Научная статья на тему 'Problems of forming the professional culture in future economists at higher school'

Problems of forming the professional culture in future economists at higher school Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Гущина Галина Анатольевна

The article deals with the problem of forming the professional culture in future economists during their education at higher school. Different modern Russian and foreign conceptions and approaches to this problem are analysed. The main points and the structure of this phenomenon are defined and one of the main solutions is given. Morphological and structural analysis defines the levels and stages of forming the professional culture. The author comes to a conclusion that a system of professionalethic norms and value orientations is one of the main direction that determines a high level of forming the professional culture of future economists.

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В статье обоснована актуальность исследования и обозначены проблемы формирования профессиональной культуры будущих экономистов в период обучения в вузе, дан анализ различных современных зарубежных и российских концепций и подходов к формированию профессиональной культуры экономиста, определена сущность и структура данного феномена и показан один из основных путей решения проблемы. Исходя из морфологического и структурного анализа феномена, определены уровни и этапы его формирования. В статье сделан вывод о том, что система профессионально-этических норм и ценностных ориентаций является одним из главных показателей, детерминирующих высокий уровень формирования профессиональной культуры будущих экономистов в вузе.

Текст научной работы на тему «Problems of forming the professional culture in future economists at higher school»

DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2013-8-25



Guschina G.A.

The article deals with the problem of forming the professional culture in future economists during their education at higher school. Different modern Russian and foreign conceptions and approaches to this problem are analysed. The main points and the structure of this phenomenon are defined and one of the main solutions is given. Morphological and structural analysis defines the levels and stages of forming the professional culture. The author comes to a conclusion that a system of professional- ethic norms and value orientations is one of the main direction that determines a high level of forming the professional culture of future economists.

Key words: professional culture, future economist, level analysis, professional - ethic norms, value orientations.


Гущина Г.А.

В статье обоснована актуальность исследования и обозначены проблемы формирования профессиональной культуры будущих экономистов в период обучения в вузе, дан анализ различных современных зарубежных и российских концепций и подходов к формированию профессиональной культуры экономиста, определена сущность и структура данного феномена и показан один из основных путей решения проблемы. Исходя из морфологического и структурного анализа феномена, определены уровни и этапы его

формирования. В статье сделан вывод о том, что система профессионально-этических норм и ценностных ориентаций является одним из главных показателей, детерминирующих высокий уровень формирования профессиональной культуры будущих экономистов в вузе.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная культура, будущий экономист, уровневый анализ, профессионально-этические нормы, ценностные ориентации.

I. Introduction. At present modern economy experiences a serious crisis, so it's necessary to take into account the significance of professional education as a social institution of educating the professionals, who are able to work in new economic environment.

A modern economist should possess the ability to form the strategy of his work, organization strategy, should project and model his activity, stimulate the work of other people, realize his plans into the future, make a decision in any situations, take responsibility - that is implement some role functions. According to all these abilities the professional economist should possess adequate professional culture.

Today Russia makes some reforms, resulting in the development of new economic, financial and social relations, which are based on values and principles of market economy where professional economists are the leading subject of economy. The functioning of manufacturing structures is based on market philosophy and assumes to create the effective and stable relations of production, based on a certain level of culture. Thus it's quite necessary to find the effective variants of production and selling the goods and services supported by a high cultural level of a person, dealing with economic activity.

The cultural significance of private property lies in the fact that a right to possess, arrange and use it makes a form of border of one's "ego", one's "self-ego", one's "self value". Of course, there is a contradiction in socio-cultural contents of value as a norm of private property. Speaking about the moral right of property on

land, Russian philosopher V.Soloviev stated that it's not enough to see in this property some ideal characteristic. One should strengthen it and protect it against low and selfish ends.

The term "professsional culture of economist" only starts its own life in theory and practice. The complexity and not single meaning of it demand a wide methodological and scientific approach, which could establish interdisciplinarity, complexity and humanitarian orientation of research.

A phenomenon "economist culture" has been researched recently in economic and social psychologic researches and is concentrated on the organization culture O.Dill, N.Cannedy, T.Peters, R. Waterman, Y.Owchy, I. Ancoff, D.Sing, R.Ruttinger, others.

In contextual analysis of different conceptions of the phenomenon "economist culture" there are contradictions. The attempts to systematize them from broad interpretation "value" to special "semiotic" only reveal some sides of its integrity. However they don't give a single picture of its essence.

The leading norms of professional culture in market economy demand some certain characteristics of "economist" - taking aim to success, equal economic opportunities, competition, innovation support, high quality of work, professionalism, socaial mobility, which depends on quality of your work and initiative. They all increase the cultural role of higher professional education in modern world. However, the scientists state that the most difficult thing is to prepare the young people to live and work in new market environment.

The analysis of the theoretical and practical base of economic education, its contents, organization and methods of economic education of students given in the works of Z.A.Valiev, M.N.Ermolenko, T.G.Kalugin, R. I. Zhelbanov, A.F.Kruchkov, L.L.Lubimov and others allows to state that the pecularities of forming the professional culture do not always correspond to modern demands of society to economist. There is no active methodological base, which is able to provide the efficiency of forming the professional culture of future economists during their

professional education at higher school. At the same time the analysis of modern conceptions and technologies of forming the professional culture shows the shortage of their adaptation to a system of education of the future economists during their education.

II. Statement of a problem. The problem of future economist access to culture demands from the educational system to make an integral and fundamental research in professional education of market economy specialists as applied to realities of native social -economic, cultural, ethno-demographic economy, which meet the requirements of the country during globalization.

However, the existing educational models are mainly borrowed from western educational models. These models carry the ideology of market fundamentalism and don't leave a chance to a person to influece the market. The example is a teacher of "advanced" russian business-elite Fridrich Fon Hayek, who declared(on the turn of the last century) to remove solidarity and sympathy from economic activity of natural human instincts. Such ideology leaves no place to humanity, justice, morals and clear conscience.

A lot of research show that modern educational technologies such as methods of active teaching are able to create the conditions of transforming knowledge into active form and to rise the students' motivation. Reflexive position of students to their knowledge and abilities will help to realise them in the interest of society, keeping the harmony between their own "ego" and demands of professional society.

The significance of forming the professional culture of economist supposes that a future economist will get knowledge of a "social organism", thus will understand social-economic, social, political relations, direct oneself in professional and social processes, introduce business ideas to improve the existing system, solve professional problems, that is possess some general cultural and economic competences in accordance with the Federal public educational standard of higher professional education.

III. Results. Conceptual professional culture of the economist in the research is regarded as a culture of social organization and regulation, expressed in combination of principles, methods, kinds of communication and interaction in systems "personperson", "person-society" in the conditions where the subject of economic activity are labor relations and property and including some value orientations, motivation, traditions, a system of professional-ethic norms and etiquette, which define a person's behaviour in professional environment.

However, any definition of culture, including this one is not full. There are a lot of structural characteristics of culture, but the most significant for forming professional culture of economist during its professional education at higher school are value orientations, professional-ethic norms and communication, motivation, ethics and etiquette, traditions. Professional culture of the economist as a pedagogic phenomenon is an integral system. This integrity is relative and is expressed by mutual influence of its inner components on the organization and pedagogic activity on its forming: social, humanitarian, psycological.

The elements of the professional culture are closely connected and it's evident that a person dealing with economic activity sees it as an organized system, corresponding to a certain way of life, outlook and behaviour. The features that define professional culture of the economist, analysed in our research are connected with each other, they don't exist isolated and mutually stipulate each other. Professional culture of the economist include responsibility, rationalization, creativity which are inseparable from innovation, initiative, they are connected in their future turn with prognostication and social orientation is connected with communicativeness.

All these features in total allow to reveal some specific functions which show the significance of professional culture of economist for the subjects, society and culture on the whole: informative-cognitive, reorganizing-creative, identificational, communicative, aesthetic, motivational, reflexive, moral-ethic, educational.

Professional culture of the economist as a phenomenon exists and is formed at different qualitative levels (A.A. Bogdanov, G.P.Vyzhletsov, V.V.Selivanov). Its cultural level depends on the possibilities, which the economy gives for creative activity. On the mega level the professional culture is represented as a special mentality, expressed in a certain disposition and value models of behaviour of a certain social level. On the micro level it exists as a culture of a separate economist, firstly his business culture. So, the economic activity culture is made up of all these combined features.

The dividing of professional culture of the economist on levels is necessary, as cultural level is an index of its real state and limit possibilities in life. The research defines the significance of professional culture levels for professional educating of future economists.

The first level is a traditional professional culture. The research proves that on this level the outer culture prevails. The inner freedom is not assumed, as a person's actions, behaviour and even thoughts are supervised strictly by the professional society. A person aims to meet his life demands during his professional activity, as his actions and behaviour are regulated.

The second level is a developed professional culture. On this level a person shows his outer, conscious culture, he aims to self-realization and realization of his professional abilities. Professional-ethic norms and rules of behaviour are acquired and can dominate over the personal benefit and material welfare.

Third level is full value professional culture. The inner culture is formed on this level. A person is able to correspond the actions with professional-ethic norms and code of behaviour, which becomes inner need of the economist. Only some people, cultural elite, come to this stage of forming the professional culture. Here "spirit triumphs over the welfare, a person and a practical side". (V.Zombart).

The research examines a stage formation of professional culture in future economist at higher school, which allows to see the efficiency of work.

On the first stage the economist enters the life of a professinal group. Theoretical conceptions, imperative and nonmotivated are formed at this stage. Here the norms of compulsory character are formed, that's why the student's activity must be regulated by different imperatives, professional codes, instructions, at the same time in order to pass to the next stage a student should feel himself comfortable and act for expanding his practical abilities. To achieve this aim special treaties are concluded with the students to follow a system of professional -ethic norms and value orientations, which deepen and add general cultural and economic competences.

On the second stage some empiric views on professional culture are formed. Formation of norms have outer character. A student wishes to see professional culture, he can act individually, choose values according to his ideals, correspond them to the given system. Here educational, scientific and non-educational activity of a student are very close to professional one. This stage is characterised as "I am in profession". Motivation to form competency of the economist becomes significant not only for welfare, but for acknowledgement among the professional society, which in its turn will be the main thing for passing to the next stage.

The third stage is characterised by the student's cultural self-enrichment, real interest to different phenomena of professional culture, not limited by specific onesided views. Here the student forms a hierachic system of views on professional culture of economist. This is especially important for a future economist. Here the highest value is another person and all relations and behaviour, all actions and ideals will be expressed as a human attitude to the world, aspiration to realise the professional activity. The norms of expedient character, which are inner for the student are formed at this stage. Motivation of professional competency is connected with its sense. As a person tries to self-realize and self-perfect, he has his own view on formation of this system. The professional culture of this level supposes the importance of individual interests and values, that's why the norms of behaviour include wishes, when a future economist lives and works, chooses values according

to his ideals. This stage is characterised by forming the professional self-consciousness of a future economist. It can be called "Profession inside me".

IV. Conclusions. The level analysis of the phenomenon "professional culture of economist" and revealing its main elements, dealing with morphology of this culture on different stages allow to make a conclusion that its main part which determines a high level is a system of professional- ethic norms and value orientations, that deepens and adds to the new general cultural and economic competences of a graduate. The validity of this statement comes from the fact that a person's social reality has two dimensions: subject-material and ideal-image, that is a person acts not only with material objects, but with ideal forms too (mental activity of different kinds) (A.S.Zapesotsky). This fact conditions a division of cultural activity on ideal and subject-material. The first one acquires its own development in culture, becomes the most important relation regulator between people. The presence of ideal planning pecularities of economic activity allows to speak about the models of behaviour, which an individual acquires during the formation of professional culture - a system of professional-ethic norms and value orientations, which determine its high level and which deepen and add to the new general and economic competences of a graduate.

A system of professional-ethic norms and value orientations is presented in the research as a hierarchy, where "norms of higher level " form to submit the use of any practical rules (A.A.Bogdanov). The professional culture of economist is a form of realising of this system, where expediency norms dominate and where a planned organising of professional activity is based, oriented on a systematic row of practical instructions for reaching the aims.

Taking everything into account we can make the following conclusion: a system of professional-ethic norms and value orientations, which determines a high level of professional culture of the economists and which depends and adds to the new general and economic competences of a graduate has its own form of social representation, its own philosophy and is realized in a certain behaviour: tendency to self-realizing in economic conditions; relation to property as to a subject of self-

realizing service; constant professional grow; tendency to create; orientation on action and achieving the aim; tendency to innovations; faithfullness to business, sence of duty; communicative culture - a culture of interactions and communication; aesthetic culture - harmony of a person and market from the ethic and moral point of view; adaptivity; information culture; ability to make a decision in uncertainty of economic situation; faithfullness to traditions.


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Список литературы

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Guschina Galina Anatolievna, Candidate of pedagogic science, Associate professor

Vyatka Social-economic Institute, Slobodskoy branch

16, Khalturina Street, Slobodskoy town, Kirov Region, 613150, Russia

g-guschina@mail. ru


Гущина Галина Анатольевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Вятский социально-экономический институт, Слободской филиал ул. Ст. Халтурина, 16, г. Слободской Кировской обл., 613150, Россия g-guschina@mail. ru

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