest planting and a comparison with Silva Nova planting machine and manual planting systems. Studen-tuppsatser nr 29. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. - 49 p.

9. Sansteby F and Kohmann K. 2003. Fors0k med maskinell planting pä 0stlandet Norsk institutt for skogforskning. Oppdragsrapport 3/03. 40 p. (in Norwegian).

Ing. Pavlina SIMKOVA, Ph.D.; Ing. Dusan VAVRICEK, Dr. - University lecture, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic1



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The full-area ground preparation by dozer, with apposition to rampart composed by top holorganic and partly mineral horizons and also after logging remainders, were leaded to significant degradation of soil environment. Mainly the sites with overburden to mineral layers of spondick horizons showed contrary values of particular soil characteristics especially humus and basic saturation. Conversely important predisposition factor for revitali-zation of dozer enclaves was high potential reserves of nutrition and organic substances with favourable amount of ration C: N and higher amount of mineral N in organic mineral ramparts. Today full-area application of organic mineral material with long-term exposition and fermentation especially after logging remainders from ramparts could ensure optimal nutrition and minimal immobilization of N.

Keywords: full area ground preparation, Ore Mountains, nourishment balance

Acnip. Павлта С1МКОВА; тж. Душан ВАВР1ЧЕК - Ун-т смьського

госп-ва м. Менделя, Брно, Чеська Республжа

IpyHTOBi дшянки, сущльно оброблеш бульдозером та землечерпалкою, ix сучасний стан та вщновлення у 7-й лковш висотнш зош rip Оре,

Чеська Республжа

Мета дано! науково! роботи - вивчити вплив оргашчних речовин на стан грунту та на люовщновлення.

1 Department of Geology and Soil Science, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology. Zemedelska 3, Brno, 613 00. Czech Republic. E-mail: phs0504@mendelu.cz, dusvav@mendelu.cz

1. Техшка та технологи лкового господарства


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