Научная статья на тему 'Problems of context and conceptual management'

Problems of context and conceptual management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
object of management / competence / professional standard / strategy / goal / result frame / SEO-analysis / об’єкт управління / компетенція / профстандарт / стратегія / мета фрейм-результату / SEO-аналіз

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gorelova Irina Valerievna, Arpentieva Mariam Ravilievna

The aim of the study is to pay attention to the formation and implementation of a conceptual approach to management that is relevant to modern conditions. Conceptual management, as opposed to contextual management, allows to identify its elements, functionality, and, most importantly, to determine and balance the role of the subject and the object. The existing management concepts are eclectically presented in the Russian discourse and management practices. The system of professional standards developed in the country is designed to solve a whole range of management problems. However, the non-conceptual use of professional standards carries more harm than good, proving in parallel the existence of the national model of management, the main feature of which is the imbalance of subject–object communication. The article reveals the problems of the use of professional standards in respect of two categories of workers — Junior medical personnel and civil servants. Failure to comply with the requirements of the professional standard of the first category of employees threatens transfer to another lower position. Failure to comply with the requirements of the professional standard of civil servants does not entail any liability. The latter is shown by the example of targeting and formulation of texts of regional strategies. The presence of strategies is an incentive for the development of territories of any administrative level. However, the absence of an algorithm for compiling and evaluating such documents, analyzing the practices of their implementation, leveling the importance of this aspect in the system of assessing the activities of authorities leads to the fact that this tool of strategic management remains unclaimed in the system of territorial management. Two aspects of the problem of territorial strategizing are covered: (1) justification of the reasons — consequences of formulation of poor-quality strategies; (2) search of methodology of the analysis of texts of documents of strategies. The roots of the first problem should be found in the imbalance of subject–object communication in the national management model. To solve the second problem, the author proposes to use SEO analysis tools as a methodology for evaluating strategy texts. This tool solves the problem of auditing territorial strategies in the context of administrative, socio-psychological and linguistic aspects of civil servants.

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Мета дослідження — привернення уваги до формування та імплементації релевантності у сучасних умовах концептуального підходу до управління. Концептуальне управління на противагу контекстуального управління, дає можливість ідентифікувати його елементи, функціонал, і, найголовніше, визначити і збалансувати ролі суб’єкта та об’єкта. Існуючі концепції управління еклектично представлені в російському дискурсі і управлінських практиках. Розроблювана в країні система профстандартів покликана вирішити великий спектр управлінських проблем. Однак позаконцептуальне використання профстандартів несе в собі більше шкоди, ніж користі, доводячи паралельно існування національної моделі управління, головна особливість якої полягає в дисбалансі суб’єктно-об’єктного зв’язку. Висвічується проблематика застосування профстандартів щодо двох категорій працівників — молодший медичний персонал та державні цивільні службовці. Недотримання вимог профстандарту першою категорією працівників загрожує їхнім переведенням на іншу нижчу посаду. Недотримання ж вимог профстандарту державними цивільним службовцями не тягне за собою ніякої відповідальності. Останнє показано на прикладі визначення мети й формулювання текстів регіональних стратегій. Наявність стратегій — це стимул для розвитку територій будь-якого адміністративного рівня. Однак відсутність алгоритму складання і оцінки таких документів, аналізу практик їх імплементації, нівелювання значущості цього аспекту в системі оцінки діяльності органів влади призводить до того, що даний інструмент стратегічного управління залишається незатребуваним в системі територіального управління. У роботі висвітлюються два аспекти проблеми територіального стратегування: 1) обґрунтування причин — наслідків формулювання неякісних стратегій; 2) пошук методології аналізу текстів документів стратегій. Коріння першої проблеми слід шукати в дисбалансі суб’єктно-об’єктного зв’язку в національній моделі управління. Для вирішення другої проблеми автор пропонує використовувати інструментарій SEO-аналізу як методику оцінки текстів стратегій. Цей інструментарій вирішує завдання аудиту територіальних стратегій в контексті управлінських, соціально-психологічних і лінгвістичних аспектів діяльності держслужбовців.

Текст научной работы на тему «Problems of context and conceptual management»

UDC: 338.242

Gorelova Irina Valerievna,

PhD in Economy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Volgograd Institute of Management, a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, 400131, Volgograd, Str. Gagarina, 8, +7-8442-24-17-32, e-mail: gorelovairina0606@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0001-6465-0676

Горелова 1рина Валеривна,

кандидат економтчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри облжу, aнaлiзу та аудиту, Волгоградський iнститут управлтня -фтя Росшськог академп народного госпо-дарства i державног служби при Пре-зидентi Росшськог Федеращ, 400131, м. Волгоград, вул. Гагарта, 8, + 7-8442-2417-32, e-mail:gorelovairina0606@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0001-6465-0676

Горелова Ирина Валерьевна,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры учета, анализа и аудита, Волгоградский институт управления - филиал Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации, 400131, г. Волгоград, ул. Гагарина, 8, + 7-8442-24-17-32, e-mail: gorelovairi-na0606@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0001-6465-0676

Arpentieva Mariam Ravilievna,

grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of the Russian academy of natural sciences (RANS), professor of the department at the development and education psychology, Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga state University, 248023, Kaluga, Russian Federation, Str. Razin, 26, leading researcher fellow, Department at the Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Ugra State University, Russian Federation, 628012, Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra, Str. Chekhova, 16, +7-953-313-48-16, e-mail: mariam_rav@ mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0003-3249-4941

Арпентьева Марiям Равильевна,

доктор психолог1чних наук, доцент, член-кореспондент Росшськог академи природо-знавства (РАП), професор кафедри психологи розвитку i освти, Калузький держав-ний утверситет iM. К. Е. Цюлковського, 248023, м. Калуга, Росшська Федеращя, вул. Разта, 26, провiдний науковий ствробтник кафедри теори та методики фiзично-го виховання Югорського державного утверситету, Росшська Федеращя, 628012, м. Ханти-Мансшськ, Ханти-Мансгйський Автономний округ - Югра, вул. Чехова, 16, +7-953-313-48-16, e-mail: mariam_rav@mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0003-3249-4941

Арпентьева Мариям Равильевна,

доктор психологических наук, доцент, член-корреспондент Российской академии естествознания (РАЕ), профессор кафедры психологии развития и образования, Калужский государственный университет имени К. Э. Циолковского, 248023, г. Калуга, Российская Федерация, ул. Разина, 26, ведущий научный сотрудник кафедры теории и методики физического воспитания Югорского государственного университета, Российская Федерация, 628012, г. Ханты-Мансийск, Ханты-Мансийский Автономный округ - Югра, ул. Чехова, 16, +7-953-313-48-16, e-mail: mariam_rav@mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0003-3249-4941

DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i14.100



Abstract. The aim of the study is to pay attention to the formation and implementation of a conceptual approach to management that is relevant to modern conditions. Conceptual management, as opposed to contextual management, allows to identify its elements, functionality, and, most importantly, to determine and balance the role of the subject and the object. The existing management concepts are eclectically presented in the Russian discourse and management practices. The system of professional standards developed in the country is designed to solve a whole range of management problems. However, the non-conceptual use of professional standards carries more harm than good, proving in parallel the existence of the national model of management, the main feature of which is the imbalance of subject-object communication. The article reveals the problems of the use of professional standards in respect of two categories of workers — Junior medical personnel and civil servants. Failure to comply with the requirements of the professional standard of the first category of employees threatens transfer to another lower position. Failure to comply with the requirements of the professional standard of civil servants does not entail any liability. The latter is shown by the example of targeting and formulation of texts of regional strategies. The presence of strategies is an incentive for the development of territories of any administrative level. However, the absence of an algorithm for compiling and evaluating such documents, analyzing the practices of their implementation, leveling the importance of this aspect in the system of assessing the activities of authori-

ties leads to the fact that this tool of strategic management remains unclaimed in the system of territorial management. Two aspects of the problem of territorial strategizing are covered: (1) justification of the reasons — consequences of formulation of poor-quality strategies; (2) search of methodology of the analysis of texts of documents of strategies. The roots of the first problem should be found in the imbalance of subject-object communication in the national management model. To solve the second problem, the author proposes to use SEO analysis tools as a methodology for evaluating strategy texts. This tool solves the problem of auditing territorial strategies in the context of administrative, socio-psycho-logical and linguistic aspects of civil servants.

Keywords: object of management, competence, professional standard, strategy, goal, result frame, SEO-analysis.



Анотащя. Мета дослщження — привернення yваги до формyвання та iмплементацiï релевантност y сyчасних yмовах концептyального пiдходy до yправлiння. Концептyальне yправлiння на противагy контекстуального yправлiння, даe можливiсть iдентифiкyвати його елементи, фyнкцiонал, i, найголовнiше, визначити i збалансyвати ролi сyб'eкта та об^кта. 1сную-4i концепци yправлiння еклектично представленi в росiйськомy дискурс i yправлiнських практиках. Розроблювана в кра'1ш система профстандартiв покликана виршити великий спектр yправлiнських проблем. Однак поза-концептуальне використання профстандартiв несе в to6í бiльше шкоди, шж користi, доводячи паралельно iснyвання нащонально!' моделi yправлiння, головна особливiсть яко!' полягаe в дисбалансi сyб'eктно-об'eктного зв'яз-ку. Висвiчyeться проблематика застосування профстандарпв щодо двох ка-тегорiй пращвниив — молодший медичний персонал та державш цивiльнi слyжбовцi. Недотримання вимог профстандарту першою категорieю пращв-ниив загрожye ïхнiм переведенням на шшу нижчу посаду. Недотримання ж вимог профстандарту державними цившьним службовцями не тягне за собою шяко!' вщповщальносп. Останнe показано на прикладi визначення мети й формулювання текспв регiональних стратегiй. Наявнiсть стратегiй — це стимул для розвитку територш будь-якого адмшютративного рiвня. Однак вщсутшсть алгоритму складання i оцiнки таких докуменпв, аналiзy практик ix iмплементацiï, нiвелювання значyщостi цього аспекту в системi оцiнки дiяльностi органiв влади призводить до того, що даний шструмент страте-гiчного yправлiння залишаeться незатребуваним в системi територiального управлшня. У роботi висвiтлюються два аспекти проблеми територiального стратегування: 1) обгрунтування причин — наслiдкiв формулювання нея-кiсниx стратегiй; 2) пошук методологи аналiзy текстiв докyментiв стратегiй. Коршня першо!' проблеми слiд шукати в дисбаланс сyб'eктно-об'eктного зв'язку в нащональнш моделi yправлiння. Для вирiшення друго!' проблеми автор пропонye використовувати шструментарш SEO-аналiзy як методику

оцшки текслв стратегiй. Цей iнструментарiй виршуе завдання аудиту тери-торiальних стратегш в контекстi управлiнських, соцiально-психологiчних i лiнгвiстичних аспектiв дiяльностi держслужбовцiв.

Ключовi слова: об'ект управлiння, компетенцiя, профстандарт, стратепя, мета фрейм-результату, SEO-аналiз.



Аннотация. Цель исследования — привлечение внимания к формированию и имплементации релевантности в современных условиях концептуального подхода к управлению. Концептуальное управление в противовес контекстуального управления, позволяет идентифицировать его элементы, функционал, и, самое главное, определить и сбалансировать роли субъекта и объекта. Существующие концепции управления эклектично представлены в российском дискурсе и управленческих практиках. Разрабатываемая в стране система профстандартов призвана решить целый спектр управленческих проблем. Однако внеконцептуальное использование профстандартов несет в себе больше вреда, нежели пользы, доказывая параллельно существование национальной модели управления, главная особенность которой состоит в дисбалансе субъектно-объектной связи. В статье выявляется проблематика применения профстандартов в отношении двух категорий работников — младший медицинский персонал и государственные гражданские служащие. Несоблюдение требований профстандарта первой категорией работников грозит переводом на другую нижестоящую должность. Несоблюдение же требований профстандарта государственными гражданским служащими не влечет за собой никакой ответственности. Последнее показано на примере целеполагания и формулирование текстов региональных стратегий. Наличие стратегий — это стимул для развития территорий любого административного уровня. Однако отсутствие алгоритма составления и оценки таких документов, анализа практик их имплементации, нивелирования значимости данного аспекта в системе оценки деятельности органов власти приводит к тому, что данный инструмент стратегического управления остается невостребованным в системе территориального управления. В работе освещаются два аспекта проблемы территориального стратегирования: 1) обоснование причин — следствий формулирования некачественных стратегий; 2) поиск методологии анализа текстов документов стратегий. Корни первой проблемы следует искать в дисбалансе субъектно-объектной связи в национальной модели управления. Для решения второй проблемы автор предлагает в качестве методики оценки текстов стратегий использовать инструментарий SEO-анализа. Данный инструментарий решает задачу аудита территориальных стратегий в контексте управленческих, социально - психологических и лингвистических аспектов деятельности госслужащих.

Ключевые слова: объект управления, компетенция, профстандарт, стратегия, цель, фрейм-результата, SEO-анализ.

A conceptual revolution is organizational weapons

A. Yurkin

The concept (from the Latin conceptio - understanding, system) is a certain way of understanding, interpretation any phenomena, the main point of view, the guiding idea for their coverage.


Target setting. There are such concepts, the use of which does not cause the requisite piety and does not give a priory a priori effect in them. On the author's question addressed to the students of senior courses, which means the phrase "conceptual approach", the answer, as a rule, does not follow. This happens, despite the fact that each discipline studied by students begins with the definition of its conceptual framework. Concept, conceptual approach, denotes a theoretical basis, the conceptual and methodological apparatus of research. The evolution of the term "concept" in Russian is seen in isolation from the philosophical tradition, beginning in the 1920s. This is understandable. The conceptual approach allows forming the ideology of relations and discoursing in a certain sphere. Initially and until the mid-1970's. The term "concept" was used as a synonym for the term "concept". By the end of the XX century there is a distinction between the terms "concept" and "concept": the first term unifies the understanding by different subjects of the terminology used, the second goes into the category of simulacra. The fashion for the term "concept" in the scientific and fiction literature of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries "indicates an interest in the reconstruction of those essences in human life that we encoun-

ter in everyday life without thinking about their" true "(a priori) meaning" [1, p. 48]. "Concept is a mental unit, an element of consciousness. Human consciousness is a mediator between the real world and language" [2, p. 38]

Analysis of basic research and publication. The "conceptual approach" in Russian management is one of the most sensitive issues that almost every day reflects in all the mass media in both within the country and abroad. A great number of research papers of such national scientists as V. A. Vittih, T. Yu. Bazarov, O. Anisimov, O. S. Vi-khanskiy, M. R. Arpentieva, I. V. Gore-lova, I. N. Gerchikova, R. A. Dubovit-skiy, E. O. Kondratiev, E. A. Utkin, R. A. Fatahutdinov, E. A. Erokhina, D. S. Zhukov, S.K. Lyamin, J. Varajao and others [3-11]. Many other world scientists are concerned with the causes of such problems, such scientists as R. L. Ackoff, J. Baudrillard, A. Toynbee, B. Garrett, R. Farson, D. Welch, P. Weil, G. Rzevski, M. Wodkock, D. Francis, R. Jay, R. Templar, P. F. Drucker, D. Owen, U. Rice-Johnston, J. Toner, D. Norman, R. Dilts, etc. [12-15]. Contextual management suggests a new understanding of the strategic advantages. It is intended to provide answers to what are the factors, goals and objectives of modern governance. This approach can be found in the works of

M. Armstrong, G. Mintzberg, P. Drucker, G. March, M. Ogle, J. Barney,

B. Wernefelt, R. Grant, G. Pisano,

C. Prahalad, V. Efremov, I. Gurkov, V. Katkalo, G. Kleiner, B. Milner, E. Popov, S. Montgomery, A. Nona-ka, M. Peteraf, R. Ramella, Takeuchi,

D. Tisza, G. Hamel, E. Shuen [16-20].

The purpose of the article is a brief

description of the experience of analyzing the conceptual foundations of governance in post-Soviet Russia in comparison with developed democracies; a description of typical approaches to the implementation (imitation) of strategic planning in management, as well as the consequences and specific traits of contextual, a-strategic management. The application of the SEO method for evaluating the management strategies of the state, regions and enterprises is substantiated, basic linguistic (conceptual) criteria of management strategies are shared.

The statement of basic materials. In the Russian system of management and management systems of several other countries of the former USSR, in the management of life as a whole, the question of following the chosen concept paradoxically is not relevant. Practically in any sphere one can find the plurality and parallelism of meanings, practices, concepts. The winner in this case is far from the strongest. More often we encounter situations where the very idea of development is completely leveled, the concept is distorted. Such is the "precession of simulacra" [21, p. 17]. Hence the difficulty in determining the fulcrum in any kind and level of conflict. The management system is dominated by the replacement of formal, unadapted concepts.

We emphasize that the context does not change, it "juggles" the concept (s), justifies them and gives them sound, proceeding from the "pole" given to the concepts. Concepts are now not "things in themselves", they have a second bottom, depending on the embeddedness in the context. The proof of this theory is the windows of J. Overton.

An inquiry into legal systems regarding the management object in the system of labor relations does not give an unambiguous answer. Words that a priori can not co-exist in the framework of one concept, which are, in fact, mutually exclusive, paradoxically used in Russian legislation and the laws of a number of other "civilized" countries as synonyms. If throughout the world the word combinations "personnel management", "human capital management", "human resources management" imply the evolution of approaches to the labor person, then in Russia and some other countries of the former USSR these concepts turned into simulacra. If you judge by the papers circulating in the personnel departments, the first of the listed concepts prevails in labor relations. Judging by the job advertisements, the second concept is in priority. In scientific rhetoric, the concept of human resource management is popular. In the West, in the context of the implementation of the latter approach to employment, a labor contract is concluded for the acquisition, for a fee, of the competencies necessary for the organization to achieve its goals, but not all of its carrier-worker. Hence the development in the West of the provisions of compensation management. In the opinion of the Russian leaders, the person (people) is recognized as the object of control, in

a system of any scale and purpose [22]. All. Whole. Not competence, skills, abilities that can be assessed. At the enterprise level, such an understanding of the management object is manifested in the inability to competently build labor relations, assess the professionalism of the employee. But with the indicated understanding of the control object, this is of no use: "Everything that is done by people who do not have hope for the best is done very badly. It is not surprising that we do not get those profits from the farms in which slaves work, which could be obtained if people were treated like free citizens. Indeed, the profits from the labor of free Roman citizens are much greater. The main problem is that the slave does not have the incentive to work well. He works for food, and no matter how much he produces, he will still receive only food" [16, p. 31].

The concept of human resource management evolved in parallel with the development of the theory and practice of strategic management. By the beginning of the XXI century, there emerged an awareness of the "heterogeneity of the unit of analysis" in strategic management, when scientists proposed a two-level interpretation of the object of management [10, p. 10]. Firstly, it is the company itself (the macronutri-ent). Secondly, it is a source of competitive advantages of the enterprise (micro unit). The availability of the company's resources negates the possibility of obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage from outside. Therefore, looking for a competitive advantage of the enterprise, they look inward. This view is inward and determines the appearance of the second level of the object

of investigation. The search for what could be called a source of competitive advantage has not ended. Most authors agree that competence is recognized as such, but what competence is, the question remains controversial. As a rule, they understand the triad "knowledge-skills-skills". This same triad lies at the heart of the labor standards that are being introduced into practice. However, in the absence of a clear understanding of the purpose of such a management tool, the effect of its implementation is negative. In the absence of attention to detail in the process of developing these documents, the effectiveness of the introduction of professional standards has an "anti-effect" at the output. Let's give an example of standardization. Among the basic qualification requirements, we will outline the requirements for general and managerial skills, which attest to the availability of the necessary professional and personal qualities. General skills (for all categories and groups of civil service positions): - ability to think systematically (strategically); - ability to plan, rational use of official time and achieve results; - communicative skills; - ability to manage changes. Management skills: ability to manage subordinates, efficiently plan, organize work and monitor its implementation; - the ability to quickly make and implement management decisions. It is also worth mentioning the professional and functional qualification requirements [23] (see table).

If we consider, for example, the ability to "think strategically", then its availability is not easy to prove. However, one can find a relevant psychological test, model a "typical" situation. At the same time, tests in the selec-

Functional duties Qualification requirements for functional knowledge Qualification requirements for functional skills

Normative legal regulation and development of public policy - the concept of the rule of law, regulatory legal act, legal relations and their characteristics; - the concept of a draft normative legal act, tools and stages of its development; - the concept of official recall of draft normative legal acts: stages, key principles and technologies of development; - classification of public policy models; - tasks, timelines, resources and instruments of public policy; - concept, procedure for consideration of citizens' appeals - development, consideration and coordination of drafts of normative legal acts and other documents; - preparation of official reviews of draft normative legal acts; - preparation of methodical recommendations, explanations; - preparation of analytical, information and other materials; - the organization and implementation of monitoring the application of legislation

tion of leaders in Russia are practically not applied: leaders are recruited from among similar to their leaders, reproducing a-conceptual, anti-strategic models. Non-conceptual law-making at the level leads to one negative result, and regional lawmaking — to others. At the same time, a-strategic "lawmak-ing" in the sphere of territorial strategy increases the anti-effect in times. The main functional task in the process of developing a strategy is the formulation of a goal, tasks. The absence of changes in the texts of strategic planning documents reflects their irrelevance in time, which indicates the lack of demand for these documents and the most strategic planning (50 % of the submitted strategies), which allows us to consider from a special angle. In the Russian plans for the country and regions to evaporate, almost all goals are a priori unattainable. Unfortunately, there are no sanctions in the management system for failure to achieve strategic goals and non-fulfillment of tasks, and there are no sanctions for posing fictitious goals.

The implementation of the strategy is not included in the list of criteria for assessing the activities of the heads of regions. Accordingly, there is no incentive neither to formulate competent goals for the development of territories, nor to strive to realize them. The most paradoxical point is that the responsibility of officials at the level of regional development for incompetent work is much lower than for the lowest in the status of the staff of other institutions. It should be noted that there is no universal template for formulating strategy texts. There is also no understanding of why templates and strategies are needed. Accordingly, they are developed in a situation of lack of incentives for quality development is extremely unscrupulous and poor. The analysis of the texts of the strategies on the selected criteria also reveals a discrepancy between the criteria of professional standards for state civil servants.

Analysis of the texts of strategies for social and economic development of the regions is often found in scientific and

journalistic literature. But, as a rule, it is not going further than the statistical delights of those who have access to relevant databases, accompanying strategic planning and management. And sometimes it happens: people write and look for guilty outsiders [23]. Other experts try to analyze the development goals, group them [9]. On the one hand, in the situation of the absence of goals as such, it makes no sense. It is also pointless to search for actual texts of strategies on a number of subjects of Russia: there is no single database, there are no texts on a number of subjects either. On the other hand, judging by the pace of development in Moscow and some other areas of the center of Russia, one can wonder whether these strategies are necessary for the development of the regions. On the third hand, the competitions of these documents are held and the winners are (some documents are available on the site https://strategyrf.ru). There is a paradox of paradoxes. The contextual approach to management explains all these paradoxes and not joints.

In a situation where there is nothing to analyze from the point of view of managerial skills, we attempted to analyze the texts themselves. This desire arose after the discovery in the texts of strategies of excesses in the form of narratives, metaphors, hyperbolas, etc. And in the qualification requirements for the functional skills of civil servants there is the task of "developing, reviewing and harmonizing draft normative legal acts and other documents". The analysis of these documents reveals (1) the presence in them of metaphors and narratives facilitating the task of forming an understandable context, (2) leveling the possibility of using them as a

tool for the purposes of territory development, as well as for attesting officials, (3) proving the imbalance of subject-object communication in national management model. Unfortunately, trying to understand what is read, few people pay attention to the fact that the word combinations "government bodies" and "authorities" in the Russian mentality are synonymous, practically inseparable, which has certain consequences [3]. "What I want is what I bring back": the strategy is superfluous. As a basis for the methods of analyzing the texts of strategies, the authors took SEO-analysis of texts (Search Engine Optimization). The use of this technique allows you to assess the quality of the site on a number of parameters, helps to further its advancement. In fact, SEO-analysis is the basis for the audit of sites and texts, since it solves the main task: evaluates the uniqueness of the site (text) in the world of modern information technologies. The parameters of the assessment and their characteristics in relation to the strategies for territorial development are: the length of the texts of the strategies, water content, "nausea" (aversion to the text because of the endless repetition of meaningless words), the number of words, the dictionary, the top 10 words, the core dictionary, the subject. Analysis of the texts of the strategies of the regions of the center of Russia using the tools of SEO-analysis shows: (1) the vocabulary of strategies grows in direct proportion to the number of words in the document. (2) Water availability as an indicator of the resource used is normal. (3) The indicator of nausea in the text: at the rate of academic nausea used for analyzing sites up to 9 points, in stra-

tegies this indicator, reaching up to 60 points, indicates an excessive repetition of the most used words and phrases. This indicates the prevalence in the text of nominalizations. (4) So that we can conclude that the result frame is leveled [7, p. 65], which should be the basis of these documents. This once again confirms the implementation of the contextual management model and the orientation in management of the designer's mental model. In the terminology of D. A. Norman, contextual management — management, focused on the mental model of the designer as opposed to the mental model of the user. In the book "Design of habitual things", D. A. Norman defines types of mental models [16, p. 58]. There is a conceptual model of the designer (his understanding of the result) and the user model is a model that is created as a result of interaction with the system, the embodied result. Here we see the main idea of management. If the designer, when making a decision, focuses on the mental model of the user (the control object), most likely the solution will be more effective. A bad design translated into the language of a modern manager is "erroneous mental models (orientation to the designer's model/concept) and insufficient feedback". The emphasis on power authority, interpreted as rights that are not backed by duties, allows managers (designers) to level the mental user model (subordinate) in the decisions made. The subordinate and his model of the world is an extra link in the national management model.

Conclusions. Thus, we have returned to the starting point: management in Russia continues to be a-stra-tegic, does not take into account the

opinions of those who are guided, considers them as a homogeneous mass of slaves in need of strict control ("power"). This is the "secret" of the economic, political and social unsuccess-fulness of modern Russia, which is on the verge of total collapse of all its systems. Contextual approach to management assumes identification of external and internal factors of management. These factors should be significant from the point of view of the subject of the strategy, as well as its "object" (managed competencies, people, processes, organizations). Accounting for significant factors predetermines the ability of the management system to achieve the expected result. Accounting for significant factors creates a strategic understanding of the results of management. When a contextual approach is implemented in Russia, its subjects and "objects" as actors can achieve even the most "unattainable" goals. At least, both the manager, and the organization (state, region), and workers will know what they are working for and will strive to work qualitatively and effectively. Management, its strategy, should not be formal, fictitious, divorced from life. It must be meaningful, concrete, and realistic.

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