УДК 947.6 : 004
Graduate Student of the Department Psychology and Pedagogical Skills
SEI «Republican Institute of Higher Education»,
lecturer of department of marketing and international management
Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
Received 14 March 2023
The article is devoted to the consideration of a current pedagogical problem ofpreventing deviant educational behavior that is common among students of higher education institutions. The author analyzes the conditions of the existence in the practice of educational activities of trainees of cheating, prompts, compilation, plagiarism and other negative forms of educational behavior implemented in the information and communication space in the context of the digital transformation of modern society. Taking into account the provisions expressed by the author will help to solve the problems of improving the quality of professional training of young specialists in the Republic of Belarus.
Keywords: digitalization of society; digital transformation; information and communication space; education уsystem; deviant learning behavior; norm; educational activity.
аспирант кафедры психологии и педагогического мастерства ГУО «Республиканский институт высшей школы», преподаватель кафедры маркетинга и международного менеджмента Полесский государственный университет, г. Пинск, Республика Беларусь
Статья посвящена рассмотрению актуальной педагогической проблемы предупреждения девиа-нтного учебного поведения, распространенного среди студентов учреждений высшего образования. Автором анализируются условия существования в практике образовательной деятельности обучаемых списывания, подсказок, компиляции, плагиата и иных негативных форм учебного поведения, реализуемого в информационно-коммуникационном пространстве в условиях цифровой трансформации современного социума. Учет выводимых автором положений будет способствовать решению задач повышения качества профессиональной подготовки молодых специалистов в Республике Беларусь.
Ключевые слова: цифровизация общества, цифровая трансформация, информационно-коммуникационное пространство, система образования; девиантное учебное поведение, норма, образовательная деятельность.
1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.
Introduction. Under the conditions of modernization changes in education aimed at successful implementation of effective models for training specialists for all sectors of economy in the Republic of Belarus the study of the problem associated with negative manifestations of this activity in such forms as cheating, prompts, falsification, compilation, plagiarism is extremely important in the context of related scientific issues. Unfortunately, the examples are not exceptional both for general secondary education and for higher education. Technologisation of the forms and the widespread adoption of malpractices of students' negative actions at various levels of education in the conditions of implemented in the modern society processes of digital transformation point out the gravity of the problem and update the proposed directions of scientific search.
Some experience has been accumulated in modern science in consideration of social, legal, psychological and pedagogical aspect dissemination of examples of standard violation for performed educational activity in such forms as the use of cribs, prompts, cheating, falsification, plagiarism and other forms. The analysis of scientific publications [1-11] allows drawing a conclusion about the recognition of the relevance of the subject and allocating the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of phenomenological essence of the features under study, identifying the most relevant and promising directions of scientific search.
Common social significance of the existence problem of academic fraud negative examples in science and education (falsification, plagiarism and other forms) including from the perspective of the definition of social and historical genesis of the phenomenon under consideration identified by the following authors such as A.V. Niki-tov and V.N. Punchik, [7; 8]. The authors has noted the public danger of the dissemination and scaling of the practice of violation of the standards for performed educational and scientific activities and the absolute necessity of their academic and legal assessment.
Main part. In the conditions of society digi-talization the actions on the use of electronic cribs, prompts, falsification and plagiarism, improper borrowing from another author in the
worst examples of continuity have not been eradicated and they, on the contrary, continue to be replicated with the development of information and communication environment and the integration of the technologies for the use of high-tech learning tools in education at the levels of general secondary and higher education. Social significance of the problem is updated by observation of the practices in performing various types of work such as review, unsupervised, laboratory-based and academic research work, reports on the practice, reference papers, essays, course and diploma projects, Master's research.
The negative aspect of legal and ethical sides in problem acuteness determination emphasizes the fact that the students of higher education institutions resort to the help of Private Unitary Education Services Enterprises, believe that the acquisition of another's intellectual property and applying of the materials without attribution as well as borrowing from the published materials on the Internet are acceptable. The problem of promotion and advertising services contributing to the rapid spread of different forms of students' deviant learning behavior in the information and communication environment is scaling in the context of the ambivalence of the social environment indicated by authors' works [1; 2; 9-11].
The attention is focused on legal aspects of students' deviant learning behavior in the learning activity organization system in higher education in scientific research carried out by O.V. Dremova, V.N. Monaho, E.V. Sivak, E.D. Shmeleva and T.I Semenova [1; 6; 10-11]. In the context of social and legal approaches the negative examples of educational activity in the student environment are treated as the forms of academic fraud and crime due to social conditions prevailing in the student community. The main motives of the incorrect learning behavior are the pressure of external circumstances, plagiarism possibilities connected with the lack of proper control, inability to assess authorship authenticity and quality of the work performed, providing inaccurate information, professors' indifference to the students' supposed difficulties and self-justification. Taking into consideration the understanding of academic values E.D. Shmeleva and T.I. Semenova define the mentioned forms of incorrect learning behavior as
unacceptable academic fraud regulated by the requirements stipulated in the educational institution's charter - "unfair methods or actions prohibited by the university rules related to educational activity and undertaken by students to gain an unfair advantage in study" [11, c. 101102]. For example, the phenomenon of plagiarism from the point of view of legal studies and law demonstrates the violation of intellectual property rights that is an administrative and criminal offence. Plagiarism is legally considered as intellectual theft, appropriating of the subject matters of intellectual property, their misuse and illicit spread. The supporters of social and legal approaches rightly point out the fact that technical means of replicating the practice of cheating, using hints, cribs, compilation and plagiarism in different forms repeated by different generations and technologized with the use of cutting edge facilitate both the erosion of the traditional moral and ethical norms and enabling proper environment for administrative offences.
From the perspective of psychological and pedagogical approaches outlined in the research works of N.V. Latov, Y.V. Latova, V.L. Lo-zitsky, E.I. Medvedskaya, A.V. Nikitov, V.V. Radaev and I.S. Chirikov [2-5; 7; 9] the authors update the existence of complex and contradictory system of needs, motives, values, images and actions causing the choice of the learning behavior model connected with the practice of cheating and using cribs, falsification, compilation and plagiarism. V.L. Lozitsky submits that the phenomenon of the behavioral practice selected by the students of higher education institutions can be described "... in the context of the provisions of the educational activity motivation concept which are applicable to the analysis of motivational sphere in learning and choice of goal-oriented incorrect behavioural strategies" [3, c. 307]. In terms of the goal-oriented learning behavior model to resolve the contradictions among current needs, view of reality and social requirements "a student in whose incorrect learning behavior a goal-oriented nature dominates adjusts his or her behavior by choosing a strategy for achieving a maximum possible result optimizing available resources [3, c. 306307]. It has been observed that the choice of the forms of students' incorrect learning behavior at higher education institutions depends on the level of the universal competence formation. The higher the level of universal competences is, the
more complicated form of cheating or other negative actions students choose to avoid detection of breaking the rules or criticism and in some cases the punishment for incorrect learning behavior. Within the psychological and pedagogical approaches the behavior is advisable to determine as students' deviant learning behavior. Students' deviant learning behavior at higher education institutions is understood as a special form of educational activity which is manifested in punishable violation under moral, ethical, academic and legal norms and requirements and the reason for conscious personal choice is the contradictory system of motives, values, images and actions.
It is clear that the presence of various deviant learning behavior forms in institutional organization of modern university in current terms of evolution to the model "University 4.0" comes into sharpest collision in relation to the current academic and legal norms and requirements having subjected the control and assessment system of future specialists' step-by-step competence formation process to distort. The blurring of ethical requirements and moral norms of the students at higher education institutions prevents the formation and development of universal basic professional and specialized competences, increases their own competitiveness in the labor market, following integration processes of young professionals into professional activities. The negative behavior role model is an obvious example of undeveloped components of basic personality culture - information culture.
A reason of a low level of the formation of students' information culture and functional literacy may be related to evolutionary processes of transition to the information society. Social dynamics as a characteristic feature of any information society enhances the amount of knowledge that is the basis of students' functional literacy and reduces the period of development and improvement of our competences applying them in professional activities in the information and communication environment, adaptation of an individual to new living conditions and acceptance of new social status by an integral personality. Functional literacy is a danger to developing society from an economic, social and cultural perspective. This aspect requires deeper scientific reflection in connection with perspectives of researches the stated issues.
A student who is faithful to deviant learning behavior being implemented in the information
and communication environment tries to avoid taking the responsibility for the quality of his or her own education resulting in progressive loss of competitiveness of the future young specialist. It is clear that in terms of adaptation of the personality to the conditions of changing society of Digital Age the importance of level formation of his or her information culture as a base for implementing the principle of life-long learning is of increasing importance.
Conclusion. The acuteness and complexity of the nature of the problem of deviant learning behavior conducting by students at higher educational institutions in the information and communication environment and the analysis of the reflection of research the stated issues by psychological and pedagogical science allow to single out a number of fundamental generalizations which are important for identification of promising areas and assignments for scientific inquiry within scientific discussion.
The estimation characteristics of the scientific problems of investigation of the phenomenon of students' deviant learning behavior at higher education institutions as extremely relevant issue is focused on the understanding of the importance of its solution for ensuring the objectives facing the educational system of the Republic of Belarus in the context of the digital transformation of modern society. The evolution of institutional organization of modern universities toward the model "University 4.0" demands higher development of mobility in educational activities, the technologization of thinking and interpersonal communications in the information and communication environment. With the transition of a significant part of organization and implementation of educational activities into the virtual space will require an absolute resolution of the objectives of qualitative organization of the educational process and preventing negative examples of deviant learning behavior. The acuteness and complexity of the nature of the problem require an integrated, holistic solution which should be based on the scientific research of the declared subjects.
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Статья поступила 14 марта 2023 г.