Научная статья на тему 'Problems of the crowdsourcing technology adoption to the government control system'

Problems of the crowdsourcing technology adoption to the government control system Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Rogova A.V.

This article covers the issues of public authorities` activities improving due to introducing of a modern backup mechanism crowdsourcing. The theoretical and factual materials analysis allows to systematize the crowdsourcing problems and offers ways of their decision. Measures aimed at the crowdsourcing technology improvement and attraction of the social-minded web community auditory to interaction with authorities are being discussed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Problems of the crowdsourcing technology adoption to the government control system»

Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ■ № 7(38) ■ Август


1. R. Patnjem Harakteristiki social'noj organizacii, vkljuchajushhie seti, normy i social'noe doverie, kotorye sposobstvujut koordinacii i kooperacii v interesah obshhestvennoj celi Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital / Journal of Democracy. -1995. - January. - P. 65-78

2. S. Bjusse Social'nyj kapital, v otlichie ot drugih ego form, ne javljaetsja iskljuchitel'noj harakteristikoj individa, on skoree opisyvaet otnoshenija mezhdu ljud'mi, v kotorye vkljuchen dannyj individ Social'nyj kapital i neformal'naja jekonomika v Rossii // Mir Rossii. -2001. - № 2. - S. 97

3. V. Radaev Nakaplivaemyj hozjajstvennyj resurs, kotoryj vkljuchen v processy vosproizvodstva i vozrastanija stoimosti putem vzaimnoj konvertacii svoih raznoobraznyh form URL: http://www.day.kiev.ua/ 170573/

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7. Portes A., Sensenbrenner J. Embeddedness and Immigration: Notes on the Social Determinants of Economic Action // American Journal of Sociology. — 1993. — Vol. 98. —№6 (May). — R. 1320-1350.

8. Gus'kova N. D., Kljueva A. P.,Sovremennye teorii social'nogo kapitala / // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Povolzhskij region. Obshhestvennye nauki. - 2012. - № 2 (22). - S. 152-160

9. Sysoev S.A. Ustojchivost' funkcionirovanija social'no-jekonomicheskoj sistemy obshhestva i social'nyj kapital / C.A. Sysoev // Ustojchivoe razvitie jekonomiki: sbornik trudov VII mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 18 oktjabrja 2013 g. - Minsk: PolesGU - S. 156-157

10. Polishhuk E.A. Social'nyj kapital i ego rol' v jekonomicheskom razvitii // Vestn. S.-Peterb. un-ta. Ser. 5. Jekonomika.

2005. Vyp. 1. S. 10-16.

Рогова А.В.

Аспирант, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет



В статье рассматриваются вопросы совершенствования деятельности органов власти за счет внедрения современного механизма обратной связи - краудсосринга. На основе анализа теоретического и практического материала систематизируются проблемы краудсорсинга и предлагаются пути их решения. Обсуждаемые меры по совершенствованию технологии краудсорсинга и привлечению общественно активной аудитории интернесообщества к взаимодействию с властью.

Ключевые слова: краудсорсинг, потенциал, обратная связь, коммуникация.

Rogova A.V.




This article covers the issues of public authorities' activities improving due to introducing of a modern backup mechanism - crowdsourcing. The theoretical and factual materials analysis allows to systematize the crowdsourcing problems and offers ways of their decision. Measures aimed at the crowdsourcing technology improvement and attraction of the social-minded web community auditory to interaction with authorities are being discussed.

Keywords: crowdsourcing, potential, backup, communication.

The politico-social situation existing now in Russia is predicated upon full incompatibility of the old management c ulture and new political orientation to be declared. Paternalism and to a great extent autocratic governance models are still existing; authorities cannot react properly to the most important democratic demands of the times and incapability of “civil society” to respond to anthropic challenges itself, without government's help [4].

Researchers notice a new vector in the society transformation taking place nowadays - its “virtualization” [3]. They mean by it the main activities types transition into the Internet virtual space. As a result of the existing changes society is turning to be a total market that has a form of huge nets fighting space, the centres of which are transnational corporations and international corporatocracy evincing their interests [2, 21].

Crowdsourcing can be considered as a way of this problem's decision. However, in order to make crowdsourcing practices be applied successfully, it is necessary to intentionally form regional community crowdsourcing potential [1, 288].

In the course of studying government employees' opinions concerning the problem of the crowdsourcing technology adoption to the government control system there was conducted a social research and were obtained the following results.

100 government service representatives, among them 38 men and 52 women, took part in the inquiry.

Among the main reasons contributing to the crowdsourcing technology adoption to the government control system the most part of those asked noticed it as an effective method of innovative technologies introducing to central and local government (33%), necessity of population civic culture formation (32%), necessity to provide citizens participation in public management and sectional interests protection (30%) and importance of attraction of people to central and local government (25%).

Every fifth participant (20%) supposes that crowdsourcing refers to providing access to the labor results of almost unlimited auditory. 17% think that crowdsourcing is an inexpensive instrument of social and economic development of a


Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ■ № 7(38) ■ Август

region. 9 % say that crowdsourcing is a quick way of creation of the global product in a region. The same part of those asked tells about the crowdsourcing technology simplicity as its plus side.

Among reasons for lack of favourable conditions for crowdsourcing adoption the respondents call deficiency of traditions of population participation in the state activity (54%), deficiency of trust between public servants and society (36%), civil society unformedness (32%), lack of motivation for the population's part (29%) and also lack of necessary legal groundwork (25%).

The basis of crowdsourcing projects is talented person who is ready to spend his time for the discussion of global questions of the region, and who want to receive moral satisfaction from the activity more than to earn money.

There are many advantages of the crowdsourcing:

1. Scalability. An access to the results of work practically doesn’t limit an audience and allows creating a global product in the region.

2. Talents. One of the main advantages of a crowdsourcing is an involvement of talented people worldwide as a result of new idea and positive result.

3. Competence. The crowdsourcing guarantees that everyone is engaged in the business, so tasks are carried out by high-qualified experts [3].

4. Simplicity of introduction. Realization of crowdsourcing issues is very simple in use, usually by means of a site or social networks.

5. Insignificant expenses. It is a cheap instrument of development because all necessary work is done by no-charge or low-paid professionals - fans.

The regional crowdsourcing is a technology of the consumer’s involvement of regional imperious services (the population, business, etc.) in a process of social interaction with governing bodies and adoption of the regional decision, relating to the various directions of their activity on the basis of the public offer which is not meaning an execution of an employment agreement [4].

The pros and benefits of crowdsourcing are the low cost, efficiency, large pool of professionals as part of project team, large quantity of ideas for project, high quantity and diversity of talented professionals and collaboration is online without travel cost and travel time required [3].

In the modern world maintenance of sustainable development of the economic and social systems is a guarantee of the state existing. The crowdsourcing technologies appliance in the process of the government controlling is becoming the base of high rates of such a development. Perhaps, first in a range of big cities, even today the existing information base allows to realize such projects as promptly as possible during several years. However, their launch demands political will at the country and local levels.


1. Howe. J. Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd IS Driving the Future of Business. - М.: Alpina Publisher,

2012. - 288 p.

2. Gref. G. The effectiveness of the Russian government and problems of modernization (Rus.: The effectiveness of the

Russian government and problems of modernization// Vedomosti. - М., 2012. - 13 April. -


3. A news-sheet from the Yandex company about the Internet development in the Russian regions. -http://company.yandex.ru/researches/reports/internet_regions_2012.xml.

4. Doing Business 2012: Doing Business in a More Transparent World. -http://www.doingbusiness.org/reports/global-reports/doing-business-2012.

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