PROBLEM OF READING CULTURE IN MODERN SOCIETY AND SCHOOL EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Belina Elena

The paper deals with the problem of reading culture in information society. Development of reading culture of literary text is considered as an important step in achievement of a main objective of school education – self-development of a personality and formation of basic universal values.

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becoming and development. After revealing strengths and weaknesses of the beginning teacher carrying out of person focused trainings with the purpose to increase his professional psychological and pedagogical competence is recommended.

Result of support of professional and personal becoming of a young teacher become new qualitative characteristics of his professional work (professional development and self-development, realization of psychological and pedagogical creative potential, maintenance of professional pedagogical self-preservation, increase of efficiency of pedagogical work, satisfaction with pedagogical activity).


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The paper deals with the problem of reading culture in information society. Development of reading culture of literary text is considered as an important step in achievement of a main objective of school education - self-development of a personality and formation of basic universal values.


reading phenomenon, reading culture, formation of reader's culture, culture of literary text reading, literary development of a reader of a pupil

AUTHOR Elena Belina

PhD student, Department of Educational Technologies in Philology Russian State Pedagogical University of A.I. Herzen Saint Petersburg, Russia raininspain@mail.ru

Reading in the history of humanity is one of the main means of obtaining information, which provides a person with an opportunity to satisfy personal cognitive needs.

Undoubtedly, book culture and reading phenomenon belong to fundamental achievements of mankind in general.

New sources and technologies of obtaining information deeply influence on traditional ways of activity and established "values of alphabetic writing and printing culture, change forms of experience, outlook and self-expression" (Mac-Lyuen, 2004). Being at the "top" of the electric era, which brought scientific and technological progress to mankind, realizing the powerful potential of electronic communication and its influence on social-political life of society, it is important to remember about negative consequences, which dependence on equipment can bring to normal development of human mentality (weakening of attention, decrease in an intellectual susceptibility, mosaicity of individual memory, etc.) (Sokolov, 2002). It should be noted that "the mass audience brought up not in the atmosphere of books, but in the atmosphere of multimedia" already exists in the world (Sokolov, 2002). Thus modern scientists pay attention of society to the fact that "a reading person is better prepared for creative and communication activity, he is socially full and spiritually rich person, than people 'irradiated by television'" (Sokolov, 2002).

Considering the told above, the world community of the XXI highly appreciates and realizes reader's literacy and reader's culture of a personality. Such programs and events are aimed at the development of reader's culture, as national "Program of support and development of reading in the Russian Federation" (2006), UNO declaration of 2003-2012 years as a decade of literacy, etc. Reading as a basic component of upbringing, education and cultural development of a person and society is the activity forming and developing a personality. In modern society, the level of reading culture can serve as the sign of formation of both communicative and professional competence of any expert and one of important indicators of its personal development.

Despite it, the contradiction takes place: on the one hand, society realizes the increasing importance of reading, on the other hand, the modern situation "is characterized as the system crisis of reader's culture" (Melentyeva, Markarova, 2011).

The similar problem cannot be certainly solved within one paper, therefore we set an objective to clarify the concept "reading culture" in relation to school educational system in the paper.

The concept "reading culture" has deep historical roots and long process if formation in the Russian culture. The problem of reading culture, activity of a reader, mechanisms of understanding and interpretation of literary text are subjects of such sciences, as philosophy, esthetics, psychology, hermeneutics, philology, and methodology. The concept "reading culture" can be defined as an ability to perceive, understand and analyze verbal information provided in different formats (written, printed and electronic) (Melentyeva, 2010).

Now the term "reading culture" is especially distinguished from other terms, reflecting qualification of a reader. Obtaining information in electronic environment (from the screen) also happens by means of reading, which can be considered as the major universal technique. "Information culture", "information-bibliographic literacy", etc. reflect external manifestations of reader's activity. They can be easily accounted or analyzed. Unlike them reading culture includes not only ability to be guided in the world of information, but also includes such concepts as "love for book", "interest to reading", "perception and understanding of read", "creative reading", "dialogue with an author and a hero", etc. (Melentyeva, 2010). Therefore, it is possible to speak about "priority", "scale and capacity" of the concept "reading culture".

It is important to note that the term "reading culture" exists in the unique "full value" only in the Russian language. If to consider its analogs in the English language (reading habits, reading knowledge, reading skills, comprehension of the text, reading

taste), it becomes obvious that all terms given above only come nearer to essence of the analyzed concept (Melentyeva, 2010).

It should be noted that the problem of formation of reading culture of belles-lettres always took a special place in the context of a common problem of reading and reader's culture. Throughout two centuries in Russia the great experience in literary development of a reader-pupil was saved up in a technique of teaching literature. It is possible to say the technique created "school of a reader".

Researches of domestic methodologists (V.G. Marantsman, G.A. Belenky, T.G. Brazhe, M.P. Voyushina, E.V. Sosnovskaya, E.R. Yadrovskaya and others) are devoted to problems of literary development of a reader-pupil. The technique of teaching literature forms not only reading culture in general, but also forms reading culture of literary text. It sets an objective to complete system and stage-by-stage development of a pupil as a reader. Attention to formation and development of literary abilities of a reader, periods of reader-pupil evolution and criteria of literary development (methodological school of V.G. Marantsman) is paid in methodological science the

Reading literary texts, ability to read and choose books were always appreciated in the Russian educational system. It caused the tradition of the Russian methodological school. In Russian comprehensive school (unlike schools in other countries) discipline "literature" has unusually long period of studying from 1 till 11 grade. Domestic methodology created the unique system of literary development, which purpose is formation of reading culture of a pupil (from need for reading to creation of creative work).

Development of reader's activity is the cornerstone of formation pupil's reading culture: from perception to interpretation. Not incidentally, methodological science views interpretative activity as the key mechanism of reader's development (Yadrovskaya, 2012). Therefore in reading culture of literary text, process "perception - understanding - interpretation" of a composition, in which the level of perceptions defined by socia l-cultural experience and reader's experience of a person, his literary development, is fundamental. High level of reading culture is surely characterized by "formation of creative perception, i.e. ability to create new images, new reality" (Pertsovskaya).

Reading of literary text is constructed on esthetic activity: interconnected work of emotions, imagination and thinking. It leads to reconstruction of an image, comprehension of author's idea (Voyushina (Ed.), 2010). It not just "activity basing on recognition of a text"; it is individual creative activity basing on dialogue with the author, and a reader is both interlocutor, hero and critic. Similar dialogue is impossible without a certain level of literary development of a reader.

Unfortunately, in modern society, understanding of value of formation and cultural development of reading culture is not enough, and the concept is limited only by pragmatic approach to reading as a way of information search. Thus, there is a mixture of strategy of reading of literary text and usual text.

Analyzing the modern situation in our country, we see the two key aspects of the problem: reading of literary texts and reading as information search. Both directions are actual, but their solutions have different reading strategies. Their mixture and lack of differentiation of purposes and problems of information reading and reading of literary texts lead to utilitarian approach. Our researches of reader's preferences of younger pupils, diagnostics of perception level of literary text of 1-5th grade pupils in 2014-2015 confirm a disturbing picture. The conducted research shows that the reading culture of literary text is not formed at considerable part of elementary school pupils. There are some reasons for it: insufficient level of reading technique of a pupil, not allowing to perceive and master the contents and form of literary texts, poor imagination of a younger pupil. Insufficient time reading literary text out of school, quality of textbooks contents, choice of texts and their compatibility in textbook sections, insufficient training of

elementary school teacher also affects on formation of reading culture of literary text. Among social reasons are shift of valuable reference points in family education, reading habits of adults in a family, lack of parents attention to a question of children's reading and sometimes nature of this attention.

Let us note that one of the main means of outlook formation, promoting acceptance of norms, moral, universal and national values by a modern reader, is literary text and its cognition. It is obvious that a pupil, who is fond of reading and is able to select literature, owns reading culture, analyzes the read books and seeks to understand their sense, has much more opportunities to orient in the world around, solve problems of different character and harmoniously progress.

In this regard development of reading culture of literary text is an important step in achievement of the main goal of school education and education in general - self-development of a personality and formation of basic universal values. Let us emphasize that the initial stage of education form reading culture in general and reading culture of literary text along with mastering technology of reading and formation of general educational abilities of work with text.

Unfortunately, literature lessons remain the main (and almost the one) common ground of a young reader and literary text, therefore elementary school teacher is highly responsible for formation and development of reading culture of literary text and for ability to carry on a dialogue with a text.

To have a creative dialogue of reader and author today and tomorrow there is a need to search new ways of motivation for reading literary texts, based on understanding of age and psychological features of modern younger pupils and feature of perception of literary text by younger pupils.


1. Mac-Lyuen, M. (2004), Galaxy of Gutenberg: Creation of a person of printing culture, Nika Center, Kiev, 432 P.

2. Melentyeva, Yu.P. (2010), "Reading: phenomenon, process, activity", office of historical-philological sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; scientific council of the Russian Academy of Sciences "History of world culture", Moscow, pp. 166 - 175.

3. Melentyeva, Yu.P. (Comp.) and Markarova, T.S. (Comp.) (2011), International scientific conference "Reading in Education and Culture". Reports and theses, Moscow, p. 5.

4. Voyushina, M P. (Ed.), Kislinskaya, S.A., Lebedeva, E.V. and others (2010), Technique of training in literature at elementary school, Publ. center "Academia", Moscow, 288 P.

5. Pertsovskaya, R.F. "Reading culture development - a basis of formation of innovative thinking", Scientific-Research Center Informkultura RGB, available at: http://misit.ucoz.ru/load/15-1-0-41 (accessed 18 November 2013).

6. Sokolov, A.V. (2002), General theory of social communication, Publishing house of Mikhaylov V.A., Saint Petersburg, 461 P, available at: http://www.smolsoc.ru/images/referat/a1163.pdf (accessed 24 August 2014)

7. Yadrovskaya, E.R. (2012), Development of interpretative activity of a reader-pupil in the course of literary education (5-11 grades): monograph, Knizhny Dom, Saint Petersburg, 184 P.

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